What!!! Now a Second Biden Laptop!!! By Charles Taylor

         We are in the fascinating position of being able to see in real time the unfolding of pure evil in the political scene; it has always been there, but with the Biden laptop we get to see how corruption and rottenness go right to the top of the decaying tree:


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Hunter Biden; Paedophile By Charles Taylor

         Many have noted how old man Joe Biden likes to do creepy things with young girls, making them mighty uncomfortable. It is all on film. And, the apple has not fallen too far from the tree with his son, Hunter, and his infamous laptops.


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The Biden Family Corruption: Down the Email Rabbit Hole By Chris Knight

         Dr Steve Turley has done a great job explaining the Biden email controversy, which is unfolding as we read. Each day brings a new revelation of evil and corruption, so terrible that it is difficult for seasoned veterans to grasp, let alone the general public. It seems that Joe Biden is implicated in receiving a payout as part of a deal with a Chinese energy firm, which shows, if true, that he has been completely bought by the Chinese, with links, as with all such businesses, to the Chinese Communist Party. Now if Biden was running for president of China, that might not be such a problem. The rest of the mainstream media is blaming Russia for releasing the emails, but they have not discredited the emails, and the director of National Intelligence, Ratcliffe, has denied that the Hunter Biden laptop is part of a Russian disinformation campaign.


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Guess Who? Joe Biden of Course! By Chris Knight

         This is from am email I was sent:Story with a noteworthy ending:

Earlier this week, I finished reading Donald Rumsfeld’s wonderful biography of Gerald Ford, titled “When the Center Held.” It was written in 2018. 
The book clearly articulates that President Ford was a thoroughly good man, a special American, and a greatly underrated President. However, there was a story in the book that was startling.  

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Christians for Biden and Abortion of the West By Charles Taylor

         Despite his pro-abortion stance, a super pac of Christians are working to put Joe Biden in the White House, even though it means the end of America, and probably them. Talk about social pathology:


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Sharpening the Guillotines By Chris Knight

         Is this a warning sign, or not? I am amazed that it is happening so quickly, but we all knew it was coming.


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The Question of Section 230 By Chris Knight

         This one is from the US, but it is fascinating, arising from big Tech using section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, to block links to the Post’s story on the Hunter Biden emails. Here is the material to bring you up to speed on it, then I comment.  


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The Question of Section 230 By Chris Knight

         This one is from the US, but it is fascinating, arising from big Tech using section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, to block links to the Post’s story on the Hunter Biden emails. Here is the material to bring you up to speed on it, then I comment.  


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Post-Election Civil War Again By Chris Knight

         Gun sales in America are at an all time high, much like the wild west, as polls have shown that a majority of Americans believe that a post-election civil war is coming, that is in less than a month. Now a number of us have contributed articles on this, but here is a video from Dr Steve Turley, and one from Hannity, putting it all together:


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Joe Biden Says He is Going to Defeat Joe Biden!!! By Charles Taylor

     I thought that this one just had to be a joke, a troll, but no, Joe Biden said: “I’m prepared to say that I have a record over 40 years, and that I’m going to beat Joe Biden” Trump is bad, traitorous, but traitors still know who they are. This is senility on a whole new level. And, to top it off, he dropped his guard and did the racist thing: ““If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” Biden told Charlamagne, not in response to any question, but to the host’s statement: “It’s a long way until November, we’ve got more questions.”

     All that would sink a Republican candidate, but you see, senile Joe will defeat Trump and permit the insane neo-cons and other demonic members of the tribe of Satan to end human life on Earth, so that Hell can give new living space. Is that extreme? Well, if one can not even know who one is, and be president, then anything goes.  

Big Tech Censoring Even the Left By Brian Simpson

     The film, Planet of the Humans by socialist Michael Moore, has been taken down by YouTube. All the film does is question the religion of renewable energies, and one would have thought that this would be permitted under even a minimum level of free speech, but no, the film upset the present environmental status quo. That is how bad things are.

“Michael Moore and Jeff Gibbs’s latest documentary film, Planet of the Humans, has been removed from YouTube, where it had been streaming for free. It was taken down following a copyright claim over four seconds of footage contained in the film. Prior to its removal, the video had accumulated more than 8 million views. Produced by Moore and written, directed and produced by Gibbs, Planet of the Humans made the contentious argument that green energy sources, such as wind power and solar power, are ultimately unsustainable. Gibbs provided a statement to Deadline after the film was taken down from YouTube.  “This attempt to take down our film and prevent the public from seeing it is a blatant act of censorship by political critics of Planet of the Humans,” he wrote.” It is a misuse of copyright law to shutdown a film that has opened a serious conversation about how parts of the environmental movement have gotten into bed with Wall Street and so-called ‘green capitalists.’” “There is absolutely no copyright violation in my film. This is just another attempt by the film’s opponents to subvert the right to free speech.” “We are working with YouTube to resolve this issue,” Gibbs continued, “and have the film back up as soon as possible.”

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How Feminism Re-Rapes Rape Victims By Mrs Vera West

     When it suits them, feminists and the Left push “believe women,” on sexual assault offences/allegations, when the agenda is to take down a conservative, but when one of their own commits alleged sexual offences against women e.g. Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, why they all join ranks and attack the victim. It that is not corruption, nothing is!

“What’s happening to Tara Reade at the hands of the corporate media, feminists, and Joe Biden is a disheartening return to the 1990s, to the infamous Bill Clinton era. Reade has come forward with one of the most credible sexual assault allegations we have seen in a very long time. She alleges that in 1993, while working in his Senate office, then Sen. Biden (D-DE) sexually harassed her, sexually assaulted her, and then fired her in retaliation for filing a harassment complaint. Tara Reade is Joe Biden’s eighth accuser. Tara Reade has five witnesses who corroborate she told them about the alleged assault at or near the time. If her claim is eventually debunked, Tara Reade risked prison last month by filing a formal criminal complaint against Biden. We now have video of Tara Reade’s anguished mother calling into a 1993 edition of CNN’s Larry King Live to ask advice about her daughter’s problems with a “prominent senator.” Tara Reade has challenged investigative reporters to dig into her story. Finally, Tara Reade is calling for Biden to make his Senate papers available in the hopes her harassment complaint will be found. Tara Reade is behaving like a woman with nothing to hide. Joe Biden denies the allegation, but is behaving like a man with everything to hide. And in an effort to allow Biden to hide straight through to the November election, and in an effort to personally destroy Tara Reade, Biden, feminists, and the media have decided to resurrect the Clinton-era Playbook. Those of us old enough to remember the 1990s, the way in which the media and feminists circled the wagons to protect Clinton, are very familiar with these cynical tactics.

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The Man Who Rules Donald Trump By Chris Knight

     Whenever Trump does anything vaguely nationalist, his son-in-law, Jared Kushner whispers in his ear, and the plan collapses. So, who is this guy, who is the real president of the United States? I found the following comments in a mainstream media piece instructive, because it points the finger at Jared, not Trump, as being a political nihilist:

“The purest embodiment of political nihilism is not Trump himself but his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner. In his short lifetime, Kushner has been fraudulently promoted as both a meritocrat and a populist. He was born into a moneyed real-estate family the month Ronald Reagan entered the Oval Office, in 1981—a princeling of the second Gilded Age. Despite Jared’s mediocre academic record, he was admitted to Harvard after his father, Charles, pledged a $2.5 million donation to the university. Father helped son with $10 million in loans for a start in the family business, then Jared continued his elite education at the law and business schools of NYU, where his father had contributed $3 million. Jared repaid his father’s support with fierce loyalty when Charles was sentenced to two years in federal prison in 2005 for trying to resolve a family legal quarrel by entrapping his sister’s husband with a prostitute and videotaping the encounter. Jared Kushner failed as a skyscraper owner and a newspaper publisher, but he always found someone to rescue him, and his self-confidence only grew. In American Oligarchs, Andrea Bernstein describes how he adopted the outlook of a risk-taking entrepreneur, a “disruptor” of the new economy. Under the influence of his mentor Rupert Murdoch, he found ways to fuse his financial, political, and journalistic pursuits. He made conflicts of interest his business model.

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Trump Plumps for the Bioweapon Hypothesis By Chris Knight

     Go, big orange man, go!

"Have you seen anything at this point that gives you a high degree of confidence that the [Wuhan lab] was the origin?

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NYT Wants Biden Binned! By Charles Taylor

     This should be interesting, for it looked like the elites were going to go for Joe Biden as Dumocrat president, who would do China’s bidding. Now there seems to be some confusion in the ranks, because of all the alleged sex crimes piling up against him:

The New York Times published an op-ed Sunday evening arguing that Democrats should dump former Vice President Joe Biden as their candidate because of the potential damage of Tara Reade’s allegations against him.
Reade has accused Biden of sexually assaulting her in a Senate hallway in 1993; Biden denies the allegations. In the op-ed, titled “Democrats, It’s Time to Consider a Plan B,” Elizabeth Bruenig argues: I have my own impressions regarding Ms. Reade’s allegations, but no one — save Ms. Reade and Mr. Biden — knows with certainty whether her claims are true. What I can assert with firm conviction is that Democrats ought to start considering a backup plan for 2020. Ms. Reade’s account is not nearly as incredible as some have argued. In the course of my reporting, I have worked closely with many survivors of sexual assault. It isn’t unusual, in my experience, for survivors to exhibit behavior that seems unstable or erratic to others. They may initially disclose to investigators or journalists only a fragment of what happened, and then reveal more over time — some even falsely recant, either because they sense the police don’t believe them, or because they fear the consequences of pressing their claims. And victims often maintain relationships with their attackers or harbor mixed feelings about them.…

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A Rapist for President? By Charles Taylor

     In supporting uncritically Joe Biden as Democratic presidential nominee, the Left are even suppressing the rape allegations against him:

“When Reade originally came forward in April of 2019, she joined about a half-dozen women who have credibly accused Biden of unwanted touching. And I say “credibly” because Biden has serially committed acts of unwanted touching in public. We have countless videos of Biden making women and children uncomfortable with inappropriate hair-sniffing, nuzzling, kissing, and getting handsy. Now, however, Reade tells a much more lurid and disturbing story of being sexually assaulted by Biden. While working for the then-Delaware Senator while in her mid-20s, she says he cornered her in a hallway, thrust his hands up her skirt, penetrated her vagina, and when she objected, he said something to the effect of, “Come on, I heard you like me.” Reade further alleges that after she complained, there was retaliation. She lost her job. So here are the reasons why I now believe Joe Biden sexually assaulted Tara Reade…

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Is this a Conspiracy to Bring Down Trump? By Charles Taylor

     It may all be a conspiracy, or it could be the elites capitalising on events, but the present market freefall may well doom Trump, since this traitor has only the economy going for him, failing all of his election promises, so when that is taken from him, the sheeple, no, the voting poultry, will put Biden in, just for something new to do.

“A few days ago President Trump tweeted “So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!” New York Magazine called this a “terrifyingly ignorant” message . But is it? Conservative journalists have followed Trump’s lead. Steve Hilton of Fox News quoted a public health official  as saying “Most people — more than 85% — will have mild or no symptoms.” Hilton advised against panic. Rush Limbaugh claimed that Coronavirus is being “weaponized” to “bring down Trump,”  and compared it to the common cold. So who’s right? It’s really hard to say. All I know for certain is that the liberal media really is corrupt enough to deliberately exaggerate the danger of Coronavirus just to try to damage Trump in an election year. The primary objective would be to create economic chaos, which seems to already be happening. Trump seems to have decided to run for re-election almost entirely on economic good news, so the best way to hit him would be for the economy to tank prior to November. And we must also note the familiar pattern: the media and liberals simply oppose whatever Trump says and does. Because Trump has suggested that the threat of the virus may be overblown, naturally the Left must take the position that the virus is a huge threat and that Trump is dangerously irresponsible for downplaying it. As Paul Joseph Watson has pointed out, if Trump had hyped the danger of Corona, the media would call his response hysterical, and accuse him of planning to cancel the November election. And we already know that the media is actively telling lies about Trump’s response to Corona. More than a week ago, several liberal news outlets reported that Trump had called Coronavirus “a hoax” at one of his rallies.

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Mark Latham's maiden speech

Mark Latham's maiden speech in NSW Legislative Council - 8th May 2019

More about Mark Latham


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Brigitte Gabriel on Walls and Illegals By Charles Taylor


         Shame on me for my cultural ignorance, but I did not know that there was another version of Ann Coulter, Brigitte Gabriel, a Lebanese American version:

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Fraser Anning’s Conservative Nationalist Party By Peter West


         Just what the doctor ordered, a conservative party that will actually talk about immigration and multiculturalism and will  try to do something about it, since the mainstream politicians ignore the will of the people, and have done so in the entire post WWII period. Here is the contents of an email that I got from Mr. Anning:

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