The Future is Baltimore: “Out of Control Genocide” By Chris Knight

     This is the future of Western cities, where social decay is leading to social hysteria, and the willingness of people to accept New World Order policing and social control:

     It can’t happen in Australia, the land of same sex marriage, one might conjecture? Think again, for the poverty of Baltimore is fast coming to Australia as another brilliant article at the same site explains:

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God, Faith and Reason by Chris Knight

   Michael Savage, popular US radio host and critic of the Left:
  has published a book about the need for the restoration of the Christian faith as the foundation of American society, and I think he would agree, the West as well.  But the mainstream media, surprise, surprise, are not looking at his book, God, Faith, and Reason:

“I’m banned from Fox News,” he remarked. “They’ll have Charles Manson on, they’ll have an ISIS killer on, a rapist, a murderer, deviant, pervert – they don’t mention my name. This is what was done to people in the Soviet Union.”

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Letter to The Editor - attempts to discount the reality of formidable Jewish political and financial power in the modern world have not helped win friends

     The latest report of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (‘Attacks on Jews a threat to all society’, 27/11) needs to be taken with caution, as it has not been prepared by an impartial and objective body. For example, it may exaggerate the significance of Antipodean Resistance, which is very likely an annoying gnat rather than a dangerous tiger.
     While it goes without saying that anti-Semitic fanaticism needs to be both publicly condemned and checked by appropriate legal safeguards, Jewish groups at times engage in unwise public actions and statements which unnecessarily draw opposition to Jews generally. Responsible conservative opinion is at times defamed under coloured language such as ‘far right’ and ‘neo-Nazi’. The belated and protracted campaign against ‘Nazi war criminals’, the persecution of revisionist historians and attempts to discount the reality of formidable Jewish political and financial power in the modern world have not helped win friends.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - insistence on erroneous theology (‘the deposit of faith’) and superstitious bibliolatry have profoundly weakened the impact on Western societies of the Christian sacred tradition

     The old-world magnanimity of Graham Richardson is admirable (‘Religious freedom is sacrosanct’, 24/11) but not his commendation of ‘happy-clapper churches’. Large numbers in the congregations, ‘funky’ music and ‘charismatic’ service leaders do not hide the truth that this sort of religion is superficial and worldly, rather than numinous and able to help mankind to perceive and respect the mysterious beyond.
     Societies wither and become corrupt if they are not guided by brahmins, sages and saints, and it is ‘old-style religion’ that can provide the environment needed to nurture such figures. Unfortunately, insistence on erroneous theology (‘the deposit of faith’) and superstitious bibliolatry have profoundly weakened the impact on Western societies of the Christian sacred tradition. Mindless revivalism won’t right the situation.
     NJ, Belgrave, Vic


     But come, let us not lose hope in the world, prematurely:
     The world is not quite given up to diplomacy,
     Combinations and finding of formulas.
     There are always the young, the devoted,
     The enthusiasts, breakers of fetters.
     T.S.Elliot from ‘The Rock’

Will the Pope Lose His Head? By Peter West

     Many thought that when the communist Pope spoke of the “Arab invasion” of Europe being a good thing:
  that he had lost his mind, whereas he was just being a good Leftoid. But, the Pope could lose his head, if ISIS have their way:

     This threat comes as part of an ISIS package of propaganda claiming forthcoming terrorist attacks at Christmas, their Christmas present! If this is so, it is ironic that a man, who has done so much for migrants and Muslims, the Pope, should be threatened by beheading. That’s gratitude for you!

Israel and African Migrants By Robert J. Evans, Florist

     Relevant to the immigration restriction/control issue is this news item, which ran at The Jerusalem Post:
 “Netanyahu was discussing an initiative announced last week by Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan and Interior Minister Arye Deri to close Holot, an “open” detention center.

     It is time to increase the pace of deporting African migrants, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the cabinet on Sunday.
 Netanyahu said he has a three-pronged policy regarding getting migrants to leave the country, with the current focus being to encourage most of them to self-deport to a third country – which reports have identified as Rwanda.”
     How does that old phrase go: what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander?

Western Civilisation: In the University Rubbish Bin By James Reed

     There have been spirited outlines of the noble goals of the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation:
and predictably enough there have been the critiques:     Is it really necessary to have a URL this long? If man has got to the moon, surely something could be done about it?

     The concept of Western civilisation is past its use by date for university Humanities; you know, multicult, Asia, Asia, Asia, and all of that.

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The Reduce Immigration Write-On By James Reed

     Dick Smith’s latest media splash is to claim, quite rightly, that overpopulation will destroy Australia, and lead to young Aussies not having jobs:

     Indeed, it is happening right now. We are, already, the dispossessed majority/minority.

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Hopefully We Dodge that Bullet By Brian Simpson

     Geophysical doomsday events are an all-time fan favourite; anyone remember the prophecies associated with 2012?  So, the Mayans were limited in counting. But, still:

     It seems that the Earth’s rotation is slowing down a bit, and that will release energy leading to earthquakes, mainly in the tropics. Whew, that was a close one; go back to sleep now Brian:

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Accept Gender Agenda, or Else By Peter West

     Thanks to everybody who sent a message inquiring about the health of my mother Vera, after she had collapsed following the same sex marriage apocalypse. She is doing well now, and soon may regain her will to write. She has not said anything yet suitable for publication, such is her level of disgust with the Australian sheeple.

     Well, look at what is likely to come our way, given events in Canada, section 18 C on steroids:

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Has the Bush Escaped Political Correctness? Don’t Bet on It By Paul Walker

     We love rural people. Yet, regarding the same sex vote, there was no country/city divide:

“Is Australia a nation divided between city and country? Not on the question of same-sex marriage. Although the strongest levels of support were recorded in east coast, inner-city electorates — overwhelmingly the same electorates that in 1999 backed a republic — majority support for same-sex marriage was recorded in all regional and rural electorates in Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania and NSW. In Queensland, four of six electorates outside greater Brisbane voted yes.
And what of Queensland, lazily lampooned as the redneck state? The results of the Australian Bureau of Statistics survey suggest that Queenslanders are more comfortable with gay marriage than their southern neighbours in NSW. Tasmania, the last state to decriminalise homosexuality just 20 years ago, recorded a yes vote above the national average. In South Australia and Western Australia, not one electorate voted no.
Greater western Sydney, long considered the heartland of Australian national politics, is revealed as a statistical outlier. No other population area, metropolitan or regional, rejected the proposed change to the marriage act with the uniformity and strength of western Sydney. Is it simply a matter of religious affiliation and influence, of ethnic cleavages and homeland values held by first and second-generation immigrants, or did voters in western Sydney accept the invitation of Tony Abbott and others to lodge a cultural protest vote against political priorities, political correctness and the social straitjacketing of public discourse? The answer to this question will shape the tone and tenure of the next federal election.”

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Romping and Stomping about Nothing By Peter West

     Apparently, there will be a TV series Romper Stomper, based on the 1992 cult movie:

     The old movie’s plot can be easily summarised: bad, evil Nazis fight beautiful migrants. After one migrant is killed there is a big fight and the migrants kill lots of Nazis. Nazis flee, fight over girl. Leader dies on beach. The TV series, apparently, has the modification of the masked antifa, who are, it appears more beautiful than a mountain woodland, pure and fighting for anti-racism and immigration. That, anyway was the impression I personally  got from viewing the film clip. I could be wrong.

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There Goes the Internet By James Reed

     I remember well the pre-internet days, where everything counter-cultural and resistant, was done by means of paper, newsletters, posters and letter boxing. I remember as well pounding the streets getting out anti-immigration and CIR material, hoping that the sheeple might just wake up in time to prevent the new World Order destroying them. Please lift a finger to save yourself. Pretty please. Baaaaaaaa!

     As noted by Mike Adams:
 the establishment/Left nexus are using “hate” and terms of service to silence conservative sites, as if they really needed to do this, but I suppose no stone in our destruction must be left unturned.

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Sleepers, Awake! By Brian Simpson

     Jürgen Graf, White World Awake! Stopping the Planed Extermination of Our Volk, (The Barnes Review, 2016), is a very interesting book which covers all aspects of the White genocide hypothesis. The book is 540 pages long, and attempts a comprehensive survey of the ethno-racial demographic threats to Western civilisation.

     Included here are detailed accounts of feminism, homosexualism and genderism, and off course multiculturalism and immigration. There are some other topics discussed which we are not at liberty here in Australia, to discuss, so if interested, you can read this for yourself. I sealed up those pages with duct tape, just to protect any innocent people from viewing if they wandered into my house.

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Money and Muscles Make Ladies Get Round! By Sue Robbins

     Well, they could have asked any normal girl – oops, what is “normal’ today?  Anyway, it seems that, horror of horror, most straight  women, remember them(?), like men with muscles and money:

     What the establishment would want though is for women to love antifa men who sit with legs crossed over each other. I mean, can a real men sit like that without pain?

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Australia: Silent Invasion Making Us Chinese Puppet State By James Reed

     Look, I have been writing about this topic of the Chinese colonisation of Australia for so long, my fingers are almost worn to the bone. Here is what the  New York Times has to say:

“The book was already being promoted as an explosive exposé of Chinese influence infiltrating the highest levels of Australian politics and media. But then, months before it was set to hit bookstore shelves, its publisher postponed the release, saying it was worried about lawsuits.
The decision this month to delay the book, “Silent Invasion: How China Is Turning Australia into a Puppet State,” has set off a national uproar, highlighting the tensions between Australia’s growing economic dependence on China and its fears of falling under the political control of the rising Asian superpower.
Critics have drawn parallels to decisions this year by high-profile academic publishers in Europe to withhold articles from readers in China that might anger the Communist Party.
But the case has struck a particularly sensitive nerve in Australia, where the book’s delay is the latest in a series of incidents that have raised concerns about what many here see as the threat from China to freedom of expression.”

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White Genocide, Anyone? By Tom North

     Just when you thought that the story about the British Muslim child rape gangs could not get more disgusting, along comes this:

     The female detective who tried to protect the young White girls from that “predominantly Asian paedophile ring,” was bullied by fellow police:

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Letter to The Editor - The heroism of Rhodesia needs to be remembered and revisited for its warning of the evil that ‘political correctness’ can cause

     In contrast to Steven Katsineris (23/11) I supported the Rhodesian governments of 1965 to 1978.  White minority rule was not ‘brutal’ and the whites had the respect and confidence of the majority of the blacks and their chiefs until outside interests financed and armed African terrorists led by Mugabe, Joshua Nkomo and others. Your editorial reference to ‘racial tyranny’ is equally misleading.

     It was quite clear before Mugabe came to power what sort of misrule he and his rivals would bring in. The corruption of earlier ‘liberated’ African nations, notably Ghana and the Belgian Congo, showed it.  So did the behaviour of Rhodesia’s ‘African nationalists’ with their policy of terrorising ordinary Africans by murder and torture.
     The heroism of Rhodesia needs to be remembered and revisited for its warning of the evil that ‘political correctness’ can cause.
     NJ, Belgrave, Vic

The Joys of Diversity By Tom North

     An update on the joys of diversity in Europe. Remember, if diversity is good, it must be a universal truth that it is good.  So, all of this is relevant to “our” future, whatever “our”now means.

     Muslims in France are demanding 2,500 more mosques be built, presumably at taxpayers expense, and they promise not to conduct illegal street prayer:

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