The UK Epidemic of Heart Attacks By Richard Miller (London)

The mainstream publication, The Daily, reports that since the beginning of the Covid business, 100,000 Britons have “needlessly” died from heart attacks and strokes. The explanation is that there was disruption to normal medical services due to the lockdowns. There is truth in this. However, there needs to be further investigation before mechanically claiming that the disruption to the health services was the sole cause. As far as I am aware, hospitals did not shut down for emergencies such as with cardiovascular events, and neither did ambulances. What was affected was elective surgery, which is not relevant. And, as always, the impact of the mRNA vaxxes does not even get discussed. As noted in other articles at the blog today, there needs to be autopsies performed to examine the impact of mRNA spike proteins upon the heart tissue, and brain, of victims.

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Gender Transition “Mistakes” By Mrs Vera West

I have noticed a number of stories appearing in the social media about young people who felt that they were in the wrong bodies, gender dysphoria, and were convinced by medical professionals that gender realignment surgery would deal with this problem. The story below of Jasmine, who began taking male hormones at age 15, and at age 17 had breast removal, is one example. She later came to regret the decision, saying tht she was too immature to have made such a decision. And the case of Milo, who was in a TV documentary follows the same pattern.


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The Rise and Rise of mRNA Cardiovascular Deaths By Brian Simpson

mRNA cardiovascular deaths, globally continue to rise, but even though there are the beginnings of recognition of this in some peer reviewed articles, the mainstream narrative remains that mRNA vaxxes are safe and effective. However, there are studies from Japan, Qatar and Korea claiming that cardiovascular deaths from the mRNA jabs has been under-reported. Although thousands of young adults, including athletes died soon after being jabbed, the deaths were not investigated, perhaps deliberately vin a vast cover-up.


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France has that St George Floyd Feeling By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Sumantra Maitra, who is not white, gives his take on the French race riots, and compares them to the 2020 American George Floyd riots. He is correct to dismiss the line made by the mainstream media, that this is a social justice thing; in both cases rioters targeted even people who were Black, and stole designer goods, like expensive runners, rather than food. However, the difference as I see it that the American situation involves home grown urban terrorists, while the French situation is migrant-based, and there is probably an ISIS element at work as well. I judge the French situation to be much more dangerous, with the potential for anarchy, while America is big, and the terror was mainly in Democrat cities. Overall things are falling apart rather quickly.


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Apocalypse Overload Resisted By James Reed

Veiko Hessler makes the excellent point that we are subjected to relentless doom and gloom and images of the coming apocalypse … unless, we, the ordinary people, submit to the schemes of the elites, who are proposing the visions of doom. The World Economic Forum, and the UN, through climate change organisations such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are examples. People are undermined by a disaster-overload, and become apathic, losing hope of opposing anything. This is the common response one gets when pointing out the globalist agenda to ordinary folk; well, it is hopeless, too big,  what can we do?


While our struggle is not easily, we, of the freedom movement need to present alternatives to the worldview those such as the transhumanist World Economic Forum are presenting. As Hessler concludes: “The ingenious strategy of European evolution has always depended on the explosive imagination of a few heroic individuals, and it is time for us to accept this mantle of responsibility once again. If our people cannot envisage a future for themselves, it is time for us to articulate one for them to believe in. In a world of rack and ruin, where all seems lost, we must be the lighthouse, the shining beacon, guiding our people home and out of their deep despair in the age of apocalypses.”

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A Tale of Two French Deaths By Richard Miller (London)

The shooting of a 17 year-old Arab youth was the spark leading to the great French race riots. But, before that 12 year old Lola Daviet, was raped and murdered by an Algerian migrant, and her body stuffed in a suitcase. There were no riots and protests for her.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

The Insane Society By James Reed

Gurwinder Bhogal has raised the thought-provoking point that liberal society itself could be pathological, making people ill. He takes the case of long Covid, where while men and older people generally suffer most from the Covid infection, women are twice as likely as men to suffer from long Covid, and the most affected are transgenders. Thus, there is the paradox that Covid affects men more than women, but long Covid, which is due to the effects of a Covid infection, affects women more than men. As well, a study published in the journal Nature, reported that 4 percent of people in one large sample had not had Covid, but claimed to have long Covid. Another study found that people prone to anxiety and depression before Covid infection were 45 percent more likely to develop long Covid after infection. One explanation of this is that the symptoms of anxiety and depression overlap with long Covid. And as well, there are an enormous number of psychological pathologies that now trouble youths, with depression and anxiety being foremost.

It is suggested that one of the main causes of this crisis in pathology is the liberal woke society itself, and the fact that Leftist/liberal people tend to have higher rates of mental problems. There can be much debate about the causes of this, but my take is that a philosophy fundamentally inconsistent with the human essence, of what is natural, will in the longer run, produce dysfunction and illness. To this, the liberal Left will go relativist and deny that there is anything “natural” human nature, as that commits the conceptual sin of essentialism, that essential properties exist. But on this, the majority of the human race today, and in the past would disagree, and see their agenda as producing the illness that people are now suffering from.

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The CDC as a Censorship Organisation By Chris Knight (Florida)

The CDC’s Director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, who helped push the Covid mandate tyranny upon America, which then influenced the world, including Australia, is stepping down from the CDC position. But, she is not going to be a professor at some university, at least, not for a while. She was proud that the CDC interacted with the media, through a process of “prebunking,” where basically the media are told what the truth is, and that deviations constitute “misinformation.” She has indicated that this once small organisation, transformed during Covid into a major shaper of the political narrative over health, will continue to keep “prebunking” anything that does not fit their narrative, which is one identical with Big Pharma’s.


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Cocaine in the White House! Hunter! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A suspicious white powder that the US secret service found at the White House, turned out to be not a chemical agent from the CCP or Russia, but cocaine. And, where there is smoke, there is fire; cocaine lover Hunter Biden, the president’s son was at the White House prior to the discovery. But, they are saying that the coke was found in a public area, so anyone could have left it. Sure; why hasn’t coke been left before, and most people who are users would not lose their “precious”? It is but one more story on the road of decline.

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The Cost of the French Riots By Richard Miller (London)

An estimation has been made of the costs at present of the French race riots. Geoffrey Roux de Bézieux, head of France’s largest employer federation, the Movement of the Enterprises of France (MEDEF), puts the figure at €1 billion in damage. But that is surely a lower estimate, since, given the social media blackout, we do not know if the riots are still continuing or not. And, “It is too early to give a precise figure but we are at more than a billion euros, not counting the damage to tourism. The videos of the riots, which circulated around the world, damage the image of France. It’s always difficult to know if the impact will be lasting, but there will certainly be a drop in bookings this summer when the season was promising. Trips have already been canceled,” said Bézieux.

The mass immigration/Great White Replacement lobby say that diversity is a strength; but diversity has a high cost. The Marseille Alcazar library, one of the largest in France was burn out as a symbol of an attack upon the West; the library has books going back to the medieval period, priceless, and now, gone.

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There She Blows? Zaporizhzhia Ukraine Nuclear Plant False Flag By Richard Miller (London)

Well, if this is true, it was nice knowing you Aussies at the Blog! But, I think, not so. The Ukraine is getting ready for a nuclear explosion at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Russia is not letting Western nuclear inspectors into the plant, and is not making the plant a neutral zone. That seems to me to be no real evidence of an impending nuclear explosion about to occur. The Russians are still monitoring the plant, and they have all the reasons in the world not to have this plant go “boom,” as radioactivity will go all over Europe, including Moscow. So, I call war propaganda on this one, probably to keep NATO on the readiness to join the conflict and kick start World War III, which Zelensky seems to be obvious to.

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Nobel Prize Quantum Physicist Says: Climate Change Crisis is Bunk! By Brian Simpson

Here is one worth quoting in heated debates with fanatical Left-wing climate changers. Nobel Prize winner quantum physicist John Clauser is having none of this climate change catastrophe stuff. He has said:  “I don’t think there is a climate crisis…I think the key processes are exaggerated and misunderstood by a factor of about 200.” Elaborating: “In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis. There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the world’s large population and an associated energy crisis. The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science.”

With the storm of criticism tht is going to come his way, hopefully he will turn his mathematical talents to refuting bodies such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change (IPCC).

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Diversity, Not a Strength, But a Riot! By James Reed

A short piece by dissent Right journalist Ben Bartee, puts the point that whatever the endgame of the French riots, it is a clear argument against the present Left-wing mantra, that diversity is a strength. This claim is fanatically mouthed with never any supporting arguments, even though numerous empirical studies show that increased diversity leads to the erosion of social capital, and hence diversity is not a strength.


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Major Banks are Shutting Down People's Accounts as Punishment for Their Political Opinions By Richard Miller

Here is video coverage, linked below, of the UK situation of the banks now cancelling people’s bank accounts. It was done to Brexit activist Nigel Farage, and the bank, he said, did not give him any reasons. The Left-wing press are running with the line that this is not political persecution, but due to a lack of funds in the account, but at no time did the bank state this according to the reports by Farage, who should have been told this, but states that the bank gave no reason. The start of this political cancellation was made with the Canadian truckers’ protests, and with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), the possibility exists for what are now being called “politically exposed people,” to get struck off of the system with a few strokes of the keys.

Apart from political change, in the short-term dissents probably need to keep cash, but that is why they are moving to a cashless society. It will be a major challenge to us all if the CBDC system gets up and running, and the framework is already being put in place.

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Big Words Explained: Existential and Ontological Shock (Dr Robert Malone) By James Reed

Dr Robert Malone has written an interesting piece of philosophy relevant to the totalitarianism, deception and lies that came to dominate the political scene since 2020. He distinguishes between “existential shock,” and “ontological shock,” with reference to the lies and deception of the Covid plandemic. In existential shock, the individual comes to question that which they previously believed to be true, or to exist, on some particular aspect of a phenomenon. However ontological shock is an even deeper form of shock, involving questioning “previously held assumptions relating to trust, teaching, and learned models of physical reality and history - interpretation of the tide of events which flow through our lives and provide key event interpretations which we rely upon to assemble our internal models of what is true and what is false.” This is closely related to existential shock but seems to involve a deeper level of scepticism abut what is real and unreal. Thus, one could have an existential shock about the effectiveness of the Covid vaxxes, seeing these vaxxes as flawed or limited. But, one could be pushed further through ontological shock, to question the whole vaccine paradigm itself, and the soundness of conventional medicine.


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It’s A Gene Therapy, Not the Traditional Vaccine By Brian Simpson

This is an important article for the Covid vaccine critique community: Helene Banoun, “mRNA: Vaccine or Gene Therapy? The Safety Regulatory issues, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 24 (13), 2023. Her conclusion is that the Covid mRNA vaxxes are not traditional vaccines, but gene therapies as the mode of action by the mRNA in the cell, in making the cell produce spike proteins, is a gene therapy. As such, these gene therapies were not subjected to the usual regulatory processes, given the emergency authorisations, and now should be. The more detailed argument for the gene therapy proposition, is quoted below. But, I doubt very much if all people who rolled up their sleeves to get the jab, would have done so if they knew this. So, having some nodding awareness of the science does matter. It would help in thinking about what gunk is injected into one, if at all, in the future. And, we have the authority of Mr Vax, Bill Gates that something bigger than Covid is coming, perhaps in time for the US 2024 elections.


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Fighting Greedflation: Time for the Social Credit Dividend By James Reed

Major Douglas said that there were three possible policy alternatives with respect to the economic system, but the simplest was that an industrial system should supply goods and services to the community.  But, as he showed, there is a deficiency of purchasing power, which could be manifested in many ways, but clearly the present situation in Australia, detailed below is an example. People have found that inflation, or more likely, greedflation, has led to the average increase in groceries per year, being $ 1,924, with 78 percent of people having to cut back on purchases. And groceries are just one cost, with everything else going up to, such as medicines, electricity, gas, water and council rates, to name but a few. Price rises are killing peoples’ standard of living.  


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The French Riots are Not a Product of Social Exclusion By Richard Miller (London)

A comment on the riots in France by Vincent Trémolet de Villers, has appeared at the site below, which debunks the narrative that the mainstream media, and the Left are pushing, that the looting and riots are the result of social exclusion. On the contrary, the rioters have annual riots, and this year coordinated things with the protest over the shooting of the 17-year old, as this was easy to exploit. And, the suburbs where the rioters come from have had billions of Euros poured into them, much more attention that poor white French areas. De Villers sees this as a product of the woke promoting the idea that French culture, which has given them so much, is to be despised. Riots are what follows. See the video at the site below where rioters chant “Allahu Akbar” while, rioting:


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The Green Paradox: The Harvesting of Balsa Wood to Create “Green” Wind Energy has Destroyed Local Indigenous Communities and Decimated Ecosystems By James Reed

Dr Mercola has hit the Green energy scam right where it is vulnerable, namely damage to the environment, and the environment of Third World people to boot. The main point to be made is that balsa wood is used in the actual windmill blades, a wood which is light and strong, presumably than better than synthetic substitutes. But, wind turbine blades can be up to100 meters long and each blade requires 150 cubic meters of balsa wood, which is several tons of balsa wood. Most of the wood comes from South American tropic forests, as in Ecuador; the balsa is native to south America. China is buying up enormous quantities of this wood, to build its own wind turbines as backup to its also expanding coal industry, leading no stone unturned on the road to world conquest. But, in the process, tropical forests are being destroyed; as noted below: It’s a decision that has caused pain, rejection and division among families and has had consequences for the ecosystem of the islands and for the river itself. The balseros bring alcohol, drugs and prostitution, and pollute the extraction sites with plastics, cans, machinery, gasoline and oil spills.

They abandon used chains from their chainsaws. They eat the turtles and chase away the parrots, toucans and other birds that feed on the flowers of the balsa trees. The breakdown of ecosystems by illegal deforestation has profound impacts on the balance of local flora and fauna, which will never recover."

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Freakish Long blood Clots Continue to be Found in the Vaxxed Dead By Brian Simpson

US funeral director Richard Hirschman was one of the first to raise the issue about the existence of never-before seen long blood clots found in dead bodies that were to be embalmed. These clots are still being found in the vaxxed dead, Hirschman reports. He has been doing embalming for 20 years and says that he has not seen this phenomenon before. This has been documented, and the clots were analysed by Mike Adams, who found that they were biological, but not having the usual chemical composition of blood. It is very odd, and no medical papers have appeared on this. I wonder why?


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