Robert Kennedy Jr Sums Up the Covid Vax Dangers, By Brian Simpson

Short and bitter, Robert Kennedy Jr, when questioned by Covid vaccine advocate Brian Shapiro on the issue of Covid vax safety, gave a concise list of what in essence is wrong with the Covid vax. Here it is for ready reference:

1.) "We had the highest COVID death rate. We had one of the highest vaccination rates in the world in our country. We had 16% of the COVID deaths in this country, and we only have 4.2% of the world's population. So whatever we were doing was wrong."

2.) Other countries with very low vaccination rates, like Haiti and Nigeria, had 1/200th the COVID death rate that the US had.

3.) "There were more deaths reported from the COVID vaccine than all vaccines in history combined since they started keeping records in 1986."

4.) COVID was a disease of the old and infirm. But we mandated the shots on young people, and now they're collapsing during sports and getting cancer.

5.) In Pfizer's clinical trials, people in the vaccine group had a 23% higher death rate from all causes than the placebo group.

• "It appears that if you take the vaccine ... you're 400% or 500% more likely to have a fatal cardiac arrest over the next six months than if you don't."

Kennedy concluded that no-one should have taken the vax, and certainly need to stop talking it now.



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Monday, 16 September 2024

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