Covid Continues: Western Australian Police Force has Fired Nearly Twenty Unvaccinated Police Officers and Public Servants, By Brian Simpson

Most of us did not know this, thinking that the worst of the Covid mania had passed, and now there was just the pieces of broken lives and health to pick up. But, not so, as covered by Rebekah Barnett. Even though it is about two years since the Covid mandates ended, the Western Australian police force has sacked 17 unvaccinated officers and five p...

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The Significance of the Dissenting Judgments in the Free Speech Case “Murthy v. Missouri,” By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There has been much commentary from the US freedom movement about the decision by the US Supreme Court in Murthy v. Missouri, the internet freedom case. Did the government have the right to violate the 1st Amendment right to free speech by putting pressure on social media corporations to silence criticism of the Covid mandates and vax? The majority...

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The Strange Case of Julian Assange, By Chris Knight (Florida)

With Julian Assange now released from twelve years of confinement, the conclusion of the meaning of the Assange affair should be made. His release came from a guilty plea, but we should not blame him in any way for this, as most people would have collapsed many years ago facing what he faced. The significance of Assange was that WikiLeaks revealed ...

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The Rise of Michelle Obama, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While there are serious doubts whether Joe Biden can be replaced as the Democrat candidate at this late stage of the proceedings, it has been noted that Michelle Obama has been somewhat prickly towards the Biden's. As detailed below, some are speculating that this is Mrs Obama sending out her intentions to stand as the Democrats presidential candid...

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Biden Refuses to Quit, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Given the massive backlash against Joe Biden, with calls for him to pull out of the 2024 presidential race, how did Joe himself respond? He said that he did not debate as well as he did in the past. That is probably true for most of us getting on in years. And, he also said that he was not pulling out. This decision was supported by Charles Myers c...

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The Panic and Pain After the Great Debate, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Since the Trump-Biden debate I have been viewing numerous news sites and blogs of the Left and Democrats. I can report that the most common words seen on these sites is "panic," or at least, that it is the best description I have of it. As well, it is clear that pain is another thing exhibited. To illustrate both of these sentiments, one needs to l...

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Trump’s King Hit! By Chris Knight (Florida)

This does not seem to be reported by the Australian media, which dominated by Murdoch is anti-Trump and anti-nationalist anything. So, here is Trump's final two-minute attack upon Biden, which is as good a political right hook as we have seen in recent times. It is more enjoyable to watch the delivery. What we are chuckling about here is the total ...

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The Over-Ruling of “Chevron” and the Regulatory Power of the State, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While much dissent media attention has been focused upon the internet free speech case of Murthy v. Missouri, this case as also argued at the blog previously, is, after sober analysis, a nothing burger, as the federal government censorship regime only prevailed because of the technicality of lack of standing. This is not so in the latest rulings in...

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The Case Against Pfizer, By Chris Knight (Florida)

An article at the Daily, a go-to site for Covid vax criticism, has made a charge sheet, with the main points from the Kansas City Attorney General's legal report on the case against Pfizer. This is not readily summarised except to say that there are 27 main points, with sub points, ranging from claims of misleading the public, concealme...

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Decadent Liberalism: Ricardo Duchesne, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Ricardo Duchesne has commented on the rise of liberalism as the ruling ideology of the day, and which is now a disaster for the West. He does not pull punches: "liberalism has already actualized its principles, eroding the last remnants of European traditions, mixing the populations of the West with masses of non-whites, deconstructed the ethnic an...

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The Return of Monkey Pox (M-Pox), No More Monkeying Around! By Brian Simpson

This is unexpected. Monkey pox was seen as having a "racist" name, why I do not know, then it was renamed M-Pox, and the disease which the elites thought would replace Covid in the oppression stakes, disappeared into a protected community, and that was the last we heard of it. Until now. But now it seems, there is a new deadlier strain of M-Pox whi...

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COVID Shots 200 Times More Likely to Cause Blood Clots in Brain, By Brian Simpson

More bad news in relating to the risk of strokes arising from having the Covid mRNA vax. A new study by Dr Peter McCullough and his research team:, has found that the Covid vaxxes could be deadly for the brain. Examining reports in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Vaccine Adv...

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Tucker Carlson on the Great Replacement, By James Reed

Tucker Carlson is in Australia, and had an exchange with a Leftist journalist who was trying to nail him on "racism" with the Great Replacement. The idea here is that it was claimed that the Great Replacement is a racist conspiracy, and there have been shootings over it; just like there has been violence over most Left-wing causes. Hence it is fals...

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From Cashless to Crime, By Richard Miller (London)

One of the big things pushed both here in the UK and in Australia, is that going cashless will result in a limit to crime; cash-in-hand payments will stop for example. However, here is an extract from an article about the Swedish experience, where going cashless has led to an explosion in cyber-crime and hacking. As shown, the crooks are good and w...

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Life Without Electricity, By James Reed

I have had a taste of life without electricity, at least without lights. Some fault has knocked out the lights in my hovel of a flat. There is still power, fortunately, so I need to plug in lamps not to crash over things. I don't have the money for an electrician to fix this yet. In any case I am at least fortunate being able to cook a meal rather ...

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The Mainstream Media Roasted Julian Assange, By James Reed

Welcome back to Australia Julian, what a pity this country did so little to help you when you were imprisoned for exposing the dirty secrets of the US Deep State, something genuine journalists should be doing. Maybe if they did more, there would be less state corruption. But, of course, they are all on the same team now. As detailed in the extract ...

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A Cowardly Supreme Court Decision, Further Eroding Free Speech, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Supreme Court of the United States has handed down its decision in the internet censorship case, Murthy v. Missouri. The case was that of internet censorship by proxy, with the federal government pressuring internet companies to suppress content which it disagreed with. The decision went 6-3 in favour of internet censorship, with so-called cons...

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Trump vs Biden Nothing Burger Debate, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

 The Trump vs Biden presidential debate was very much a fizzer, with the predictable mudslinging. While no doubt Biden had been pumped full of every drug known to the Deep State to ensure some sort of performance, it does seem that the opening stages of the debate have alarmed the Democrats by Biden's poor performance. As notes: "Joe ...

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How Did Woke Conquer the West? By James Reed

How did, first what was called "political correctness," now "woke," conquer the West, becoming a ruling ideology? According to one view, woke is the product of the long march by neo-Marxist through the institutions, beginning with the universities. Where direct physical revolution failed to produce the communist revolution in the West, the idea was...

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Mandatory National Service, By Richard Miller (London)

In his bid to lose the coming UK election, Rishi Sunak, has proposed national service. And for rebellious youth who are not prepared to be put on the waiting line for the coming meat grinder war, these people would lose drivers' licences and bank accounts. That means no jobs or food, so he is effectively set to starve then to death, totally in conf...

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