Record UK Immigration; Living Standard Crash, By Richard Miller (Europe)

The UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released data which shows that the UK standard of living has fallen, with mass immigration destroying the small gains in economic growth. Real GDP per head decreased by 0.3 percent between April and June 2024, compared to the same period in 2023. Net migration reached a near-record 685,000, which is g...

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The Case Against the AI Singularity, By Brian Simpson

       A post by "Curmedgeon's Corner," a name to protect his position in the IT/AI industry, makes a sustained case against the position of Ray Kurzweil, who in his latest take on an older theme, proclaims as his new book title that The Singularity is Nearer: When We Merge with AI (2024). The idea here is that AI will achieve h...

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Assistant Minister for Immigration, Matt Thistlethwaite: Migration, Little Benefit, with Many Costs, By James Reed

In a recent speech to the Sydney Institute, Assistant Minister for Immigration Matt Thistlethwaite said that immigration, for many decades, has had little economic benefit, with many costs: "For many decades Australia has not had a migration strategy. As a result, Australia's migration policies have lacked direction and purpose. Migration has been ...

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The Middle East: Is the World Going Up in Smoke as Trump Said? By James Reed

Just after Iran blasted Israel with- reports vary – up to 180 missiles, hypersonics to boot, President Trump posted on X: "THIS WAR WAS TOTALLY PREVENTABLE. IT SHOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED. IF I WERE PRESIDENT, IT WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED! He has a point with all the money that Biden-Harris give to Iran, with $ 6 billion for a hostage deal alone and a...

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Why Should Australians be Concerned about the Fate of the United States and United Kingdom? By James Reed (Melbourne) and Chris Knight (Florida)

As far as we know the site is unique for Australia freedom movement sites for having commentators and social critics from both Canada, Europe and the United States, as illustrated by this very article. Chris lived in Australia, although originally from Florida, married an Aussie doctor, the ever-beautiful Abigail, and moved back to Florida...

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The Seat of an Evil, Anti-Christian Globalist Empire, By Chris Knight (Florida)

J. B. Shurk, "Will Election-Riggers Wag the Dog Again?" makes the case that Washington DC is not the seat of power of a limited government with limited powers over the individual but rather is the nerve centre of a globalist empire that has almost succeed in creating a New World Order one world government. Even the election of the puppet government...

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The Codification of a World of Governmental Violence for the Creation of the New World Order, By Brian Simpson

While governments across the West, in their present manic drive of censorship of the internet, of anything challenging their regime, push the idea that they are protecting people from "violence," especially women, who are in general easily panicked, the real creators of violence are governments. Just consider the wars that are occurring right now. ...

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Haitian Illegals Want President Trump Arrested and Jailed! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is how crazy the immigration/illegals circus has got. An immigration advocacy group has filed a complaint seeking criminal charges against President Trump and running mate J. D. Vance, over claims the Haitian illegals have been eating pets and wild birds. It was claimed that by making these claims, Trump and Vance were thus responsible for bom...

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The Secret Service Were Responsible for Trump Assassination Attempt, by Default or Design, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A report by the US Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, has found from its investigation into the July 13 2024 assassination attempt upon President Trump that: "The Committee finds that USSS failures in planning, communications, security, and allocation of resources for the July 13, 2024 Butler rally were foreseeable, preven...

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Will Even the War Profiteers Benefit from World War this Time Round? By James Reed

War profiteering has been a well-known phenomenon, commented upon by Major Douglas (1879-1952) and other great thinkers, and even the liberal globalist of sorts, Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) was right on this one. The best literary account is from German playwriter Bertolt Brecht, in Mother Courage and Her Children (1941), about a merchant who tour...

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A Period of Previously Unexperienced Chaos, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Michael Snyder does a good job summarising all the events in the US that are leading to a period of the greatest chaos in US history, including Civil War I. the stage is being set for a grand explosion. Millions of illegals have entered through the open southern border, and as present Trump has said, criminals and murderers are represented in plent...

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Germany: The Cost of Migrant Welfare, By Richard Miller (London)

"Immigration doesn't work, not even economically. And if one were to differentiate between Germans based on their migration background, the picture would be even more devastating," MEP Maximilian Krah, who is a member of the AfD wrote on X. A huge number of foreigners fully exploit the welfare system, as half of all recipients are foreigners and ma...

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A Nuclear Strike Upon London? By Richard Miller (Europe)

Just as well I got a transfer by the firm out of London! Russian media has released a propaganda video showing what a nuclear bomb would do to London. There is a death toll of 850,000 people and the expected mass destruction, but not as much as I thought. That is most likely due to a rather small bomb being dropped, a baby warhead with a yield of 7...

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The Corruption of the Universities is Complete, By James Reed

US conservatives are alarmed about the treatment that Professor Amy Wax received from the University of Pennsylvania.Wax is a conservative social critic, who argued that mass immigration and multiculturalism were destroying the fabric of American, and Western society. For that she faced a manic student campaign to have her sacked. But she doubled d...

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Strange Times: Former CDC Director Supports Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr., By Chris Knight (Florida)

Former U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield, who served under Trump during the former president's first term, recently told the media that both Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have "got everything right." Redfield surely knows of Robert Kennedy's book attacking Dr Fauci, and Redfield himself as well. Endors...

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The Shadow of the Shadow: James Howard Kunstler, By James Reed

Social critic James Howard Kunstler was once a Democrat, but no more, and he sees the corruption as going much further that even Robert Kennedy Jr does, who still has left some faith in the system. As he says: "In fact, the entire Democratic Party and its Deep State intel blob partners have melted down into a desperate mob of political criminals fr...

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Pregnant Australian Women Going Hungry, By Mrs. Vera West

Australia is taking on Third World dimensions, as a survey has uncovered that one in ten pregnant Australian women are going hungry and are certainly not getting adequate nutrition. The academics who conducted the survey believe that these numbers could be far greater. Two in five pregnant women were concerned about getting enough food and had redu...

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Defaming the Good Name of Hydroxychloroquine, By Brian Simpson

 During the Covid plandemic, alternative treatments other than being vaxxed with the mRNA spike protein, were slammed, and doctors punished for not following the mainstream line. This was the case with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), which had been used by a number of doctors to successfully treat Covid. It was claimed that HCQ had caused 17,000 dea...

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The Question of Fluoride, By Mrs. Vera West

We do not hear much about the issue of fluoride in the water today in Australia, even though most people are using water filters and/or buying spring water. I always felt that drinking tap water was like drinking from a swimming pool. In any case the concern since the 1950s was that fluoride lowered IQ. Over the years there have been many studies c...

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Kamala Harris Dares to Wear a $ 62, 000 Necklace to the Southern Border; Not Stolen! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Kamala Harris has made her second trip to the southern US border, and in doing so she showed off a $ 62,000 necklace from Tiffany's. This is interesting since it shows her confidence that it will not be stolen by the illegals. But, oh, she is surrounded by men, oozing toxic masculinity, with guns. Anyway, one can wonder how much of these sorts of j...

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