So Many Communist Party of China Spies Here in Oz that We are Tripping Over Them! By James Reed

I have been saying this for some time, but the Epoch Times has got a former Communist Party of China (CCP) spy to give an estimate of the number of communist Chinese spies in Australia. He gives a figure of 1,200 operating in Australia. That in my opinion is an absurd lower estimate. The Chinese students here in the hundreds of thousands would offer up more than that for just a few universities. Indeed, having friends and family back home in China, almost everyone could be forced to do a bit of spying for the mother country if called to do so, and what choice would they have against such a totalitarian regime? In the United States, tens of thousands of military age Han Chinese have poured across the border, and some already have been seen spying on US military installations:;;

When China war erupts, we will be surprised what will happen this time round, compared to World War II.

"A former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) spy, known as "Eric," has told an Australian defence conference that at least 1,200 secret CCP agents are operating within the country.

The startling disclosure was made at the Defending Australia Summit in Canberra, attended by military leaders, including Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Richard Marles.

Speaking with an interpreter, the former spy warned Australia to maintain strong ties with the United States, because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) perceived Australia as weak.

"So he says that the CCP's attempt to control voices in the Chinese community actually then, in turn, affects voting in those countries and influences politics," Sky News host, turned impromptu translator, Cheng Lei said on behalf of Eric.

"So, that does erode rights in Western countries and should be something that we're all concerned about."

Ms. Lei had stepped in after the arranged interpreter opted out over concerns of repeating what Eric had to say.

Ms. Lei herself was formally a political prisoner of the CCP. She was detained in retaliation for the Morrison government's public push for an inquiry into the origins of COVID-19.

Eric warned Australia against remaining neutral when it came to supporting the United States in the event of a military conflict, warning it would be next."

Good advice "Eric." 



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