The AI Threat: Dr Mercola’s Take By Brian Simpson

In recent weeks AI experts have expressed alarm about runaway AI getting out of human hands, and as in sci fi literature and film, enslaving and/or destroying humanity. However, less dramatic, is the problem of AI failure.  AI chat bots, such as Facebook’s Galactica, were so unreliable, generating false data, that they were shut down. Errors are being reported by ChatGPT as well. One lawyer uncritically used ChatGPT but found that generated false cases, but it seemed to make sense. Autonomous weapons systems, tied to flawed AI, could result in pre-emptive attacks, especially nuclear. Another threat comes from the design power of AI, when it is working; it may be capable of designing bioweapons that have not previously existed, giving terrorist an edge in their plots of destruction.

Dealing with technology is one of the most difficult problems, since people have come to accept technology as the magic of our age, since they get a few crumbs from the table, while the elites have the main course. I dare say for this reason, the technology problem, the foundation of the merging global technocracy, seen with Covid, along with peoples’ general ignorance of science and technology, at least in fine grain detail, will be our greatest threat to freedom.

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The Chinese Invasion of America has Begun (Australia Soon) By James Reed

China critic Gordon Chang has detailed that the suspicious number of mainland Chinese entering the US through the southern border, of military age, constitutes an invasion of the US homeland. That is not to say that all are CCP agents, but even a substantial number will pose a threat, as they link up with the agents already in the US, thanks to a liberal non-discriminatory immigration policy. The agents will attack “America's power lines, poison reservoirs, assassinate officials, start wildfires, spread pathogens, and create terror by bombing shopping malls and supermarkets.” Military bases will be attacked. But, really, the US brought this on itself with its insane immigration policy. Now, the enemy is within.

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The Russian Nuclear First Strike Issue By Richard Miller (London)

NATO and America still seem to hold to the nuclear doctrine of MAD, mutually Assured Destruction. That idea is based upon both sides in the nuclear confrontation having roughly equal destructive weapons. However, the Russia’s now have various nuclear weapons that the US, supposedly does not, such as the Poseidon nuclear sub, capable of sitting on a coastline at the bottom of the sea, to be remote detonated. And, as noted by the, what is ignored here is that Russia and china have the policy of “escalate to de-escalate,” with Europe being a test case, being easily annihilated to teach America they mean business. Perhaps the UK will be buried under radioactive water. Neither side seems able to back down now, so a hard ending seems inevitable.

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Problems with China’s Economy: The War Solution By James Reed

The mainstream media in Australia, especially the Left papers, have a love affair with communist China, and are not covering any weaknesses in their economy, and there are many, especially the Chinese financial system. But, there are other fundamental problems too. China is facing a youth unemployment problem to dwarf any country one cares to name. China’s official youth unemployment rates were 20.8 and 20.4 percent in May and April 2023. This is almost four times the overall unemployment rate of 5.2 percent. Further, the youth unemployment rate is double the level of young unemployment just before pandemic measures were instigated, so Covid is not the explanation. Hence, one in every five 16- to 24-year-olds seeking work in urban areas are unemployed. And that figure needs to be viewed in the context of youth who are not seeking work, but living with their parents, probably playing video games to pass the time, something deeply offensive to the CCP.

And, unemployment is expected to get worse. As always, when leaders face such a massive problem, they look for easy answers, and war is going to be communist China’s response, as well as invasion. As well, millions of young men do not have female a partner due to the lack of girls because of the one child policy. That too is an incentive for war and invasion.

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We are All Preppers Now! By John Steele

There are a number of articles appearing in the mainstream media indicating that at least for America, an increasing number of ordinary people are prepping, and embracing the philosophy of survivalism, that there is a real threat of disaster of some form, and the best way of preparing for it, to have a chance, is among other things, stockpile water, food, clothing and weapons. A few years back, both the Left and conservatives would smirk at this, but times have changed since the Covid lockdowns, and have become desperate, with dark storm clouds of civilisation collapse, on the horizon. According to one survey, 70 percent of Americans, both Left and Right, see the country heading to bad times, and are preparing.


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Trump on the Biden Crime Family By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The irony of it all. Trump is facing charges for what many lawyers have seen as a mere trumped up attempt to prevent him running. But, meanwhile evidence continues to mount of the sharp practices done by the Bidens, including the vice president Joe Biden; all the money taken using influence. Donald Trump has recently called the Bidens out, saying that their corruption is 100 times greater than Watergate. Agreed, but I imagine that even if he gets in again, he will go soft and allow them to escape. After all, he went on and on about “crook Hillary,” and nothing happened. No, after Covid, I will go for Robert Kennedy.   


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Sign the Petition Against Making Australia into an Orwellian Dystopia By James Reed

Here is the link to the petition:


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Scandalous Incompetence, Profound Stupidity, Astounding Errors: The Covid Plandemic By Brian Simpson has another tremendous article about the open lies, flip flops, and deception of the Covid establishment. The likes of Drs Fauci and Hotez, have made claims, then flip flopped, and others have then committed errors in their interpretation of Covid-related research, as well as advocating universal masking, social distancing, mass testing and quarantining of healthy people, lockdowns and vaccine mandates. Now, all of these policies have been shown to be mistaken. Does that indicate the so-called experts somehow forgot basic scientific principles and were not able to critically analyse paper, such as the many that showed tht masks were largely ineffective at stopping the spread of Covid?

No, the experts knew what they were doing, but there was a bigger agenda at work. The replacement of the public health agencies by the National Security Council and Department of Homeland Security to lead pandemic policy and planning occurred early in the plandemic. A note from the US Senate says: “From March through June 2020, CDC was not permitted to conduct public briefings, despite multiple requests by the agency and CDC media requests were “rarely cleared.” HHS stated that by early April 2020, “after several attempts to get approvals,” its Office of Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs “stopped asking” the White House “for a while.” The experts became the public face for the agenda of the Deep State.

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“Wars for Democracy Always Cancel Democracy in the Process” By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Tucker Carlson is making some land-shaking presentations on his new Twitter platform having been given the marching orders from FOX. Now, there is no holding back. In his last monologue, which can be viewed at the link below, he makes some searching comments on the Ukraine war, the latest Big thing for the various ruling classes. America, and NATO are portraying this as a war for “democracy,” not what it really is, an attempt to break down Russia, and eliminate Putin.

But, the claim about fighting for democracy is absurd on the face of facts about Zelensky’s Ukraine: “As Pelosi puts it, the Ukrainian people are fighting the fight for their democracy, and for ours as well. That’s right for ours as well. Without Ukrainian democracy, in other words, we can have no democracy here,” Carlson said. “If the Ukrainians aren’t free, neither are we. We must make sure they can vote in Kyiv. So we can continue to vote in Kansas City.”

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The UN’s Digital Compact Tyranny By James Reed

The United Nations (UN), has just released a report, A Global Digital Compact. The program pulls out no stops in cyber-tyranny, with first, a rearrangement of finance based upon Central Bank Digital Currencies, and associated digital identification protocols, and second, with internet surveillance and control of so-called “misinformation,” which they identify, in their crazed way with “racism,” the usual narrative that the UN has been pushing since its inception, for the Great Replacement of whites. But there is much more, as the bad “social credit” system will be introduced, as AI advances now allow it, so the globalism must do it or burst.

According to the document: “Sensors and monitors connected to the Internet of things, cloud-based data platforms, blockchain-enabled tracking systems and digital product passports unlock new capabilities for the measurement and tracking of environmental and social impacts across value chains.” Thus, businesses and individuals will be carbon tracked, with all purchases monitored and controlled, as cash will be gone, and all that will exist will be a digital currency completely under the globalists’ control.

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Covid Vaxxes Have Killed 13 Million Worldwide! By Brian Simpson

According to research by physicist Dr Denis Rancourt, Covid vaxxes caused the death of 3.7 million people. For Western countries, his research team estimated that the rate of vax death is 1 death for every 2,000 jabs. That equates to 13 million people killed throughout the world. As well, Dr Rancourt shows in his book There Was No Pandemic that if the Western countries which freaked out and moved to lockdowns, had treated Covid as just another flu, but like Japan moved to protest the vulnerable populations, then the virus would have been over quickly, as herd immunity would have been reached.

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The Great Sub Implosion Conspiracy By Brian Simpson

The implosion of Titan, OceanGate’s mini sub, that was to take its crew down to the wreck of the Titanic, has had a twist revealed. The media pumped the drama that the crew were running out of air, and a desperate rescue attempt was made. But, the US Navy had told the Biden administration that the sub had been detected by their devices to have imploded about two hours after launch. The administration keep the story going so that the House Ways & Means release of IRS whistleblower testimony of DOJ sabotage of the Hunter Biden investigation, would not be prime coverage. That is politics, as dirty as it gets.


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Alex Antic on the Voice Trojan Horse By James Reed

From an email:

“Labor’s Voice to parliament is shaping up to be one of the most ill-conceived concepts ever devised in Australian politics.

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Polar Bears Thumb Noses at Alleged Climate Change! By James Reed

Research just published in the journal Nature has indicated that polar bears have done just fine when the Arctic polar ice caps have melted. Polar bears survived during the early Holocene era, about 13,000 years ago when the Arctic was virtually ice-free. The polar bear is a great swimmer, and well insulated with fat to survive swimming for miles in icy-cold water. The image pushed some years back of polar bears getting stuck on melting ice, and drowning, is a convenient myth of the deceptive climate change lobby. The bears are not that dumb, and would have swum away long before the ice melted anyway.

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The Bio-Contaminated Vaxxes: Biological Timebombs By Brian Simpson

This item, while science, is important for Australians who are some of the most MRNA Covid vaxxed people on Earth. The microbiologist Kevin McKernan and his team recently discovered simian virus 40 (SV40) in the Covid mRNA, which is a DNA contaminate. SV40 is an abbreviation for simian vacuolating virus 40 or simian virus 40. The virus is found in both humans and other primates, most notably, the African Green Monkey. Even the mainstream medical journals admit that SV40 has the capacity to cause cancer tumours. What was discovered by McKernan and his team, was that the SV40 was altered so that it was “much more aggressive and also drives the sequence into the nucleus” into the cell.

One of the problems here is that when the DNA from SV40 enters the cell, it may have endotoxins tag along; these endotoxins are a part of the virus that defends against chemical attacks, and are dangerous to humans, leading to aseptic shocks, and possible death. The technical details are given by Dr Mercola, and while clear, still take some work to understand. But the really important issue is why the SV40 appeared in the mRNA vax at all, because it should not be there. Anyone for a depopulation conspiracy?

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Old Joe Said He Sold State Secrets to India … No-one Expected Differently By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Joe Biden held a meeting last week with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google CEO Sundar Pichai, and several Indian officials at the White House.

Joe Biden said that he sold a lot of state secrets:

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EU Intends to Spy on Journalists (Probably Does Already) By Richard Miller (London)

The EU, in its relentless march to suppress the peasants, is moving now to uncork legislation, the European Media Freedom Act permitting national security agencies to deploy spyware on journalists’ phones in certain circumstances, relating to national security information. Sophie in’t Veld, a Dutch Member of the European Parliament (MEP), has led the journalist response to this infringement of freedom: “I think what the council is doing is unacceptable. It’s also incomprehensible. Well, it’s incomprehensible if they are serious about democracy.” The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), an organization representing over 300,000 journalists across 45 nations said: “We know too well how the defense of national security is misused to justify media freedom violations.”

And, they globalist elites will keep doing this, until stopped. You can be sure tht conservative and right wing journalists will be number one on the hit list here.

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No More Ice in Cocktails for Climate Change Salvation! By James Reed

Scientific American has taken the climate change mania to the next level for this week; ice, used in cocktail drinks is bad because ice takes a lot of energy to produce, and using a lot of energy is bad as that means more carbon production. So, it seems ice in drinks must go. It seems trivial, but as someone who has been following these movements, here is a pattern of advancing restrictions, done in the classic inevitableness of gradualism, Fabian fashion, only the gradualism is much faster than usually done in these tyrannical movements.

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The World Economic Forum Loves Communist China! By James Reed

Chairman of the globalist World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, gave  the opening speech at the WEF’s “Summer Davos” taking place in Tianjin, China, and what a speech it was. Naturally he praised communist China, which is wise given that he was there. The communists had made “remarkable achievements in economy, in social development, in diplomacy, and in many other areas.” He also praised high-ranking members of the CCP. The Chinese premier had the next speaking spot, and naturally proclaimed: “As a responsible major country, China has all along stood firmly on the right side of history and on the side of human progress.”


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Adverse Effects from the mRNA Vaxxes are Not “Rare,” but Common By Brian Simpson

This issue is important as the Australian health authorities continue to push the vax, while denying that there is an adverse effects problem at all. Dr Maryanne Demasi has investigated in her substack the question of the justification of the health authorities, that the mRNA vaxxes adverse effects are “rare.” But for this to be true, here needs to be an objective assessment of the rate of serious adverse effects (SAE). Surprisingly enough, there is little published analysis of what the rate of SAE are. One paper found that there was 1 additional SAE for every 556 people vaccinated with Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine. Dr Demasi asked a number of health regulators the question: what is the official calculated rate of SAEs believed to be caused by Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine, and what is the evidence? The results “Not a single agency could cite the SAE rate of Pfizer’s vaccine. Most directed me to pharmacovigilance data, which they all emphasised does not establish causation. The Australian TGA, for example, referred me to the spontaneous reporting system but warned, “it is not possible to meaningfully use these data to calculate the true incidence of adverse events due to the limitations of spontaneous reporting systems.”

It is as we vax sceptics have surmised,  that the serious vaccine injuries is like an iceberg, with only a tip being visible in the mainstream health domain.

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