Letter to The Editor - a leader bequeathed by a process rich in tradition and sanctified by religion

     There have been monarchies and republics for thousands of years, so neither model is more ‘anachronistic’ than the other (‘Symbolism matters: why I’m a staunch republican’, 6/11). Nor is it true that our monarchs have ruled ‘through no other merit than birth’; they had good genetic endowments and long periods of training to prepare them for their arduous responsibilities.
     Then again, Her Majesty the Queen is not accurately described as an ‘unelected foreign monarch.’  She shares her ethnicity with most of us; she is constitutionally an Australian as well as a Briton; and she has been chosen (‘elected’) by a respected system, even if it is not by the kind we use to change our governments.
     I wonder why Dan Crowley is so enamoured of having a national president subservient to popular whims and vested financial interests, rather than a leader bequeathed by a process rich in tradition and sanctified by religion.
     NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - demands for more, leading to an inexorable slide towards the division of the continent into two nations

     The current state of ‘moves towards indigenous constitutional recognition’ has not ‘reached a damaging impasse’  (‘Angry Pearson turns on Turnbull’, 6/11).  Rather, it has been fruitfully clarified by the Government’s sensible and well argued rejection of the ‘voice to Parliament’ and then by the dogmatic and intemperate responses of those disappointed by the result, including Noel Pearson.
     Greg Sheridan summed up the situation well  (‘Just being Australian is good enough for us all’, 2/11).  Opponents of constitutional recognition have proved justified in their fears that there would be ‘no end point to the process’, since any concession would be followed by demands for more, leading to an inexorable slide towards the division of the continent into two nations.
     NJ, Belgrave, Vic.

Everybody Now Dares to Call it Conspiracy By James Reed

     Surely, there are no sane people out there that do not embrace conspiracies as the norm in politics?  Consider the latest:

     Here is proof, from the recently released JFK files, that the CIA contemplated murdering American citizens in Miami and would set out to blame it on Cuba during Operation Mongoose.
    They did not do it, but that the record exists makes it all the more plausible to accept the claims made by the alternative media, of the other wicked things that the globalists do to  establish their New World order, because, (1) they are criminally insane, and (2) they have the power and rule us with an iron fist in an iron glove.

The Yessers May Well Lose. Ha! By Mrs Vera West

     The Yes site may need help from Yoko Ono, the woman who made a major contribution to the world by helping to break up the Beatles:

     The statistical argument, stripped down, is that Tweets mentioning the same sex marriage issue were looked at.  Once those making multiple references were removed, this brought the Yes number down to 57 percent. But, then over 55-year olds were under-represented, so once the adjustments were made, the Yes figure went to 49 percent.
     I think though that this team did not factor in the multicult factor, of Chinese and Muslim opposition to same sex marriage. That will bring the percentage down even more.
     Hopefully, the Yes side will be defeated soundly. But, don’t slack off, you are doing well with your phone calls and door-knocking. Give yourself a big hug and pat on the back!

Will Bitcoin Bite the Duster? By James Reed

     Those who have put their money in Bitcoin defend it with a religious fanaticism, I have found. They delight at how much money they have made from, not nothing, but very little. But, all fanatical cults inevitably come unstuck.

     From what I understand crypto-currencies such as bitcoin are “mined’ using mathematical algorithms. China had made advances in quantum computing that will enable it to have one million times more computing power than all of the computers in the world today, meaning that crypto currency security, and any other sort of computer security will be gone.

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The Threat of Deli Meats: Be Afraid, Very Afraid By Brian Simpson

     You find these sorts of meats on pizzas, fast foods and small goods; deli meats, but they are far from being health foods:

“Surely you wouldn’t put cigarettes on a sandwich and eat it, because then you’d be consuming ammonia, bleach, aluminum, formaldehyde and insecticide. But, if you eat American processed meats, you’ve just consumed all of those carcinogens anyway. Did you just pack a BLT or a ham and cheese sandwich in your child’s school lunch box? If so, you could be doing some serious damage to … their health.
The WHO has made the declaration that eating processed meats regularly is just as dangerous to your health as smoking cigarettes, when it comes to the main causes of cancer. Wonder why? Well for one, the nitrites and nitrates used to preserve meats and protect their color are precursors to N-nitroso compounds (NOCs) that induce tumors in several organs in multiple animal species.
In fact, a study published in the journal Cancer links these preserved cold cut meats to bladder cancer at a 30 percent higher risk for those who consume them. The study used over 300,000 men and women from eight U.S. states over an eight-year period.
What’s worse is that when humans consume sodium nitrite it forms some of the most highly carcinogenic chemical compounds EVER RECORDED in the nutrition world (they’re called nitrosamines). Therefore, feeding your child cold cuts regularly is just as bad as buying them a pack of cigarettes each week and saying, “smoke up!””

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People Who Live In glass Houses…Shouldn’t By Chris Knight

     Ok, for those suffering from lack of sleep, aching muscles and brain fatigue, the basic thrust is that there is no evidence that Trump worked with the Russians to undermine Hillary Clinton’s election bid. The Demo-rats have been hurt about Trump winning and seek to impeach him because nobody but them, and their libtards are allowed to rule for the globalists.

     But now the latest is that it was not Trump but Hillary and the Demo-rats colluding with the Russians over the Trump dossier, which had him with cheap Russian prostitutes:

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The African Population Explosion By Brian Simpson

     Prince William recently sounded a warning about human population growth, mentioning, that Britain’s population will explode to 70 million by 2029 (largely due, I observe, to non-White immigration), but he also mentioned the elephant in the room, Africa’s population expansion:

“In my lifetime, we have seen global wildlife populations decline by over half,” he said. “We are going to have to work much harder, and think much deeper, if we are to ensure that human beings and the other species of animal with which we share this planet can continue to co-exist.
“Africa’s rapidly growing human population is predicted to more than double by 2050 – a staggering increase of three and a half million people per month. There is no question that this increase puts wildlife and habitat under enormous pressure. Urbanization, infrastructure development, cultivation – all good things in themselves, but they will have a terrible impact unless we begin to plan and to take measures now.”

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The Magic of Chocolate By Mrs Vera West

     An article published in the Japanese journal, Nutrition:   
“Flavanol-rich cocoa consumption enhances exercise-induced executive function improvements in humans,” by Hayato Tsukamoto (et al.), DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nut.2017.08.017/, conducted a test of the health benefits of high-dose cocoa, versus low-dose cocoa, with exercise, and cognitive functioning tasks.

     The results were that ““The present study demonstrated that [high cocoa flavanol] consumption prior to moderate exercise could effectively enhance exercise-induced improvements in [executive function], but not in [memory function], as shown by the early improvement in [executive function] induced by [high cocoa flavanol] consumption compared with [low coca flavanol] consumption. Therefore we suggest that the combination of [high coca flavanol] consumption and aerobic exercise may be beneficial for improving cognitive function.

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The Immigration Pope By Peter West

     No doubt, the Pope has a lot of time on his hands, time which one would have thought should have been spent on church business, instead of sinking the West. But, he is the commo Pope:

“Pope Francis denounced “negative reactions” to the phenomenon of mass migration Saturday, suggesting that more formation of conscience is needed to combat an anti-immigration mentality.
It is important, the Pope told members of the International Federation of Catholic Universities, “to reflect on the negative reactions, which are at times discriminatory and xenophobic, that the welcome of migrants is provoking in countries of ancient Christian tradition, in order to propose programs of conscience formation.”
The Pope met with the group following the conclusion of a 4-day international conference titled “Refugees and Migrants in a Globalized World: Responsibility and Responses from Universities,” which was held at the Jesuit-run Gregorian University in Rome.
One of the conference participants, Monica Attias, who works with the Community of Sant’Egidio, a Rome-based Catholic organization active in caring for immigrants and refugees, said that current European narrative on the migrant crisis, namely “that immigrants and refugees are destabilizing the countries” is all wrong.”

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"Everyone" is Now in the Politically Correct Re-Education Camp

The following post was made today to Ted Byfield’s blog:  https://tedbyfield.wordpress.com/2017/10/10/the-real-dangers-of-its-sex-clubs-which-the-government-doesnt-discuss/comment-page-1/#comment-334

To which Wallace Klinck from Canada Responds:

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Society Now, a Vast Politically Correct Re-Education Camp By Brian Simpson

     Forget about “hate crimes,” for now, in communist Britain, mere ‘dislike,” and “unfriendliness,” are crimes, according to the police:

     Cutting to the chance, the police, in pursuing hate crimes, especially in social media, do not need to even prove hate (the burden of defence is on the people offending), and there is not even a legal definition of “hate”:

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Episode 32 – Compelled Speech – Law Society of Ontario by Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

     Part 1 of this podcast is the video “A Call to Rebellion for Ontario Legal Professionals”:

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Revolution from Above By James Reed

     Revolution from Above, (Arktos, 2011) in a great book by Dr Kerry Bolton, a leading Alt Right theorist, and New Zealander.

     This is not a book review, because I cannot do justice to such a fine work given my own limitations, but I want to mention this book to readers, who perhaps may wish to follow it up if any topic crosses their path covered by the book.

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Letter to The Editor - There is ideological bullying as well as a woeful fanaticism here!

    An opinion poll of unproved reliability that involved a mere 1500 people (‘PM rebuffed on indigenous voice’, 30/10) is no evidence at all that the Government decision on an indigenous ‘voice’ to Parliament ‘has been blown out of the water’. The claim is out of all proportion to reality.
     More importantly, the call by Referendum Council member Megan Davis for ‘a mechanism that compels the Government to listen’ sends shivers down my spine. There is ideological bullying as well as a woeful fanaticism here. The majority of Australians won’t buy it!
     NJ, Belgrave, Vic.

Letter to The Editor - It is reasonable and not ‘absurd’ for the Government to defend ‘equal civic rights’.

     The significance of the Government’s decision to reject a first people’s ‘voice’ to Parliament is being misrepresented (Letters, 30/10). Aboriginal leaders already have and will continue to have the means ‘of expressing their voice and vision on behalf of their people’ and will certainly be listened to by governments fully aware that most Australians wish our Aboriginal fellow citizens well.
     Nor is the decision ‘a silencing of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders’. They remain as free as ever to publish their views and promote policies of their choice. Moreover, it is anachronistic to argue that ‘this is colonial politics’ or motivated by ‘white paternalism’. Finally, it is reasonable and not ‘absurd’ for the Government to defend ‘equal civic rights’. That is one of the core issues.
     NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Benefits of Anger By John Steele

     In our cucked emasculated society, getting angry is frowned upon, being almost a form of thought crime.
Yet, as reported here:

     While too much anger, especially suppressed anger, can trigger ill-health such as heart attacks, anger can have benefits, simply because sometimes the extreme motivation provided by anger gets jobs done:
     In fact, the tragedy of the West is that people are not getting angry enough to change things, but remain dumb and apathetic. Anger is the spark that ignites the dry wood of change.
     So, get angry, because you have a thousand good reasons to do so.

The Threat by Globalisers and Financial Speculators By Peter Ewer

     The globalists must be hungry for the fall of the prime Minister of Hungary, Victor Orbán.  Although he has warned Europe about the migrant threat, recently he singled out the globalists and speculators,  as threats as well:

“Commemorations help to deal with the realities of today, and the reality is that thirty years after communism, there is again a global force that would make European nations a standardized cluster. […] We wanted to believe that the communists’ dream of making Homo Sovieticus out of Hungarians could never threaten us again, and today we are witnessing with astonishment the globalist powers trying to force our doors and make us into Homo Bruxellicus.”

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Global Ecosystem Collapse…That Must be Bad By Brian Simpson

     A number of sites are running the headline “the global ecosystem is rapidly collapsing”:

     The decimation of much of the world’s ecology is not new, but certain peak events are now beginning to stand out, like a 75 percent decline in insect biomass in Germany over the last 27 years, as one recent scientific paper documents:

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Breaking the China Plate, Mate By James Reed

     If we belong to the West anymore, then we should be concerned, deeply concerned about the direction which modern China is taking, which is something quite alien to Western rational thought.

     Right next to a full-page ad celebrating an AFL game in Shanghai (The Australian, October 25, 2017, p.8), we have the story of Xi joining Mao and Deng in the Communist Party pantheon, with the elevation of Xi Jinping, Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, a strategy of building a modern socialist China. People will be required to conscientiously study this profound document, probably even us, down the track. Here are its key points:

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