Quick! Save the Desert from “Global Greening’! By James Reed

I recall in high school being part of a debate "should we rape the deserts?" What a set-up in terminology by the Left-wing feminist teacher, even in those early days! I was leading the pro-case, arguing that deserts are barren places that have increased in size due to bad farming practices, at least for those that did not re-exist human activities....

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The Threat of a Globalised, Centralised Digital World, By Brian Simpson

I was fortunate to be working last Friday afternoon on a public library computer, when the CrowdStrike crash occurred, which was due to a faulty update that impacted upon Microsoft. If I had been using my personal laptop at home, I may now have to deal with what may others are facing now, of the Blue Screen of Death, locking the computer up, and re...

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Why the eSafety Commissioner Should be Sacked! By James Reed

Senator Ralph Babet has called upon PM Albo to sack Julie Inman Grant from the role of eSafety Commissioner, because "she is wholly unfit to occupy" the position. Let us leave aside the bigger issue if there should be an office for internet censorship in the first place, disguised under the banner of "protecting the children." Really, the "children...

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A Tough Call: Why Conservatives Should NOT Cancel Their Leftist Opponents, By James Reed

There have been calls from Australian conservatives for the deportation of Kyle Gass, of comedy band Tenacious D, who said on stage in Sydney: "Don't miss Trump next time." Gass's bandmate Jack Black issued a formal apology. The band then cancelled its Australian tour. Gass apologised himself. To my mind that is quite adequate for a sick joke, and ...

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Now it is “Climate Murder”! By James Reed

The idea was canvassed last year about tackling the so-called climate crisis with the introduction of murder charges against the alleged carbon polluters, causing supposed deaths from climate change: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/21/fossil-fuel-companies-homicide-climate-deaths-lawsuit: "Now, researchers are promoting a new legal the...

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The Man Behind the Crash of the Internet, By Brian Simpson

The CrowdStrike outage that led to the internet failing worldwide and short-term chaos, from not being able to get groceries, to surgery being cancelled. CrowdStrike was responsible for "Russiagate" getting started: https://www.rt.com/news/601364-crowdstrike-security-outage-russiagate/ Jimmy Dore discussed the activities of CrowdStrike CEO George K...

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If Biden is Not Fit to Run, then Why is He fit to be President Now? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Both Trump and J. D. Vance, Trump's running mate, have asked the logical question that follows from Biden pulling out of the 2024 presidential race. If Biden is not fit to run, then how is he fit to continue to hold office now? J. D wrote on X: "If Joe Biden ends his re-election campaign, how can he justify remaining President? Not running for re-e...

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Joe Biden Sails off into the Ice Cream Sunset; the all-Cackling Kamala Harris Rises to the Occasion, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Things are happening fast now. Just over a week since President Trump's attempted assassination by the Deep State, we now have President Joe Biden dropping out of the 2024 presidential campaign, to endorse the existing Vice President Kamala Harris. This was predictable, as if some sort of script has been followed, which it is. Thus, we have seen th...

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Woke Eugenics: The Other Side of Leftism, By Brian Simpson

 Biodiversity experts, Edward Dutton and J. O. A. Rayner-Hilles, have just published, Woke Eugenics: How Social Justice is a Mask for Social Darwinism: https://www.imperiumpress.org/shop/woke-eugenics/. Their argument is one which turns the tables on the radical Left, and by way of accelerationism, accepts the inevitable destruction that the L...

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Get Ready for Mrs. Obama! By James Reed

Given that Kamala Harris is worse than Joe Biden and believe it or not, disliked by voters even more, what are the Democrats going to do? It is not credible to steal the election with fraud, like in 2020 unless the differences are not too great. The answer is to kick Harris out and go with Michelle Obama. That is why hubby Barrack Obama did not end...

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A Legacy of Lies, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While not exactly admitting that he is mentally unfit to run for re-election, Biden's open letter left no other conclusion to be made. He, or someone, wrote this: "It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the coun...

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The Endgame of Open Borders Immigration, By Chris Knight (Florida)

While the issues of crime in New York may not seem all that relevant to Australians, and I understand, since I once thought that New York people just walked over gunshot victims. But it is just like covering the European scene where people in other jurisdictions can learn what is in store for them. Thus, rather than increasing cultural diversity an...

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Don’t Fly a Kite When You Can fly a Drone, in Prep for Assassinations! By Charles Taylor

Here is another gem to add to the Trump assassination file. Not only was Crooks free to roam with a rifle range finder, and was able to get up on the police shed with an AR 15 that somehow got into the venue past security weapons checks, but it has been revealed that Crooks even had a drone that he flew over the venue to access information about th...

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The Harshness of Unemployment and the Brutality of Finding Work, By James Reed

Like a  snake poison filtering through the body, the Reserve Bank of Australia's interest rate rise, and other economic factors had led to a rise of unemployment to 4.5 percent. Aussies are out pounding the pavement, or frantically searching on-line employment sites for work. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 43,300 full-t...

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Free Speech Showed its Merits for the Trump Attempted Assassination Attempt Exposure, By James Reed

One clear thing to emerge the past week, was the extraordinary amount of coverage and analysis of the Trump assassination attempt. Unlike 9/11 and earlier events, this incident was extensively covered. People at the rally had mobile phones and recorded numerous activities of both the Deep State agents and Crooks. For example, here is footage I have...

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Incompetent, Complicit, or Both? By James Reed

As detailed by a discussion at Mise.org, the libertarian site, the Trump assassination attempt comes down to seeing the Deep State agents, such as the FBI and Secret Service as either complicit or incompetent, although I will argue that these are not incompatible options. We can be sure that the authorities will not be coming forth with any major c...

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Islamic Britain Cometh, By Richard Miller (London)

The Truth hurts the mainstream media, especially when it comes from overseas by leading political figures. Thus, J. D. Vance, Donald Trump's pick for vice president, stirred the pot here by saying that Labour is set to turn the UK into the world's first Islamist nuclear power. While Pakistan has the nuclear bomb, the UK has many more, and the capac...

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Racially Diverse Cast to Play Anglo-Saxons, Who Don’t Exist Anyway! By Richard Miller (London)

We can expect no less from the woke Leftist BBC. A new historical drama, Anglo-Saxons will tell the story of the events leading up to the Battle of 1066. That should have been a fascinating story, only in woke Britain, the cast must be racially diverse. This is needed to show the Whites, especially young ones, that coloured folk are the real Britis...

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The Case of Ursula Doyle, By Richard Miller (London)

I heard about the case of Ursula Doyle by someone I know in publishing who gave me the below Crowdjustice link. It is just one more story of cancellation, but this time with the twist that Doyle was not an academic, but a publisher with a leading publishing house, and published in 2020, Kathleen Stock's on sex and gender, Material Girls. I have not...

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What Would-Be Assassin has Three Encrypted Accounts Overseas? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Yet another surprising fact has emerged about the Trump attempted assassin Crooks. It has been revealed that while Crooks had no social media presence, left no manifesto (but did appear in an ad for a leading financial group), he did have two mobile phones and used three encrypted accounts overseas to communicate. It has not been revealed what mess...

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