Same Sex Aftermath; The End of Religious Freedom By Michael Ferguson

     No doubt the average Aussie punter is feeling good with him/herself, giving the “fair go” with the Yes vote, as he/she was told to do by the elites. But, what about religious freedom, does the average Aussie want a “fair go” there?

     According to this, there will be same sex marriage for Christmas, which I suppose will help the economy, such a wedding cake sales, but there will be free discussion about the scope of religious freedom next year:

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Europe Falls Apart: The Future of the West By Peter West

     We need to be constantly examining overseas trends to see what new horrors will be washing onto our shores, since all of the things concerning us, were tried out on populations in other countries. Testing, one, two, three.

     A French academic has said that France has divided into two societies and that this division needs to be seriously recognised:

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Guns are Good and Save Lives By John Steele

     The gun grabbers say that guns take lives, but it can be equally argued that guns are tools, capable of being used for good or evil and often save lives. Here are some examples from the United States:

     Then there is the classic American argument that ultimately only armed citizens can resist government tyranny:
     That argument does not get much track in Australia, but then again, not much does, because this is a culture which has not yet experienced great suffering, beyond a rise in beer prices.

The End of Europe By Chris Knight

     The German ministry of Defence issued a 102-page report, Strategic Forecast 2040, which was kept secret until recently. The report describes the breakup of the EU, and the breakdown of European nations by 2040. Nations are torn by internal conflict, and ultimately collapse:
     The elites, by design or foolishness or both, have set out to make the collapse of the West inevitable, with globalized immigration. The only question now is whether or not nuclear war will occur with the collapse, making a rebirth of civilisation, impossible. Grim thoughts, but somebody has to have the courage to state them.

Digging in for the End of Days By John Steele

     The Advertiser, October 28, 2017, p. 48-49, had an article, “Surviving the End or a Load of Bunker,” with no “?”.  The article looked into Australian survivalists getting bunkers, you know, if global nuclear war breaks out.  Survival complexes in the US and Europe can be expensive, costing millions.  They may be made from abandoned missile silos, minus the missiles.  Intelligent, rich people are now buying into what was once a field dominated by cranks like me.

     University types say that such survival preps are a “distraction” that takes people away from the social issues.  I disagree; one can have a Noah’s Ark as a fall back solution just in case we fail to beat the bad guys, which is a reasonable bet.  Sure, if all the plants and animals die off, it will not matter how many cans of baked beans one has.  Yet, the quest then may be just to stick things out for a long as possible.  Maybe there will be a Second coming. If not, survivors make the most the disaster, and go down fighting.
     After all, we have to die of something, so death may as well be heroic and interesting!

The Elephant in the Room Regarding the Citizenship Crisis By Ian Wilson LL.B

     Now it looks like another four MPs will face the High Court over their dual citizenship and the legality of holding office: The Australian, November 10, 2017, p. 1:
     All this will apparently be solved by a round of by-elections.  Many pollies want a referendum to get rid of section 44 (i) of the constitution.
     Instead, how about politicians getting their act together and obeying the Constitution before standing? Section 44 (i) is perfectly clear, and there is no excuse for not obeying it.
     Beyond this, we need to ask how the ineligibility of the various politicians affects votes on laws which have occurred.  If someone was ineligible to hold office, they were also ineligible to vote.  Consequently there needs to be an audit of how laws might be affected.  Nothing has been said by the politicians about this, their only concern is how to sweep everything under the carpet.

Middle East War? How Many Wars Do We Need? By James Reed

     Saudi Arabia is undergoing a geo-political realignment, turning away from the US, to embrace China, while all the ruling families continue their traditional battles against each other.  Sorting it all out gives me a pain in the neck… so here, all done:

     Add to all this increasing tension between Saudi Arabia and Iran:

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Go, One Nation, Go! By Tom North

    Fingers crossed, but One Nation seems set to make an electoral breakthrough in the Queensland state elections, set to gain 18 percent:

     With Labor at 35 percent and the LNP at 32 percent, we are likely to see a repeat of the New Zealand elections.  It serves the elites right, and is a great sign for nationalist politics.

The Cryptocurrency Illusion By James Reed

     There is considerable evidence that the world is heading towards another global financial crises, more severe than the 2008 version. Many people are preparing this time by going the way of investing in cryptocurrencies, which appears to the decentralisation financial movement.

     But, 300 million in Ether currency recently vanished due to a wallet error committed by just one user:

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Communism Rides Again, and Again By Michael Ferguson

     Sorry, more bad news. It seems that our battles are eternal and fought ever generation, over and over again.
     I bet that you thought that communism was dead, maybe not cultural Marxism, which rules the universities, but at least the communism of say the Russian revolution 1917 style? Think again:

“Despite the fact that capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other economic system ever created by man, millennials apparently want socialism or communism instead.
According to a recent study conducted by Victims of Communism Memorial Fund-YouGov, 44 percent of millennials say that they would rather live in a socialist country than a country that embraces free market capitalism, and an additional seven percent say they prefer to live under communism. This means that more than half of today’s youth would rather live under socialism or communism instead of capitalism, a clear sign that the upcoming generation is becoming increasingly detached from America’s roots.
As if this wasn’t bad enough, 23 percent of Americans between the ages of 21 and 29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin to be a “hero,” 26 percent believe Vladimir Lenin was a hero, and 23 percent feel that Kim Jong Un of North Korea is a hero.  Additionally, “Millennials also named Karl Marx (18 percent), Che Guevara (26 percent), Vladimir Lenin (17 percent), Mao Zedong (16 percent), and Nicolas Maduro (12 percent) as a personal hero, hero for their country, or hero to the world.”
In a press release, Victims of Communism executive director Marion Smith explained what the results of the survey mean for American society.  “Millennials are increasingly turning away from capitalism and toward socialism and even communism as a viable alternative,” Smith said. “This troubling turn highlights widespread historical illiteracy in American society regarding socialism and the systemic failure of our education system to teach students about the genocide, destruction, and misery caused by communism since the Bolshevik Revolution one hundred years ago.”

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A Libertarian Critique of the Police Monopoly By John Steele

     We take it as granted that the police are justified with their monopoly of force in society, but an organised police force is only a relatively new thing in social development, the first European police force being in Paris in 1667, although various forms of policing have been conducted since ancient times.

     This article, written by a libertarian, those who hold to the extremes of freedom, individualism and the joys of Adam Smith style capitalism, raises many doubts about modern policing, most importantly that citizens are really on their own in terms of self-protection, for the real role of the police is to protect governments and big business:

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Breeding Like Rabbits By Mrs Vera West

     With declining white populations in the West from white genocidal policies most nations are accepting with joy the inevitable displacement of White populations, given cuckiness, apathy, and the desire, about all for comfort. But, Poland may be the exception:

“Unlike Germany, which believes mass migration from third world countries is the only way to solve their demographic decline, Poland is encouraging couples to make their own citizens by ‘breeding like rabbits’, with the help of an educational video from the Polish health ministry.
Stopping short of a tutorial of baby making, the 30-second video put out by the National Health Programme opens with a field of rabbits and closes with a shot of a lovestruck couple enjoying a picnic, with a bunny seen popping out of a picnic basket.”
     This seems a good start and shows that Poland has its heart in the right place.

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Paedophilia the Next Big Thing By Mr Vera West

     A psychologist writing on the Redditt network has said that paedophilia is a sexual orientation, like heterosexualism and homosexualism:

“The idea that sexual attraction to children is an “orientation” is highly controversial as it suggests that offenders cannot change.
But, writing on the Reddit networking website, the psychologist said it was possible to treat child sex abusers on “the understanding that the attraction may always remain”.

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Pathological Altruism or Just Plain Old Competition? By Brian Simpson

     One of the big problems in any resistance movement, be it alternative finance or immigration control, is the lack of ability of White people to unite. Why?
    According to Brett Stevens:
 the answer is internal competition, so that we struggle against each other without recognising our common interests.  External threats thus become secondary. Stevens thus rejects the idea of pathological altruism:

“More accurately, our problem is individualism, or people deciding that no one can say “no” to them and as a result, social order, values, standards, heritage, religion and all other systems of order above the level of the individual go out the window.  From this, people invent altruism, because it is a way to show they are “good” without having to do good except in a symbolic role.
Think of politicians kissing babies, or public donations to charities. Your older brother getting you ice cream once to make up for all the times he pounded you flat in the last few weeks. Cubicle workers showing up on the weekend to demonstrate loyalty after screwing off all month. This is symbolism, which like language can be used to manipulate, in lieu of doing the deed the symbolism refers to.

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It’s a Trans, Trans, Transgender World By Mrs Vera West

     An update on all the exciting transgender news, because if the No side loses the plebby, why, we had better get used to all this and more.

     For example, the first openly transgender person to be elected in a US statehouse, is Danica Roem of Virginia:

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The Universities are Nervous By James Reed

     I continue my diatribe against the universities, entities which I believe should be closed down and replaced by occupational training centres.

The Australian, November 8, 2017, p. 31 carried an article:

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Open Season on Christians By John Steele

     Another tragic shooting in the US, and of course, the usual, “ban all guns’ scream from libtards:

     The libtards are always ready to go, and can instantly fire off the same old tired rhetoric after a shooting. However, they never follow through the logic of their “blame the weapon” argument, and never argue for immigration restriction after terrorist truck attacks, or demand tighter regulations on truck hire. That would be “racist” in their theology.

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Smart Phone, but Dumb Brain By Brian Simpson

     Smartphones have come to dominate the lives of many people who own them, as the phone and its apps becomes the central organiser of their lives: The Australian, October 20, 2017, p. 11.

     This article summarises research that indicates that this dependency upon smartphone technology weakens the intellect in numerous ways. For example, the ringing of the phone during demanding tasks led to people not optimally performing on those tasks. If they were unable to answer the phone, problem-solving skills diminished. In laboratory tests with groups of students, with their visible ringing phone, cognitive ability crashed.

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The Biology of Civilisational Collapse By Brian Simpson

     There are some interesting papers at Brett Stevens website dealing with a variety of racialist themes, in a clear and scientifically  backed fashion. I like his coolness in argumentation. But, the comments section is full of trolls and enemies and he should delete them.

     For example, in “Ethnography of Civilizational Collapse”:
  he points out that civilizations start out strong and great, but because of social entropy, particularly the corruption of the elites, they end up “a mixed-race shadow of [their] former self.” People are physically weaker, and less intelligent. Ancient Egyptians had as their closest genetic relatives people from the Near East, Anatolia and Eastern Mediterranean Europeans, whereas modern Egyptians have more DNA in common with sub-Saharan Africans:

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Taxpayer-funded indoctrination of children

Ref 24th September 2015:

     Accompanying the Prime Minister at the media conference, Minister for Women, Michaela Cash, announced that a new program, the Respectful Relationships programs will be embedded in the Australian education curriculum and will be rolled out in Schools across Australia starting from kindergarten to Year 10.

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