Taking War Planes Out of Moth Balls; Cleaning Out the Moths Too! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is a clear sign of the drums of war being beaten, and hard. The Pentagon, same name as the Satanic symbol, are taking out of mothballs thousands of military aircraft, including F-16s, C-130 transport planes, AWACS aircraft, and much more. The aircraft are being sent to the Philippines and Europe ready for the double-banger wars against Russia and China. 

The point made by Mike Adams, in the extract below, is that not only will US cities become nuclear targets, but the mainland of the US will be under-protected by spreading military hardware so thin. As well, as Australia will be drawn into the conflicts, Australia’s multicult cities will also become nuclear targets from both the communist Chinese and Russia. Are your politicians thinking about that, or are energies being taken up with woke causes, like the Voice referendum?

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The Failure of Lockdowns By Brian Simpson

The Institute of Economic Affairs, has published a comprehensive discussion of the evidence relating to the lockdowns, whether they worked and were effective. The book length report, Did Lockdowns Work? The Verdict on Covid Restrictions, by J. Herby et al., conducted a meta-analysis, a type of method of averaging over studies to draw a general conclusion, involving 19,646 studies. It was concluded that “lockdowns were a failed promise. They had negligible health effects but disastrous economic, social and political costs to society. Most likely lockdowns represent the biggest policy mistake in modern times.” All of the lockdown policies did little to reduce Covid mortality, and contributed harm in themselves. At present the ruling elites are handing out awards to each other about what a jolly good job hey did during the Covid freak-out, but it is all smoke and mirrors. 


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They Shoot Informants, Don’t They? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) has claimed that the FBI fears that if they reveal the identity of an informant who claims that President Joe Biden was involved in a $ 5 million bribery scam, the informant would be killed. Said informant was one of the FBI’s “most highly credible human sources,” and one who was paid a “substantial amount of money” by the pretty much corrupt organization, so who knows? While the details of the story are interesting, what mainstream media sources are not asking, such as the New York Post.com, is who exactly will order the informant to be killed? Let me think, who might have an interest in doing an “Epstein” here? This is the real underbelly of politics, the bottomline.


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Will Vlad Press that Little Red Button? By Richard Miller (London)

A friend often speaks of Putin pushing that little red button, but launching he nukes does not work like that, it involves giving commands to generals to do the dirty work. Just imagine one devise that could do this; oops, drop it, apocalypse now. And after the blowing up of the Kakhovka Dam, with the West blaming Russia, and Russia blaming the Ukraine, the war has intensified. Ukraine president Zelensky, described the bombing as “an environmental bomb of mass destruction,” so there will be consequences, perhaps more drone strikes into Russia.  

At some point a trigger will be squeezed and Russia will take the nuclear option, as Retired US Brigadier General Kevin Ryan has argued in detail. He sees the war as pretty much a stalemate, and Putin is likely to become more desperate over time, and in the end, the only way Russia can meet escalation with escalation is by introducing nuclear weapons.” Indeed, it is surprising that nukes have not been used yet.

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The Harms to Hundreds of Millions of People By Mrs Vera West

Hundreds of millions of people have been harmed by the Covid pandemic response, according to a research paper by Dr Kevin Bardosh of the University of Washington, published in the preprint SSRN.com. The paper examines 600 studies over 10 categories: health, economy, income, food security, education, lifestyle, intimate relationships, community, environment and governance. In all of these categories, the pandemic mandates di more harm than good, and as the case of the communist Chinese lockdowns proved, were ultimately ineffective at preventing the disease spreading after the lockdowns ceased. Instead, small businesses were often destroyed, and young children have suffered speech difficulties from manic mask wearing.

If all of this must not be left to go unaccounted for, and the general public who largely accepted the lies of governments and Big Pharma, need to be awaken to the crimes that have been done to them in heir sleep. Sleepers must awake!

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Pandemic of the VACCINATED! By Brian Simpson

We have covered the discovery that the more Covid vaxxes one gets, the weaker the immune subsystem becomes. Add to that now the close claim that the more Covid vaxxes one has, the greater the chance one has of catching Covid! The research has now been published in the April 19 2023 edition of Open Forum Infectious Diseases. The two claims conclusively destroy the government mantra that the vaccines are both safe and effective. Actually, that was refuted by he evolution of Omicron, where the multi-vaxxed came down with it, to their astonishment.


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They are Nervous of Robert Kennedy Jr By Chris Knight (Florida)

It was unexpected. The Democrats were sure that there would be no populist Democrat candidate coming up, who was a vax critic, and also opposed to globalism and open borders. Then there was Robert Kennedy Jr. To be sure, he comes from the Left, but old school Leftism, which was not connected to woke globalism, but concerned with the welfare of workers. I suppose if you put a gun to my head, I would accept living under this sort of Leftism, one that was not hostile to free enterprise. And Kennedy according to establishment opinion polls, which we know are false news, is going well, taking 20 percent of Democrat support, such is the poverty of Biden. Hopefully he will run as an independent if not the Democrat candidate, drawing away Democrat votes. He would have served his purpose.


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Chinese Communists Saw Coronaviruses as Bioweapons By James Reed

The conclusion that Covid-19 is a bioweapon has been made by many Covid vax critics in the West, but it is instructive to observe that back in 2015, 18 Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) officers in a  2015 document titled “The Unnatural Origins of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons,”made the observation that coronaviruses would make excellent bioweapons against enemies of the CCP. There is substantial evidence of two propositions which are prima facie difficult to reconcile. First, Covid almost certainly was released from the Wuhan Institute of virology, and the CCP knew of this, and acted so as to allow the virus to spread to the West. Second, the US had financed to some degree the research that involved gain-of-function leading to the Covid-19 virus. Could it be that the US was keen to advance bioweapons knowledge, even at the price of allowing a future enemy to get the same weapon, much like it allows its IP to be stolen by the masses of immigrant workers? And, could it be that the CCP saw golden opportunity to continue its already undeclared war against America, and the West?


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Lies about Forever Chemicals By Mrs Vera West

The truth eventually comes out about things, much like water finding its way through box gutters, no matter how much bitumen rubber is plastered on it. Forever chemicals per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances simply known as PFAS, have been used for decades in a wide range of consumer products, from packaging to even toilet paper. The name “forever chemicals” refers to the fact that these chemicals take a very long time, even in terms of human life, to break down. And by now, traces of these chemicals are everywhere, including, in all of us.

However, it has been known from 1961, that these chemicals, as used in Teflon frypans, increased the size of the livers of rats. The information was suppressed. As well, various other forever chemicals had killed animals with a single exposure. Employees were found to produce children with birth defects, but the corporations producing the chemicals were silent once more. Law suits have begun, and will continue, but there is a clear pattern seen here, as exists with he mRNA vaxxes; that the pursuit of profit leads to a neglect of moral and legal responsibility. In the end, with the failure of governments, it is left to the lawyers and court to sort it out.

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Repeated Covid Vaxxes Weaken the Immune System By Brian Simpson

This has been said by the Covid vax critics that the Covid vaxxes weaken the immune system. Now, that claim has been verified by a new scientific paper published in the journal Vaccines in May, 2023. It was found that the Covid mRNA vaxxes produce antibodies known as IgG4, which was supposed to have a protective effect, actually made the immune system more susceptible to Covid infections. And, this in turn weakened the immune system, making people more vulnerable to conditions such as cancer.  Clearly the paper establishes that the main stream narrative that the Covid vaxxes are safe and effective is refuted.  


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The Rogue FBI By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The evidence continues to grow showing that the FBI has become a KGB style police force, acting to serve the interests of the Democrat regime, while persecuting conservative opponents. That is now not just Trump MAGA types, but Christians, and anyone opposing abortion and the trans agenda, in their gunsights. Specifically, the Durham report into the conduct of the FBI regarding its politicised investigation of Donald Trump, the so-called Russiagate inquiry, showed that the FBI had become corrupted. "Durham's lengthy and "sobering" report concluded the FBI had no proper basis to launch the controversial 2016 election inquiry, which soon transformed into special counsel Robert Mueller’s sprawling investigation. The report also revealed the lack of clear evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, pointed to the Russian links behind British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s dossier, and concluded that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign played an outsize role in pushing such collusion claims to the media and the FBI."

“The extent of the FBI’s bias and reckless disregard for the truth, which Special Counsel Durham laid out in painstaking detail, is nothing short of scandalous,” (Rep)  Jim Jordan wrote to Attorney General Garland. “The FBI has tried to dismiss the report’s findings by claiming to have ‘already implemented dozens of corrective actions’ to prevent similar misconduct in the future. The FBI’s window dressing is not enough.”

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Problems with Sucralose, the Artificial Sweetener By Mrs Vera West

I almost passed over this one, thinking it was too “sciencey,” and not of general interest. But the story stayed with me. I began to look at all of the diet food I had, being a diabetic. I was amazed to find that the non-sugar sweetener in most things such as protein powder, even soups, was sucralose. However, research is indicating that the artificial sweetener sucralose is genotoxic, meaning that it has an effect of breaking up DNA. Researchers subjected human blood and gut tissues to the chemical and found DNA breakdown. And there was a negative effect upon the gut tissue: "When we exposed sucralose and sucralose-6-acetate to gut epithelial tissues—the tissue that lines your gut wall—we found that both chemicals cause 'leaky gut.' Basically, they make the wall of the gut more permeable. The chemicals damage the 'tight junctions,' or interfaces, where cells in the gut wall connect to each other.

"A leaky gut is problematic, because it means that things that would normally be flushed out of the body in feces are instead leaking out of the gut and being absorbed into the bloodstream."

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Lockdown Conspiracy, UK Style, as in Australia By Richard Miller (London)

It is surprising that this material is getting out, given the great Covid conspiracy. But we have seen in both the US and Australia, how the governments conspired, literally with Big Tech, to censor Covid vax critics. Now, evidence has been published indicating that the same thing occurred here in the UK, with the Counter-Disinformation Unit (CDU), supposedly set up to deal with domestic threats, being used to deal with Covid vax critics and critics of the lockdowns. The unit secretly worked with social media companies to squash dissent, and remove posts that the government thought was in any way problematic to them.


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No Plane Flights for the French Peasants; Private Jets, No Worries! By Richard Miller (London)

This is how the elites are playing the climate change game, passing the entire burden of reductions onto the lower classes. The elites of the likes of Bill Gates freely fly private jets to talkfests about how meat and farms need to be eliminated. Now we have the case from France, of the ordinary people being excluded from making plane trips if the trip is less than 2.5 hours, and there is a train. However, the masters of the universe are still free to make unlimited private jet flights. It certainly gives he game away.


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Dr David Martin on Covid-19 as a Bioweapon By Brian Simpson

Dr David Martin is a highly confident and forceful speaker, and he gave an expected presentation to the participants at the European Parliament International Covid Summit III. He argued referring to intellectual property material and patents, that Covid-19 was not a novel species hopping virus, but rather the product of decades long research by the US and other countries. He sees the US as being at the forefront of coronavirus research, but China was interested as well, keen enough to permit US-financed coronavirus research to be conducted at the Wuhan Institute of virology. And, from there the rest is history. Dr Martin does not discuss whether the Covid-19 virus escaped from the lab, or was deliberately released, but at this late date, it probably does not matter greatly, as with the US up to its neck in this sort of research, and according to the Russians, in the Ukraine as well, the truth will not be coming out for some time, if at all.  It is another 9/11.


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Autism and Vaccines By Mrs Vera West

One thing the vaccine establishment are keen on defending, to the death, metaphorically if necessary, as the hill to die upon, is that vaccines do not cause autism. The big vax/autism controversy involved Dr Andrew Wakefield who published a paper alleging a link between various vaccines and autism. That ignited a controversy, where Wakefield became a medical heretic, with all the fringe disadvantages, such as persecution and cancellation, as only the medical technocracy can. He responded to the war waged upon on him in his book, Callous Disregard (2011), which answers his critics.

Now, Covid vax critic Steve Kirsch is turning his attention to the broader question of the safety of vaccines other than the Covid mRNA ones. He asks the simple question, that if vaccines did not trigger autism, then “the number of times a parent notices autistic behaviour BEFORE a wellness visit where a vaccine is given should be comparable to the number of times AFTER the visit.” Surprisingly enough, there have been no scientific studies addressing this question, but Kirsch has conducted a survey where it was found that in a sample of 273 responses to the target question, 58 parents reported first seeing autistic behaviours within a month AFTER a vaccine appointment, and zero parents reported first seeing autistic behaviours within a month BEFORE a vaccine appointment.

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No, It is Not Women in the Legal Profession which is the Problem, but the Left! By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

The position has been discussed at some Dissent sites, that women in the workplace are a disaster, causing havoc. To support this outlandish claim, a New York City case involving an all-female legal team and their client who sued a high-end gym Equinox, is cited. The case involved the plaintiff, a Black woman, who was late 47 times for work in only 10 months. She was sacked, and sued on the grounds that the sacking was racially motivated. The plaintiff was awarded $11.25 million.

The argument below goes that this award came primary because of feminism in the law; naturally I am opposed to feminism in all its often weird shapes and forms, so my attention was focussed. Now, I agree that feminism overload could be one factor, but it is more likely in the present woke environment that an all-male set of lawyers, and court and jury in New York, would deliver much the same verdict; witness the absurd judgment against Donald Trump in the rape case that is not a rape case, but is, anyway. That jury had six men and three women.  The wider issue is the undue influence of the Left, which is a much wider issue than feminism. As well, while the plaintiff had representation by an all-female legal team, the jury was not all female. So, while I am anti-feminist, I think it is a bit over-the-top to conclude from stories like he above, that women are destroying the legal profession; the legal profession is doing a fine job on its own, destroying itself! As always, the real evil is the Left, which really does dominate the legal professions across the West, from America to Australia.

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Chinese Communist Children Taught to Hate the West! By James Reed

No race vilification legislation there; a video has documented how Chinese children, under the ideology of supreme emperor Xi, are taught to hate the US, Japan, and the West. It is instructive to watch. I noted one very overweight young communist saying that he hated America so much that he got nose bleeds! I think it could be high blood pressure, and the lad needs go get it checked out by a communist doctor if he wants to grow up to “kill, kill, and kill some more.” Otherwise a nice lad, if he could just get over the fervour to kill us all.


Anti-White Apartheid as South Africa Collapses By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This article is relevant to Chris Knight’s piece, “The Collapse of America,” discussing the crisis of competency. This is the thesis that the present mania for diversity over quality is leading to the breakdown of institutions. Now, at present there is only indirect evidence for this, but we do have a full-blown test case in South Africa, where the white Boers decided to give the country to the ANC.  Thus, there has been a movement from a situation of relative social stability with injustices that could over time have been sorted out and made right by natural social evolution (apartheid would have dissolved in due course with globalisation), to majority Black government by the ANC, where South Africa is multiracial.  And what there is now is a plan of white genocide, as seen in the farm killings, exploding anti-white racial crime, and leading activists saying that they support killing whites; there is even a song about this; links below to substantiate this. (Trump at one point was going to investigate this.) And apartheid is now back, with whites and Indians with race quotas for water use with licenses for businesses, specifically targeting White and Indian business owners. This is obviously to force whites out of the country.


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US Target Targets White American Women to Join the Fight Against Systematics Racism, Blah, blah By Charles Taylor (Florida)

With the white race fast becoming a racial minority in America, a fate also waiting for the UK and Australia, corporations are adjusting for the shifting demographics. Take Target for example, which is “on target,” which should have a familiar ring to readers of Alor.org. After going through the controversy about trans products, the backlash, and all the threats of violence if said products are not returned made by some unknown group, the latest issue is a Target Corporate diversity executive demanding that white women to callout transgressions in attacking the alleged systematic racism of America. Is that the same systematic racism that gives high-paying positions to people to callout supposed racism? We assume so. And as for the shifting demographics, the major changes in America are not with the Black population, but Asian and Hispanics, so she is barking up the wrong tree so to speak. You Aussies would say “gum tree.”

And, wouldn’t it be a better use of resources to tackle the massive problem of shop lifting? Who is doing most of that by the way? Better get white women Karen’s onto that one, when they stop ringing the police:

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