The New Class Find Free Speech Troublesome, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The New York Times, globalist paper of unlimited woke, usually has revealing articles, detailing the latest thing upsetting the New Class. Thus, recently, Professor Tim Wu, a law professor at Columbia, published a piece expressing alarm at the US Supreme Court's recent decisions that affirmed the robustness of the First Amendment right to free spee...

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China Seeking to Isolate Australia, By James Reed

David Llewellyn-Smith at, is one of the few Australian journalists to comment upon Dr Kurt Campbell of the Biden administration, who addressed the grave threat which Australia faces as China becomes increasingly aggressive militarily. There is no much concern from the Australian freedom movement about this existential threat, w...

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Former Centers for Disease Control Director: Covid Vaxxes are “Toxic”! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Talk about getting truths, straight from the proverbial horse's mouth. Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield, should be regarded as an expert on the Covid mRNA vaccines. If he proclaims that there were any problems, then that creates a presumption that there in fact is. Dr Redfield recently appeared before...

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The Falling Star of “Star Wars,” By James Reed

I remember when the first Star Wars movie came out, and actually was thrilled to see a classic good versus evil battle. Things were changing in the cinema then, but nowhere near the decadence and woke evil that we have today. But that was "back in the day," and that day has long gone. Now we have Star Wars: The Acolyte (which means a follower), whi...

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Walking and Lower Back Pain, By Mrs Vera West

While no health or medical advice is offered here, in a discussion for information purpose only, it is noted that a mayor peer-reviewed study in the British medical journal, The Lancet examined whether walking helped people suffering from lower back p...

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The mRNA Vax Impact Upon Women’s Fertility, By Mrs Vera West

The biological mechanism are complex, and since it is described by Dr Sonia Elijah in a discussion with Dr Naomi Wolf, is best viewed as there was no written transcript to ponder, by a non-scientist like me, but still the issues are important. The simple take home message from the discussion of the effects of the Covid mRNA vaxxes upon women's fert...

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Warnings on an Increasingly Aggressive China, By James Reed

Chinese troops have never been this close to the Polish border in history, as the Chinese military will conduct joint exercises named Eagle Assault-2024 near Brest, Belarus, close to the Polish border. The idea is to enhance military cooperation between the two countries. It will apparently be a yearly thing. It is also a message to the West of wha...

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The Strange Birth of Sectarian Britain, By Richard Miller (London)

Dr Edward Dutton, in The Past is a Future Country: The Coming Conservative Demographic Revolution, argues that "ethnic diversity, mass immigration and the splintering of large polities always occurs in the winter of civilization." He has furthered this argument below making a compelling case that modern Britain is now a sectarian society. Sectarian...

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The Environmental Destructiveness of Wind Farms, By James Reed

When it comes to wind turbines the Greens and environmentalism in general adopt a religious attitude, seeing these things as totems of their faith. Thus, we have the US environmentalists who would in the past, brave the seas to stop whaling, accepting that offshore wind farms were necessary, despite harm done to whales and other sea creatures. And ...

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A Horror Story, All So Real with Some Electric Vehicles, By James Reed

Just image if a mother had put her child in her electric vehicle, gone to the recharge station, got out of the vehicle then found that she was locked out, and her electronic key did not work. Presumably these things being born of a high-tech fetish do not have manual over-rides. Or, if they do, that fails. Make it a blistering hot day, and add a ba...

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The Hypocrisy of the Left New Class on Guns, By John Steele

I noticed a clear example of the hypocrisy of the Left New Class on guns. There was an attempted carjacking of two marshals who were guarding the home of US Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor, a Hispanic ultra-liberal appointed by B. Hussein Obama. The attack was stopped by gun fire. What is significant here is that Sotomayor has held that "the ...

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Will the Leftists be Cheering When the Terrorist Attacks Take Place in Their Street? By Chris Knight (Florida)

The memes with the Leftist, especially glazed-eyed women championing illegals, including rapists and murderers, as if they were poor snowflakes, make me angry. I have sympathy for women with children fleeing from warzones. But the typical "refugee" we see is neither female nor a child, but a military age male. If they are claiming to be fleeing fro...

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Pandemics: Covers for Political Coups, By James Reed

Covid plandemic critic, Jeffrey Tucker has come across a document, in the public domain, by the Department of Homeland Security, posted March 2023, but written in 2007, which gives a precise outline of what happened during the Covid mandates. As the document states: "Quarantine is a legally enforceable declaration that a government body may institu...

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Warmongering NATO: Hungarian PM Orban, By Richard Miller (London)

Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban has visited Moscow, meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin, in what he described as "peacekeeping mission." Orban has been a strong critic of the West being involved in the Ukraine conflict from the beginning. Orban had previously met with Vladimir Zelensky and advocated an immediate ceasefire and negoti...

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The Amazing, Incredible, Adventures of Joe Biden’s Brain! By Charles Taylor

At the "Big Boy" press conference where Joe Biden was to show the world that there was nothing wrong with his brain, he led with this opening: "I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president, though I think she was not qualified to be president." Here he confused his political opponent with his vice president. I am sure it happens...

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International Bird Flu Summit; What are They Plotting? By Brian Simpson

Bird flu, if it becomes more readily transferable to humans, is thought to have a fatality rate of up to 50 percent of those infected. Thus, if there was a "pandemic" it would be many times worse than the 1918 Spanish flu (actually thought to be from China, but here are controversies about this, even if the death toll was due to the flu, rather tha...

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The Rockefellers and the Climate Change Conspiracy, By James Reed

The idea that the response and policies arising from climate change are something of a natural product of thinkers dispassionately dealing with an issue, is a myth. Behind the generation of climate change panic and hysteria, has been numerous globalist organisations, with an early example being the Club of Rome. But as well, the Rockefellers, have ...

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Treason: The Great Invasion, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The film by J. J. Carrell, Treason, is set to be released in a few months' time. Carrell was previously involved as a border control agent, then turned to film making. As detailed in the extract from Natural, which has the video as well, Carrell presents evidence from insiders, that the vast inflow of illegals to the US has been done by th...

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Toni Kroos: Germany is No Longer Germany! By Richard Miller (London)

This report upset the authorities to no end. Football star Toni Kroos, who is a big name, said to be the best German player of all time, told a broadcast, that Germany is no longer the country it was 10 years ago due to mass migration. He was afraid to allow his daughter to go out a night because of the rape threat, so he has moved to Spain, which ...

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The Clayton’s Insurrection, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Sometimes in the rough and tumble and complexities of politics, simple facts get sidelined. Simple facts that can cause an entire narrative to collapse. For example, the claim made by the Biden administration that the January 6 peaceful protests were an insurrection. An insurrection is an attempt, by violence, to overthrow a government. The claim b...

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