Tat Tat Swift and Toxic Feminism By Mrs Vera West

     Controversy continues about Taylor Swift, the singing canary’s response to the question a journalist asked about her baby plans, which are none, apparently. Men don’t get asked those questions. Well, yes, they do. But, here is the take on this by Suzanne Venker, “Taylor Swift just proved my point about feminism’s harm on millennials.”

“Taylor Swift just proved my point. My last post was about feminism’s harmful influence on millennials; and less than 24 hours later, a friend sent me this USA Today article that highlights an interview Taylor Swift gave on a promotional tour in which a German reporter asks Swift if she has children or family on her mind since she turns 30 this year. A quick caveat: I feel compelled to write that this question shouldn't be asked of any woman, as it’s no one's business but hers. However, such probing questions by the media are inevitable at that level of fame. Swift is entitled to dodge the question, which she did. But her reason for not answering it speaks volumes: “I really do not think men are asked that question when they turn 30, so I’m not going to answer that now.” Here’s a newsflash for Swift and other young women who didn't get the memo: No one asks men that same question because men don’t have a biological clock. Women do. I know you’ve grown up believing since the day you were born that men and women are, or should be, sexual equals and should thus be treated as identical beings. But sexual equality is a bogus mission (which you will see in time if you ever do have children, for it is then that sex differences become glaringly obvious) because it's inextricably tethered to a progressive political movement that has no basis in reality.

After my last post, I got a lot of email. One was from a man who chastised me for suggesting millennial women have been bamboozled by feminism. I can’t think of any greater proof that women have, in fact, been bamboozled by feminism than this latest comment by Swift. Women of her generation — and mine, quite frankly (I'm a Generation Xer) — were taught that America is an oppressive patriarchy and that men and marriage (and children) hold women back from being their true selves. But a technological revolution, along with social media, upped the ante for millennials, who were raised to be entitled and self-involved. (The title of Swift's new single, "Me!", makes this abundantly clear.) They were also told that uncommitted sex can be harmless fun, that marriage is optional even if you want kids, and that divorce is inevitable for many women because men are Neanderthals. To wit, over Memorial Day weekend, my husband loved the guacamole someone brought to the party and suggested I get the recipe and make it — at which point his 34-year-old niece (whom I love dearly) said, "You can make it yourself, you know, Bill." That's exactly what I mean when I said we've underestimated feminism's influence on young women. Such knee-jerk assumptions about marital roles loom large. They see sexual inequality everywhere, even where none exists. Here's another example. In yet another interview earlier this year with Elle magazine, Swift said, "It’s my opinion that in cases of sexual assault, I believe the victim.”

#BelieveAllWomen is a ghastly un-American proposal, since it completely eradicates due process under the assumption that men are always the perpetrators and women are always the victims. Where do you think this mindset came from if not from feminists? The culture of the last 40 years has been dominated by feminist thinkers. They abound in our schools and in our universities, and they abound in the media. Countless parents have thrown their hands up in the face of a society that teaches their kids the exact opposite of what they teach them at home. Do not give up. Tell your children the truth. Tell your sons and daughters that men are not natural-born oppressors and that women are not their victims. Men as a rule are born to love and to protect and care for women. Indeed, they can be women's greatest supporters. That some men don’t fit the bill doesn’t change that fact. Some women don't deserve adulation either, but that doesn't stop us from praising all women every chance we get. In my new book, due out in October, I have a chapter entitled “How Not to Be 30 with No Man and No Plan.” No doubt Swift and like-minded women would take offense at such audacity. But someone has to deflect the negative and counterproductive messages women are sent every day in the media about men, sex, love, and marriage. Someone has to tell women that the sexes are not, in fact, "equal" and that men and women are vastly different creatures with minds and bodies of their own that become amplified once children come along. Someone has to stop all the lying we do to women.”

     We need more intelligent women like this to put the Taylor Swift’s of the world back in line. Here is another great Venker quote to go out with:

“Feminists represent toxicity at its finest, for their anger and aggression is cloaked in righteousness and fairness for all, when in reality they pass on to impressionable young women the idea that men are oppressors and that women are their victims.”




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