Are We All Soviets Now? By Richard Miller (London)

Best-selling historian Sir Niall Ferguson and geo-political theorist, was interviewed by UnHerd's Freddie Sayers for a discussion of populism and its alleged problems.The discussion and extraction here will be in a number of parts, so nothing gets diluted by sheer length. The first interesting take on the state of societies is Ferguson's claim that...

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Niall Ferguson on the Ukrainian War, By Richard Miller (London)

Leading historian Niall Ferguson in his interview with UnHerd's Freddie Sayers, discussed a number of topics centred around the theme of populism and its discontents, and the geo-political instability of the world. One topic covered was the Ukraine war. Once more Ferguson takes a slight departure from the conventional academic line here: "So this i...

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Niall Ferguson on European Populism, By Richard Miller (London)

Leading historian Niall Ferguson, in his interview with UnHerd's Freddie Sayers, after discussing the Sovietisation of American culture, and the threat posed by China, turns to give his take on European populism. The interview took place before the second runoff of the French elections, where to counter Le Pen's National Rally, Macron and the Left ...

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Niall Ferguson on Cold War II: The Threat of Communist China, By Richard Miller (London)

In the insightful interview of leading historian Niall Ferguson by UnHerd's Freddie Sayers, the point was made that the US was beginning to resemble the former USSR. The next question is where communist China fits into the picture here. Ferguson is clear that there is a Cold War II between the US and China, which can easily become a hot war over th...

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Hope for Gen Z Boys After All! By Mrs Vera West

Well, maybe there is hope for the future generations, all other things like mass immigration and global nuclear war aside. At present, even within freedom movement circles, a critique of feminism, is something only the brave will conduct, and then is best only done by the few women, usually traditional Christians, who are not in the system that has...

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UK Labour Set to Slam Free Speech, By Richard Miller (London)

With UK Labour in power, and eager to go, free speech, what remains of it, seems set to be destroyed just as the conservatives have been. There are various possibilities being discussed by the limited critical media at present. There could be hate legislation parallel to the crazy Act passed in Scotland, with prison sentences for questioning the tr...

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Australia Following Canada’s Immigration Disaster on the Road to Ruin, By James Reed

Australia has followed Canada on multiculturalism, which while exciting the New Class, has been a continuous social disaster, as I, and other nationalists see it. "Multiculturalism" is little more than another more polite word for the Great White Replacement, of race and culture. If multiculturalism is a strength, let communist China embrace it! Ou...

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Dark Socialist Days Ahead as Britain Sinks Under the Leftist Waves, By Richard Miller (London)

 Labour is now in and off to working for the further destruction of the UK. Oh, they do not see it that way, supposedly, but rather laying the foundations of a multiracial diverse socialist paradise. Thus, on day one, socialist PM Sir Kier Starmer has scrapped a scheme to deport illegal immigrants to Rwanda, which was one of the few things to ...

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The Communist Revolution in Europe, By Richard Miller (London)

 First the good news. The political establishment of the EU and Netherlands have done what they could to prevent Geert Wilders and his PVV parties from taking office. Even so, Wilder's PVV will hold the immigration ministry, and may now do what Dutch voters want, stop mass immigration of assimilable illegal migrants.It is basically now or neve...

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To Come: President Michelle Obama! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

 The prediction of Vivek Ramaswamy, former presidential candidate, is the Democrats will soon dump Joe Biden as their candidate for the 2024 presidential election, and opt for either Kamala Harris or Michelle Obama. As he said: "The Democratic Party is wedded to identity politics. The only reason Kamala Harris got that job, frankly, is because...

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There is No Energy Transition! By James Reed

Francis Menton has given a refutation of the Left wing, and now establishment claim, that an energy transition is occurring, with a movement from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. The so-called clean energy future is supposedly coming up fast. However, based upon hard statistics from the Energy Institute Statistical R...

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Australia’s Spiralling Death Rate: Senator Ralph Babet, By Brian Simpson

Is the Covid vax issue still relevant and worthy of discussion? Just ask Senator Ralph Babet, who has been battling for Covid truth from the beginning of the plandemic. His concern recently has been Australia's spiralling death rate, the so-called excess deaths issue, which is an increase in deaths over the statistical norm. This is highest it has ...

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In the Wake of the NZYQ Decision, By Paul Walker

The High Court of Australia ruled in the NZYQ case that detention of illegals, even those who were criminals, was a form of punishment and such punishment can only be inflicted upon a person by a court, after a trial, and being found guilty of a crime. Thus, a government can only detain an illegal if it was necessary for a non-punitive reason. If t...

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Roll Up, Roll Up, for Bill Gate’s Magical Maggot Milk! By Bob Farmer, Dairy Farmer

Theme music for this item; the Beatles Magical Mystery Tour, as terrible as anything they did: There that is my best James Reed, and it is exhausting for a poor dairy farmer. Anyway, not to worry, Bill Gates having done all he could to destroy conventional farming, and setting up artificial meat and buyi...

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The Small Island States that were to Disappear with Global Warming, are Growing! By James Reed

One of the big shock! horror! panic points with the global warming fear campaign, was the idea that the small island states in the Pacific would disappear. Naturally, these states went into action, demanding compensation for all the modern conveniences which they have been given, but which were raising sea levels. After all, their islands were set ...

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Covid Vax Injury Issues on Aussie TV, By James Reed

 There was recently a program on 7News, "After Covid" spotlight special, which had a panel of experts commenting on Australia's Covid response. While much of this was predictable, the issue of vaccine safety and adverse effects came up occupying 17 minutes out of the total 53 minutes. During that time there were a number of moving personal tra...

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Farming Replaced by Solar Power, By Richard Miller (London)

It has been one thing for environmentalists to simply write academic articles about the need for radical policy change to deal with a supposed climate crisis, but another thing entirely when their policies are put into place. Be sure that the first to be harmed will never be the globalists, or their projects, such as free trade and mass immigration...

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The Growing Threat of Gain of Function Bioweapons Research, By Brian Simpson

Do you know anyone who has had rabies? Probably not, as the disease is very uncommon in Australia, and if not treated in the later stages, with symptoms such as hyperactivity, hallucinations, seizures, and fear of water, leads to an almost 100 percent fatality. A friend was in Bali a few years ago, and accidentally stepped on a dog, which bit her, ...

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The Impending Collapse of the American Empire, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Why should Aussies be concerned about the plight of America? Well, apart from being a leading trading partner, Australia's survival in a hostile Asian environment, despite racial grovelling through mass immigration, and replacement of the White population, depends upon the US surviving, somewhat functional. It does not matter what wonderful economy...

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Overcoming Leftism in Administration: Trump and the Example of Project 2025, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is an example of Trump's weakness, unless he is playing 5-D chess, which given his limited IQ, is unlikely. The conservative Heritage Foundation has Project 2025, which is to "get into the business of restoring this country through the combination of the right policies and well-trained people." He policies include traditional conservative meas...

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