French Voters are Getting What They Voted For By Peter Ewer

    If we can trust the French election results, and Ms Le Pen with her female strength, has given no indication that we cannot, then the majority of French people must be mighty happy with the state of France, much like these Italians: Not to worry, for most of the migrants will go to Northern Europe anyway:

    France can therefore be happy with:, and the creation of no-go zones for women:;  Or, you can read it in French, while the language still exists:

The Universal Lesson of East Timor By John Pilger

Filming undercover in East Timor in 1993 I followed a landscape of crosses: great black crosses etched against the sky, crosses on peaks, crosses marching down the hillsides, crosses beside the road. They littered the earth and crowded the eye.  
The inscriptions on the crosses revealed the extinction of whole families, wiped out in the space of a year, a month, a day.  Village after village stood as memorials.

Kraras is one such village. Known as the "village of the widows", the population of 287 people was murdered by Indonesian troops.

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The Tipping Point: Social Credit and the Alt Right Could be Inevitable by Brian Simpson

We know that an alternative economic/financial position such as social credit, which would ring in an era of untold freedom and prosperity, is held at present by a minority of the population, say less than 10 percent. But, what happens as more people hear about the doctrine and word spreads? Scientists have now shown that a minority opinion, once reaching 10 percent of the population grows fast and soon becomes the dominant paradigm:

A team of scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,  who are members of the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC) at Rensselaer, used computational and analytical methods to discover the tipping point where a minority belief becomes the majority opinion. According to SCNARC Director Boleslaw Szymanski,

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Ye Should Put No Faith in Le Pen By Bruce Bennett

    In a desperate Trump-like U-turn, Le Pen, at the 11th hour is now saying that as president she will allocate at least 0.7 percent of the French gross domestic product to Africa, which is 15 billion Euros on an annual basis: This is more than the amount now spent on the EU, which she campaigned against.

    This cultural cringing, to attempt to get black votes has dramatically failed, as French voters in Africa overwhelmingly reject her, as does the multicult in France. Like Trump, she has surrendered her support base, but she has backed off even sooner than Trump. In the future Right nationalist candidates will be openly globalist and cosmopolitan, identical to socialist candidates, thus saving time and producing efficiency. Take Trump’s administration today. No more useless talk about defending America; Russia is the treat and the sooner there is nuclear war to destroy the politically incorrect Putin, the better: If the planet burns, that is just the cost for eliminating the scourge of nationalism: Better dead than free.

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You Say You Want A Revolution By James Reed

    So sang John Lennon with the Beatles in 1968. Now it seems, Generation Y and Z may be looking in precisely that direction for social change:

    A survey of around 580,000 young Europeans, from 13 countries, as part of an EU-sponsored survey, titled, Generation What?, asked the question: would you actively participate in a large-scale uprising against the generation in power if it happened in the next days or months. Over half of the 18 to 34 year olds said that they would. For example,  67 percent of young people in Greece, and 65 percent in Italy were prepared to join a large-scale uprising, but only 37 percent of Germans. However, 61 percent of the French were willing to revolt, a figure which coheres with the large-scale disillusionment of French voters with the political process and elections: There is a small chance that the 14 million people who are boycotting the elections could lead to Le Pen becoming president, which would be a sweet irony. But, it won’t happen, because the NWO elites will not permit it, even for a token resistance, as given by Trump.

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The Deep State Finishes Off Le Pen! by Peter West and Arnis Luks

It looks like the Deep State has now destroyed Le Pen’s electoral hopes:
“Half a million people received duplicate polling cards in the post, which would allow them to cast two votes at the first round of the election, held on April 23.  French authorities confirmed they would not be investigating the potential electoral fraud until AFTER the election, when retrospective prosecution may take place.”
It just won’t happen.

The situation is further compounded, three days out from the election, by the shooting of three police officers, that resulted in one officer being killed, on the Champs Elysees in Paris. The modus operandi  is similar to the 2012 French Presidential election campaign which saw school children killed in Toulouse shortly before the first round voting. In that campaign, Nicolas Sarkozy, presenting himself as a viable alternative to those planning on voting for Marine Le Pen, delivered a speech in front of the Ozar Hatorah Jewish school in Toulouse, the site of the shooting, and he also quickly passed laws proposed to punish any person who regularly consults Internet sites that praise terrorism and calls for hatred and violence. This was to offset the momentum Marine Le Pen had gained promoting French nationalism. That 2012 presidential election saw Marine Le Pen gain 17.9% of the first round vote.   

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Some Action on Taking Down Xenophon by Bruce Bennett

I think it was Ian Wilson at this site, who put the view, that given Nick Xenophon’s opposition to changes to section 18 C, that the NXT needs to be taken down at the next election. I concur.
However, we are not the only one’s thinking about this, and from the Left, GetUp! plans to set up an Adelaide office and inflict real electoral pain on the NXT at the next election:

They speak of mobilising 62,210 members, which is quite incredible. An army of Leftists. It is what should have been built up by our side of politics over the decades, but was not. Anyway, it may be enough to end the NXT, which would all be for the best. The Left feel that Nick has engaged in a “corporate tax sell-out,” and who am I to disagree? Look, their home page critique of NXT made sense to me, especially after I had a few Jack Daniels’ to help me concentrate:

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The Neocon’s declaration of war against Trump by The Saker

After several rather lame false starts, the Neocons have now taken a step which can only be called a declaration of war against Donald Trump.

It all began with CNN published an article entitled “Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him” which claimed that:

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Power China plans to build a new gas-fired power station in SA

From the Adelaide Advertiser  Jan 2  2017
Power China plans to build a new gas-fired power station in SA, costing an estimated $350m.  Probably near Port Augusta.  Plans still in initial stages.
A bid for NSW Ausgrid by China Government owned State Grid Corporate and Hong Kong listed Cheung Kong Infrastructure (CKI) was blocked in August by treasurer Scott Morrison who cited national interest concerns.
CKI and an associate company own 51% of SA Power Networks (SAPN) and State Grid Corporate owns 46.5% of Electranet.

What was so wrong with the recently closed coal-fired power station (located at Port Augusta) being converted to natural gas or even coal seam gas?
When you pay your power bills, remember where most of the money finally resides!
Well done Jay!
KG, Naracoorte, SA

It is Time for a Real Conservative Party by James Reed

I know that there are many among us who are concerned about the rise of One Nation and the possible fracturing of the Liberal/National Coalition with a new conservative party. They see such developments as merely leading to the Labor Party getting office.
The Liberal/National Parties, however, differs little from Labor in basic ideology. Turnbull has once again breathed life into the Republic push, and he is firmly committed to Australia becoming a republic.
He will not budge on section 18C of the “There is No Freedom of Speech Act” because, he believes in it.

The breakaway of Katter and Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi to form new conservative groups is thus only natural. The Liberal/National Coalition are both rotten to the core. Better to destroy them both, endure Labor as a minority government, and rebuild. A new conservative party and other independents, sympathetic to traditional Australia, is needed to drain the Canberra swamp.

Ashby running One Nation: dumped candidate

Tracey Ferrier AAP
A dumped One Nation candidate says Pauline Hanson is not in control of her own party, and her controversial chief-of-staff James Ashby is running the show. Shan Ju Lin had been due to contest the seat of Bundamba at the next Queensland election for One Nation, but has been dumped over social media posts she made about gay people. Ms Lin, who is the second candidate to fall out with the party in the month since it unveiled a team of 36 to contest the next state election, says Mr Ashby advised her via a Facebook message that she'd been disendorsed, and she said she'd been unable to speak directly to Ms Hanson.

"I think Pauline gave him too much power, he is the one running the party, not Pauline," she's told the ABC.
"I should have had a chance to speak to Pauline but James Ashby just decided very quickly."
Ms Lin has since used her Facebook account to post messages of encouragement from One Nation supporters who say Mr Ashby is damaging One Nation and must go.
She also posted a link to an article published in The Australian at the weekend, which quotes former One Nation president Ian Nelson describing Mr Ashby as "the anti-Christ of politicians" with an undue amount of influence in the party.

On Monday, Mr Ashby dismissed Ms Lin's claims about party control.
"We know that's not true," he told AAP, declining to comment further.

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“All The Criminals in Their Coats ’n’ Their Ties... Are Free to Watch the Sun Rise” by Chris Knight

How’s this one: a mother of six is facing gaol time after selling a homemade meal to an undercover investigator: The Californian woman sold a meal without a permit, and in the socialist republic of California (much like Australia), that is an offence with one year’s gaol time. She will go on trial in December. We in Australia also have our own versions of “food crimes,” but we may not be as crazy as California yet.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton may not be prosecuted by Trump, who perhaps for strategic reasons has moved away from appointing a special prosecutor, although maybe he might have changed his mind with the Democrat’s challenge of the election results: Trump said to The New York Times:

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Get Out, Get Up! by Tom North

The activist group Get Up! that gets up to all sorts of things Left wing (my God, that’s almost a poem), has been campaigning for a ban on foreign donations to Australian political parties. (The Australian, November 21, 2016, p. 7) That is about the only thing they do which I support. The problem though is consistency:
Get Up! itself received over $300,000 in the past two years from foreign donors, most of whom are rich Leftoid groups. And then there is the PayPal button on their site for overseas donors.

Get Up! campaigned to “put the Liberals last” in the last election, which would be a good idea if Labor could also be put equal last. In any case as it is not a political party, banning foreign donations to political parties would not harm it. What is needed is counter-organisations to Get Up! from our side of politics to oppose them, and if necessary funded by overseas organisations!
The Trump administration and new CIA should think seriously about funding Australian organisations which are pro-Trump and concerned about opposing Chinese domination of Australia.
Now let me think: who has been working on that one? To quote a Left wing guru: “you know my name, look up the number.”

Draining Australia’s Political Cesspools and Swamplands by James Reed

With all the anti-Trump articles in the mainstream media, two more balanced ones did catch my eye, those articles making high quality comments.
Professor Ramesh Thakur (The Australian, November 18, 2016, p. 14), rightly noted that “Trump is neither a threat to democracy nor a symptom of its flaws but the people’s chosen instrument to refresh and regenerate democracy.” The people voted against a corrupt elite symbolised by Hillary Clinton, who represented both the cultural globalism of the politically correct Left and the economic globalism of the super-capitalist Right.

Commenting on section 18 C Professor Thakur says that the “same danger exists in Australia with weaponisation of identity politics to polarise voters.” Discussing the failure of the Human Rights Commission to protect the student’s rights, he says “It beggars belief that many politicians see no problem with section 18 C and reject the call to review and tweak it.”
Thus, in conclusion: “If mainstream Australian politicians belittle, deride and dismiss popular beliefs and anxieties, they make the rise of populist demagogues inevitable. Australia awaits a champion to drain the Canberra swamp.”

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Trump Therapy! by Chris Knight

One of the most delightful things about the US election, is having a cold beer and watching the liberal fallout. In America university campuses are having collective “cry ins,” and students are able to pat “comfort dogs” to help their stress levels. Mike Adams has said in a recent Natural article (, that these sensitive snowflakes will be eliminated by natural section in the next major existential survival event, such as a global economic collapse. Isn’t that sad, bringing a tear to one’s eye? I don’t know about you, but my box of tissues is empty.

This is a generation produced by the baby boomers, who have never had to be in contact with cold hard reality, as past generations did, who tamed a savage land, built civilisation and defended it. They are the generation of levelling and destruction, who have been spoilt rotten, and now are rotten, as seen in their temper tantrums on the streets of America, and even Australia. Only a people corrupted by affluence would behave in this way.

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Those Who Have Ruled Us: Blasts from the Past by James Reed

My God, don’t they ever go away?  First Paul Keating has been back in the news, not only making helpful suggestions for the Labor Party, but also because he does not support the constitutional recognition of Aborigines because this does not go far enough.  He wants an indigenous treaty.  Thus, in a letter to academics doing a book on the topic he said: “Why would any of you want or need that document to acknowledge you?” (The Australian, November 14, 2016, p. 4)
Here is the full, classic Keating quote:

“I am not a supporter of the so-called constitutional route to recognition. The route to recognition has to be straight through the front door, with a document acknowledging prior occupation, including recognition and atonement for the dispossession.”
“A treaty is the best way to do this, notwithstanding it has to be 200 years late. If my forebears had been here 60,000 years, there is no way I would be fobbed off with some weasel words in this country’s horse-and-buggy utilitarian Constitution.”

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Rigging by Deception: The Gun Control Drive, Australia by John Steele

The gun control debate recently resurfaced over the issue of the import ban of the Adler A110 lever action shotgun, which has become the latest hate symbol of the castrating gun control lobby. Turnbull and Abbott had a tiff about whether horse-trading had taken place to get NSW senator David Leyonhjelm’s vote. Leyonhjelm said that the federal government backed out of a written agreement to trade his vote on other legislation in exchange for an end to the Adler prohibitions and he claims being deceived by the Coalition. Yet more “rigging”.

Tony Abbott denied that any citizens outside of those protecting pollies, such as law enforcement, require a rapid-fire gun, and said the idea was just “crackers,” especially with terrorists out there. (The Australian, October 20, 2016, p. 4) That is a good reason why Abbott lost his position as prime minister because he doesn’t act and think like a classical liberal, but is more of the mold of Hillary Clinton.

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Hillary's Watergate? by Pat Buchanan

After posting Friday’s column, “A presidency from hell?” about the investigations a President Hillary Clinton would face, by afternoon it was clear I had understated the gravity of the situation. Networks exploded with news that FBI Director James Comey had informed Congress he was reopening the investigation into Clinton’s email scandal, which he had said in July had been concluded.
“Bombshell” declared Carl Bernstein. The stock market tumbled. “October surprise!” came the cry.

The only explanation, it seemed, was that the FBI had uncovered new information that could lead to a possible indictment of the former secretary of state, who by then could be the president of the United States.
By Sunday, we knew the source of the eruption.
Huma Abedin, Clinton’s top aide, sent thousands of emails to the private laptop she shared with husband Anthony Weiner, aka Carlos Danger, who is under FBI investigation for allegedly sexting with a 15-year-old girl.
The Weiner-Abedin laptop contains 650,000 emails.

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Hillary Clinton: Wall Street’s Losing Horse? Constitutional Crisis? What’s the End Game? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky



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The Chattering Class and the Rigged and Corrupt US of A by Charles Taylor

I am not amazed at the bias shown by the print media against Donald Trump, since even given his inadequacies – which are many – he has come to represent a challenge to our politically corrupt globalist system.

The Australian has been examined by this American (me) now temporary in Australia, and I found that the usual articles, even if stating that Clinton was “unfit to be president” because of well, all the scandals (more below), Trump was worse! (The Weekend Australian, October 29-30, 2016, p. 22) Trump is “sexist” and “racist” and a “deplorable human being.” No mention is made of Hillary Clinton’s 1996 comments about black children in gangs being “super-predators,” without conscience or empathy, who should be brought to “heal,” presumably like dogs: Hillary Clinton is “a clear and unequivocal lesser of evils.” And everybody Bernard Salt knows is anti-Trump (The Weekend Australian Magazine), October 29-30, 2016), which says more about his circle of friends than Trump.

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