How Can Older Adults Boost Brain Function? We Need to Know! By Mrs Vera West

At first, I was excited when reading the target article, that high-intensity interval training (HIIT), could boost brain function for up to five years. Then I realised that if one is as old as me, and crippled up with arthritis, as many of our readers are, this is going to be difficult, but perhaps not impossible. The research conducted at the Univ...

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“Fight! Fight! Fight!” Further Analysis of the Deep State Failed Assassination Attempt Upon President Donald Trump, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Yesterday at the blog in my article "The Deep State Conspiracy that Failed: The Attempted Assassination of President Donald Trump," I put the case that there were events that occurred which indicated a Deep State assassination attempt. While recognising the possibility that the shooter Crooks was a CIA brain-controlled Manchurian Candidate, a forme...

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Refugees Behaving Badly on the Trains, By Richard Miller (London)

A report from German blogger Eugyppius, details the goings on of refugees on the trains in Germany's Thüringen, where there is a big migrant centre. A train attendant was threatened with a knife. Another was attacked from behind – "her airway was cut off," meaning she was choked. And other female employees were "slapped," "kicked," "pulled by the j...

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The Deep State Conspiracy that Failed: The Attempted Assassination of President Donald Trump, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

On the Trump assassination attempt, academic historian Niall Ferguson wrote; "How did the Secret Service snipers stationed just 430 feet away not spot Crooks climbing into position on the roof, when at least one member of the public did see him and claimed that he had warned them? It is hard to think of a good explanation":

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The Disappointment of the Demon-crats! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

J. D Vance, who is one possible running mate with Trump, made it clear that the Democrats were responsible for stirring up hate of Trump: "Today is not just some isolated incident. The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be ...

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Were There Two Shooters, as with JFK? By James Reed

George Christensen of Nation First has raised the possibility that there was more than just a lone gunman. Even Elon Musk has said that the sniper may have been allowed to take the shot. Mr Christensen also raises the issue, canvassed by our own American correspondent Charles Taylor, that there was a conspiracy involving federal agencies and thus t...

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Soros’ Plan for an Immigration Swamping of Europe, By Richard Miller (London)

Hungarian President Viktor Orbán recently discussed the EU plan to flood Europe with Third World migrants. The fine details of the plan were hatched by George Soros, who presented a 6-point plan in 2015. The paper, "Rebuilding the Asylum System," was for one million Third Worlders to come each year. The EU countries would provide €15,000 ($16,800) ...

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Will They Go After Elon Next? They Already Have! By James Reed

 With the assassination attempt upon President Trump, failing, the question arises as to whom the Deep State will try to knock off next, maybe a softer target. Elon Musk struck me as one possibility, since he has, after the failed Trump assassination attempt, come out in full support of Trump. Musk has also become somewhat annoying to the agen...

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The West’s Preparation for War, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Paul Craig Roberts does not pull punches in his short but powerful pieces. In his recent post, he asks: why is the West preparing for war? We are not given a fully explicit answer beyond fuelling the profits of the military industrial complex. So, given that war preparations are underway, how does the US intend to fight the coming battle with boots...

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Former President of Australian Medical Association Prof. Kerryn Phelps' Leaked Audio on Vaccine Injuries, By Mrs. Vera West

       Below is coverage of leaked video of former President of Australian Medical Association Professor Kerryn Phelps from a 7News segment, "After Covid," where she comments upon the extent of the Covid vax injuries. A blogger Aussie17 has put this together and we give him thanks. When big establishment names come out and hamme...

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What Happens Now? Back to Election Fraud! By Chris Knight (Florida)

The ever-entertaining comedian Jimmy Dore, did an amusing video discussion, where he put the case that Biden does not stand a chance against the image of Trump fist pumping after the shooting, with an American flag in the background. So, what are evil Democrats to do? Why go right back to electoral fraud and corrupt voting. This will include gettin...

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On the Edge of an Abyss, By Richard Miller (London)

Here comes another Russian intellectual warning that the world is on the "edge of an abyss," with possible nuclear war. This is the view of Aleksandr Dynkin from the Russian Academy of Sciences. The situation is as grave as the Cuban Missile crisis of October 1962. The loss of global influence as the world becomes multi-polar, much as it was in the...

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Michael Shellenberger on the EU Attack Upon Elon Musk, By James Reed

According to a post by leading social critic Michael Shellenberger, the EU is moving on Musk and X. At first, they offered him a deal to censor people quietly. The only platform not to conform was Musk's X. In the video at the link below you can see what they are planning for Musk; massive fines to break X. What to do? For a start spread the inform...

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Vaccinologists Admit: Vaccines Not Properly Studied, By Brian Simpson

One of the main ideologies behind the Covid vax plandemic was that vaccines are well studied, backed up by rigours scientific studies, so we should trust the science," as with climate change. Yet, a remarkable article appeared in the July 6, 2024 edition of the world's leading medical journal The New England Journal of Medicine, by D. A. Salmon et ...

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The True Horror of French Politics: Michel Houellebecq, By Richard Miller (London)

The novels of French writer and intellectual, Michel Houellebecq, have been used as a metaphor by writers at the Daily Sceptic for French society. I do not read French well enough to tackle these novels even if I had the time, but a summary indicates the main point: "These books are capable of being viewed as bizarre rewrites of the sci-fi horror n...

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Almost Half of German Welfare Payments Goes to Migrants! By Richard Miller (London)

One of the standard arguments trotted out by the mass immigration lobby is that with a declining birth rate, migrants are needed to supply pensions for baby boomers, a generation which more than any other has produced the cultural disasters of the West. This is the "rocket scientist" argument, that the illegals, refugees, whatever, have untapped ab...

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United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit: Covid Vax Not a “Traditional Vaccine,” Cannot be Mandated, By Chris Knight (Florida)

This US decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit is an important one for the resistance movement against the Covid vaxxes, and to deal with the vaccine mandates to come, as the globalist elites such as Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum have gloated about. The Court held that the Covid mRNA vax was not a traditional...

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Homeless? SA Housing Trust Suggests Using “Witchcraft”! By James Reed

I was sent an email of the link to the below story about the accommodation crisis. It involves a mother and her four-year old son, the son suffering from severe cerebral palsy, who are homeless. The mother is on the waiting list in South Australia for public housing. What is of interest to my political mind is what she was told by a South Australia...

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Spear-Throwing Migrants Attack Polish Border Guards! By Richard Miller (London)

This is interesting, as the mainstream media promotes illegal migrants as all potential rocket scientists who will generate GDP to fund baby boomer pensions and creature comforts. But it was not rockets that were launched by illegal aliens, but makeshift spears, thrown at Polish border guards through the fence on the Belarusian side of the border w...

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Academics Specialising in “Diversity,” Masters of Cheating and Plagiarism! By James Reed

Plagiarism, is a form of academic dishonesty rightly condemned by most players, both Left and Right, as it involves theft of intellectual property, and the deception of passing off that material which belongs to someone else, as the cheaters own work. But this claim requires qualification. While conservatives, who respect private property, hold ste...

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