When Woke Fights Woke! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I previously reported about the fights that broke out after the Pride march in New York, which was odd, with Leftoid fighting Leftoid. But before that, there was conflict between the Pride marching folk and anti-Israel protesters (AIP). Most reports said that the AIP blocked the Pride march, but only for a time and were arrested by police. However,...

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“I Wouldn't Go Near Them [Vaccines] with a Ten-Foot Barge Pole.” By Mrs Vera West

Jackie Stricker-Phelps, the partner of former Australian Medical Association President Professor Kerryn Phelps, spoke with 7News Australia, about how the Pfizer shot "ruined" her life. She said: "I wouldn't go near them [vaccines] with a ten-foot barge pole." Her side effects were: • "Within five minutes, my head nearly blew off my body." • "My fac...

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The Brainwashing of Children with Radical Left Ideology, By Richard Miller (London)

An anonymous schoolteacher in the UK, somewhere, but where exactly does not matter, as woke is all over the place now, reports on the hard Left wing brainwashing school children are being given under the guise of teaching them to be inclusive. As in the universities, EDI, Equality, Diversity, and Identity, is promoted by the ruling elites, for non-...

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Night of the Long Knives Coming for Biden? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There is debate among, well, everyone in the US who think about such things, whether Joe Biden was set up by Democrats who wanted him out, or whether they believed their own myths that he was a sharp genius. It seems whatever the truth of this, that now after the news media calling for Biden to not run in the presidential election, and New Class el...

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Battery Baloney, Hydrogen Hype and Green Fairy Tales, By Viv Forbes

"In 2023 Australia added just 0.025 ppm to the 420 ppm in today's atmosphere. Most of this probably dissolved in the oceans. If we in Australia turned everything off tomorrow, the climate wouldn't notice – but our plant life would, especially those growing near power stations burning coal or gas and spreading plant food. Climate has always changed ...

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Will Micro and Nanoplastics be the Death of Us? By Mrs Vera West

Micro and nanoplastics (very small particles) are emerging as a human health threat, increasing the risks of cancer, diabetes and numerous other diseases: Reference: "The potential of micro- and nanoplastics to exacerbate the health impacts and global burden of non-communicable diseases" by Stefan Krause, Valerie Ouellet, Deonie Allen, Steven Allen...

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Cost Push, Not Demand Pull Inflation, By Ken Grundy

Dear Editor We are about to benefit from the rebate on power bills at the rate of 83 cents per day. In addition, there will be some reduction in income tax for some of us. Would you believe the Reserve Bank and numerous economists are fearful that this extra money in our pockets will set off 'demand inflation'? Demand inflation occurs when consumer...

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What is Wrong with President Joe Biden’s Brain? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There is now some discussion of Joe Biden's mental condition following his debate performance, with the media now deciding to talk about it, after covering it up for the entire presidency. Alex Berenson, who we read mainly for discussions of Covid vax issues, has an interesting letter sent to him via email by a neurosurgeon. It is obviously dicey t...

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Now the US Media is Predicting a Civil War in France! By Richard Miller (London)

The below piece from the New York Sun was written before the results of the first round of the French elections (June 28, 2024), which Le Pen's National Rally won. It details how the Left intend to prevent the Right from obtaining government by doing what they do best, rioting without end. This is already occurring in the lead up to voting for roun...

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Battles at the Pride Celebrations, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is not entirely clear to me what the cause of this was, but perhaps those from the Left do not need a treatise dissertation to start a good old fight. Thus, in the aftermath of New York City's Pride Parade, Washington Square Park, wild brawls broke out. Earlier, anti-Israel protesters had temporarily blocked the march, and it is not clear what t...

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Increase Fees for International Students! By James Reed

 The Albo government has raised fees for international students by it seems $ 890, which is very low in my opinion. This has led Abul Rizvi, to say that this is: "really poor, short-term thinking. We're actually shooting ourselves in the foot: the people it will deter will tend to be good students with options". Really? Most Aussies are gettin...

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Africa had to be Forced to Give Up Supplying Slaves, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The slave trade is one of the political weapons used against nationalists and those fighting for immigration restrictions, opposing the Great White Replacement. But, as Whites were subjected to slavery, with the word "slave" coming from the Slavs who were enslaved in the 9th century, and sold by many including the Vikings, the racist origins of sla...

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Major Australian Medical Journal Publishes Article on Negative Effectiveness of the Covid Vax, By Brian Simpson

Raphael Lataster of the University of Sydney, has published an article in the peer-reviewed journal, Australian Journal of General Practice. What is worth noting about this is that this is the leading medical journal for Australian general practitioners. So, many may read it. What is said is that the Covid vax increases the chances of Covid infecti...

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World Economic Forum, New World Order Dictatorship, By James Reed

World Economic Forum (WEF) founder and director, Klaus Schwab, recently spoke at the WEF meeting in China. He was true to form and did not disappoint the globalists. He was open about it; the time for the rest of the human race to be "forced" into "collaboration" was now here. There will be centralised planning and control by the elites. While this...

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The Covid Vaxxes and European Excess Mortality, By Richard Miller (London)

Studies are appearing now in European medical journals, indicating that there is an association between doses of the Covid vax and all-cause mortality. The main recent study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Microorganisms, examined data from the Italian National Healthcare System. They compared the risk of all-cause death among vaccinated an...

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France: The War Zone at the Street Level, By Richard Miller (London)

A tweet, translated from the French, gives us an idea of the dark side of diversity and mass immigration in France. A 26-year-old female describes what it is like living in a virtual warzone, at a street level. It is something not discussed in polite academic posts. And what she says is equally applicable across Europe, perhaps even more so in the ...

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The Gender Agenda is Alive in “Science,” By Mrs. Vera West

Maggie Ruderman and Kimberly Zayhowski, "Why Genetic Testing Can't Always Reveal the Sex of a Baby," discuss some of the limitations of genetic tests during pregnancy to determine the sex of a baby, as other factors work with the sex chromosomes to determine sex: https://www.livescience.com/health/genetics/why-genetic-testing-cant-always-reveal-the...

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Calls for Treason Trials by Military Tribunals? By Chris Knight (Florida)

With all the outrage about lawfare conducted against Trump and many other conservatives, it is a natural human instinct to lash back along the "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth," line. This is classic revenge, and since ancient times, the rule of law has risen to overcome such inclinations. As indicated in the article below, Trump may be consideri...

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Does the Supreme Court Ruling on Presidential Immunity Justify Drone Strikes on Opponents? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The US Supreme Court has decisions coming down this week, fast and furious, in the usual 6-3 split,that presidents have a limited immunity from criminal prosecutions for actions taken while in office. According to the majority judgment: "Under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of Presidential power entitles a former Presi...

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Bill to Repeal Digital ID Act, By James Reed

Here is an important item. As we know, despite a tremendous fight by the freedom movement, the digital IS Bills were passed and became law. But now a Bill has been tabled in Parliament, theDigital ID Repeal Bill 2024 by Senator Alex Antic (Liberal), proposing to repeal two Digital ID Acts. The core point which has already emerged is that the Bills ...

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