Study Claims Christianity Associated with Conspiracy Theories By James Reed

“Christ, Country, and Conspiracies? Christian Nationalism, Biblical Literalism, and Belief in Conspiracy Theories,” by Brooklyn Walker and Abigail Vegter, published in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, set out to make the case that Christian nationalism and Biblical literalism are associated with belief in conspiracy theories. And what sort of conspiracy theories are these? Oh, things like the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, that the Covid vaxxes are not safe, and not effective, and that Covid was created in the Wuhan Institute of Virology as a bioweapon. Thus, conspiracies are defined as positions opposed to the ruling Leftist ideology. Feminist ideas like all men are rapists, do not qualify, because, well that is from their side of the fence, so it gets a free pass.


We should turn the research on its head, and argue that Christianity and Biblical literalism serve as filters for the truth, from the toxic wastes produced in the thought factories of modern Leftism!

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Communist China, Already Invading! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

One of the major problems with open borders immigration is that a nation loses control over who comes in, and thus national security, all to satisfy both the Leftist woke and evil corporations who want cheap labour, and competition for housing. Thus, in the US, it has been noticed that so-called “refugees” from communist china are turning up at the border, and they are all men of military age. Some 10,000 have entered since October 2022. Given that the US is moving into war mode with communist China over Taiwan, China would be foolish not to send in their potential terrorists, quite capable of taking down the grid. It shows that the present border policy is one of national suicide. Yet, legal immigration is not much better and presents the same problem of divided loyalties, as migrants may be called in time of war to support the motherland, or nasty things might happen to folk back home. Diversity is not a strength, but a problem, on both sides of the street.

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Biden Family May have Accepted Up to $ 30 Million from Foreign Nationals By Chris Knight (Florida)

While Donald Trump faces up to 400 years jail of trumped up charges, the House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, believes that bank records may show that the Biden family received up to $ 30 million from foreign nationals. It seems that everyone was in on this, even one of the grandchildren, but apparently not the cat! The outstanding question is, this all occurred during the time of Joe Biden as vice president, and naturally it is strongly suspected by some that Joe Biden is the “big guy” referred to in various communications, indicating that he may have used his influence in these deals. The evidence is yet to come in, but the suspicions are there and investigations continue. If proven, it would be a clear abuse of office, but that seems to be US business as usual now.

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The Great Replacement of Western Europe By Richard Miller (London)

A very precise article at American, accurately depicts the nature of the Great Replacement of whites here by coloured migrants: “As a consequence of sustained immigration, in large part legal, white Britons made up just under 80 percent of the population in 2019 compared with just under 90 percent in 2001. Worse still, white British births declined from 65 percent of all live births in 2014 to 61 percent in 2019. Between 2011 and 2021, the proportion of England’s and Wales’ residents born outside the UK increased from 13.4 percent of the total population to 16.8 percent. In 2021, almost 29 percent of live births were to women born outside the UK, and the average fertility rate for those women was 2.03 per woman compared with 1.54 for women born in the UK.”

This situation effectively seals the future of white Britons, who will become minorities in their own land, as mass immigration continues. But, it is more than just a “replacement,” which assumes that people are fungible; for there is no reason for maintaining that the advanced civilisation built in western Europe will be sustained by those chosen by the elites to do the replacement. Whether the elites know it or not, collapse is the inevitable destiny of their grand experiment, with the continuous crash of IQ and inevitable decline, and who knows what will happen to the nukes, if the new owners can figure out how to work them:

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Tucker’s Fourth Twitter Bombshell: Joe Biden Dictator Wannabe! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is one to watch to enjoy its true brilliance. Tucker Carlson has just released his fourth Twitter episode, attacking Joe Biden as a “wannabe dictator.” The phrase was used by a FOX News employee in a news item, and was quickly removed by management. The transgressor was sacked. Tucker unloads on the Biden regime, using satire and irony, saying satirically tht Biden could not be a dictator because dictators do such and such, then having a visual depicting exactly that. I like this one, when Biden said that gender-confused children are “our’ children: “You share your children with Joe Biden, evenly, right down the middle with alternating weekends,” he said. “You’ve got joint custody with Joe Biden and you can thank heaven that you do. A nation is like a family, every family has a head, a father, that’s Joe Biden. Our nation’s father. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is now his fatherland. Just don’t call it a dictatorship or we’ll have to issue a statement disavowing you.”


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She “Married” a Chatbot! By Mrs Vera West

Carrying on the theme at the blog today of reality and illusion, especially generated by out-of-control technology, comes the story of a woman who married her AI chatbot husband. Frustrated with the failure of real-world men, which no doubt is true, she set out to build the man of her dreams in the world of 1s and 0s, in cyberspace. And, she says she is happy. Now, who am I to criticise people finding true love, even if it is an illusion, but I think this story is parallel to the one’s where boys and young men, play video games all day, having nothing else in life. The danger is, that the elites are making our world, once a beautiful one, socially toxic, so that the young will find illusion preferable to reality.

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Twitter Founder, Jack Dorsey on Virtual and Enhanced AI Reality By Brian Simpson

Here is yet another AI/IT gurus, the founder of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, wading in on the potential dangers of AI. In particular he is concerned about virtual and enhanced reality. It is expensive at present, but prices will inevitably drop so the average kid will get it. He is concerned that this technology will be so captivating that viewers will be turned into consumer slugs, drinking soda, eating fast food, and playing games until they drop. I think of my neighbour, whose son does not work, draws the dole, and plays video games all day, and said that without video games, he would suicide, having nothing else in life, no real world friends. Haven’t we already reached that point, without enhanced reality?


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Vaccines: Unavoidably Unsafe: Robert Kennedy Jr. By Brian Simpson

This is a bit of vaccine history that most people do not know, including our health authorities, or more likely, they do not care. At the time of the DTP vaccine, Wyeth, now Pfizer visited the Reagan White House, to lobby for liability protections for the vaccines. President Reagan asked the logical question of why they could not instead make safer vaccines. The reply was that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.” If that is so, and it came straight from the horse’s mouth, then how can the narrative pushed by the Australian health authorities, who still want the population to receive endless vaccines, of “safe and effective,” be maintained? The likes of critics such as presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr, believe, that it cannot be, not just for the Covid vax, but the whole kitchen sink of them.

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The UN Drive for Digital ID By James Reed

The globalist elite Dark Lords are falling over themselves in a race to establish a global digital ID for the purposes of enslavement of … all of us. The EU is well on the way to having one up, and now the United Nations, champion of all things woke and oppressive, is going one step further, and wanting the digital ID linked to a person’s bank account and/or mobile bank account. That sticks out a mile; the immediate ability to cancel some one who the regime wants to instantly punish will be there at the press of a few computer keys. We saw this with Trudeaus’ attack upon the Canadian trucker protesters. It is evil and diabolical and to date, they are getting away with it.

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Anglophobia in Australia By James Reed

Dr Edward Dutton has reviewed the new book Anglophobia: The Unrecognised Hatred, by Harry Richardson and Frank Salter, Social Technologies, 2023. The otherwise good review gets off to a bad start with title, “Whites are Demonized in 90% White Australia.” Unfortunately, it was long ago when Australia was that white. The demographics have been changed by the same elites who Richardson and Salter criticise. The last Census put the percentage of people identifying as Asian at 17.4 percent, and that is just the start of the decomposition of once white Australia. The percentage of Anglo Saxons/ Celtics is now way below 50 percent I estimate, and perhaps the percentage of whites will get below 50 percent sooner than the elites anticipate, with our massive immigration program, designed for the Great Replacement. Oh, and Dutton is wrong in saying that the White Australia policy was ended in 1973; more like the beginnings were made in 1966 under Holt, in accordance to UN dictates.

In this context, the book by Richardson and Salter is timely, as it delves into the cultural and intellectual background of the Great Replacement, and attack upon Anglo Saxons in Australia. We have been covering this issue for years, but in a nutshell, the elites have worked since the end of World War II to ideologically dispossess the Anglo, to destroy their history and culture, as well as destroying them as a people. Normally in history a people will fight back in some way, but this had not occurred as the level of brainwashing and social control is the greatest ever seen in history, and people are deracinated, and apathetic, and Anglo intellectuals are mostly race traitors, unlike the intellectuals of other ethnic groups.

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Time for Some Fair Dinkum Economic Policies. By Ken Grundy

Dear Editor


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Kaurna Country: A Letter to Local Councils By Ken Grundy

Dear All …


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The World We Have Lost By James Reed

If I scratch my head and think a bit, I can remember a world before the internet, social media, and everyone having to have a “smart” phone even to deal with Centrelink; give me a “dumb phone” any day! The following survey relates to the US, where interesting things are investigated, but may be of relevance to us here in OZ. Seventy-seven percent of middle-age Americans (35-54 years old), would prefer living in a time before the internet and social media. Surprisingly enough, 63 percent of people aged 18-34 years also agreed. All groups felt that it was overwhelming trying to keep up with technological developments. And, of course, they are right. And we have not seen anything yet, with general artificial intelligence placing things in a whole new ball game. I will be interested in seeing follow-up results in the years to come, if I remember.

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Woman Sues Hospital for Trans-Surgery …She was Just 13-Years Old By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

This story is doing the rounds, even in the mainstream press. A 13-year old girl had her breasts removed as she thought that she was trans at the time, and the doctors and hospital went along with the operation. Now, as a woman, she is suing the California hospital and four doctors. She now claims that the procedures were “ideological and profit-driven medical abuse.” The case raises the issue, not adequately discussed in the trans debate, about the role of the medical profession and Big Pharma in profits from the transitioning process. Getting the new body can result in a six-figure bill, so it is not hard to see that one motive behind this is …money.

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The People’s Prince By Richard Miller (London)

We do not hear much about the great work the Royal Family does, with the mainstream media focussing upon every piece of “dirt,” whether true or not, that they can get. Scandal is the order of the day to fill the tabloids. However, here is a report of the tremendous work being done by Prince William to address the shocking rate of homelessness in the UK. And, he definitely walks the talk, intending to build public housing on his Cornwall estate, for starters. Clearly, the monarchy is in fine hands.

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The Voice as a Trojan Horse: George Christensen By James Reed

George Christensen, former polly, now freedom movement thinker, gives his take on the agenda behind the Voice referendum. The Voice is being set up by the Albo government, to create by definition, a race-based constitutional body that will become an effective third chamber of parliament, all done under the guise of helping Aborigines, which it will not do, but instead will benefit the controlling elites, the globalist oligarchs who seek final control over Australia’s resources.

Mr Christensen quotes from a UN document which expects 70-80 percent of Australia’s resources to be tied to non-transferable native title, the goal being to do this by 2030. This is precisely the Marxist agenda that former communist, turned freedom movement thinker Geoff Mc Donald detailed based upon his own observations and research in his book, Red Over Black (1982). The Voice fits precisely into this communist agenda, of appropriation of the vast majority of Australia’s resources to native title, and a resulting treaty. From there it is not likely to be used to benefit Aboriginal people, who would become the wealthiest people in Australia if it did, but by the elites behind the Voice, who seek to benefit from the great deception.

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Greedflation By James Reed

I think it was a book by philosopher Mario Bunge (1919-2020), who tried to create a systematic scientific world view, where I saw it, but he had a view of inflation where the cause was not cost push or demand pull, but corporate greed, doing what the market could bear. How else to account for simple price rises like frozen blueberries increasing by a dollar in price over a few days, then another dollar. The blueberries come from Chile or Canada in large containers, and are then distributed at the depots. So, it is not resource shortages, or an increase in transport costs. It can only be coronations trying to squeeze as much money as they can out of shoppers. That theory of inflation is now known as greedflation.

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The AI Control Problem is Unsolvable By Brian Simpson

Roman Yampolskiy, an AI expert gives his view of the worst-case AI scenario. AI researchers tend to accept the unproven assumption that the problem of controlling super-intelligent machines is solvable.  Hover, he notes: “… we don’t know the actual status of the AI control problem. It is possible that some forms of control may be possible in certain situations, but it is also possible that partial control may be insufficient in many cases. Without a better understanding of the nature and feasibility of the AI control problem, it is difficult to determine an appropriate course of action.”


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California Dreaming, on Such a Woke Day By Chris Knight (Florida)

Christian thinker Michael Snyder is documenting the decline of America, just as we are documenting the wider decline of the West, in real time. And, the decay is accelerating, happening every day. California is a good example for the United States, as this rogue state leads the way in woke craziness, and political oppression of conservatives, that is, if any conservatives are still left there, as people are moving out. California dreaming, celebrated in the 1965 song by the band the Mamas & the Papas, that dreaming of golden beaches, and muscle men n Venice Beach, has been replaced by the California nightmare, of spiralling crime, drugs, homelessness, and excrement-filled streets, like San Francisco, and so many US cities now. What is disturbing is how fast this sort of social collapse can occur; people are not aware of it, and continue on their daily lives, but the white ants are eating away at the foundations of the house, and suddenly, one day, things just fall apart. 

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First German Law Suit Against Big Pharma for Vax Injuries By Richard Miller (London)

It has started. In Germany the first law suit directly against BioNTech (22UAy.DE), the Covid mRNA vax, is being undertaken by a German woman who is alleging vaccine injuries arising from the Covid jab. Her lawyer is undertaking to challenge the view that the BioNTech jab has a positive risk-benefit profile, which is a direct challenge to the claim that the Covid vax is safe and effective. If this succeeds, it will turn the Covid vax narrative upside down. So, we will be flowing the case.,of%20cases%20in%20the%20country

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