F-16 Jets and the Escalating Risks of Nuclear War By Richard Miller (London)

Here is yet another escalation by the West against Russia which has resulted in another threat of nuclear war, “colossal risks.” That relates to proposals for NATO to send F-16 jets to the Ukraine, and to train fighter pilots for them. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko, said in response to this: “We see that Western countries are still adhering to the escalation scenario. It involves colossal risks for themselves.”

“In any case, this will be taken into account in all our plans, and we have all the necessary means to achieve the goals we have set.”

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Professor Geoffrey Blainey and the Flawed Uluru Statement from the Heart By James Reed

Australia’s leading historian, Professor Geoffrey Blainey, has performed a great service in deconstructing the assumptions behind the Voice referendum proposal, by going back and looking at the historicity of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Just the name of this raises suspicions in my mind of emotion over reason. As Blainey points out, the document has a black arm band message of Black suffering and White guilt. But, Whites over time were enslaved and subjected to   genocide, and generally treated worse than Aborigines were, which is not to downplay their suffering. All races have suffered. And as Blainey says, which is no longer done in the days of woke: “ ancient Aboriginal people themselves were champions at dispossessing their neighbours, and one day that fact should be taught in Australian schools. In every known part of the world the semi-nomadic hunters and gatherers had been deadly in their tribal warfare.”

There are, as Professor Blainey also documents below, numerous historical errors made, which strike me as odd, since they all favour the black arm band view of history. While the Voice referendum will be slugged out on policy issues that have moved away somewhat from the historical narrative, and most Australians anyway lack this sort of detailed historical knowledge, it is still a worthy contribution to show what lies behind it all.  

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The Game Plan of the Globalists By James Reed

At the moment there are so many planks to the globalist agenda for the New world Order, and the creation of a totalitarian dystopia that it is hard to put it all together. A good overview is provided below by Christian anti-globalist, Michael Snyder. A new one for me is the Bank for International Settlements call for creation of a unified ledger that will record the ownership of every asset on the planet. Clearly, the only people wanting that information, are those seeking to acquire those asserts. Here is the full horror: “The key elements of the blueprint are CBDCs, tokenised deposits and other tokenised claims on financial and real assets. The blueprint envisages these elements being brought together in a new type of financial market infrastructure (FMI) – a “unified ledger”. The full benefits of tokenisation could be harnessed in a unified ledger due to the settlement finality that comes from central bank money residing in the same venue as other claims. Leveraging trust in the central bank, a shared venue of this kind has great potential to enhance the monetary and financial system.

A unified ledger transforms the way that intermediaries interact to serve end users. Through programmability and the platform’s ability to bundle transactions (“composability”), a unified ledger allows sequences of financial transactions to be automated and seamlessly integrated. This reduces the need for manual interventions and reconciliations that arise from the traditional separation of messaging, clearing and settlement, thereby eliminating delays and uncertainty. The ledger also supports simultaneous and instantaneous settlement, reducing settlement times and credit risks. Settlement in central bank money ensures the singleness of money and payment finality.

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Email from Fair Australia By Paul Walker

I receive emails from Fair Australia, the leading organisation for the No campaign in the Voice referendum.  Here are some recent, to the point comments from Senator Price:

“What will the Voice to Parliament actually do?

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Ethanol and Green Energy: An Absurdity By James Reed

One of the great Green energy myths is that corn-base ethanol has net zero carbon emissions, and that it is preferable to the use of petrol. As Dr Mercola shows in a now deleted post, studies have shown that this is a myth of carbon neutrality. A study published in 2016 found corn grown for ethanol only offset 37 percent of carbon dioxide emissions produced by burning biofuels. Thus, ethanol as a fuel for vehicles resulted in net-positive carbon dioxide emissions that are greater than petrol.

The reasons for this come from how the actual corn is produced, which requires land to be ploughed, corn watered, usually by sprinkler systems that are backed by pumped water (requiring energy), and the corn transported and processed. All that background processes get conveniently forgotten by the Greens in their manic attacks upon fossil fuels.

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Meta and the Voice By James Reed

This is a concern, because anything involving Mark Zuckerberg is a problem in my opinion. Now his company Meta is going to be involved in the coming Voice referendum, just as Big Pharma’s Pfizer has backed the Yes side, as all corporations are doing. Meta will provide funding to “fact-checkers,” and specialised “social media safety training” to MPs and advocacy groups. It will  block “fake” accounts  to, “combat misinformation, voter interference and other forms of abuse on our platforms.” This, translated, means that they will perform exactly as they did with the US 2020 election, for as documented below by Rebekah Barnett, Facebook has some highly problematic decisions as to what constitutes “misinformation.” And, all of these Left-leaning measures will impact upon young voters, whom the elites hope to use to win over the Yes vote. This to my mind constitute electoral interference, but that is just business usual in Australia now.

This should make us angry and even more determined to crush the Yes vote. If one does nothing else political in one’s life, make this fight one that counts. To lose will be to lose Australia as we know it.

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Is There More Censorship in the West than in the Former USSR? By James Reed

Professor Mattias Desmet, author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism, has asked the question as to whether the level of censorship in the West is greater than that which was found in the former Soviet Union, the USSR. At first glance the question seems absurd, or just rhetoric. There are not camps for dissents yet, or is there? The treatment of the January 6 protesters, being slammed into prison, still without trials, and torture, is an example. That occurred in the USSR too, but it is happening in the US.

There were no wide-spread lockdowns of society to deal with the flu in the USSR either. And, it was easier to listen to Western radio broadcasts in the USSR, than it is today to listen, or view Russian material. While the West, and particularly the US is not yet at USSR levels of censorship, it is on the same road to totalitarianism.

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Autopsies and Covid Vax Deaths By Brian Simpson

A paper has recently been published by leading Covid vax critic, Dr Peter McCullough and colleagues, which examined by autopsy, 325 US Covid cases. It was found that “a total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.” The deaths, typically involving aspects of the cardiovascular system, usually occurred within a week from the last jab. This shows, Dr McCullough concluded that here is major hole in the Covid narrative still being pumped by countries like Australia: “The government narrative is still that people do not die after COVID-19 vaccination,” stated Dr. McCullough. “And now we have the largest series of autopsies, and the autopsies really are incontrovertible. The patients did die of the vaccine. So, it does blow the government narrative out of the water.”


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Manufacturing Man By Mrs Vera West

Human-like embryos have been created in a lab for the first time, without using eggs or sperm. The beings do not have a brain or heartbeat, but are physiologically close enough to real human embryos for the Dr Frankensteins, literally, to get excited. All sorts of wonderous things will allegedly be found out by this research, such as the origins of diseases in early human development.

But, as usual with such research, the science is racing ahead of the ethics and public policy, and there are rightful concerns about the endgames of such research. The ones responsible say, “no worries mate, we are not creating new life.” But, if these are biological organisms, then by definition, they are at least alive. Therefore, they are new life.

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Lessons for the Voice from America By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is material relevant to the Voice referendum coming from America. The policy debate here is about reparations to both Blacks and American Indians. The article shows the role that one Supreme Court judge, Justice Neil Gorsuch, a Trump appointee, has had in case giving masses of land back to the Indians, most of the decisions being legally flawed, and creating chaos. It is a demonstration of what could lie ahead if the Voice referendum succeeds. Hence, the No side needs to give this, the fight of their lives, as trust me, your country is now at stake. It really will be the breakup of Australia, just as America now faces fracture.


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Yes Campaigner Labels Australia a ‘Nation Without a Soul’ and Believes Australia Day Should Be Abolished By Paul Walker

Sydney lawyer Teela Reid is a member of the Voice Referendum Engagement Group for advising the federal government on the issue of “building community understanding, awareness and support.”

She sees Australia as racist to the core, and with no “soul.” And, Australia Day should be abolished. Reparations should be paid to indigenous Australians. All that is early days for the real agenda behind the Voice. I wonder what will pushed in 20 year’s time if this thing gets in?

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In a Nutshell: The Limits of Vaccine Culture By Brian Simpson

A Midwestern Doctor, at his popular, well-researched blog, gives a concise, non-technical account of why vaccines do not live up to the hype that the medical profession associates with them. Vaccines are often ill-suited to treat the diseases tht they are supposed to. This has now been well-established with the Covid vaxxes, where despite health authorities still proclaiming the mantra of “safe and effective,” data sets show that vaccination campaigns were correlated with an increase in death, and this mortality was also shown to be directly associated with being vaccinated.

Yet, this is not surprising given the widespread vaccine mythology that has come to dominate Big Pharma-controlled Western medicine. The basic philosophy of allopathic/biomedicine, is that disease can be best treated using surgery, drugs, and other aspects of technology. Central to this program is vaccines, which have come to be seen, by the relentless promotion by Big Pharma as magic bullets, generating an easy cure. Yet, the entire picture is incorrect, as studies have shown that diseases such as Smallpox, as the Midwestern doctor has discussed at length, were conquered by improvements in sanitation and nutrition. For Covid, not even much else would have been required beyond protecting vulnerable populations, who would be vulnerable to any flu. But, the opportunity for Big Pharma to produce Big Profits was irresistible. And governments went along for the ride, being under the thumb of Big Pharma and its power.

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Transgenderism Depicted as Scientifically Baseless By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Dr. Roy Eappen, a leading endocrinologist, was critical of the US  Endocrine Society’s standards for gender-confused kids, writing that it  rested on “flimsy evidence” and wrote that they are being used to push a “scientifically baseless movement.” The claims were made in the Wall Street Journal so this attracted some attention to say the least. The society’s full-throated endorsement of gender-affirming care implied condemnation of anyone who holds differing views,” the op-ed stated. “Medical professionals are being cowed into silence and coerced into providing treatments they know are dangerous to children.”

There was naturally intense backlash against this critique, but Dr Eapen has stood his ground and defended his claims, as brave medical researchers should.  He said: “states have no choice but to pass laws to protect children from well-intended but harmful practices,” a sentiment that appears to also been recently expressed by Twitter’s Elon Musk.

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Accelerating Disability Claims By Chris Knight (Florida)

Ed Dowd, a former Blackrock financial manager, has been using his team of researchers at Phinance Technologies, to examine Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), relating to workplace attendance and the Covid vax rollout. In March 2023, the team reported that the Covid-19 vaccine resulted in $147 billion in economic damage between disabilities and excess deaths in the US alone. However, the economic costs will be greater; where disability data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates a high of 34.15 million, after rising by 857,000 claims in June 2023. Naturally, this has been ignored by the mainstream media. But it has caught the attention of presidential candidate, Robert Kennedy who tweeted: "Prediction; Fear that the COVID vaccine is the culprit will keep NIH from honestly investigating the cause(s) of this shocking trend.””


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“Science” Says that Covid Vaxxes Can Cause Long Covid By Brian Simpson

An article has appeared in the leading journal Science which has stated that although “rare,” the Covid vaxxes are causing people to develop “long vax,” which is the term now used to describe the grab bag of autoimmune-related health conditions, such as small fibre neuropathy and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, also known as POTS. I don’t know exactly what these tings are, but there are bad nerve and heart conditions.

This was previously denied by the health care cartels, but now the cat is out of the bag, officially. While the study in the article says that these effects are rare, the point to be made for our purposes is that even if they say the conditions are rare, the Covid vax has now been recognised as causing those conditions. It does technically refute the idea that the vaxxes are “safe” without qualification.

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Climate Change Alarmists Face the Rising Tide of Colour By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The globalist, New World Order entity, the United Nations, has expressed alarm at the world population reaching 10 billion before the end of the 21st century. The issue is that the world population surge is in the non-white regions of Africa and India, which normally the UN would salivate over. It is not just population numbers that concern the UN, but that they would adopt Western levels of carbon production, which according to their paradigm, is, well, very bad. This would throw a very large spanner into the UN’s plan to control the climate of the world. However, my feeling is that the climate change agenda is secondary to the need to create chaos, especially for mass immigration to the West, and its planned destruction.


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The Climate Change Alarmist War on Nitrogen and Impending global Famine By Brian Simpson

Across the West, there is a move by the climate change hysterics to cancel farming, with notable examples being the Netherlands and Ireland. The concern of the elitist cranks is nitrogen, which is a greenhouse gas. Increased farming, to feed a world with a growing non-white population, produces increased nitrogen. But, the present attack upon nitrogen production by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s “war on nitrous oxide,” according to a recent scientific paper, will lead to the collapse of the global food supply. The conclusion of the paper is: “It is not possible to maintain highly productive agriculture without nitrogen fertilizer.” That seems obvious to anyone who has the slightest knowledge of farming. So, what is the agenda?

As I see it, the agenda here really is one of provoking a global food crisis, and ultimately famine. In short, as with the Covid plandemic, it is a depopulation agenda. The big question then, is why do that? I think it is part of the transhuman agenda, to destroy the world and humanity, to remark it in their own Satanic image.

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The Collapse of France: Professor Guy Millière By Richard Miller (London)

Dr. Guy Millière, a professor at the University of Paris, has given his take on the chaos in France. He notes that since the 1970s France has taken in massive numbers of Muslims, many of whom have not assimilated into French society, and indeed, stand opposed to it, as the present riots show. “The riots grew bigger. Schools and theaters were destroyed.... churches were burned to the ground; graffiti in red paint on a church in Marseilles declared: "Mohammed was the last prophet". Bank branches were ransacked and ATMs opened with chainsaws. Slogans were shouted: "death to the police", "death to France.”

The Left had presented the framework for the undermining of France, and the riots have put that ideology into p[ractice. "The violence is increasing day by day... those who run our country must imperatively find the courage necessary to eradicate the dangers." — Open letter by 20 retired French army generals to the French government and Macron, April 26, 2023. “On June 30, in a lengthy interview, Zemmour described the situation as the "precursor symptom of a civil war", stressed that "civil war is almost here" and that it may well destroy the country. What is happening, he said, is "an ethnic uprising" resulting from "crazy immigration.... Macron has abandoned the police and chosen submission". At present, Zemmour concluded, it would take "ferocious, firm and ruthless repression" to restore calm, but "there is no one among those in power ready to act in a determined way and make the necessary decisions."

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Will There Be, a Long Last a Backlash Against Immigration? By James Reed

David Leonhardt, New York Times, July 11, 2023, thinks that there is a backlash against immigration. Bear in mind that the New York Times is a massively pro-immigration media. He notes that the natives are worried about the sheer mass of foreigners, who are changing the culture, and for the working class, offering cheap labour to replace them. The message made is that while there are “racists” who object to racial replacement, wanting lower immigration is not necessarily evil. Well, I guess that is something, a small concession from a generally pro-immigration source.

The real challenge is going to come with the impending economic collapse, coming on many fronts. This will dissolve the last remaining softness, that came from post-World War II affluence, which allowed all of this replacement migration to get into full-swing anyway. 

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Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, Was Too Good to be True, and Shows Her Colours as a Typical Globalist By Richard Miller (London)

The Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni, who was elected on a nationalist control immigration platform, has done the predictable and obeyed the globalists, if she was sincere from the beginning, much like our fork-tongued British conservative politicians. She plans to import hundreds of thousands of non-Europeans to fill so-called “gaps in the labour market.” This is done even while Italy has a crippling youth unemployment rate of around 30 percent. And, the news of the riots which are destroying France apparently has not registered with her. No wonder people are cynical about politics.
