Climate Change Alarmism and the End of the World: Professor Ian Plimer Fights Back! By James Reed

Professor Ian Plimer has been a leading critic of climate change alarmism for many years now, producing a massive refutation, Heaven and Earth (2009). Most of the work is still relevant today, since the song very much remains the same, only the data and numbers get changed. The fundamental arguments are still the same, and so are the counter-argume...

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The Threat to the Humble Bee, By Bob Farmer, Dairy Farmer

Dr Mercola has a piece, now deleted, about the plight of our friend the bee. Sure, we all have been stung by bees, but we all eat foodstuffs that would not exist without bee pollination. Bees though are under threat. A long-time enemy is varroa mite, which across the West affects 54.8 percent of colonies. This parasite can reproduce only in a honey...

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MAHA; Make Australia Healthy Again, By Mrs. Vera West

As detailed below at the Conservative, the Make America Healthy Again, MAHA movement, has arisen with the addition of Robert Kenedy Jr to the Trump MAGA campaign. The deal done was for Robert, who has championed health all his life, especially of children, as seen in the Children's Health Defense movement: https://childrensheal...

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Alex Jones Sees Chaos Coming, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I hate to say I said this first, but I did! Alex Jones has issued a prediction that if Trump wins the 2024 election, the Left will lose their minds, what minds they have left to lose! This was totally predictable following from the 2020 burning down of America, after a drugged-out criminal died in police custody. If they could go to the wall on thi...

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What is Wrong with the Left … Do They Ever Grow Up? By Mrs. Vera West

 It is exciting times for Australian monarchists, as King Charles and Queen Camilla's plane touched down in Sydney. But Leftist Senator Lidia Thorpe was involved in an altercation with police, which led to her pulling off her shirt. Photos from the scene reveal that she remained clothed with some sort of singlet, throughout, so all good: "A sm...

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This is Something I have had Nightmares About! By James Reed

Some bizarre things are happening. There is the tragic story of surfer Giuliana Manfrini, while surfing on Pulau Masokut Island off the coast of western Sumatra, being stabbed through the heart by a sword fish!

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The Myth of Plastic Recycling, By James Reed

We all have our different coloured bins for the local council rubbish collection for ordinary waste, green waste and recycling. Central to recycling is that of old plastics, and this is a big fear thing now with nan and micro plastics, everywhere, even in the human reproductive system. But one problem is that across the world, not much plastic is, ...

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When the Elite Want to Confuse the Population They Go for UFOs! By Brian Simpson

Reports are in the media of masses of drones that were over Langley Air Force Base in Virginia, the US. The drones were unconventional and did not behave in the usual way. The drone jamming devices of the US Airforce failed against them and there was no attempt made by the drone operators to be evasive. And even more bizarre, there was even a mothe...

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Has a Transgender Tipping Point Been Reached? By Mrs. Abigail Knight (Florida)

What is a transgender tipping point? Is it like some cosmological process, where a star starts to burn out its nuclear fuel, and gets ready to go supernova: Apparently not: "The past three years have...

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When Multicult Diversity Comes to Town, By Chris Knight (Florida)

 The champions of open borders mass immigration can see no negatives to their agenda, and being fully-cashed up, have an army of academic hacks to push out bs about how immigration solves all problems, from the skills shortage to pimples. But there is a refutation of this, and it can be called the argument from Tren de Aragua. Here is a concis...

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They May Not “Shoot Horses,” but DO Kill Babies, By Mrs. Vera West

George Christensen over at nation first is surely right in my opinion to call out the abortion law situation in Queensland. There by the Termination of Pregnancy Act 2018, abortions are allowed on demand up to 22 weeks for any reason, at all, or no reason. It's a woman's right, no concern for the foetus, who does not count, with no value of life. A...

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Deaths in Western Australia After the Vax, Increase Sevenfold! By Brian Simpson

This has not been reported in the mainstream news, surprise, surprise. Since the rollout of the Covid vax, in largely pro-vax, pro-lockdown Western Australia, which returned its lockdown premier, as did Victoria, deaths have increased sevenfold since the Covid mRNA vax rollout. That statistic came out at the October 11 meeting of the Port Hedland T...

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Another Road Block for President Trump, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

 Democrats say they won't certify the election if Trump wins because he's "dangerous to democracy." Along with that, the next road block measure to prevent Trump from becoming presidentif elected, even dealing with Democrat election fraud, is to use the recently renewed Executive Order 13848, initially issued by Trump in 2018, the "National Em...

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UK PM Keir Starmer; Once an Authoritarian, Always an Authoritarian! By Richard Miller (Europe)

Luke Gittos is a Spiked columnist and author of Human Rights – Illusory Freedom: Why We Should Repeal the Human Rights Act, (Zero books). It has been said that Starmer at the at the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), where he was director of public prosecutions (DPP) between 2008 and 2013, failed to charge late billionaire Mohamed Al Fayed for sex cr...

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A State of Fear Among the Elites: James Howard Kunstler, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

James Howard Kunstler, a former Democrat, and now very much a systems critic, made the observation that the US elites, figures such as John Brennan, Merrick Garland, Lisa Monaco, Chris Wray, Anthony Fauci, Alejandro Mayorkas, and Barack Obama, are fearful that Trump may actually win the election, and come after them. Many more names can be added. A...

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50 Percent of Women Single and Childless by 2030! By Mrs. Vera West

I first saw the story that there was a prediction or projection by Morgan Stanley based upon existing data, that 45 percent of women would be single and childless by 2030. Since seeing that story, I have seen the figure rise to 50 percent, as covered in the extract below. That is simply incredible; 2024 is almost over so we are looking at this situ...

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If the Chemicals are Making the Frogs Gay (Alex Jones), What are They Doing to Human Children? By Mrs. Vera West

People across the West have from 30,000 to 50,000 synthetic chemicals in their bodies that their grandparents did not have, and most of these chemicals have some harmful, or potential harmful, effects. For children, there is an established link to chronic childhood diseases. For example, the pesticide Atrazine, is widely used, and it finds its way ...

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Meta-Electoral Interference by Meta, By Chris Knight (Florida)

A senior Meta (Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg etc.) engineer, Jeevan Gyawali, has admitted, based upon hidden camera filming, that anti-Kamala posts on Facebook and Instagram are automatically demoted, and the Meta user is not notified when their anti-Kamala posts are censored. Meta's "Integrity Team" is responsible for controls content through "civic c...

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The Lies of War; the War of Lies, By Richard Miller (Europe)

The destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline by explosives, bringing gas from Russia to Europe, is an instructive story. At first the US government and the mainstream media claimed it was done by Russia itself, perhaps as a false flag, the motive was never clear. The Russians could have easily turned off the gas if they wanted to. The Russians repli...

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The Decline of Justice, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The US under the Biden Democrat regime has witnessed the decline of the rule of law, and of genuine justice. We have covered today at the blog the issue of how due process has been discarded in the lawfare case by New York against President Trump, where a corrupt court had convicted him of something which was not defined as a crime, perhaps from be...

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