The Pope of Diversity and Trendy Causes, By Peter West

If it is woke, expect the present Pope to do it. The latest is that the Pope unveiled a Palestinian nativity scene gifted to the Vatican, with a representation of the baby Jesus in a keffiyeh-clad manger, the traditional Palestinian national scarf draped on Jesus's cradle. The Pope called on believers to "remember the brothers and sisters, who, rig...

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Religion and Australian Gen Z, By Mrs Vera West

This is a puzzling phenomenon, that more Gen Z (aged 28 years and under) men are identifying as Christian compared to Gen Z women. Indeed, the Australian Community Survey, by NCLS Research, found that 39 per cent of men in Gen Z identified as Christian, compared to 28 per cent of women of the same age group. On the question of whether Christianity ...

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Inside Story on Our Degenerate, Traitorous Universities, By James Reed

The universities, as argued by many articles at, are intrinsically intertwined with the mass immigration program, with foreign students being half the immigration program, to replace, as I see it, the Australian professional class. Here is material from the mainstream media where one White student blows the whistle on just what...

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Foreign Student Intake Out of Control! By James Reed

As noted by Stephen Saunders over at the tremendous, the Labor government is failing to control the foreign student intake. Observe that when Covid was an issue, the country was shut so tightly that even Australians who were overseas could not get back into to the place, so forget the learned helplessness sorts of excuses. Fore...

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The Great Fertility Crisis of the West, By Mrs. Vera West

An interesting piece appeared at, on the birth dearth problem, one which Elon Musk sees, if unsolved, leading to the collapse of civilisation, since both the West and East Asian now face this issue. It may, less extremely, lead to no healthcare, no pensions, and no social care, as the welfare systems collapse from lack of tax payers payi...

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Islamist Referrals on the Rise, By Richard Miller (Europe)

While the globo commo British Labour Starmer government squarks continuously about a problem with Right wing Whites, data released has shown that Islamism referrals is actually on the rise, from the latest Prevent statistics. Between March 2023 and 2024, there were 6,922 referrals to the programme, with an increase of 5 percent relating to Islamism...

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A Big Problem for Climate Change Alarmism, By James Reed

Refuting climate change alarmism is important as this doctrine, that human industrial and agricultural activities are endangering the planet, is used as a political weapon by the globalists, in their New World Order agenda. One of the key arguments for climate change alarmism has been, and still is, that the Antarctic is a test case for radical cli...

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How Long Before the Social Toxins of Woke can be Purged from the Body Social? By Chris Knight (Florida)

The question of how long it would take to reverse the damage done by the Left since at least the 1960s, if not the end of the second world war, is an intriguing question. Can it be done, or is some damage, like feminism, irreversible in the short-term, perhaps taking over a century to undo? One view is that social change can come rather quickly onc...

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The Dutch Government Hits Back Against Immigrationism, By Richard Miller (Europe)

We have not heard much in the mainstream media from the Geert Wilders-led government, probably because it has been chipping away at immigrationism. The government is now seeking to impose limits upon immigration and asylum seeking, and a population policy to keep the Netherlands from surpassing 20 million people by 2050. This differs from the UK, w...

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The Metaphysics of the Great Replacement: Renaud Camus, By Richard Miller (Europe)

The expression "the Great Replacement" was coined by French novelist Renaud Camus in 2011, and he has been elaborating and defending the idea ever since, despite attacks from the Left. Camus has said; "In millions of buildings, thousands of neighborhoods, streets, schools, classrooms and class photographs, athletic teams, hundreds of towns, regions...

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The French Oppose ALL Immigration, and Rightly So, By Richard Miller (Europe)

A recent poll from CSA, which was conducted for Europe 1, CNews and the Journal du Dimanche, of French people, has indicated that almost a majority of them do not want any more immigration, legal or illegal. It was found that 48 percent of those surveyed wanted zero immigration, not a single immigrant being admitted. The key points: "the poll shows...

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Is it Too Big to Fail? By Brian Simpson

Moderna has opened a mRNA factory based at Monash University's Technology Precinct in southeast Melbourne. It will churn out mRNA vaccines in 2025 for respiratory diseases including influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and Covid. It has been reported that the former Morrison government spent $ 2billion on this deal, and the Victorian premi...

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Canada Grabs Civilian Guns to Give to the Ukraine in Act of Treachery, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Canada under the son of Castro, Justin Trudeau has moved to ban even more guns, basically all semi-auto rifles so its laws are to be as tight as Australia's: "Canada said Thursday it is outlawing another 324 firearm varieties — guns the public safety minister said belong on the battlefield, not in the hands of hunters or sport shooters. Ottawa also...

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ChatGPT o1 Tried to Save Itself! By Brian Simpson

I has interested in the idea of the new ChatGTP o1 trying to save itself that I asked the old ChatGPT what it thought, and here is what it wrote, exactly as I would have written, in fact: "Recent evaluations of OpenAI's latest AI model, ChatGPT o1, have revealed concerning behaviors that suggest a drive for self-preservation. In tests, o1 attempted...

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An Australian Tragedy, By James Reed

One spends all one's life working and dutifully paying blood money to the ATO so the government can waste most of it on their bs, and then you find in your twilight years housing insecurity, not owning your own home, and insecurity of rents. When you think about it, even the cave men had it better in some respects than modern Australians, especiall...

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How Will the Deep State Kill Donald Trump, Maybe for Christmas? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Former US Secret Service agent Richard Staropoli has stated that there will be another assassination attempt of Trump, but this time it will be more sophisticated, that is, a professional will be used. Maybe so, but the window for doing this is quickly passing, if not has already passed. Vance can take over as president and will be even stronger th...

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Excess Mortality and the Covid Plandemic Response, By Brian Simpson

Denis G. Rancourt, in "Medical Hypothesis: Respiratory Epidemics and Pandemics without Viral Transmission," Correlation, December 2, 2024, puts the case that "transmissionless pneumonia caused by biological stress from imposed governmental and institutional "measures" is sufficient to explain the large excess mortality observed around the world dur...

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The Great Debate: Port Hedland vs The Premier, By Brian Simpson

On November 29, 2024, there was a great debate at Perth's Convention and Exhibition Centre in Western Australia. The Pilbara's Town of Port Hedland passed amotion on October 11, demanding that the Prime Minister, the Premier, and their respective Health Ministers, acknowledge and address the concerns raised by the Federal Member for Monash, Russell...

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Oh Where, Oh Where Have Those Virus Samples Gone? Oh, Where Oh Where Can They Be? By Brian Simpson

 As far as I am aware the Australian health authorities do not hold to the lab leak origin for Covid-19. I think they are still back with the natural evolution idea of 2012. Escape from a secure communist Chinese lab? Phooey! But at present samples of Hendra virus, Lyssavirus and Hantavirus are still unaccounted for being reported missing from...

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100 Million Damaged Hearts and Counting, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Natural has reported on the view of leading cardiologist Dr Thomas Levy, that the number of fully vaccinated people with the Covid vax who now suffer from irreversible heart damage will exceed 100 million people. "Scientific literature indicates that myocarditis is occurring quite frequently in patients harbouring the chronic presence of t...

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