Solving the Housing Crisis by Bringing in a Flood of Migrants By James Reed

At present the Labor government is undertaking the largest migration program in Australia’s recent history. The usual bs is rolled out, like a skills shortage, but there has been a skills shortage since Adam was a migrant. No, it is all about our evil corporates making up for the dollars that might have been lost with the Covid shamdemic. That one was given to Big Pharma, now it is the lower level corporates, especially in the real estate industry, that want their bite of the apple. Naturally, a housing/rental crisis is great for them; supply and demand and all that.


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First the EU, Now Biden Regime Looking into Blocking Out the Sun, What Could Possibly Go Wrong with that? By Chris Knight

The blog reported last week on the EU beginning investigation into blocking out the Sun, in part, to lower global temperatures to deal with  supposed climate crisis. Now, the White House is onto the same thing, with a research paper, “Congressionally-Mandated Report on Solar Radiation Modification,” recommending the process of solar energy modification. There have been objections made in the past that with a complex system such as the world climatic system, there is a vast scope for unexpected things to occur through such modifications, such as altering the monsoons sand rain patterns, that could lead to water shortages and global famine. It is difficult to see how any study could rule out the possibility of catastrophe from climate engineering, given the present lack of understanding of say, the effects of clouds in the warming/cooling mechanics of the planet.       


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The Conspiracy of Catastrophes By Brian Simpson

A thought-provoking essay by John Bruce Leonard at Arktos Journal, puts the case that the globalist New World Orderers are behind many of the converging catastrophes, that French philosopher Guillaume Faye discussed in his book, La congergence des catastrophes., L’Æncre, 2004. English translation: Convergence of Catastrophes, Arktos, 2012. The core evidence for this is the globalist obsession with world depopulation, which sits uneasy with their short-term desire to flood the West with non-whites. But, it is easily explained once one looks at the situation as one as a war the globalists are conducting upon traditional Western societies. All the pieces of the puzzle fit together in this light. Their goal is to destroy, then rebuild the world to suit their own tastes, however alien.

That is not to say that all present disasters are globalist-caused, but those events which are not, will be immediately capitalised and used by them to further their goal of complete world domination, and total control over the individual, because these people, at the ends of the day, are just down right, evil. I believe, demonic:

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632 times Increase in Child Excess Deaths Across Europe By Richard Miller (London)

More horrors of the Covid vaxxes is coming out. reports a 63,060 percent  surge in excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 by the twenty-second week of 2023, with the vax for children being rolled out in the European summer of 2021. Once more, the health authorities are throwing up their hands and saying that they are not sure how this is possible. Of course, the only common cause is the vax.

Perhaps just as concerning are statistics from Switzerland, there has been since the Covid vax rollout the highest decline in births for one hundred years. Thousands of births did not happen. It will be important to monitor this situation across the globe. The same decline is seen in Finland, Denmark, Germany. As the following video concludes, this is genocide:

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The Death Toll from Their Own Data By Brian Simpson

While the health authorities and Big Pharma were proclaiming the Covid mRNA vaxxes were safe and effective, Pfizer was keeping documentation that indicated that there was another story. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) obtained the data in 2022. As Natural News summarises: “Dated Aug. 18, 2022, and marked "confidential," the documents show that cumulatively during the clinical trials and post-marketing period between Dec. 19,2021, and June 18, 2022, known as the "PSUR #3 period," a total of 4,964,106 adverse events were recorded. An appendix was also included outlining further specifics about these adverse events.”

Naturally the data was kept confidential at the time, not to scare people into becoming timid in having billions of spike proteins, circulating in their bodies, their brains, hearts and ovaries.

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English Language Claimed to be “White Supremacist” By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This sort of stuff goes on frequently at the universities, all Leftist dominated, across the West. A professor had to attend a professional development training session at Pennsylvania State University, and was told that the English language is racist, presumably said  in English itself! As well, he was subjected to the usual onslaught of whites all being white supremacists, and he “was individually singled out for ridicule and humiliation because of the color of his skin.” Rather than passively taking this the professor did the right thing, and got a good lawyer to sue the university. If thousands of people did this, the universities may stop and reconsider the costs of being woke, and of anti-white racism.


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Dirty Deeds, but Not Done Dirt Cheap By James Reed

So, it is not just the US which is crackling with corruption. The ABC program Four Corners, which still does some fine investigative journalism, presented a program, “Dirty Deeds,” about the biggest tax fraud in Australia’s history, the Plutus payroll scheme.  The facts are somewhat difficult to concisely summarise, so it is worth watching the presentation which is on-line at the link given; I merely draw this to the reader’s attention. One of the guys in the scheme is the son of the deputy commissioner at the Australian Taxation Office, at the time. Irony of ironies.,and%20ABC%20iview.

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The Internet and Grid Apocalypse By Brian Simpson

The internet, being an electronic creation is vulnerable to solar storms, which have the capacity to bring down the entire electrical grid, as well as the internet, producing what has been called an “intent apocalypse.” This is detailed below. But it is worse than that, as a powerful solar storm narrowly missed the Earth on March 12, 2023. Here is what would have happened if it had hit:

“What happened on March 12 was similar to the 1859 outburst – only worse. Early estimates suggest that this explosion was ten to a hundred times more powerful than the one of 1859. Such events – if not quite so extreme -- are not uncommon. One serious difference from 1859 was that explosion took place on the side of the sun facing away from earth. If it had been facing in our direction, if the earth had borne the full brunt of that blast, we can scarcely imagine the results. It’s likely that all operating electrical systems would have been immediately destroyed, the same as the telegraph systems in 1859. Any active electronic instruments – and possibly even those that happened to be shut down – would have been fried, transformed into useless hunks of plastic, metal, and silicon. The electrical and electronic networks (e.g., the Net) that form the framework of Third Millennial civilization would have been annihilated. Once they were destroyed, all power would vanish. Industry would grind to a halt. Massive amounts of data, including almost all financial data, would simply disappear. All methods of communication beyond voice range would no longer exist. It wouldn’t be a matter of waiting to be rescued by a government of any sort. Government would have shrunk to little more than a notion. The very tools on which relief, and even recovery, depend would simply have vanished. The consequences beggar the imagination. A new Dark Age would have been the best option to expect.”

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Heavy Electric Vehicles Tear Up Roads! By James Reed

Here is yet another problem with electric vehicles, especially the heavy versions such as trucks. It is not decisive, but is yet another point against them. A study from the UK has shown that the average electric car puts 2.24 times more stress on roads than a similar petrol vehicle, and 1.95 more than a diesel. Larger electric vehicles such as trucks can cause up to 2.32 times more damage to roads. This stress on the roads leads to pot holes forming. It is not an earth moving bit of news, only one that moves asphalt.


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The Fallacious Immigration Invasion Argument: If We Don’t Fill the Country Others Will Invade! By James Reed

Back in the day, notably the 1980s when the mass immigration madness was starting to go manic, the claim was often made by Big Australia supporters that Australia must populate or perish. The idea was that the populated Asian countries to the north would not permit Australia to have a small population and vast resources. Unless the corporate agenda was met, they would invade us, and finish us off; the ultimate blackmail.

I always hoped to be at a public venue to nail a chatterer putting this argument. First, what does it say about the countries to the north, so willing to invade? Second, if that was so, why would they worry about Australians filling up the country, when, they were willing to invade, they could fill the place up with their own kind? But this argument has served its day, and the chattering class have moved on and do not see any need to justify mass immigration at all now; it just is done because it can be done to a weak and passive country, with no resistance.

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Food Tokens: World Health Organization to Control What You Eat! By James Reed

The World Health Organization, with its One Health policy for the global control of the health of nations, is now moving to also control the world’s food supply, to integrate food with medicine and health, claiming a close inter-relationship, that food is also medicine. Thus, the next level of global control will be put into place, controlling food with food tokens, that will dictate what one can eat. It is easy to see where this will go, with Central Bank Digital Currencies, as one will only be permitted credit to buy the food that the WHO and UN prescribes. That will be insects, not traditional foods such as meat and dairy.

This will be a level of social control, never before experienced on the planet, and the urgency is, that this agenda is being put into place in May 2024, with little public awareness. We need to get busy opposing this.

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The Public Health Failure of Lockdowns By Brian Simpson

The official position here in Australia about the lockdowns is that they were lifesaving, and an overall positive benefit. It follows that when the next plandemic comes, we will see lockdowns again. Afterall, the worse states for this, Western Australia and Victoria, re-elected their lockdown premiers, indicating something fundamentally wrong there, if the lockdown were, as many have said, a disaster.

 In the UK, a study by researchers from John Hopkins University and Lund University found that the UK lockdowns saved only around 1,700 lives, with there being about 11,000 deaths in the UK in an average week. The economic costs of shutting down an entire economy were enormous, and there is yet to be any public call of accountability for the harm which has been done. The crime of the century, must not be forgotten, because, the elites will repeat their performance, having got away with it once. And, next time things will be even worse.

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There Was a Plandemic, but No Pandemic By Brian Simpson

A number of Covid vax critics are putting the case, in reflection on the events of the last three years, that there was no pandemic at all, it was all a political construction. The Covid virus was most likely constructed by gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology as a CCP bioweapon, according to Chinese informants. China then ensured that the virus spread to the West.  Once there, the Western authorities saw the opportunity for the “Great Reset,” to break our liberal democratic institutions and liberties. Using ridiculously high thresholds on the PCR tests, they made certain that the virus was widespread, and anyone with even traces of the viral protein tested positive. Then, ignoring data indicating the very low mortality of the disease, panic was produced, and lockdowns produced in the most tyrannical fashion, backed by police who acted in most cases as thugs of the state. Then, when people were softened up enough, the vax was rolled out, and the people were told, one jab will stop transmission, and that it was safe and effective. But, after numerous jabs, the vax deaths and injuries pile up, with record excess mortality. No accountability for all this has been made, and the elites are awarding each other awards for a job well done. If that is not rotten, nothing is.

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The Biden Crime Family By Charles Taylor

You Aussies probably did not get this story in a country dominated by the Murdoch press, but here is the latest, detailed by the New York, which is exposing the Biden crime family. It seems tht the Bidens received over $ 40 million in bribe money from foreign nations in exchange for favourable policy decisions. That is not a conspiracy but is the conclusion reached by the House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer. “This was organized crime. There’s no other way to define it,” Comer alleged. Some of the decisions were made early in Biden’s presidency, indicating that his position was compromised. So, we have Trump facing absurd charges that could land him in jail for four centuries, while Biden sits in the White House, and his son Hunter gets off his criminal charges with a slap on the wrist with a feather. The rule of law, gone.

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EU Wants to Consider Blocking the Sun … People Don’t Pay for Sunlight Anyway (Yet)! By Richard Miller (London)

There is a growing support among the chattering class that the present measures to combat supposed climate change, are not going to keep the lid on things to the 1.5 C rise. Even banning cars and meat for us plebs is not enough. Thus, consideration is being given to geo-engineering measures such as blocking out the Sun’s rays, seeding the stratosphere with reflective particles. This is now seriously being considered by the EU; before it was private corporations dabbling in this, so it is an escalation. And, what could go wrong with this? According the EU document, there could be unexpected impacts upon rainfall patterns, leading to famine in Asia, such as effects upon the monsoons. Clearly, in a complex system like the world climatic system, which is far from being fully understood by present computer models, anything like this has enormous dangers. But, my guess is unless there is strong opposition, something like this will fly. And, people will die, all for the cult of climate change.

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How Dissent is Punished in the Woke New Order By Chris Knights (Florida)

We have seen many cases of activists being punished by the regimes for taking part in protests, the most notably being the bank cancellations of the Canadian truckers, with the measures adopted by he Trudeau regime being upheld by a court. But a new case is putting state tyranny in an even worse light. A Canadian police office donated $ 50 to the trucker protest group, and is being punished by  having to work 80 unpaid hours! The charge is “discreditable conduct,” under the Police Services Act.


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The Relativist Pope By Peter West

Perhaps this is one way of looking at it; the present Pope, Pope Francis, is the “relativist Pope,” who has fallen in grave error, and needs correction. There is a tradition of such loving correction in the church tradition, with St Paul correcting St Peter in Galatians 2: 11-14: “11 When Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. 12 For before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group. 13 The other Jews joined him in his hypocrisy, so that by their hypocrisy even Barnabas was led astray.

14 When I saw that they were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in front of them all, “You are a Jew, yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew. How is it, then, that you force Gentiles to follow Jewish customs?”

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Another Vax Which Kills More than it Saves! By Brian Simpson

Big Pharma, facing dwindling millions from their Covid goo, is now chasing the next big Money-spinner, respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV. Two European drug companies, AstraZeneca and Sanofi, are seeking to have the Food and Drug Administration to approve an expensive new drug called nirsevimab for RSV for kids under age 1. The profits: $500-600 per child in the United States, or in the range of $2 billion annually if nirsevimab to “all infants.” But, there is a problem: “The companies’ own trials show far more deaths in infants who received nirsevimab than those who got either placebo or a competing older treatment. In the most important trial, of healthy near-full-term and full-term infants, three out of 994 infants given nirsevimab died within a year. None of the 496 infants who received a placebo shot died. In all, 12 infants treated with nirsevimab died in the trials, compared to four who were treated with an older antibody or a placebo. Even accounting for the fact that more infants received nirsevimab than placebo or the older antibody, infants given nirsevimab had a nearly 50 percent higher risk of death.”

This is like soldiers using a hand grenade that blows up as soon as the pin is pulled. But, that does not seem to worry the health authorities who look to rubber stamp this one too.

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The Case of the Amish By Chris Knight (Florida)

Steve Kirsch has raised an interesting point about the present vaccine religion in the West. The Amish, who eschew most aspects of the modern world, including vaccines, even cars and computers, do not have most of the diseases of civilisation such as ADD, autoimmune diseases, and having not been Covid jabbed, no Covid vax injuries. According to Kirsch, the Amish died at a rate 90 times lower than the rest of the US population, during the Covid freak-out. They had no Covid mandates, no masks, social distancing or any of the other insane measures, and came out far better than the rest of the population who embraced the paranoia.

The US government has been studying the health of the Amish for decades, but has never released the results of their studies, probably because it would be too embarrassing to modern Big Pharma-dominated medicine, serving as a clear counter-example to almost everything.

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Russia’s Proposed Nuclear Strike on Europe By Richard Miller (London)

A senior member of the   Scientific Council under the Russian Security Council, Sergey Karaganov, has published an article on the Kremlin’s Website RIA Novosti. The proposal is that Russia is being left little choice but to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike upon Europe. Once more the idea is made, something not seemingly understood by the West, that Russia believes that not only is nuclear war winnable, but that contrary to the Mutually Assured Destruction doctrine, Russia’s policy of “escalate to de-escalate,” would involve destroying Europe to teach America a lesson. He argues that America would simply let Europe go to the wall, rather than risking a strike on its cities.

Yet, this game is dangerous, since there is no good reason why America, seeing the strike upon Europe would not expect a hit on it: the classic prisoner’s dilemma. And, before you know it, a full-scale nuclear exchange, and a real bad day for everyone.

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