US Congress Investigates WHO Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats (PRET) By Chris Knight (Florida)

While British conservative politicians are expressing concern about the World Health Organization pandemic treaty, the critical focus in the US Congress is upon the WHO Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats (PRET), and Congress is now investigating the significance of this. WHO advocates the use of “social listening surveillance systems” to identify “misinformation.”  It almost certainly has in mind controlling information relating to pandemics, as was seen during Covid, particularly criticisms of the vaccines.

It is well known that WHO has a cosy relationship with big Pharma; indeed, modern medicine is in many ways, just a branch of Big Pharma, not of overall health and fitness. The PRET document describes misinformation as a “health threat,” and refers to it as an “infodemic.” “Infodemic is the overabundance of information – accurate or not – which makes it difficult for individuals to adopt behaviors that will protect their health and the health of their families and communities. The infodemic can directly impact health, hamper the implementation of public health countermeasures and undermine trust and social cohesiveness.”

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WHO Pandemic Treaty and British Sovereignty By Richard Miller (London)

For Aussies concerned about the lack of opposition to the coming world health organization pandemic treaty, there is some good news from the UK jurisdiction. There are now reports that a number of conservative politicians are concerned about the threat that the treaty will have upon British sovereignty. The group is rightfully fearful  that the WHO is moving from an advisory position, to a controlling one, which is quite correct.  Former Cabinet Minister Esther McVey said: “The plans represent a significant shift for the organization, from a member-led advisory body to a health authority with powers of compulsion,” she continued. “This is particularly worrying when you consider the WHO’s poor track record on providing consistent, clear and scientifically sound advice for managing international disease outbreaks.” 

It remains to see if some sort of backlash could develop, along with parallel opposition in the US. It could save the day for Australia.

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Fingers Crossed: Grim Poll Forecast for Biden By Charles Taylor (Florida)

From what I could see, there was no coverage of this US item in the Australian press, namely that Joe Biden’s approval rating is going down the drain, and that is from official polls. CNN reported tht 66 percent of those survey see a Biden victory in the 2024 elections as a “disaster,” which it will be. At present 20 percent of Democrats support the anti-vax freedom fighter Robert Kennedy, who will hopefully prune Democrat numbers down even more. Even coming from the left, and supporting a free enterprise approach to climate change, the world would certainly be better with Kennedy than Biden, and even Trump. That is how bad it is.


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When the Voice Fails By James Reed

Peter Dutton, Leader of the Opposition, has dared to raise the issue of what happens if and when the Voice fails. He has said that a failure will save the country from a democratic disaster, as we will not know the details of the Voice until it is passed. That is like buying a used car, as I see it, without even seeing it. Who would do that? But, he feels that the Voice may set back the mythical “reconciliation,” a vague Left-wing concept which never gets detailed. Reconcile, what exactly? Wrongs of the past? But, we did not do that … go build a time machine and sort it out.  I, for one, am dog-tired of this entire baggage.

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The War Against Christians By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Biden administration has conducted a war against Christian citizens, and this is a blueprint for other Leftist regimes in the West to follow. What was done was that the regime used an anti-terrorism grant initiative to a university program, that explicitly targeted the American Right, and lumped Christians in with extremist groups. This enables the private research groups to gather data and information on groups such as anti-abortion groups, without the usual checks and balances of government organisations, being proxy investigation groups. On this basis information can be gathered, which may be of interest to organisations such as the FBI and Department of Homeland Security. "This terrorism task force is engaged in an active effort to demonize and eliminate Christian, conservative, and Republican organizations using federal taxpayer dollars," said Brent Bozell, founder and president of the Media Research Center. "What we have uncovered calls for criminal prosecution. The American people need to know those who are abusing their positions in the federal government will be held accountable for their criminal behavior."”


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The Voice and Reparations: The Quest for Power By James Reed

With the Voice referendum fast approaching, and the enormous issues that it raises for Australia’s future, and indeed survival as a nation, not being discussed, but, pushed under the red carpet, we would do well to look at what is happening in other jurisdictions to get a feel of what the elites have in store. Reparations for Blacks is the the big white liberal guilt issue in America, with California showing what is on the Leftist mind. California leads the charge over the cliff, even though it was a free state with no slaves. That has not stopped the demand for millions for every Black, whether they have had slave ancestors or not. It is a mania which has gripped the Left, as seen in the hyper-woke white governor Gavin Newsom, who has based his career upon the pursuit of woke. And, there is no reason to not believe, that if the Voice referendum succeeds, next will be a treaty, then the irresistible push for reparations, and a white guilt tax. Be sure that the brunt of anything will be upon the working class, not the super-capitalists, who should be the one’s to pay, if payment must be done.


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Sweden: Gun and Murder Capital of Europe By Richard Miller (London)

The Wall Street Journal, behind the usual paywall, has reported on Sweden becoming the gun and murder capital of Europe, at least Western Europe. The article describes what is happening in great detail, gun fights, grenade attacks, and rival gangs fighting it out. But, every sentence has an identification of who is doing this; not native Nordic Swedes, but the migrants, as Trump some time back said. That seems to be now accepted, but the Left are taking the line that a racist Swedish society, that failed to integrate them, is responsible. Yes, that society motivates men to fight turf wars with rival drug gangs, and to toss hand grenades. Such is the nature of “racism.”  


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The Myth of Recycling: Microplastics Unlimited By James Reed

One of the most annoying things about the Greens in Australia is the war that they have declared on plastic, such as banning plastic spoons, knives and folks. Instead, we have wood, which no doubt comes from some place where woke forests are cut down. That is their achievement, while mass immigration would surely be a greater ecological threat, but the environmental movement, riddled with Leftists never touched that one.


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Finland’s Nuclear Power: Negative Electricity Prices By James Reed

With rising electricity prices set to economically murder us here in Australia, it is worthwhile to consider what nuclear can do, as the example of Finland shows. New energy from Finland’s new nuclear power plant have led to electricity prices spiralling down, so at one point recently, the market price for electricity dropped below zero cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) and for hours after that the price was only 0.3 cents per kWh at its highest. Thus, for a time there was below zero electricity prices. That seems almost impossible to suffering Aussies, but the nuclear option is something we could consider, if only we could break the stranglehold the woke Greens have on development. These Leftist elites seem to have no concern about the difficulties the poor have securing energy.

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Election Fraud Via Information Warfare? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Andrew Paquette, at the American, has a piece where he documents that he discovered an algorithm that is imbedded in the New York voter polls. The issue seems at first glance to be too technical to be of much concern, let alone to an international audience. That is what I initially thought, that this would be of no concern to Australians, say. However, the algorithm links “county voter identification (CID) and State Board of Elections identification (SBOEID) numbers in such a way that it could be used as a third ID number. This could be used to clandestinely tag and track records of interest, such as phantom voters.” It seems that this system could be used for electronic electoral fraud: “We know fictitious records exist in the rolls. We also know those records have been used to vote. On top of that, we know that records like those belonging to fictitious voters have been deleted. None of this is visible at the county board of elections level. This means an easily exploited opportunity exists to inject any number of illegally generated SBOEID numbers (which we know has been done), assign votes to them (which we know has been done), and then delete the evidence by deleting the SBOEID numbers associated with excess votes (also, this has been done).”

I agree that all of this is highly technical, and I just picked up the basics to write this. The issue though is due to the systems complexity, could things like this exist in many other jurisdictions, being manipulated to produce electoral fraud? It would be hard for investigation, as few people would understand what is going on.

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Brave New World; Just Around the Corner with Production-Line Babies By Mrs Vera West

This one is a shocker, straight out of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1931), which was more concerned with the transformation of human biology than George Orwell’s 1984. The technological developments seem to be fast moving to lab-grown human babies, much like lab-grown meat. Human sperm and eggs are grown in a lab, fertilised, and the baby developed in a purely artificial womb. The Japanese are leading the world in this research, perhaps motivated by Japan’s declining birth rate, about which nothing seems to work to stop inevitable population crash. Thus, I suspect there is a eugenic root cause here, but the sales line is that it will aid same sex couples, so this must be all fine. However, the imagine of babies rolling off a production line, is irresistible, and distressing to all holding to the sanctity of life from a Christian perspective.


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Banking-Based Social Control in Nigeria: The Great Test Case By James Reed

It seems that the globalist financial elites are using Nigeria as a test case for their latest agenda, to weld together banking and identity issues. Commercial banks have now begun to issue debit cards that have the dual purpose of serving as national identity cards. Nigeria’s Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Isa Pantami said that the physical card will complement the already national ID number: “To ease the difficulty, NIMC has partnered with the CBN so citizens who are interested in having a card at hand can easily go to the relevant banks,” Pantania said, during a media briefing. “The bank is permitted to print the card along with either a Mastercard or Visa card. So, when you apply for a card at your bank, you can indicate that ‘I want this card to serve multiple purposes where it will serve as my bank card and also my national identity card’.”


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Professor Bhattacharya: We Have Not Seen the Last of Lockdowns By Brian Simpson

Leading Covid mandate critic professor Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford University has said that when the next pandemic comes, there will certainly be lockdowns, and a repeat of all we have experience with Covid, if not more. “People like Rochelle Walensky, Tony Fauci, they're giving themselves awards.” Indeed, at the present time, the main players all seem to have got a home run. The professor would like to see major reforms at he CDC, and an apology from health officials, but tht is surely wishful thinking, because it will not happen without legal force. That may be coming with the law suits that are starting up now, and the public no longer follows the Covid vax mania that led to most of the population being part of the largest genetic experiment ever conducted.


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Israeli Ministry of Health: No Healthy Individuals Under the Age of 50 have Died of Covid in Israel By Brian Simpson

This seems to be an authentic report; according to the Israel Ministry of Health (MOH), no healthy individuals under the age of 50 years, have died of Covid in Israel. “Zero is a very, very clear number, and cannot be subject to interpretation,”  Yoav Yehezkelli, a specialist in internal medicine and medical management, and former lecturer in the Department of Emergency and Disaster Management at Tel Aviv University in Israel, said: “Why were all the extreme measures of school closures, vaccination of children, and lockdowns needed?” he asked.


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Bioterrorism Alert By Richard Miller

The Russian media, referring to Russian government documents, is claiming that the Russian have new discoveries of US bioweapons labs discovered in the Ukraine; bird flu occurs in the samples, perhaps a gain-of-function extra-lethal type. There is not much on this in the mainstream media, although it is covered in Russian sites. It could well be propaganda, we simply do not know. Still, Full Spectrum Survival on YouTube does a coverage of this, which is worth looking at. Included below is the Russian material, which like everything needs to be reviewed with as much caution as one should exercise with mainstream western media news/misinformation.

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The UK Machete and Knife Bans By Richard Miller (London)

Matt Easton who has a YouTube channel, Scholargladiatoria, and is a sword and arms dealer in England, reports on the coming UK machete and large knife ban. The authorities, rather than dealing with what is clearly an immigration problem, takes the duct tape solution of banning the blades.  Of course, if the abusers of blades are going to attack people, then are they really going to care about the blades being illegal? Hardly. Most knife abuses are not with machetes, perhaps less than two percent of attacks. Instead, disposable knives of convenience are used, such as cheap kitchen knives.

So, the bans are just like the gun bans, disarm and emasculate the already worked-over population. The idea is that the ordinary people will not even have a toothpick for self-defence.

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Cheap Imported Labour by a Traitorous Conservative Party By Richard Miller (London)

What former conservative politician Nigel Farage, as said about the ruling conservative party in the UK, what could be said about almost all ruling parties in the West with respect to immigration and globalisation programs: they are dishonest to the point of treason. UK immigration was over 600,000 in the last year, despite the UK having left the European Union. The immigration level is the highest ever recorded, and the government is not moving to take effective action. This is all about cheap migrant labour. Farage said: “I’ve been hearing this for a quarter of a century! If increasing the British population by 8 million people has added a few decimal points here and there to GDP, so blimmin’ what?

“There is something far more important than the size of our GDP. There is something called community, called quality of life in this country. These are things that nobody in Westminster even talks about.”

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Suing for Freedom of Speech: Missouri v. Biden By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The case of Missouri v. Biden is slowly moving through the US court system, having been originally filed on May 5, 2022. The case is now a large class action, accusing the US government of violating civil liberties, by coercing social media companies to censor citizens, as well as colluding with them to do exactly that. Topics of concern, such as the Covid mandates, and the Hunter Biden laptop revelations, were topics the government forced social media to censor. This is no mere grab bag of private citizens, but includes two US states, Missouri and Louisiana, so the stakes are high. At the present stage discovery is occurring, and the government has strived to block much of this. As detailed below, they have lost so far on this. Thus, the case could prove to be important depending on what material is uncovered. It could give Democrats an election surprise.

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The Collapsing Real Estate Market of China By James Reed

Natural gives an interesting report of a phenomenon that we do not get to hear enough about in our CCP-sympathetic media, the economic fragilities of communist china. We are led to believe tht hey are invincible, and surrender is the best option, as the rise of China, like the tides, is inevitable. Yet, apart from problems in the financial sector, the real estate market is apparently on the cusp of collapse. There has been a decrease in the number of mortgages, and double-digit declines right across China’s cities in the sale of previously owned homes. To prevent rapid decline the CCP will need to intervene, but its present direction is to mainly prevent real estate prices from being set lower. “The reason why the communist regime won’t let real estate developers lower prices is very simple,” wrote Qu Kai, a Japan-based commentator on Chinese current affairs. “The chain reaction caused by price cuts will instantly burst the bubble of China’s property market, causing a series of economic crises that would be difficult for the CCP to manage.”

This crisis could flow onto the banks, which may destabilise them, even more, as previous CCP duct tape solutions begin to unravel.

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Hanoi Jane at it Again: White Men Cause Climate Change! By Mrs Vera West

It seems old Leftists, especially feminists do not change. Jane Fonda, actress, became infamous in the 1960s for visiting North Vietnam, and slamming Uncle Sam, during the heat of the Vietnam War. Now, in 2023, she is blaming all white men for all the problems of the universe, including the grand daddy of them all, climate change. Yes, climate change, the most sacred tenet of the Leftist religion of madness. But, really, does she suppose that Black Hollywood stars, with gas-guzzling vehicles, do not emit mountains of carbon? Or, elites, flying to climate change talkfests in private jets? Or, communist China, building coal-fuelled power stations? Of course she must! It is the “logic” of feminism.

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