The example is from America, but it shows the real nature of the environmentalist movement today, which is a long way from its earlier foundations in saving wild life and forests. There has been great concern among people not normally considered in any environmental movement about the destruction of whales, and other marine life off the coast of Massachusetts, and elsewhere, which has been thought to be linked to offshore wind farms. The construction of these farms has involved enormous sonic pollution, from explosions to drilling, and whales are creatures that use sound to navigate. Large numbers have been washed up on the shore dead since the wind farm constructions have begun, and this can hardly be a coincidence. Yet all major environmental organisations deny that wind farms, something of a new sacred entity, are harming, and killing off the whales. It makes a mockery of hard battles in the past by people in little boats trying to sop whalers. It was all for nothing.
The main reason for this? “The environmentalist movement has been hijacked by financial special interests. In the office towers of Boston, attorneys, developers, and politicians today are slavering with lust over the billions in fees, subsidies, and donations their firms, their companies, and their campaigns will collect as they deploy offshore wind energy atop the carcasses of humpback whales. “Offshore wind is for the greater good, because it’s going to save the planet from extreme weather,” is their unassailable public argument, as the cynics among them laugh at all the gullible suckers.”