The Great Coalition Death Wish By James Reed

     As Alan Jones has Tweeted:
“Labor will win power narrowly in Queensland as a result of the Coalition preferencing Labor over One Nation. The Coalition must have a death wish. More Coalition voters completely angered.”

     This is a spot on observation, which has now been shown to be utterly true. The media were lightening quick off the mark to proclaim that One Nation had done poorly in the Queensland election, even though the facts show that the projected swing was + 12.8 percent, good by any measure, taking 14 percent of the vote:
     One Nation would have returned a much better result if the major parties had not done the usual and put them last:

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More Terrifying Laws By Paul Walker

     Here is the latest in freedom limitation:

     Preventative Detention Orders, where a person can be held without charge merely because authorities believe that there is danger of some imminent threat, will be extended from 16-year-olds, way down to 14-year-olds. The children will be held for up to 36 hours, but with an order from the Supreme Court, they can be held longer.

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Kiddie Drug Mules: More Wages of Diversity By Peter West

     The rape of British children, reduced to slavery, is said to continue. But running alongside of sex slavery has been the crime gangs using children as young as 12 years as drug mules:

“The National Crime Agency described the situation as “out of control” as it has been revealed that there have been more than 700 operations of smuggling Class A drugs out of major cities into regional towns using young people.
According to The Times investigation, one police chief described the situation as “bigger than Rotherham”.

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On the Question of Fertility By Mrs Vera West

     Here is an interesting article about the question of Western fertility: it is bad, but not as bad as most people think:

“With period fertility having risen in many low-fertility countries, an important emerging question is whether cohort fertility trends are also reversing. We produce new estimates of cohort fertility for 37 developed countries using a new, simple method that avoids the underestimation typical of previous approaches. Consistent with the idea that timing changes were largely responsible for the last decades’ low period fertility, we find that family size has remained considerably higher than the period rates of 1.5 in many “low-fertility” countries, averaging about 1.8 children. Our forecasts suggest that the long-term decline in cohort fertility is flattening or reversing in many world regions previously characterized by low fertility. We document the marked increase of cohort fertility in the English-speaking world and in Scandinavia; signs of an upward reversal in many low-fertility countries, including Japan and Germany; and continued declines in countries such as Taiwan and Portugal. We include in our forecasts estimates of statistical uncertainty and the possible effects of the recent economic recession.”

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South Australia Made the International News! For Being Dopey By James Reed

     First, the same sex marriage result, now this:

“Whoever handles Elon Musk’s public relations deserves a medal.
  The slippery snake oil salesman and rent-seeker extraordinaire has been down to South Australia – now reduced, pretty much, to a third world state under its disastrous left-wing administration – and conned the hapless locals out of $50 million to build them an all-but-useless giant battery to make up for the energy they have lost by blowing up their coal-fired power station and relying on wind power instead.
And how are the lickspittle media reporting this outrageous scam?”

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Letter to The Editor - This is the same sort of misguided idealism that half a century ago turned peaceful and prosperous Rhodesia into the nightmare of Zimbabwe.

     Promoters of constitutional recognition of our ‘first nations’ habitually ignore the substantial arguments that have been mounted against this project. This is true of the fourteen signatories to the recent full-page advertisement (1/12). There is not a word about the dangerous impact that any such tampering with the constitution would have on our national unity, stability and security, nor about its implicit separatist drive, nor about its inequitable treatment of other Australians, nor about the questionable nature of the authenticity of all those identifying publicly as Aboriginals, nor about the obvious fact that demands for more and more will follow any acquiescence to the Uluru Statement’s proposals.

     Reassurances offered by some of the signatories are worthless and misleading; and Aboriginal welfare, where there are legitimate grounds for it, can be effected without any need for constitutional change. This is the same sort of misguided idealism that half a century ago turned peaceful and prosperous Rhodesia into the nightmare of Zimbabwe.
   NJ, Belgrave, Vic.

There Will be Britain No More By Chris Knight

     The elites have their knickers in a knot, as the saying goes, because President Trump dared to retweet a so-called “far Right” tweet:

     Theresa May criticised Trump for probably both the source and the content of the videos. The videos from Britain First, show an Islamist mob pushing a teenage boy off a roof, and then beating him to death. The Left wants Trump banned from multicult Britain. You see, it is a sin to point out these inconvenient multicult truths, and doing so is worse than pushing someone off a roof and beating them to death.  In a less insane age, all of this would have been dismissed as insane.

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Medical Totalitarianism? By Mrs Vera West

    The government has set up the Australian Digital Health Agency:
as a one-stop shop for medical records, or so they say.

     The My Health record system will collect the following information:
•    “Shared Health Summary – a clinically reviewed summary prepared by an individual’s key healthcare provider;
•    Event Summary – to capture key information about a key healthcare event relevant to ongoing care;
•    Discharge Summary – to support the transfer of a patient from a hospital back to the care of their nominated primary healthcare provider;
•    Specialist Letter – to capture key information about specialist visits;
•    eReferral – currently from GPs to specialists;
•    Prescription and Dispense Records.

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University ThoughtLESS Police By James Reed

     Believe it or not, a “zealous form of cultural policing” is going on in the taxpayer funded universities: The Australian, November 30, 2017. You know, the Left activists, trigger warnings, anti-intellectualism, and all of the fetid trimmings. We hear about this at least once a week as something monstrous gets created in the swampland of the universities.
But, they could have got right down to it, and described the courses offered in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, which are no more than attacks on the West and White males.

     As I have said, taxpayers should not have to pay for their abuse, for digging their own graves. Join me in advocating the closing down of the universities: we have nothing to lose but our pains.
Who wants to join me in a protest outside a university next year? We will stand united, in our wheel chairs, with our walking frames and walking sticks, our banners proudly flowing in the breeze: when do we want it? Now! Close down the universities!  It would be racist not to! Yo, yo, yo, universities have got to go! Hey, hey hey, close them down today!!!

The Nightmare of Sleeping Beauty By Mrs Vera West

     As expected, the present sex assault mania has spiralled into a deconstruction of even fairy tales, with Sleeping Beauty now coming in for a bashing:\
    You see, it is all a rape tale, with unconsenting touching.  Ok, then all the films made about it have cashed in on rape culture too, and their profits need to go to…well, how about women raped by migrants in the West?  Whooaaaha, that went off the track fast.

Shocking Racism: Dogs are Smarter than Cats!! By Brian Simpson

     This one has really put a cat amongst the pigeons, or a dog amongst the cats: dogs have been found to have more neurons in their cerebral cortex than cats (530 million versus 250 million), and thus are “smarter”:
     Not to worry cat owners, for academic elites are already preparing numerous books and peer reviewed articles to refute this example of species racism. No doubt, the Left will hit the streets in hot protest.  In this universe, everything is equal at the bottom of the wheelie bin.


     In 1964, when I was working as an inexperienced D-grade reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald, I made the acquaintance of a newcomer named John McFlinn, who had just been appointed a courts reporter. He was a lonely and sad-looking middle-aged man for whom I soon felt sympathy, after hearing his personal story. Originally a New Zealand journalist, he had recently spent ten years, he told me, on the staff of a Southern Rhodesian newspaper, but had resigned and returned to his native land because his wife, suffering from terminal cancer, had wished to die among her relatives. After her death, he had come to Sydney to try to start a new life. It was thanks to John that I first became interested in Southern Rhodesia, which was already, a year and a half before the Unilateral Declaration of Independence that created Rhodesia, a ‘hot’ topic in our newspapers.

     I remember well having a drink somewhere with him and asking him about the emerging Rhodesia Front party and its espousal of full independence from Britain. Speaking of its then leader (I can’t recall whether this was Winston Field or Ian Smith), John told me that he had met him personally as well as watching him in his public activities. ‘He is as trustworthy a man as I have ever met,’ he said. From that time on, partly because of my Anglophile perspective, I became a supporter of the Rhodesian independence project, and began to read widely on the subject.

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Letter to The Editor - Nor is it true that the Uluru Statement from the Heart’s proposals ‘won conservative support.’

     Noel Pearson’s latest intemperate attack on Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull (‘Warring PMs betray recognition: Pearson’, 25-26/11) will only damage further his standing in the eyes of Australians generally.  For someone who has long advocated a sympathetic approach to Australians having Aboriginal ancestry, he shows a remarkable lack of sympathy for those of us of British ethnicity who cherish the monarchy, admire Prince Philip and enjoy watching ‘Downton Abbey’.
     Nor is it true that the Uluru Statement from the Heart’s proposals ‘won conservative support.’ They have been strongly opposed by the true conservatives: Keith Windschuttle, Frank Salter, Greg Sheridan, Gary Johns and Andrew Bolt.
     NJ, Belgrave, Vic.

Some Lefties are Great!? By Brian Simpson

     Brian, have you taken leave of your senses? No, I am referring to left handed people, of which I am one.
     A paper in biology letters, “Left-handedness and time pressure in elite interactive ball games by Florian Loffing,
Published 22 November 2017.DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2017.0446, has affirmed the long observed phenomenon, that left handed people are usually better fighters, and better in fast reaction sports, probably because of different neural wiring. As well, right handers really have difficulty dealing with lefties, while lefties live in a biased right handed world, and come to be great with both hands:

“According to the fighting hypothesis, frequency-dependent selection gives relatively rarer left-handers a competitive edge in duel-like contests and is suggested as one mechanism that ensured the stable maintenance of handedness polymorphism in humans. Over representation of left-handers exclusively in interactive sports seems to support the hypothesis. Here, by referring to data on interactive ball sports, I propose that a left-hander’s advantage is linked to the sports’ underlying time pressure. The prevalence of left-handers listed in elite rankings increased from low (8.7%) to high (30.39%) time pressure sports and a distinct left-hander over representation was only found in the latter (i.e. baseball, cricket and table tennis). This indicates that relative rarity and the interactive nature of a contest are not sufficient per se to evoke a left-hander advantage. Refining the fighting hypothesis is suggested to facilitate prediction and experimental verification of when and why negative frequency-dependent selection may benefit left-handedness.”

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Euthanasia Via 3D Printer By Mrs Vera West

     How about this, combining politically correct death and gee whiz IT: print-your own-euthanasia capsules. No, not exactly death pills, but a place to die: The Australian, November 25-26, 2017, p. 5.

The capsule which can be 3D printed, allows one to die via liquid nitrogen, not freezing you to death, but by a peaceful hypoxia death, from lack of oxygen.

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The Death of Politics By James Reed

     The Australian ran an interview piece from Howard and Rudd, to  get their views about what is wrong with politics, and why increasingly, the electorate think politicians stink (spoiler alert: I think that they do stink is the better explanation):

     Here is their joint wisdom in a nutshell, so that you do not have to drag your feet through the article, unless you want to drag:

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Anyone for Throuples? The Next Big Thing By Mrs Vera West

    No, unfortunately “throuples” is not something one orders at a restaurant and goggles down – that is truffles.  No, throuples are three people in a sexual relationship, or polyamory. Polygamy differs, it is said, and involves multiple partners in a marriage.

     There will now be a movement towards polygamy, based on the need to accommodate Muslims. In fact, it is already underway:

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Death by Social Media By Brian Simpson

     We knew that there was something terrible that was going to come from the IT/communication revolution.  Humans, because of original sin, just don’t get it right, and always overdo things, even if the elites are not working away to destroy them, which, of course, they are:

“Besides smartphones being dangerous to our physical health, smartphones also have the capacity to vegetate our minds. These electronic devices give us access to the Internet, which then expose us to platforms that use up all our time and consciousness. While the Internet gives us access to vital and useful information on anything we could ever think of, it is also most likely the beginning of the end for human independence (from technology).

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Javanka Rules By Charles Taylor

     This is a good article which says what I have said before, that Trump has been a fool to put his daughter Ivanka and son-in law Jared Kushner, as key advisors in the White House. On every politically correct issue you can name, these two supported the pc side, such as on gay issues and climate change.

“The liberal first daughter was believed to be a staunch supporter of the Obama-era Paris climate change agreement and fought to keep the U.S. in the job-killing deal. According to Politico, Ivanka brought Democrat climate-change peddler Al Gore into Trump Tower to talk it out with her dad and met with former Hollywood heartthrob Leonardo DiCaprio to get his opinion on the topic.
  Despite telling friends that she was choosing that issue to push her father on, she failed and Trump announced his intention to ditch the deal. Neither Ivanka nor Jared were present at the announcement.”

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Babes in Hijabs By Mrs Vera West

     What’s this? Yet another multicult scandal in our wonderfully diverse and vibrant, vibrating culture, over in merry England:

“The Church of England has responded to criticism of the sexualisation of infant students wearing the Islamic headscarf by encouraging its schools to continue setting “culturally and religiously sensitive” uniform policies.

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