Dan’s Very Private Meeting By James Reed

The excluded media, and various politicians, have complained about Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews on why he blocked the Australian Media from a Chinese forum. Well, this leader, who locked up the state for near world record times, was returned by a majority by Victorian voters, so we better like our new life under a CCP-like philosophy.


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Has the Penny Finally Dropped for Sweden? By Richard Miller (London)

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson has recognised that mass immigration does not work, and is now moving to control the border policy. Migrants will need to learn the native language, and not commit crimes, like gang warfare, grenade attacks, and mass rapes of blonde Swedish girls. Will woke Sweden move to save itself from annihilation? Neighbouring Nordic countries have been concerned about the emerging anarchy and chaos in Sweden and are considering closing borders in the worse case situation. Sweden wants to be a moral superpower, and instead is killing itself to be woke. A unique Nordic gene pool is set to be wiped out. Well, why bother conserving any biological diversity on the planet then; let it all fall?


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The Oxford Sin of “Misgendering” By Richard Miller (London)

This is what an advanced stage of Leftist psychosis looks like. Oxford University's Regent's Park College, recently released a policy statement on the crime of “misgendering,” a "Trans Inclusion Statement." The new policy explains that it is considered bullying or harassment to "misgender" transgender or non-binary-identifying individuals by referring to them by their birth name or biological pronouns. "Transphobic harassment or bullying" is against the school's policy and the U.K.'s Equality Act of 2010, an anti-discrimination law that protects individuals from unlawful treatment based on age, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, and religious beliefs.

"Any unlawful discriminatory behaviour, including transphobic harassment or bullying of by individuals or groups, will be regarded extremely seriously and could be grounds for disciplinary action, which may include expulsion or dismissal," the statement continues. "Such behaviour will be dealt with under the College's Policy on Harassment and Bullying and within the relevant legislation The Equality Act 2010."

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Trump Says He is Innocent, But, They All Say that! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Trump, who has proclaimed that MAGA types are blind obedient to the rule of law, as defined by the present regime, is now set to find out how that works. Following on from their raid upon his Florida home, where classified documents were stored, with the knowledge of the authorities, he is now being indicted over the boxes hoax. That is being done even though he declassified all documents, and both Pence and Biden, who themselves had classified documents, are not being indicted. Clearly, proverbial blind Freddy can see that this is electoral interference, given Trump being ahead in the polls. It is conclusive proof of the utter corruptness of the Biden regime.

If Trump survives, and becomes president, will he wake up? Will he bring back Jared and daughter to neutralise everything he thinks of doing? Or, will, in the 11th hour, he develop some manhood and more than two neurons to rub together, and see this as the final battle?

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The Question is: To Nuke or Not to Nuke? By James Reed

The Ukraine War, is beyond the kinetics, a war of propaganda and misinformation. Thus, we need to take what either side says, not with just a grain of salt, but a salt mine. However, al viewpoints of the major players need to be considered. Thus, the head of Russia’s mercenary group, Wagner, Yevgeny Prigozhin, said that he thought that Putin could deploy nuclear weapons on the Belgorod region on the border with Ukraine, which is Russian territory. This would be a kind of “mad dog” strategy to show that Russia is not messing around, bombing itself, and Ukrainians to boot. However, Prigozhin also said that the tactical nuke may not work, given how the Russians neglect their equipment. But, I would not be too sure of that, and would not bet the sheep farm on it.


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Leftism, A Manic and Nasty Religion By James Reed

Conservatives often make the mistake of assuming that modern Leftism is just a political movement, that can be defeated in the usual way, say by alternative political parties and policies. Yet, despite the horrors of communism in the USSR, and Maoist China, Leftism has become the dominant ideology in the West, in the schools, universities, political parties and administration. Such resilience cannot be explained merely in political terms. Indeed, Leftism has all the main attributes of a religion, except for a transcendental god, although in many respects, the Leftist want to establish themselves as gods, via the transhumanist use of AI and genetic engineering to change the very nature of the human species. It is no wonder then, that the genetic therapies, called mRNA vaxxes, were engulfed by the left, and anti-vaxxers, even if they were Black, were hit with the magic weapon of the Left, the universal solvent, “racists,” “white supremacists.”


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Power Prices Will Not Fall Under Green Regime By James Reed

As in the UK, as reported at the blog by our London correspondent, Richard Miller, the Green ideology has made energy much more expensive in Australia, and it seems that it will take years for electricity prices to go down, meaning, they will never go down to pre-pandemic levels, even in energy-rich Australia. Labor, pursuing the same climate change illusion as the Greens, wants to triple the amount of renewable energy flowing into the grid by 2030, but energy leaders have said that Australia will not be able to build enough renewable energy to replace coal. Alinta chief executive Jeff Dimery has said: “Snowy 2.0 is delayed, VNI West is coming in 2031, three years after Yallourn comes out. The whole transition is not lining up. We are so far off track.”

Off track indeed. Moving away from coal, rather than developing technologies to make coal use cleaner, has been a fatal mistake, that will lead to Australia facing the severe energy crisis of Europe, while communist china is free to build two coal power stations a week.

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Go Woke, Go Broke! By James Reed

For some time corporations have been pursuing a Left wing social justice agenda. This occurred to a limited extent in the late 1960s and 1970s, with probably the entertainment industry leading the way. In recent times the number of companies supporting ever-more radical Left causes has grown, with Black Lives Matter scooping heaps of cream, and more recently the transgender agenda being taken up by companies such as Bud Light beer, Target, and the North Face. Consumers have voted with their credit cards, and various companies got a rude awakening, when sales fell, and profits plunged.

It seems that consumers will no longer put up with being told what to believe, and having ideologies rammed down their throats, so to speak. This shows the vulnerability of companies, who at the end of the day, if they ignore the central tenet of a business, to make a profit, will make a loss, and eventually go bust. It is the gentle joy of natural selection.

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Immigration Invasion to Eclipse 9/11 By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Technocracy critic, Patrick Wood cuts to the chase in his assessment of the open US border, which is seemingly allowing military age Chinese to enter the country; talk about a nation digging its own grave, for how many of these are PLA and CCP? Surely the majority, and their refugee status, as displaced people with no home, is highly questionable. Yet, as Wood notes, what is happening with the influx of illegals, in the case of New York, is to create a time bomb. The Democrat immigration mad authorities have forced hotels to take in the illegals, so that now 50 percent of hotels are full of illegals, all expenses paid by the tax payer, of course. There have been many stories of hotel rooms being trashed, but Wood thinks this is just the beginning of a much bigger crisis, that will dwarf 9/11. Certainly, if PLA agents have entered by the hundreds, if not thousands (we do not get the figures), the chances of terrorism to make 9/11 look small, have radically increased. It is national suicide; war begins from within.


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Dame Jacinda Ardern Covid Mandate Champion! By Bruce Bennett

My fellow journalists at Alor.org, and I only contribute on New Zealand issues, as a former Kiwi, have covered a mass of material indicating that the Covid lockdowns were a failure. That applies to New Zealand as well, where the prime minister at the time, Jacinda Ardern, went into totalitarian over drive. She took away basic constitutional and civil liberty rights from citizens, and laughed about it; the videos are still available. There were the vaccinated, who had rights, and the unvaccinated, who would be forced, metaphorically, to wear sack cloth and ashes: 2 Samuel 3:31. Chilling stuff at the time, and still disturbing.

Now, after her resignation as prime minister, her new PM, Chris Hipkins, who was her Health Minister, has awarded Ardern a Damehood, for “leading the country through the Covid pandemic.” Yes, but did she? At present in 2023, the excess mortality rate of New Zealanders is about 25 percent above the mean, and all admit that the cause is not the Covid infection itself. In fact, the cause is unknown, since the new theology across the West, among the mainstream, is that the vaxxes are “safe and effective,” as Ardern told us so frequently.

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The Silence of the Cardinals in the Face of Evil By Peter West

Leading Catholic philosopher, Dr. Joseph Siefert, has issued a warning of a possible collapse of the Catholic Church in many countries, although this will ultimately be defeated by the forces of good, as “the truth itself has told us that the gates of hell will not ever prevail against the Church.” So true. However, in the short term there will be much misery to many, due to the undermining influence of Pope Francis; that has been the way of history.

The errors are not just based upon political doctrine, such as mass immigration, but the failure to defend more moral truths, especially relating to sexuality and the gender agenda, which the present Pope is incredibly soft on. In particular, Dr Siefert is critical of the Catholic cardinals, who with a few exceptions have not stood up to the theological undermining that has occurred with this Pope. They have surrendered to the shadows of the times.

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Global Digital Vaccine Passports By Richard Miller (London)

The movement to a New World Order, based around health is advancing, fast. Already the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Union have announced collaboration on global vaccine passports. According to a WHO press release: “In June 2023, WHO will take up the European Union (EU) system of digital COVID-19 certification to establish a global system that will help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics”  “This is the first building block of the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN) that will develop a wide range of digital products to deliver better health for all.” The “EU Digital COVID Certificate” is  a model to establish a global digital health certificate, and it will be global, coming to Australia too, unless it is stopped in its tracks before May 2024.

The movement to the New World Order is taking place at a breathtaking pace; it is the endgame for globalism or, individual freedom, the stakes are that high. 

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The Experts Say: “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.” Worry By James Reed

It basically comes down to this: the mainstream media is playing a narrative on most things, except climate change, of optimism, especially the economy. No, there is not a recession or going to be one, as businesses are not laying off workers, and consumers are spending like there is no tomorrow. No, it is not true, there are mass layoffs, workers are being displaced. As Michael Snyder notes, the mainstream has the same optimism that was expressed back in 2008 with the Global Financial Crisis, which few predicted. It was the financial pessimists that got that one right, never taken in by the false optimism which is essential to keep the neurotic investors keeping on keeping on, and not panicking and freaking out, causing the very thing that they want to prevent. But the real test is at the street level, where across the West, particularly America, but also in Australia, the homeless are growing in number, often living on the streets in tent cities. Meanwhile governments, in hock to Big Business squeeze the population even more with Great Replacement immigration.


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The Coming UFO False Flag By Brian Simpson

A former US intelligence operative has gone public and claimed that the Deep State has in its possession crashed extra-terrestrial space craft. There are no photos released, we are not given any information other than the word of the operative. There has been a lot of teasers given this year about UFO stuff. None of it has any solid basis as far as I can see. The idea tht there are crashed spaceships, even drones seem absurd for if the aliens could get here, or their drones, the they would do a much better job of flying round. And, as in the movie Predator, the vehicles would almost certainly be rigged to explode even if they did crash.


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Early Action: Opportunities for the Voice By James Reed

I received an email, I get many, with the claim that a document, actually a sheet of paper, was left in a restaurant, detailing the wider agenda of the voice. Naturally, I have a doubting mind, and would suppose that the conspirators would be careful what hey leave around. But, then there is Hunter Bide and his famous laptop. Apparently there is a website with all the gritty photos from the laptop there, but my stomach is too weak to view it. But, I digress. Here are the contents of the alleged note, with identification removed until I can verify specifics. I can see the Voice third chamber of parliament going for all this and beyond.


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The Western Australian Aboriginal Heritage Act; Shape of Things to Come with the Voice Referendum By Bob Farmer, Dairy Farmer

The Western Australian Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 Statutory Guidelines comes into effect on 1 July 2023, as does the Act. It is a foretaste of what is to come with the Voice Referendum, if it succeeds. Farmers who fought the Act said that it is the greatest threat to private property since Native Title.


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What is a Woman? An Adult Human Female By Mrs Vera West

Matt Walsh’s documentary, What is a Woman? which carefully deals with the trans issues, has been available for free viewing, which I undertook. It is gripping stuff, never preaching and although coming from a Christian conservative position, gives plenty of time for the Left to give their case. He interviews woke professors, and people on the cutting edge of the debate. None of them really honestly answer his question, choosing to attack the question as “essentialist,” and transphobic. But, Walsh is not phased and shows what scammers most of the academics are. It is amazing how the young Gen Z people have swallowed everything the Left have produced with no critical awareness. They seem incapable of it, just as people were once scared of falling off the alleged flat earth. All are cultural relativists, rejecting the idea of objective truth, except, the truth of conservatives, is not permitted. Running through it all is a strong form of totalitarian conformity, which is alarming. But, conservatives need to see this to view what they are up against.

Near the end Walsh interviews conservative psychologist Jordan Petersen, and asks him, what is a woman. Confidently Peterson says, marry one and find out, a witty answer. So, Walsh goes home and asks his wife, what a woman is. She is cooking a massive meal for their large family, and she says “an adult human female.” The she asks her husband to get a lip off a jar. He does, and walks off screen. A nice touch that brought tears to my old eyes. And Elon Musk seemed to have liked it as well.

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Communist Chinese Prepare for Star Wars By James Reed

The communist Chinese have a clear objective of dominating space, not merely for commercia reasons, but for military conquest; as usual there is a dual-purpose aspect to most of their technological developments. This seen in China’s anti-satellite programs, which are geared to destroying US and private Western satellites. The communists even have one satellite with a grappling hook, designed to capture, and destroy what they define as enemy satellites. It is estimated that 84 percent of communist China’s space launches are military in scope, showing that space is just another frontier in which China intends to battle for world supremacy. Sleepers in the West have been warned; star wars is here, right now in the face of US cultural and political decline.


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The Existential Threat of Woke By Chris Knight (Florida)

Trump has said that the idea of woke is vague, and no-one knows what it means. On this he is surely wrong, as those promoting this neo-Marxist ideology know exactly what they are doing. But, by contrast, Trump’s competitor, Ron DeSantis has said that woke is an existential threat and “basically a war on the truth,” and “it’s about putting merit and achievement behind identity politics.” “As that has infected institutions, and it has corrupted institutions. So, you’ve got to be willing to fight the woke, we’ve done that in Florida, and we proudly consider ourselves the state where woke goes to die.”

That as I see it, is definitely a point to DeSantis over Trump.

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Gen Z Abandoning Freedom, or an Alarming Lot of Them, Abandoning an Alarming Lot of Freedom By James Reed

The survey is based upon a US population, and unfortunately here is Australia we do not get such newsworthy surveys done, but according to the conservative Cato Institute, 29 percent of Gen Z, people aged from 18 to 29, were in favour of the government installing surveillance cameras in every household to reduce domestic violence, abuse, and other illegal activities.  For Millennials, 20 percent of the cohort between the ages of 30 and 44 also supports such surveillance. However, for people 45 years and older, the support for 1984-style surveillance is only 6 percent.

This is definitely a worry, as it shows that the younger generations have been brainwashed to love the prison tht the totalitarians are so ready to impose upon them. And, with a declining white population, support for total surveillance gets deeper still: 33 percent of Black Americans would support in-home government surveillance, as would 25 percent of Hispanics. There is no indication of these numbers decreasing.

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