Alcohol, the “French Paradox,” and the Great Reversal By Mr Vera West

In the 1990s, the “French paradox was all the go; that the French had lower incidences of cardiovascular disease than societies like Briton. French wine makers put this down to wine consumption, and thus the idea was kicked off that moderate alcohol consumption was good for you. The antioxidants in the wine must be acting as a means of cleaning out arteries. This notion gained some support, and soon became a part of popular wisdom. Some researchers opposed it with contrary studies, and it took decades before the idea that alcohol could be something of a health food was debunked. Now, the safest level of alcohol is none:

But, there should have been more thinking about the French paradox in the beginning. Even if it was true, perhaps it was not alcohol, but antioxidants in the wine that was causing the reduction in cardiovascular events, such as resveratrol? More likely, the French diet simply may have been healthier than the typical British diet. This matter shows that science, medicine and nutrition in particular, is subject to its fads and follies, and we should take what they say with a bag of salt; not to be eaten of course, you know, hypertension. (The salt issue too is open to debate, needless to say, with one idea being that low sodium diets may also raise blood pressure.)

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The End of the Green Dream, or Nightmare By James Reed

Here is an important blow to the Green dream of alternative energy resources fuelling modern society. Swedish Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson said that the Scandinavian nation needs “a stable energy system.” Alternative energy sources such as solar and wind are too unreliable to meet Sweden’s needs, so Sweden has now abandoned its “100 percent renewables” policy, and will be moving back to nuclear power.  The country is still embracing the folly of moving away from fossil fuels, arguably impossible to avoid if one wants to maintain a modern techno-industrial society, but at least going back to beautiful nuclear energy is a step in the right direction.

It is a pity the country could not harvest the energy potentials of woke bs that fills Western societies!

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Now, Cricket is Racist, Sexist Blah, Blah, but We Expected That By Richard Miller (London)

This was so predictable tht I am surprised it was not one of the first aspects of he West, especially British culture, to get a dose of Leftist deconstruction. The noble game of cricket, a symbol of British culture, as high culture in general, as much as chess, has been now denounced by the Left as embodying whiteness, and hence racism and discrimination against women; the usual stuff. The cure is to bring in more minorities, and women, as has been done with Australian rules football. Women’s football? I don’t know about Aussie rules, but as for women’s soccer while I don’t know anyone who has actually been to a match, I am sure that it would be exciting to watch.

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The War in Biology By Brian Simpson

Jerry A. Coyne and Luana S. Maroja, academic biologists, have presented an excellent overview piece about the war in biology, a part of the cultural wars. This refers to the march of Left wing thought through the institutions, and now penetrating into the sciences themselves. They discuss the issue of race, which I know the most about in their topics, but I think there is much more to be said, but we have covered this in other blog pieces. Of greater interest to the hot topics of today is the gender agenda, particularly the biological propositions that the trans lobby have promoted, such that the human sexes are non-binary, and exist on a spectrum. They refute this argument by pointing out that the vast majority of people have either male or female bodies, defined via genetics, male XY, female XX chromosomes. Then there are primary sexual characteristics, such as genitalia, and secondary sexual characteristics, such as bodily features such as breasts in females.

The counter made by the trans proponents is that intersexual exist, people who have male and female parts. That is true, but that does not show that the sexes do not exist, but instead presupposes the very categories of male and female that are supposedly rejected, so their argument is inconsistent. There are organisms which are neither plants nor animals, such as fungi, but that does not show that the plant/animal distinction does not exist.

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Updating Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s View of the Decadence of the West By James Reed

Matthew Boose, “Western Man and the Suicide Porn of Our Age,” updates the theme made by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in his 1978 speech to Harvard University, where he saw the West’s cravings for material comfort and decadent affluence, “boundless materialism,” and the flight from religion and God, as leading as surely to a spiritual desert as much as communism would. And, he was right, for with the march of cultural Marxism through the institutions, the gap between the two systems, at least philosophically is not great. So much of the base of the USSR is present in the West now, almost taken for granted: “What have been the fruits of these idols? Oppressive ennui, mediocrity, and evils that multiply faster than the human imagination can reckon. The political freedoms once associated with Anglo-American liberalism, such as free speech, are now an illusion, replaced by a purely libertine conception of “freedom.” The blasphemous worship of sexual exotics and racial minorities is enforced by the world’s most powerful government.”

The assumption coming out of the Covid mandates, seen very clearly in the Victorian government response, is that ultra-paternalism is justified, that the state knows best, and has the right to steam-roll individual liberties, such as freedom from medical interventions, in aid of some public well being ideal. Actually, the ideal is that it is the maximisation of profits for Big Pharma, for the corporates have become a key component of this new communist ideal, as part of the Great Reset.

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The Core Elements of the Great Reset Agenda for the New World Order By James Reed

Iurie Roșca, has written a tremendous article detailing that we have a de facto world government, operating through globalist organizations such as the UN and World Health Organization. He believes clear evidence of this was shown during the Covid plandemic madness, where not only was national sovereignty by-passed in favour of WHO, CCP-inspired dictates, but fundamental principles of liberty, such as informed consent, were crushed. Those sorts of steam-rolling of core values, are just what dictatorships do. Likewise, with the de-industrialisation polices of the climate change agenda, no country has stood its ground and opposed these. He thus concludes that the foundations of the New World Order are in place now.

While Christian patriots must fight to oppose this, he has no illusions about the likelihood of at least short-term success: “Creating parties, participating in elections, organizing street demonstrations, collecting signatures, sending e-mails or petitions to dignitaries, all these have no longer any purpose in the new conditions. Worse, the entire work of informing and awakening societies to reality, which we, the anti-System militants do, has a limited impact and cannot produce a reversal of the situation. This is because of the control over the collective mind exerted for decades by mainstream media and mass culture, by manipulation and perception management, by social media and hedonistic individualism.”

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It is Pizza that Threatens the Climate Apocalypse! (More Climate Change Tyranny) By James Reed

This item kept appearing in my news feed, if that is what the annoying square on the bottom right of the computer screen is called, and I ignored it until just about now, when the penny dropped. Coal and wood-fired pizzas have the reputation of being the best pizzas; I checked this with the Italian woman who is working opposite me on a computer in the community centre. My extensive research indicates that New York pizzas have the reputation of being the best of the best; who am I to disagree? I never eat the stuff, too much dough which gives me terrible IBS.

Anyway, under the insane climate change mandates of New York, worse than anything we yet have in Oz, these pizza makers have to slash carbon emissions by up to 75 percent. This will be a big expense, tens of thousands of dollars, and will probably put the smaller operators out of business. While this does not seem of international importance, it illustrates the brutal impact of climate change policies upon small business, and we can expect more of this in all jurisdictions, so, get ready. The climate change elites feel that they have the high moral ground, and are totally merciless.

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Mr Postman, Who Might be Doing This? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The authorities have no real idea who is sending the threatening letters with a mysterious white powder to Republican lawmakers in three states which passed legislation unpopular with the “Lobby.” Such laws were aimed to protect children from sex-change operations, and puberty blockers. Around 100 letters have been received by Republican lawmakers and public officials. The white powder was tested and found not to be a chemical or biological agent. But, it was probably sent as a message that people had better play ball, or else … next time.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr: Abandon “Forever Wars” Policy Speech By Charles Taylor

US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr has given a tremendous speech where he condemned the “forever war” policies, pushed by the Deep State in all the presidents after they killed his uncle, John F. Kennedy. These polices involved, in short, demonising Russia, and other countries, often to the point of lying about matters, such as the weapons of mass destruction that Iraq supposedly had, but did not, that covered an invasion and toppling of the regime, in a war for oil.

Instead, Kennedy like Trump, wants to end the “forever wars,” pushed by the military industrial complex, and go back to a society which was not seeking to enforce its supposed order upon the world. As well, consistent with this, Kennedy opposes the creation of a vaccine New World Order under the World Health Organization.

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Sue the Doctors: Transgender Law Suits A Coming By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

The media has been reporting on a number of young people who felt that they had gender dysphoria, distress at believing that they were born in the wrong bodies, and who thus sought the advice of trusted surgeons, who then engaged in trans surgery. One person, Kayla Lovdahl, had such surgery as a 13-year old, which now at the age of 18 year, she describes as “barbaric and cruel,” leading to emotional and physical injuries. Kayla is suing the doctors and hospital, with the basis of her case being that statistics indicate that that nearly half of trans surgeries result in serious and life-threatening complications, and as a minor, she did not make informed consent. The American extract below has some graphic medical details, but no more that we hear almost everyday now.

I do not know how this case will go, since the plaintiffs are up against not just particular defendants, but a powerful ideology, which as the present time, is the Big Thing.

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UN Wants to Suppress Religious Liberty for LGBT+ Agenda By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Here is yet another reason, a very good one too, for Christians to support their nations abandoning the UN, which no longer serves any purpose beyond woke globalism. Thus, Victor Madrigal-Borloz claimed in his address to the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva that religious communities who did not accept the full demands of the LGBT agenda, were committing acts of discrimination and violence. The LGBT position is “beyond the scope of the right freedom of religion or belief.” That means, that the traditional Christian idea of the family must go, along with the position that homosexuality is a sin. Thus, for example, the Catechism of the Catholic Church sees homosexuality as a “grave sin” and “objectively disordered.” That would therefore need to be abandoned, according to the UN, along with passages in the Bible presumably removed.

Or, we abandon the UN, at long last.

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Woke Craziness: Professor Fired for Saying Sex Determined by Genetics By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

I am not certain if this has occurred anywhere else in he world, but be sure with the trans agenda, we are going to see it, everywhere. A college professor has been sacked for explaining to a biology class, not cultural or queer studies, that the sex of a person is determined by chromosomes. The sacking seems to be based upon “religious preaching, discriminatory comments about homosexuals and transgender individuals, anti-abortion rhetoric, and misogynistic banter.” That is quite a mouthful. Perhaps here is more to the story, but the claim that biological sex, which by the Left’s own criteria, is distinct from gender, is determined by chromosomes, is in fact true. Of course, the Left may go total postmodern relativism, and deny that any truth exists, at least objectively, but if they go down that road, well, there goes the gender identity thesis, which is true only relative to them, but not to the rest of the rational universe.


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Al Gore, “Carbon Billionaire”: Making Money from the Climate Crisis By Chris Knight (Florida)

Al Gore, former US vice president, made a claim to fame for being the early force of climate change hysteria with his book and film, An Inconvenient Truth (2006), which predicted a climate apocalypse about now, just as Greta Thunberg more recently has done, with her failed prediction. Gore’s big thing was about the polar bears getting stuck in the middle of the ocean and drowning as the ice has melted, but it turned out to be nonsense since polar bears are superb swimmers. Anyway, things have gone well for big Al, who I recall saying that we should watch his waistline to see if he is going to run for president. But, he is doing fine, with speculation that his carbon-saving projects are going to make him the first carbon billionaire.

Now on this I suppose the standard line conservatives would take is that he is somehow hypocritical; however, I do not see a problem with developments that Gore may have done. The market will decide if these things are of merit or not. What I don’t like is the high moral ground taken to justify this, the boring mythology that we are eco-warriors saving the planet. It is just a myth. Better to be honest and just make heaps of money.

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Accelerating Decline By Chris Knight (Florida)

Christian collapse theorist, Michael Snyder addresses an issue which should be foremost on American minds; accelerating collapse. I do not think, having lived in Australia, that the same level of breakdown is operating there yet, but give it time, for the same forces of decadence, decay and disintegration are at work throughout the West. Certainly, what Snyder says about here in the US, is also applicable to Western Europe, where societies are also beginning to implode under the stresses of an immigration invasion, and New World Order attack upon fundamental institutions such as farming and energy production. Apart from South Africa, which is arguably in a state of social collapse with a near-operating government to continue oppression of the people, what is seen daily in America is little short of alarming. Retail theft has become common, with groups of people simply storming stores and taking what they want. Police have been ordered by Soros-backed DAs to go soft, or not prosecute at all. This was seen in 2020, where antifa arsonists, and destructors of property, were mostly let off by Democrat law authorities. Consequently, many big stores are pulling out of places like Baltimore, which once was dangerous, especially if one was white, to becoming war zones, making the Wild West look tame.

If the US ends up at this point of chaos, there is nothing to say that Australia, for example, is magically exempt, as all of the ideologies leading America to this situation are present right across the West. 

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The Lunatics are Running the Asylum By James Reed

I have felt for a long time, that almost all of the ruling elites, local and global, are criminally insane. They embody numerous psychological disorders, especially psychosis, megalomania and psychopathology. These elites do not operate on the normal moral constraints that bind our behaviours, for they will do anything to secure and further their power.

Peter McCullough has also addressed this issue, and quotes from the psychologist Carl Jung’s 1957 work, The Plight of the Individual in Modern Society, which gives support to the view that society’s sanity is only held in check by a minority of people who hold to critical rationality. Yet today, with the dumbing down of the population, and I think the elites as well, the number of people of unsound mind increases. If this process continues, then a civilisation is doomed. Even though the elites may have high IQ in the sense of information processing ability, they lack  common-sense survival instincts; this is seen in the present Ukraine situation where it is clear that nuclear war could breakout from present polices, but it seems, the agenda of letting major corporate powers rebuild the Ukraine in their image, overrides the destruction of the human race. And, very few people seem to be devoting the concern to this issue they should, mindless embracing support of the Ukraine at all costs. Zelensky would no doubt nuke Moscow if he had the nukes. And, if that is not madness, nothing is.

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George Christensen on the Shocking UK Covid Death Statistics of the Triple Vaxxed By Brian Simpson

Great coverage of the alarming death toll the Covid vaxxes are still raking up, by George Christensen.  George quotes official government data found here:


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Trust the Science? Covid, Climate Change? Scientific Fraud and the Fraud of Science By Brian Simpson

As discussed by Adrian Barnett Professor of Statistics, Queensland University of Technology, there is a massive amount of fraud in science, not just the social sciences, but STEM and science as well. The amount of fraud can be gaged by the “paper mill” industry for mass producing articles for academics to secure grants and jobs. The “paper mill” industry is worth an estimated €1 billion a year. There are many proposed “solutions; to this issue, given the clear limits of peer review to detect fraud, such as use of computer-data base checking. Yet, if the original data is cooked up, it will be difficult once more to detect. And, journals do not have a great incentive to devote limited resources to the exhausting task of running fraud to ground, merely giving lip service to it.


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Soros Scheming to Produce Another Migrant Crisis By Richard Miller (London)

According to Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban, George Soros is planning yet another migrant crisis, for as Orban said about the last migrant crisis he helped cause, Never underestimate the power of the dark side.”  And, he is certainly right there, and his son Alex is now taking over the family business to destroy Western civilisation, and he says that he is 100 times worse than his old man.

What is concerning is that Soros has poured $ 32 billion into his Open Society Foundation, and it is seldom asked where all these billions come from, as the sums vastly are more than his personal wealth. My hypothesis is that the Soros group is a front for the globalist elites, as the organisation seems indestructible with nation states not being able to do much about him.  

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Dr Paul Marik: The Money-Making Cancer Paradigm By Mrs Vera West

Dr Paul Marik, who has an informative blog detailing Covid vax injuries, is a well-published medical researcher, with over 500 peer reviewed papers. He has recently done an interview with Children’s Health Defense, on the  cancer industry. He does not hold back: “The current paradigm or current narrative [around cancer] is designed to make money because these drugs are really expensive. And oncologists actually are paid to give cancer drugs, so it’s a big industry. So, there’s no interest of oncologists to actually practice good medicine. It’s not in their financial interest to do so. And so, that’s the tragedy that we face.” He believes tht an alternative must be sought, beginning with a rejection of he mainstem genetic theory of cancer. Only a few cancers are genetic he argues, and instead, most cancers are due to metabolic dysfunction. If that is so, it suggests ways of treating cancer by targeting the tumour micro-environment. He made the following interesting remarks: “Warburg effect,” Dr. Marik denoted. “Otto Warburg (Nobel Prize Winner), in 1928, discovered that all cancer cells — this is all cancer cells — are metabolically dysfunctional and require glucose as their prime source of fuel. They cannot use their mitochondria to generate energy. So, the consequence of that is if you deprive the cancer cell of glucose, it actually promotes cell death. So, ketosis actually is a very useful intervention if you have cancer because cancer cells can’t use ketones as a source of energy, whereas human cells can. And they’re dependent on glucose. So, if you can starve the cancer cell by limiting glucose, you’re going a long way in controlling cancer.”

There is much more in the interview, but the suggestion here of limiting carbohydrates even as a preventive measure should be considered, since it may aid in dealing the threat of diabetes as well.

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Does Obama Still Rule the White House? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There is a conspiracy theory that the hidden agent behind the Biden administration, the real president, who is of course a puppet of the globalists, is Obama still. On take has him sitting in some Washington DC bunker, beaming his instructions. But, that is a bit silly, for in this information age that needs not be done. As detailed by Politico Magazine, Obama has had a major influence upon present White House policies, and he does not really need to be there doing the mechanics; rather he supplies the raw ideas and thoughts to get the policies up and running. And, compared to Biden he is relatively “young,” at 61 years, so he will be around for a long time, if George Soros, at age 92 is any indication.


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