If The Left Hates J. D. Vance, then He Must be a Great Pick by Trump! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Trump's running mate is Senator J. D. Vance (Republican, Ohio). Vance is a strong Christian, and has an Indian wife, which will probably do nothing to fight off charges of racism once he gets into action on border control. He is relatively young, and educated at Yale University, and in fact was editor for a time of the Yale Law Journal. For debates...

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The Way Forward: Thorium Powered Vehicles, By Brian Simpson

At present the West is gripped by the ideology of zero net produced by climate change catastrophe/alarmist ideologies. This view is in fact the dominant view in the West, held by globalist organisations right down to lowly academic punters who brainwash the next generation. For example, the present Pope has written and spoken much about an alleged ...

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Affirmative Action DEI Women NOT in the Line of Fire! By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Affirmative action, now all under the banner of Diversity, Equity/Equality and Inclusion/Identity (DEI or better yet, DIE), was on display at the attempted assassination of President Trump. As pointed out by journalist and freedom movement figure, Ann Coulter, we saw a number of small framed women showing their incompetency. There is footage availa...

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White Europeans Developed the Non-White Underdeveloped World, By Brian Simpson

Canadian intellectual, Ricardo Duchesne, has done fine work in defence of White European civilisation, particularly by debunking historical material from the Left. In the post below he tackles the leftist dependency/imperialism/colonialism thesis that Western civilisation only achieve greatness (something the Left contests as well), by exploiting t...

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And the Harshness of Life Dims Those Peaches and Cream! By Mrs. Vera West

Some songs stick with you as they have some splendid lines. The song may be bunk, but the line lives with you. Thus, Wayne Fontana in 1966 song Pamela, Pamela: "When Laurel and Hardy were shown at the flicks With sticky red lollies on splintery sticks Pigtails and ribbons and crushes on miss Secret discussions about a first kiss But you were young ...

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AI Data Centres are Thirsty for Electricity! What Do Greenies Say to That? By Brian Simpson

One of the looming issues that will confront the move to the use of renewable energy is the enormous energy demands made by information technology data centres. Surprisingly enough each ChatGPT request takes on average 2.9 watt-hours, which is around 10 times the electricity used for an average Google request. Some US states, such as Virginia, cons...

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Leftists Behaving Badly, but Predictably, By Chris Knight

The reaction of the mainstream media to the Trump shooting immediately after the event proves that we have a false news media. For example, CNN ran the headline "Secret Service Rushes Trump Off Stage After He Falls at Rally." The headline was kept as long as possible and was eventually changed to reveal the shooting event. That was only after then ...

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The Trump Assassination Conspiracy, Unravels Some More, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The fascinating thing about the media coverage of the Trump assassination attempt is that unlike 9/11, even some mainstream media outlets are raising pointed questions about the security failures, which were so bad that it is hard not to see this as deliberate. The key points that have previously been covered are first that a police officer confron...

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Trump Would-Be Assassin Featured, Once, in a BlackRock Ad! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

You can see the videos here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6PWmi4y5pw, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoJ7HHkvtBE,which has the 20-year old Crooks who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump in a Blackrock ad. It is no Right-wing conspiracy; here is CBS: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/thomas-matthew-crooks-blackrock-ad-pulled/: "Thomas Matthew Croo...

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Sex, Gender and Neo-Marxism, By Mrs. Vera West

As documented by David Haig, "The Inexorable Rise of Gender and the Decline of Sex: Social Change in Academic Titles, 1945–2001," Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 33, No. 2, April 2004, the term "gender" was once rarely used, even in academia, but that changed with the work of psychologist J. Money on the sexual identity of hermaphrodites, rare oc...

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“The entire immigration growth model is a parasite designed to enrich the few and impoverish the many.” By James Reed

The above sentence is the conclusion of David Llewellyn-Smith's take on the CFMEU controversy, with allegations of organised crime links: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/live/2024/jul/17/australia-news-live-minns-nsw-labor-cfmeu-construction-arm-victoria-wong-mh17-memorial https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/criminal-infiltration-and-a-s...

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The Great Lie of the International Student Supermarket, By James Reed

Leith van Onselen had done great work at Macrobusiness.com.au, debunking the "lie" – his term – that international students generate $46 billion of export earnings for Australia. This figure, which was produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, who should know better, is derived by "an average spend estimate from Tourism Research Australia … ...

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EU Censorship Demands on Musk, By Richard Miller (London)

Elon Musk has stated that the EU, as part of its censorship agenda, offered him a secret deal that all other social media platforms accepted, but Musk rejected. That led recently to the EU launching a new attack using the Digital Services Act (DSA). The EU alleged that Musk was in violation of the Act. In response that was when Musk revealed the se...

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The Question of Funding: It’s About Time Musk Opened Up His Piggy Bank! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Elon Musk is set to donate $ 45 million a month towards the Trump campaign, via the America PAC. The change of heart, to go full out on Trump support came after the attempted assassination. The money will go towards the fight in swing states. What is of general interest here is that this raises the question of funding, which is a vulnerability for ...

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The Mortgage Slaves of Australia, By James Reed

The article title by Leith van Onselen at Macrobusiness.com.au is "Australia Turns Nation of Millionaire Mortgage Slaves." The article discusses the significance of the claim by the UBS Global Wealth Report, that Australia now has 1.9 million US-dollar millionaires. Doing the maths, this equates to $ US 5.4 trillion, a tidy sum indeed, if it was "r...

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The Covid Vax Dam has Broken? By Brian Simpson

Dr. Mercola has argued the case that the Covid dam has broken, meaning the suppression of questioning of the Covid vaxxes is beginning to break down. He cites numerous cases from the literature, now openly challenging the "safe and effective" narrative. Thus, a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Immunology, investigated the e...

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The Birth Dearth Problem: Set to Destroy the West as We Know It? By Mrs Vera West

Once, the issue of the birth dearth, of a rapidly declining birth rate in advanced industrial countries, was something of a White nationalist conspiracy. It was noticed how the ideologies of the Left, such as women's liberation and feminism and the undermining of sexual morality and the family, were leading to the birth rate crashing. That was once...

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UN Ideology: Population Growth and the Birth Dearth, By James Reed

Naturally, we ae distrustful of the UN, and all the things it does and produces. Thus, taking not just a pinch of salt, but a truck load of bags of salt, it is reported that according to UN population projections, the global population will peak at 10.3 billion people by the mid-2080s, and is then expected to fall to about 10.2 billion by the end o...

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The War on Farmers, By Bob Farmer, Dairy Farmer

I have expanded my horizons this week in my concern about the globalist elite's war against farming, reading and reflecting on an eye-opening piece in the Off-Guardian.com, on what is being done to small-scale African farmers with respect to seeds. The most extreme case is in Kenya, which in 2012 made it illegal for farmers to sell, save, exchange ...

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Expert Analysis of the Trump Assassination Attempt, By James Reed

George Christensen of Nation First, has another great piece where he shares the expert opinion of Erik Prince, a former Navy Seal and the founder of private security force Blackwater, so this guy really walks the walk. The conclusion made here by Mr Prince is that the secret service failed at a basic level of op security by allowing the shooter to ...

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