Libertarianism Is An Immoral Philosophy By James Reed

     Here is a great article cutting down, fairly, American libertarianism, the extreme free market, hyper-individualist philosophy of Big Business:

    The article quotes from Murray Rothbard’s The Ethics of Liberty:
  where in chapter 14, “Children and Rights,” he says: “the parent should have the legal right not to feed the child i.e. allow it to die.”

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Lights Out for America and… Australia By Brian Simpson

     The significance of this week’s North Korea missile launch needs to be noted. First, the high altitude missile, indicating that it is capable of hitting anywhere in the world, raises the grim prospect North Korea is likely to try an EMP attack on the United states, which would fry electronics, and make the US a post-apocalyptic wasteland, as that common phrase now goes:

     Australia has also been threatened by North Korea with nuclear annihilation, and since we followed the “populate or perish” mania of mass immigration after 1946, instead of getting nuclear missiles, and as we have no defence against them, Australia could be used as a scapegoat example by North Korea to show the US it means business. The US would not retaliate if an Australian city, or cities, bit the radioactive dust. Why should it? Wake up silly Aussies.

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The Coming of the Zombie President By Charles Taylor

     Just when you thought Hussein Obama, America’s first black Muslim president was gone, along comes the movement to put his wife, Michelle Obama on the meaningless, globalist  throne:

“The Dems need a proven commodity, a Princeton under-grad with a Harvard Law degree. Magna cum laude. A spotless record, no sordid affairs, embarrassing arrests or spotty personal history. A paragon, a shining example of strength, virtue, perseverance. A telegenic, charismatic pillar of the community who can deliver a barnburner with the best of them. A black woman whose name recognition makes her the most formidable candidate in the country today, bar none.
Michelle Obama. It’s as plain as the nose on your face.

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Letter to The Editor - the raking up of past grievances to foment national division or for other dubious purposes should be condemned and shunned.

     Jennifer Oriel is right (Commentary, 4/12) that Australia Day can be celebrated in an inclusive way that should offend no one. We can indeed dance with the descendants of our first peoples, of seafaring British adventurers and the pioneers who followed, and of later immigrants from countries all around the world.
     This does not mean ignoring the fact that, as with most if not all historic events, there was loss as well as gain involved in the 1788 landing of the First Fleet and the subsequent transformation of human living conditions on this continent. One way of honouring this awareness could be the institution of a very brief period of public silent remembrance at, say, eleven in the morning each January 26th. By contrast, the raking up of past grievances to foment national division or for other dubious purposes should be condemned and shunned.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic.

Letter to The Editor - It has enhanced human living conditions throughout history

     Jon Jovanovic is himself irrational in equating ‘religions of all persuasions’ with a ‘hurtful and damaging irrationality’ that is ‘faith-based’ (4/12). Not only does he neglect to consider the massive wickedness perpetrated by atheistic regimes (France post-1789, Russia post-1917 and China post-1949), but he fails to see that there are two kinds of irrationality, one of lesser cognitive value than logical reason but the other superior.
     We have various names for this ‘higher irrationality’: conscience, intuition, inspiration, mysticism, imagination, second sight, the sixth sense, and so on. It has enhanced human living conditions throughout history and sacred traditions are essentially its guardians and advocates, wrongdoing by benighted religious persons and groups notwithstanding.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic

The Bitcoin Bubble By James Reed

     Mike Adams continues his outpouring of critique on Bitcoin:

     I have no competency on this matter, but I find his articles informative, and personally, if I had money to invest, which I do not, I would not be acting as many young people are, and having faith in this cryptocurrency, just because it is gee whiz, high tech, computer based. I do not see what prevents the entire system from collapsing. The reply is that conventional fiat currency faces the same problem.

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Rocket Man By High Flier, Uncle Len

     Here is a man, just like me, who believes that the Earth is flat, but instead of just dreaming about it, he built a rocket to fly into space to see for himself. But, he was stopped by authorities, for, after all, he could have crashed into a university, which would have been a great tragedy:

     He did not seem to have a plan for landing… maybe he hoped to parachute out, or fly? Any way, the moral of the story is that everybody has to have a dream, however crazy.  But, it is a pity that more people with this sort of manic energy, did not devote their steam into the political fight, such as immigration and the money question. Aaaah, my moment of sanity.

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Cut Throat By John Steele

     In many parts of the world, knife crimes are on the increase. There have been many disturbing attacks, but one attack which was particularly distressful was on a woman in Brooklyn, New York, who had her throat cut by a stranger while she was walking on the street in broad daylight:

Here is a good analysis of the situational awareness needed to avoid such attacks:

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Rape and Moral Panic By Mrs Vera West

     Once upon a time, rape was a serious crime, punishable by death. Today, especially in Europe, rape is a racial and politically correct construction

     We even find community service being given for horrendous rapes:

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May, Hoisted by Her Own Petard By Peter Ewer

     The assassination plot on British Prime Minster Theresa May is somewhat ironic, given the controversy generated by her remarks over the Tweets by President Donald Trump about Islamic Terrorists:

     Have a read of this joint statement:
“We wish to express our profound shock and condemnation of the actions of President Donald Trump in retweeting video messages produced by the extremist far right group, Britain First (Report, 29 November).
The videos are gratuitously offensive to all sections of our communities. They have been produced with the clear intention of sowing hatred and division. Had President Trump tweeted this material in error, he has had ample opportunity to retract it and to apologise. Instead, he has reacted to measured criticism of his actions by the prime minister, Theresa May, and the British government, by attacking them and deepening the offence caused. The president’s actions are also extraordinary and unfathomable, not least because the United States and the United Kingdom have had such long, strong and deeply cordial ties. His actions have been described as unorthodox in some quarters. Most right-thinking people think they are plain offensive.”

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Drink Your Milo, It is Good for You! By James Reed

     Gay, Jewish and Alt Right, and totally over-the-top- politically incorrect and inflammatory, Milo Yiannopoulos is in Australia, stirring up the local Leftoids:

     The antifa protestors were chanting Racist! Racist! Nazi! Blah, Blah, and abused police, and began to fight:

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Let the Universities Die! By James Reed

     Can you imagine my utter excitement? As readers will know, for well over a decade I have been proposing that the universities be closed down, and the utilitarian practical areas such as medicine, taken up in hospitals, while the Arts are totally abandoned. My critique at this site has been to show how most of the degeneracy which we as traditionalist, Christ-believing people oppose, comes from the universities. And, now, it seems US radical journalist Jim Goad has independently reached the same conclusion in a magnificent hard-hitting article, at the great site:

“At a symposium in May, Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen predicted that “50 percent of the 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S. will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years.”

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Dealing with Barking Dogs By Paul Walker

    The following article by Israel Shamir is so politically incorrect, it is steaming, but is based on little discussed events in Saudi Arabia:
     One wonders how Mr Shamir would conduct an Australian banking inquiry?

Letter to The Editor - Those who wish to venerate saints and their shrines, a devotion which, properly practised, is not shirk at all, but authentic piety, must be free to do so

     There is an irony in the behaviour of the Muslim fanatics in Islamic State and al-Qaeda (‘Branded heretics, Sufis face IS wrath’, 27/11). Starting correctly from the premise, endorsed by all the great sacred traditions, that God (‘the Unknowable’) is one, they then make the mistake which they accuse their enemies of making. They treat their particular religious discourse and theology as perfect and inviolate, arguing that therefore they can justifiably attack and kill all those who do not acknowledge it. Thus they themselves commit shirk (the identification of God with contingent phenomena of this world).
     In the Middle Ages hard-line Christians behaved in a similar way.  A major reason why we need adequate protections for religious freedom in Australia is to checkmate religious fanaticism of whatever kind, including atheistic fanaticism. Those who wish to venerate saints and their shrines, a devotion which, properly practised, is not shirk at all, but authentic piety, must be free to do so.
   NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Thought Crimes are Here! By Ian Wilson LL.B

     The New South Wales government has now introduced thought crime laws:

“The NSW upper house has passed a bill which will allow the Attorney General to apply to keep an inmate behind bars beyond the completion of their entire sentence if he thinks they may commit a terrorism-related offence sometime in the future, even if they have never committed or even been suspected of engaging in such as offence before.
The Terrorism (High-Risk Offenders) Bill 2017 – which was introduced to parliament by NSW Attorney General Mark Speakman – gives him the power to make rolling applications to the Supreme Court to extend an inmate’s sentence for up to 3 years at a time, up to the end of their life, regardless of what they were originally sentenced for.”

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Truly Dr Frankenstein: The Elites Live Forever! By Mrs Vera West

    Apparently the world’s first head transplant, on corpses, has been conducted, and proclaimed a success:

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The Foul, Violent Minds of the Chattering Class By Charles Taylor

     Here is an interesting piece because it is so explicit in its hatred, and makes it clear, that there is a cultural war from the Left (totalitarians-ed) and their controllers against traditionalists:

“British musician Morrissey says if given the chance, he’d kill President Donald Trump to ensure the “safety of humanity.”
The 58-year-old former Smiths front-man said in an interview with der Spiegel this week that if he were presented with a button that could instantly kill Trump, he wouldn’t hesitate to press it.
“I would [push it], for the safety of humanity,” Morrissey told the outlet. “It has nothing to do with my personal opinion of his face or his family, but in the interest of humanity I would push.”
The singer also explained that it was the media, who so derided Trump during the 2016 campaign season, that ultimately created Trump, ensured consistent coverage of his campaign, and led to his victory over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.”

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Letter to The Editor - The current persecution of revisionist historians is a public disgrace which should be brought to an end

     Paul Williams offers the Jewish community good advice (28/11) in pointing out that ‘the best way to counter anti-Semitism is to encourage free speech.’  By contrast, Henry Herzog makes an ethical error in claiming that there is justification for legally censoring dissident views on the nature of, and extent of, Nazi wrongdoing towards Jews between 1933 and 1945. The current persecution of revisionist historians is a public disgrace which should be brought to an end.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Royal Diversity Wedding Bells! By Carlyn Marks

     I am sure that all the Royal watchers out there are as excited as me about a new Royal wedding:

“I knew she was the one from the very first day’: Beaming Prince Harry says he is ‘thrilled’ to announce engagement to Meghan Markle as she proudly shows off a sparkling ring made with Diana’s diamonds and designed by HIM.

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The Insanity and Disability of the Liberal Elites By Charles Taylor

     The US chattering class is obsessed with removing Donald Trump. They see him (as an obstacle-ed) on the path to war with North Korea, and ignore the threat that North Korea poses to their selfish lifestyles:

     The ancients, such as Plato and Aristotle, would immediately have proclaimed the liberal elites as insane, with a social death wish. The old schoolmen surely would have been astonished that a society could have degenerated to such levels. Were there demons, witches and evil spirits working away to produce this, they might ask?  What would we tell them?