It’s been exhausting covering the US election for readers, with my fellow Aussie/American journalist friend here, Chris Knight. Everyday there seems to be new revelations of Clinton evil, but she just gets away with it, so far.
Beginning in no particular order, the Clinton foundation itself has confirmed that it accepted a $1million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. She had signed an ethics agreement in order to become Secretary of State to notify the State Department’s ethics official if a foreign government such as Qatar wanted to make donations, so that any concerns could be raised. However, the State Department found no record of the Clinton Foundation submitting the Qatar gift for review and that it was “incumbent on the foundation to notify the department about donations that needed review.”
At least eight other countries donated to the Foundation without the State Department being informed: This is but one more example of Clinton placing herself above the rule of law, let alone morality. Conflicts of interest seem to matter nothing to the Clintons.
The Remnant (, reports on the Soros/Clinton/Vatican partnership, or should we call it conspiracy. Soros’ Open society granted $650,000 to PICO, a radical organisation for a meeting in the Vatican about the 2016 election. Here is what the article says about the outcome: