The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Knew mRNA Spike Proteins Could Migrate to Organs, By Brian Simpson

This is revealing and in need of parliamentary scrutiny. Australia's Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has allegedly been aware since 2021 that mRNA spike proteins do not stay at the injection site, but travel to various organs, such as the brain, heart, and ovaries. A January 2021 TGA report admitted this, even while Australian health authori...

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Creepy Robot with Living Human Skin! By Brian Simpson

This is one that has to be viewed for the full impact. New Scientist has published a video of an experiment involving attaching human skin to a robot to make an extremely creepy face. The idea is that the robots of the future, that will be used to replace human workers in the service industries, will be more human-like. But when I saw the video I t...

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The Meaning of “Authoritarian,” By James Reed

We all throw around the term "authoritarian" in our critiques of the, well, authoritarians, but what exactly does the term mean? For a start an authoritarian believes in the virtues of centralised power as solving all problems. They want the people to be compliant to their dictates, because, they know best. Such a view of the social world is one he...

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Yet Another AI Technocrat Predicts Doom! By Brian Simpson

I take it as my duty, along with James Reed as being resident Luddites and techno-sceptics, to update on the dark side of technology, as no-one else in Australian blogs are doing this. I know that this runs counter to the religion of modernity and materialism, but I accept my destiny. Thus, over the months, if not years now, I have covered predicti...

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“Broken Arrow”: Please Do Not Shoot the Nuclear Weapons! By James Reed

Ed Timperlake, who served as U.S. Staff Secretary to the political arm of NATO, and who has been on-site in the Ukraine, comments upon the under-discussed Ukrainian attack, using NATO weapons, upon a Russian early warning system in the Crimea. He is astonished by this, as it served no strategic purpose for the Ukraine, other than perhaps triggering...

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Is it Really Darkest Before Dawn? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Is it really darkest before dawn? Well, as someone who has hunted in both the northern and southern hemispheres, I can categorically say, no. It is darkest at the middle of the night. Just before dawn things are starting to light up. But that is not what the phrase is supposed to mean. It is saying that dawn represents the new hope, but before this...

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Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, and Death: The Logical Conclusion of Leftism, By James Reed

Leftism starts out with pleas for social justice, which usually have at least some basis in some shape or form, then, mutate and become purely pathological, leading to tyranny. Or, as argued below, Leftism starts off being prima facie humanitarian, then ends as terrorism. This is well verified by the historical record, with the death toll from the ...

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The Slow Train Coming of J6 Justice, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

As is well known in the freedom movement, the Biden administration has treated the prisoners from the January 6, 2021 protests ("J6"), worse than any other political prisoners, going back to Andersonville camp in the Civil War. There have been beatings, with one prisoner losing his sight in one eye from an enraged diverse guard/torturer. And, all t...

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Le Pen Surges and the Left Goes into Meltdown! By Richard Miller (London)

With the highest electoral turn out in 40 years in France, Le Pen's National Rally, has according to the exit polls, taken about 34 percent of the votes, with Macron's Centrist Alliance only 20.3 percent, a poor third, in the first round of the French elections. The Left-wing New Popular Front (NFP) coalition is set to get about 29 percent. This do...

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Here it Comes: A Carbon Tax on Farming! By Bob Farmer, Dairy Farmer

Here is the next test case in the climate change alarmist war on farming, with Europe being the prime mover. Denmark is going to impose a carbon tax on livestock in 2030, because of alleged high methane production, you know, the burping cow's scenario. This carbon tax will supposedly reduce Denmark's greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 by 70 percent f...

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The Covid Vaxxes and Neurological Disease, By Brian Simpson

Carlos Alegria and Yuri Nunes of Phinance Technologies conducted a study of neurological disease-related mortality across all age groups from 2000 to 2023, based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The study, based upon people 15 to 44 years, aged distinguished between deaths where neurological illnesses were the unde...

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Are Concentration Camps Being Prepared? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Gulags for conservatives who deny the election, and are political dissents, are allegedly being constructed in every American state. The claim is made at Natural, reporting on the forthcoming documentary, Treason:

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Long Covid is the Vax! By Brian Simpson

The medical problems following the Covid period cannot be hidden, including the rise of turbo-charged cancers, rare and aggressive cancers that used to be rare in the aged, but which now are affecting the younger set. As well there are an array of cardio-vascular issues, and somewhat lesser health issues, that have been lumped together as Long Covi...

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The Covid Vaxxes and Pregnancy, By Mrs. Vera West

There is a new pre-print: Thorp, J.; Benavides, A.; Thorp, M.; McDyer, D.; Biss, K.; Threet, J.; McCullough, P. Are COVID-19 Vaccines in Pregnancy as Safe and Effective as the U.S. Government, Medical Organizations, and Pharmaceutical Industry Claim? Part I. Preprints 2024, 2024062062. The paper is ...

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While the Tent Cities Grow, Australian University Vice Chancellors Get the Big Loot! By James Reed

Apparently there are across the Australian university sector, big staff cuts occurring, while at the same time the senior executives are pulling in the big dough; one vice chancellor is getting $ 1, 569,999 for doing what, exactly? Oh, managing the place. Yes, but as has shown, the universities with their endless greed for inte...

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Another State Sues Pfizer, as the Net Closes, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a law suit last year last year alleging that Pfizer misled the public about the effectiveness of its Covid-19 vaccine. This lawsuit is still pending. However, now Pfizer has been hit with another lawsuit, this time from the state of Kansas. The grounds of the suit are basically the same, that Pfizer misled th...

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The Viciousness of the Deep State, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Of the crimes committed against Trump supporters on J6, apart from the gunning down in cold blood of Ashli Babbitt, there is the horrendous murder of Rosanne Boyland. Boyland, a White, was in the "tunnel" of the Capital Building. Police applied a chemical irritant which caused people to collapse, as the oxygen was displaced. People collapsed on Boy...

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The Biden-Apocalypse, or Just Part of the Conspiracy? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I have combed through numerous articles to cull out the news that Australian readers should be aware of regarding the future of US president Joe Biden after the universally regarded disastrous election debate with Donald Trump. While the mainstream media have scoffed at the idea that Biden is anything other than a genius in top mental form, followi...

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The Resources of the Ukraine: Why They Fight for Tens of Trillions of Dollars! By Richard Miller (London)

The truth is sometimes just banal, and may amount to no more than simple greed. Take the Ukraine War for example. While both sides have their noble explanations of fighting, the West promoting "democracy," as usual, and Russia, to defend Russians in the regions, the stark truth is that tens of trillions of dollars of resources are in the Ukraine fo...

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Migration Madness Continues, By James Reed

The past two years saw Australia inundated with 980,000 net overseas migrants, creating the greatest accommodation crisis the country has ever seen. Tent cities sprouted up across the major cities, and the ranks of the homeless living rough, grew. The May federal budget proposed that net overseas migration would lower to 395,000 in 2023-24, and to ...

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