Home Schooling in Queensland Gets a Stay of Execution! By Mrs Vera West

Qualified good news from Queensland as the Queensland Labor government has temporarily shelved its proposed regulations to control home schoolers, under its Education (General Provisions) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024. This woke Bill aimed to undermine home-schooling as an alternative to state brainwashing in the public school system (and to a lesser degree, the private), requiring home-schooling parents to:

  • "enhance the regulation of home education" and streamline the home education registration process;
  • remove the use of gendered language;
  • acknowledging wellbeing, inclusion and diversity."

This is openly Left-wing indoctrination. Why not use gendered language, for it is in the Bible? Who says that inclusion and diversity are good things? The proposals pushed this Leftist political position, and home-schooling parents could have taught about what the enemy wants, but also supplying intellectual resistance to it.

The Bill is not being abandoned, they never are, but redrafted to probably deal with the objections that have been made. And the fight goes on once again.


"The Queensland Labor Government has dropped plans to increase regulations for home educators outlined in its Education (General Provisions) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024.

More than double the number of families with children being educated at home wrote submissions to the Queensland Government which was proposing to legislate against home educating parents to:

  • "enhance the regulation of home education" and streamline the home education registration process
  • remove the use of gendered language
  • acknowledging wellbeing, inclusion and diversity"

The Miles Labor Government is trying to force home educating families into teaching only the national curriculum, clamping down on the God-given freedom and parental authority that many hold sacred. Surely one of the most important reasons to protect home education is to differ from the government on what children should be taught about virtues and character.

The bill isn't going away, per se, but rather is being drafted further, following extensive feedback that the proposed changes could lead to unintended consequences. One area mentioned for special concern includes regulation around home schooling in Queensland. In a media release, Education Minister Hon Di Farmer, said:

I have listened to education stakeholders who have made it clear both through the committee process and through ongoing meetings I have been having with them, that more work needs to be done.

I will also be establishing a Home Education Advisory Group to consider in detail how we ensure children being home schooled are receiving the high quality education.

Additional, a review will commence into the role of the Home Education Unit to how best it can help not only better regulate, but provide important support to families who choose to home school.

All Queensland children are entitled to be safe wherever they live and learn and as a former Child Safety Minister I understand too well that this is not always the case.

I want to thank all stakeholders for their passion for education and these amendments will affect the future education of thousands of young Queenslanders so it's important that we get them right." 



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Saturday, 27 July 2024

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