It is Time for My Brain to Nap! By Mrs Vera West

If you are becoming as ancient as me, no doubt you worry, or at least have a passing thought, perhaps quickly brushed off and forgotten, about age-related mental decline, if not Alzheimer’s disease. Once it was thought that needing to have that daytime nap, was a sure sign of mental decline advancing. But the latest research,  shows that a nap may help against shrinkage of the brain. For me, that is a good thing, as I need every brain cell I have. All of the little darlings are important – which is why I never drank alcohol.


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So, What Went Down in Russia? By Richard Miller (London)

The Western media were salivating over the prospect of a Russian civil war, as the leader of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, was leading a convoy of heavily-armed troops to Moscow, presumably to throw out old Vlad, and produce the “regime change” that the US wants. But, as suddenly as it started it was over, and instead of freezing to death in a camp in Siberia, Prigozhin was off to exile in Belarus, not even getting a bullet, or a slap on the wrist. It is odd to say the least.


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The Climate Authoritarianism of the World Economic Forum By James Reed

Hands up everyone tired of the tyrannical ravings of the World Economic Forum? I thought so, everyone here. And their latest outpouring builds upon what they have said before, about the need to end cars for us plebs. But, there are now more details.


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An Insider Warns on the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty By Brian Simpson

Two health experts, with inside knowledge, Dr. David Bell, an ex-WHO medical officer, and Professor Garrett Wallace Brown, who chairs Global Health Policy at the University of Leeds, have rung alarm bells about the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed Pandemic Treaty and the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). These would grant the WHO surveillance and censorship powers, that would transcend national sovereignty. While drawing massive quantities of money from the nation states, the WHO would dictate health policies regarding pandemics, which they defined, and suppress scientific discourse that thewy defined as “misinformation”, and enforce travel restrictions, lockdowns, and compulsory vaccinations in response to health emergencies, which they also determine. It would be foolish to give any globalist body this power, but the WHO has shown itself, over the Covid plandemic, to be little more than a branch of the CCP, so like the UN, this is an organization nation should abandon, unless they wish to be subjects of communist China.


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The Surge of Heart Deaths in the UK By Richard Miller (London)

The mainstream UK media have reported that deaths by cardio-vascular events, primarily heart attacks, have surged in Britain by more 500 a week since the pandemic, and there were an extra 96,540 deaths of patients with heart conditions since February 2020. The explanation offered is that the pandemic caused severe disruption to the NHA, and delays in ambulances, so, logically, people who have a heart attack are not getting to hospital. Now, all that is no doubt true, but it does not explain why there are so many heart attacks in the first place. It is generally accepted that the Covid-19 infection itself is not responsible, and in any case, that would be easily tested. As always, the sacred Covid vax is not considered responsible, but it is the only realistic common cause to explain this extraordinary phenomenon.


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Leading Researcher on Honesty, Now Investigated for …Dishonesty! By James Reed

A leading researcher who published on the topic of honesty, Francesca Gino of Harvard Business School has been accused of dishonesty, of fabricating findings. This story has been covered on many sites, with the main theme being the obvious irony of it all. But, is this really so odd? Articles forthcoming on this blog will discuss the issue of fraud in academia, including medical and health research, which indicates, that some degree of fraud or sharp practice is mainstream in academia, and the system literally runs on it. Publish or perish has led to researchers often having to cook results to get that next grant perhaps from Big Pharma. Refutations and negative critiques do not usually get published, being chopped by typically corrupt editors, who are servants of the same corporates.


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The Next Level of Censorship is Coming to Australia By James Reed

This is a great concern, and needs to be addressed by all supporters of free speech and liberty. The Albanese government is moving to release legislation which will give the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) powers to hold digital platforms to account for spreading what the Albo regime will define as “harmful fake news.” This is so-called mis- and disinformation, and the social media companies will face massive fines if content is not controlled, with the maximum penalty for “systemic breaches of a registered code” being $2.75 million or 2 per cent of global turnover, whichever is higher; it could run into the billions. It is said that this new piece of tyranny will not apply to individual pieces of content, authorised electoral material or professional news content, but it is clear that what the tyrannical Albo regime wants to censor is precisely individual content, like criticisms of Big Pharma.

There will be an opportunity for the public to comment, and when more information is available, the blog will detail it, as we continue the relentless battle to preserve what little remains of the liberal ideal of free speech.

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The Christian Manhood Vacuum By John Steele

Christian minister T. S. Weidler, has addressed an important question for men, especially Christian men, about the decline in manhood, manhood as traditionally defined before say the 1960s, at least. The Creator gave men a creative drive to seek to transcend themselves, in projects, to leave a legacy. It was once part of being a man to achieve some goal, and all the great literature of the past is about men doing exactly that, be it battles, or fighting personal hardships. And, since the time of Christ, for the West, Christianity has been the anchor for this, with the life of Jesus, and others in the Bible serving as clear moral examples.


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Australia’s Immigration-Mad Left, Outraged at Aussies Turning Against the Migration Cult By James Reed

A May 30 2023 poll indicated that Australians are concerned about housing shortages, and want a cap upon immigration until this situation is under control. Good luck with that one, as the business elites have used immigration since the end of World War II as a source of profits, turning what was to be a homeland for Anglo-Australians, into a global supermarket, with inflated housing prices and a pool of cheap labour. But, what is interesting, is that the poll showed that 53 percent of Left-wing voters want to “Cap immigrant numbers until we have sufficient affordable housing.” Big Business Australia will never allow this, and will keep immigration going until the Australian land mass is reduced to a toxic cesspool, where they will move themselves and recommend all of the world’s nuclear waste be dumped here, unless a massive social movement arises to shake the foundations of the system. Am I jesting about the waste dump idea? Unfortunately, no. Bob Hawke was keen on a version of this idea, as The Guardian reported back in 2014:


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Pigs Can’t Fly, But Jets with Polluting Pig Fat, Can! By James Reed

I did not know that the fat from animals like pigs can be used to make jet fuel. And it seems that the Greens dived in and supported this one, because, you know, it organic. But this one turns out to be another exploding cigar in the Green’s faces, as a study has shown that animal fat fuel use will not meet the aviation industries demands as there is simply not enough fat available. There is then the motive to use palm oil, but that has a huge carbon footprint, as old growth forests will need to be cleared, in turn releasing vast amounts of carbon. It seems whatever direction the Greens turn to escape a world of fossil fuels, reality sneaks up on them and bites them.

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Dr Naomi Wolf on the Depopulation Agenda By Mrs Vera West

Leftist feminist Dr Naomi Wolf became concerned about the Covid vax injuries women were receiving, but which were not being publicly discussed. So, she  began investigations. She became a leading Covid vax critic, and continues her work today. Recently she has come out and said that the Pfizer documents themselves supply evidence of an attack upon human reproduction: “There’s a section of the Pfizer documents in which Pfizer breaks down the adverse events and concludes that women sustain 72% of them,” she continued. “And of those — and these are Pfizer’s words — 16% are quote-unquote “reproductive disorders” compared to 0.49% for men. So they’re very focused on reproduction, on female reproduction.”

“It’s my belief that they were trying to disrupt especially female reproduction,” Dr. Wolf said. “And the question is, how do I know that? And the answer is from the structure of what they looked at. Again, I’m a literary critic, but this is a mystery novel in which the question is, how do we stop women from having healthy babies? That’s the story of the Pfizer documents.”

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World Economic Forum Philosopher Welcomes AI Takeover By Brian Simpson

Elsewhere on the blog, we have discussed the issue of the World Economic Forum being profoundly anti-Christian, focussing upon the ideas put forward by World Economic Forum philosopher, Yuval Noah Harari. It was mentioned in that article that Harari is keen to see the Earth dominated by “non-organic entities” and “emotionless algorithms,” in a world where humans are replaced. He is excited about this: “The potential of AI is much, much bigger than any historical revolution – it’s really a biological revolution.” “This is at least an idea of inorganic lifeforms. That’s the biggest thing that’s happened on Earth in over four billion years.” Now, all that stuff is easy to offer when one has a comfortable job, but I wonder if Harari has considered the likelihood, that he too will ultimately be replaced in the non-organic revolution he champions. After all, as always, the children of the revolution, will eat the parents, and Chatbots can probably churn out his stuff, much better than he does now.

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Biden’s Nuclear Sabre-Rattling By James Reed

Andrea Widburg has penned a thoughtful piece, as is usual in her contributions to American, about Biden’s nuclear escalation in the Ukraine. The possibility is being discussed by the chattering class, who have the Ukraine as a new religion, of delivering nuclear weapons to the Ukraine, with no ties on their use. That policy would be a total disaster, as Putin has said many times that that would be a clear existential threat to Russia. Widburg discusses Eisenhower’s Farewell Address, in which he warned against a coming military-industrial complex, where he said that permitting the growth of the military sector with industry, could get out of control, and become self-perpetuating. As Eisenhower said: “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

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The Covid Lab Leak Now a Flood By Brian Simpson

The evidence has now become strong, that Chinese military scientists worked secretly alongside civilian researchers to make coronaviruses more dangerous at the Wuhan laboratory, where it is suspected the Covid-19 virus was created by gain-of-function genetic engineering. One civilian researcher at the became ill with a severe respiratory disease in 2019, who had symptoms exactly like Covid-19, before the outbreaks in 2020.The Times of London article investigating this said: “Scientists in Wuhan working alongside the Chinese military were combining the world’s most deadly coronaviruses to create a new mutant virus just as the pandemic began.

Investigators who scrutinised top-secret intercepted communications and scientific research believe Chinese scientists were running a covert project of dangerous experiments, which caused a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and started the Covid-19 outbreak…”

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AI Overriding Health Care Decisions By Brian Simpson

We have been covering health concerns about AI, much of it based upon educated guesses about where AI will go. But, there are already concerns about what is being done with AI even now. Thus, in some US hospitals, but not as far as I could ascertain, any Australian hospitals yet, health decisions are being made by AI systems, overriding the practical experience of nurses. The problem is that the AI algorithm is limited, not being able to take in all the possibilities and realistically evaluate them, and justify a decision. It performs badly when there are competing medical hypotheses, consistent with the evidence, and has difficulties evaluating such situations. I simply would hate to be sick in a hospital bed, and have my life hang in the balance to be decided by a machine. Cold, and very often, just plain wrong.

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Ireland’s Flight from Free Speech By Richard Miller (London)

Ireland is battling it out with England and Sweden to be king of the woke castle. Apart from planning to kill of most of its cows, Ireland is also happy to kill off what remains of free speech. The Irish Green Party, just like other Leftist Green parties across the West, has championed the Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022. The legislation criminalises “incitement to violence or hatred against” people with “protected characteristics,” as well as “condoning, denying or grossly trivialising genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace.” This widens the ambit of former race hatred Acts, to include the latest big social justice thing, transgenderism.

Pauline O’Reilly of the Greens declared before the Irish Senate: “when one thinks about it, all law and all legislation is about the restriction of freedom. This is exactly what we are doing here. We are restricting freedom but we are doing it for the common good.” That has always been the standard response of tyrants, seeking to restrict liberties; it will be for the common good, so trust us.

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The Risk of Developing Autoimmune Heart Disease Among the “Fully Vaccinated” for Covid-19 is 13,200 Percent Higher than it is among the Unvaccinated By Brian Simpson

So much for the “safe and effective” Covid vax. According to research by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the CDC and the FDA identified 1,626 authentic cases of myocarditis. They discovered that compared to the background risk in the general population, the risk of myocarditis is 133 times greater in those who took the mRNA injections. The data came from the US government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which has an under-reporting factor of 41-100, which means that the real number of Covid vax injuries is immense. But, we do not hear anything about this from the Australian health authorities, who would probably continue with the “safe and effective” mantra, even if the bodies were stacked 20 high on every street.


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Biden: Putin May Use Nukes; Putin: I May Use Nukes By Richard Miller (London)

In terms of nuclear war watch, things do not look good. The US has raised the nuclear bar by sending depleted uranium rounds to the Ukraine, a move that Russia condemned, as such rounds contaminate vast areas of land. Biden has recently said that the threat of Putin unleashing nuclear missiles is real, and that the chances of a nuclear Armageddon are higher today than they were during the Cuban missile crisis. But, F-16s, with nuclear capacity are being sent to the Ukraine and Ukrainian attacks on Crimea using US-made weapons continues.  Putin has said: “Direct intervention by NATO’s European armies will not change the outcome. But in this case, the fire of war will engulf the whole of Europe. It looks like the US is ready for that too.” Probably the phrase “fire of war,” is not a metaphor for mere war, but nuclear fire. One would have thought that this situation would have generated some degree of public angst, but even among Australian conservatives, this blog is one of the few sources expressing such concern. People go about their “thing,” their preoccupation, until, they can’t.


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The World Economic Forum as Anti-Christian By James Reed

Perhaps it is stating the obvious, but for really important things, the obvious sometimes needs to be repeated. All Christians should be on red-alert about anything the World Economic Forum tosses out its front door, and back door too for that matter. The real give-away are the outpourings of the World Economic Forum philosopher Yuval Noah Harari, who apart from looking forward to AI replacing humans, and apparently himself as well, has speculated that before that, advances in Chatbots will enable a “scientifically correct” “bible” to be generated. I imagine that this text will amount to a repeat of World Economic Forum New World Order proclamations, and pseudo-metaphysics. It is all contrary to Christianity, in the most obvious way, and the churches should be opposing this stuff, and if not, then individual Christians.

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Leftism Defined: The Attempt to Destroy the Past, and Make the Future in Their Image By James Reed

Dennis Prager has addressed an issue that we do not discuss much: what is Leftism? In the past, the old Left, as seen in academics like the late Ted Wheelwright (1921-2007) of Sydney University, were concerned with defending Australian working people, continuing on the early 20th century labour movement narrative. A dialogue was possible with such people.

But beginning in the 1960s the new Left emerged, which was less concerned about economics and welfare, and more directed to so-called social justice, as they defined it. Into this movement flowed all matters of toxins, such as the gender agenda and feminism, along with the postmodern critique of the Western tradition. As Prager notes, Leftist today is best seen as a purely negative movement, geared to destroying the traditions of the West. But, not all traditions; the multicult Left wing is happy with radical Islam, despite inconsistencies with feminism and homosexualism, and now transgenderism. All that is water off of a duck’s back.

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