Robert Kennedy: The Quest for 9/11 Transparency, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Of course, Robert Kennedy would never be permitted by the Deep State to take the US presidency, no matter how many people voted for him. With his uncle, the former 1960s president, and his father, both being assassinated, it is highly likely the Deep State would go for a third hit if they had to, and blame Russia, in a false flag. Kennedy though, h...

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A Case of Climate Change Fatigue, By James Reed

One can take only so much emotional bashing before fatigue sets upon one. That seems to have occurred with the climate change mania. As reported by Jo Nova, the case in point is Ireland, where a survey found that over half the respondents did not believe that climate change is a threat. In fact, people in rural areas believed that it was climate ch...

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The Case of Dr Charles Hoffe, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Charles Hoffe, a former emergency room physician in British Columbia, is facing disciplinary proceedings before the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia. His "crimes"? He questioned the alleged safety and efficacy of the Covid vaxxes, and supported alternative treatments, such as the use of ivermectin. The College sought to hav...

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De-Souling the World: Mattias Desmet, By Brian Simpson

The opening of the article by Mattias Desmet struck my attention as he describes his encounter, of sorts, with a cashier at a line in a coffee bar in an airport in Lithuania. She was neither friendly, not hostile, but blank and emotionless. He goes on to use the idea of "de-souled," and to develop a critique of modernity in these terms, that the me...

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The French Election is Not All Bad News for the Right, By Richard Miller (London)

The mainstream media has been quick to celebrate the victory of Mélenchon's Left Alliance, a ratbag group of radical Leftists and communists, after they cooperated with Macron to prevent Le Pen's National Rally Party from winning the second round of the French elections, after winning the first round. What has not been reported by a woke globalist ...

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Swedish Government Considers Introducing Islamic Blasphemy Laws, Banning Qur’an-Burning, By Richard Miller (London)

The ever-woke Swedish government, continuing its mass immigration program, especially with people from Muslim countries, is moving to the next step in multicultural replacement, by introducing Islamic blasphemy laws, and banning protests that involving burning of the Qur'an. The government has said that the proposed laws will not be blasphemy laws ...

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Carbon Dioxide and a Warming Climate are Perfectly Fine, By James Reed

 A recent article in The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, "Carbon dioxide and a Warming Climate are Not Problems," by Andy may and Marcel Crok, 29 May, 2024,, gives a debunking of climate change alarmism, and counter the alarmist view that a warmer climate is a problem. Instead, it is shown that i...

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Senator Price Shows the Way for Indigenous People, By James Reed

Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price did an amazing job in helping to defeat the Voice referendum Yes vote. As an indigenous person (also Celtic), she was able to give a full critique of the Leftist agenda without the magical racism charge being used. It would have been different if the battle was left to say Pauline Hanson. Now Senator Price is workin...

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Poaching New Zealand Early Childhood Teachers, By Bruce Bennett

 Incredible as it seems, the Australian government is poaching early childhood teachers from New Zealand, with a salary package of up to $ 150, 000, and remote location top ups of up to $500 a week, relocation incentives up to $50,000, and benefits including free furnished accommodation, electricity, and flights. It is enough to make me want t...

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Telling the Truth about the Risks with the Covid Vaxxes, By Brian Simpson

One of the technical distinctions that the mainstream health authorities skated over in the Covid plandemic was about the exact meaning of the measure of Covid vax efficacy. The claim was made that the Pfizer Covid mRNA vax had about 95 percent efficacy. That is a big and impressive percentage, and many people would have been motivated to take the ...

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Mel Gibson’s Letter to Archbishop Vigano, By Peter West

Archbishop Vigano, who is a leading Catholic critic of the Pope, has been found guilty of schism, and excommunicated. Vigano has been a fierce critic of the Pope, calling him a "servant of Satan," which is right of course. "I do not recognize the authority of the tribunal that claims to judge me, nor of its Prefect, nor of the one who appointed him...

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Extremely Suspicious: The Return of the Plague? By Brian Simpson

In the 14th century the bubonic plague, also called the Black Death, killed between 30 to 50 percent of the European population, perhaps 50 million people. Although in our anti-White, pro-Asian culture it seems to be denied, the previous popular account of the origin of the Black Death, was that it was carried by infected rodents by merchants and t...

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Covid Vaxxed Children 4,423 Times More Likely to Die than Unvaxxed! By Brian Simpson

It is yet another sickening Covid vax injury statistic, one the mainstream health authorities continue to ignore. Data from the UK Office of National Statistics (ONS), has shown that children who received the Covid vax were 4,423 percent (over 44 times) more likely to die than children who were unvaxxed. As well, children who received the vax were ...

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Riding with Biden … Over the Cliff! By Chris Knight (Florida)

There have been many stories across both the Left and Right-wing media about what the Democrats will do with Joe Biden. The story made lots of money for the press. One line was that VIPs like Obama were putting pressure on old Joe to throw in the towel, no doubt wanting his own wife, Michelle to take Biden's place, giving him yet another presidency...

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The Denmark Farming Emissions Tax, By Richard Miller (London)

 Here is the latest test case in the climate change alarmist war against farming. Denmark is set to tax farmers for greenhouse gas emissions from their livestock, particular targeting cows, pigs, and sheep regarding methane emissions. The tax will commence in the globalist big year of 2030, the year of Agenda 2030, and will involve atax of 300...

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Chaos Continues in France, By Richard Miller (London)

Even with the victory of the Left through doing a crooked deal with Macron, the Leftist punters out on the streets still got down and did a bit of rioting. I think the reason here is the same one given by the psychopathic killer in the movie Kalifornia (1993) played by Brad Pitt, "because it feels good." But what does not feel good is the state of ...

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J. K. Rowling on the Trans Attack Again! By Richard Miller (London)

J. K. Rowling even coming from the soft Left, is still my favourite feminist, if a gun was put to my head and I had to make a choice, not that there would be any competition in that race. Anyway, she has attacked the Starmer Labour government for its appointment of two pro-trans women and equalities ministers to sit at his Cabinet table, which we c...

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The Economic, Social and National Security Risks of Net Zero Policies are Far Greater than Those Posed by Climate Change! By James Reed

Net zero is arguably worse than the so-called disease of climate change, due to the economic, social and national security risks posed by net zero carbon emissions. Most strategies in the West are mitigation strategies, to reduce the level of carbon emissions. The alternative is adaption strategies, to use technology to adapt to changing climates, ...

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73.9 Percent of post-COVID-19 Vaccination Deaths were Directly Caused By, or Significantly Contributed to, by the Vax: Study, By Brian Simpson

Slowly the truth about the Covid vax deaths and injuries is coming out. A recent study in the peer reviewed journal, Forensic Science International, found that 73.9 percent of post-Covid vaccination deaths were directly caused by the jabs. The study was based upon an analysis of 325 autopsy cases. It was found that the most common cause of death wa...

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Sounds of Silence: The Epidemic of Loneliness, By Mrs Vera West

A crisis of loneliness is occurring across the West. In the UK, for Gen Z the loneliness generation, for people aged between 16 and 29, they are twice as likely to say they feel lonely "often or always" than those over age 70, and over 30 percent of Gen Z say that they do not know how to make new friends, and have as sense of isolation. A similar s...

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