Obama’s Brother Thinks B. Hussain Obama is Gay! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Hussein Obama, has a brother who makes revealing statements about the former president of the United States. Prezy Obama recently said that he was in favour of porn books for schools claiming that “the books that shape my life” are under threat of being banned in schools and that “librarians are on the front lines, fighting every day to make the widest possible range of viewpoints, opinions, and ideas available to everyone.” Obama’s brother tweeted that this showed that he was definitely gay.

I don’t think that necessarily follows, but it does show that he is, from our conservative perspective, immoral. But, nothing new here.

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Well, They Might as Well Make All of London into a Giant Mosque! By Richard Miller (London)

It is the sign of the times. First London becomes majority non-white. Then cultural icons such as the Trocadero, London’s most famous landmark in Piccadilly circus become set to be a giant three-story mega-mosque. And, given mass immigration and multiculturalism, there is no reason why anything of traditional Britain should not be replaced, or Islamised, as Andrew Tate, himself a Muslim now, has said.

White Britons have totally lost all sense of racial identity, and become white mice, and racial identity is what the replacing groups have plenty of. What whites excel in is producing Leftists who do all in their power to destroy their own ethnic group, beaming with false moral highgroundism. It is sickening, and a pathetic way for a people to go into the night, and our ancestors would curse us moderns.

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South Korea Reports Covid Vax Heart-Deaths By James Reed

It seems that there is slightly less medical academic censorship in South Korea than in the West. Thus, a major paper has been able to be published documenting how the mRNA vax killed 12 South Koreans under 45 years of age by myocarditis. While doctors did not at first recognise myocarditis, this was confirmed by autopsies. This showed that the only cause of death could be Covid vax-caused myocarditis. “Sudden cardiac death was the most serious and worrisome adverse reaction of COVID-19 vaccination in our study,” the researchers wrote. “[It] warrants the careful monitoring or warning of SCD as a potentially fatal complication of COVID-19 vaccination, especially in individuals who are ages under 45 years and receiving mRNA vaccination.” The study was funded by the South Korean government, making the research sharply contrast with the suppression of any research which would put the sacred Covid vaxxes in a less than favourable light, in the West.

The truth about the mRNA vaxxes is slowly seeping out, even if it is coming from the East, and not the West.

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The Political Weapon of Debanking By James Reed

The debanking and cancellation of the bank accounts of the Canadian truckers was a trial run, one supported by the courts. The came Britain’s Nigel Farage, best know for Brexit, and criticisms of immigration. Farage found out a that his bank was closing down his account, and he never got a reason for this; and other banks would not take him on. However, demonetarisation  on YouTube, and other social media sites seems to also be common for dissent material, forcing many to move to other platforms like Rumble.

But, the debanking one is the most worrying, since it shows what the globalist elite will do once they have in force Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). All the dissents at this blog will be eliminated with a few clicks of the keyboard. It will begin with those critical of the sacred vax, then those concerned about immigration and transgenderism, but ultimately those promoting alterative economic policies, which challenges globalism will go down as well. No-one is safe, which is why, this is yet another vital fight, one of the most important.

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Near Miss by Meteorite By Brian Simpson

Last weekend I was staying at a friend’s farm, a farmhouse in a valley. I went outside at about midnight to get some fresh air.  Suddenly the sky lit up bright green, and I looked up to be a meteorite zooming overhead, very close, maybe only a few hundred feet overhead. It headed down the valley and disintegrated in a show of sparks. I was perhaps the only person on Earth to see this. So, rocks from the sky are more common than most people think, as few people bother now to look at, as the philosopher Kant described it, at the starry heavens above. However, the Earth narrowly missed getting hit by a city-destroying meteorite that was 200 foot long, and travelling fast. It was not spotted until two days after passing as it came from the direction of the Sun, and was not visible.


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Covid Vax Injuries in Israel: Robert Kennedy Got it Wrong on this One By Chris Knight (Florida)

The attacks on Robert Kennedy for his misplaced remarks on some ethnic groups being less susceptible to Covid is neither here nor here now, as those populations he named seem now to be suffering the ill effects of the Covid vaxxes. Clearly in the grand depopulation plan, no-one is to be spared.


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Further Medical Censorship By Brian Simpson

A paper written by the distinguished medical team of Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, an expert clinical pathologist, and colleagues, described autopsy findings of people who had died after receiving the Covid goo. The paper was put on a leading medical journal’s preprint server. The conclusions were highly important: 62.5% to 73.9% of post-jab deaths were likely caused by the vax. But, no sooner was the paper put up, then it was taken down. All other leading medical journals refused to publish it. There are only two explanations here; that the paper was totally lacking in quality, or this is intellectual suppression. I follow Dr Mercola in believing  that the paper would have upset Big Pharma, so the medical journals would not run with it. So, what does that say about them?


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The Majority of Australian Voters Think tht Immigration is Too high, but They Will Keep Bringing in More, More, More! By James Reed

We should be used to these surveys by now. With the housing and employment crisis, a majority of voters view that the immigration level is too high. Big Business as always trots out their “but we have no skilled people here, skills are only found overseas, it is impossible to train Australians to do anything.” And in floods the migrants, most of whom do not have the exact skills wanted. No matter, it is creating an eternal reserve army of the unemployed and boom time for the sharks in the real estate and building businesses. And, the Great Replalcment of what was Anglo-Saxon culture.

The government, whether Labor or Liberal just does what the corporates tell them to do. And unless there is radical action like a nationwide strike, and boycotts of the firms pushing this, it goes on until the critical mass is here for what was once Australia to fall into communist China. Overall, there is not much point having a defence sector at all given the present Asianisation policy. No doubt, that is the New World Order plan; when push comes to shove it will be the Brisbane Line set at the Antarctic.

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Dirty Electric Vehicles By James Reed

Electric vehicles (EVs) are the Big Thing for the trendy Leftists, such as academics, who can drive cars, without having to dirty themselves on buses and public transport with us plebs, while still feeling morally superior. Yet, such feelings of environmental moral superiority are misplaced if a new study from the Manhattan Institute is correct in its conclusion that certain EVs emit more greenhouse gas emissions over their lifetime than certain ICEs (internal combustion engines) vehicles.
The report shows that the possibilities of GHG emissions for EVs is much wider than for ICEs,  having more emissions due to the energy intensity of the EV and battery metals used in their manufacture. As well, the reliance on coal to generate the electricity that powers them leaves EVs with  a larger carbon footprint than nonelectric vehicles; the difference is that the dirtiest EVs can have more than double the emissions of the cleanest internal combustion engines.


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US Climate Engineering By Chris Knight (Florida)

Presidential candidate, Robert Kennedy, has spoken out about the dangers of climate engineering. One must remember here, that this is a good guy, as even Trump has said, who comes from the Left, the old Left, not the woke new Left. He believes in climate change but sees free enterprise as the answer, such as better technology; I guess that is something in these dark times.


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WormGPT, Here Comes the Evil AI Brother to ChatGPT By Brian Simpson

This was on the timeline and was only a matter of time; with the advances that have been made in general AI, such as ChatGPT, now there is the hacker’s response, WormGPT, created by a hacker for sophisticated email phishing attacks. The AI authorities say that is very sophisticated, and dangerous and things like bank accounts are vulnerable. And, Pandora’s box is now open, with even more powerful AI producing even more powerful evil AI, or is that eviler AI? Just around the corner is the revolution in quantum computing which will put all this on yet another level, especially when the CCP unleashes attacks using this. What to do? Be as careful as one can and never put all one’s eggs in the one basket. Me, I avoid the technocracy as much as possible.


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Life, or Rather, Death, in the Ukraine By Richard Miller (London)

Propaganda on both sides of the fence, from Russia and the Ukraine, does not address the true horror of what is happening on the ground there. In short, the ground is full of corpses, of what was once young men. According to one soldier: “There are dead people everywhere. Russians dead. Ukrainian people dead…. the biggest problem we get when we’re going into trenches is stepping over all the dead bodies that are already there from the last people [who] went in – that kind of stuff really haunts you.” As with all wars, this human cost is always discounted by the masters of war, who have their objectives, and use human life as their pawns: 


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Jason Aldean: Try That in a Small Town! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Country music star Jason Aldean has a great song, “Try That in a Small Town.” The recording sailed quickly to number 1. Here is a sample of the lyrics”


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Naomi Wolf, Jewess, Defends Robert Kennedy By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy foolishly made remarks that could, and were, taken out of context. He has his defenders, such as Dr Naomi Wolf, who is Jewish. Steve Kirsch, who is Jewish, also defended him. Here is what she has to say on this point. Kennedy means well but is a bit careless; was it the alcohol at the meeting? If so, drink mineral water Bob, better for you.


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Gay Democrat to the Rescue! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Gay Democrat  US IRS (taxation) agent Joseph Ziegler has testified as a whistleblower, alleging a cover-up in the criminal investigation of Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son. After much ado about gayness and how duty to the truth over-rides Democrat loyalty, he dropped his truth bomb: “Both men [investigators] say investigative steps were slow-walked or blocked and that authorities tipped off Hunter Biden’s legal team about interest in searching a northern Virginia storage locker that may have contained evidence and about an attempt to interview Hunter in late 2020 — wrecking both attempts.

They also say that a proposal to interview other Biden family members was rejected and efforts to analyze President Biden’s role in his son’s lucrative consulting work in countries where he held sway as vice president were barred by prosecutors at the US Attorney’s Office in Delaware.”

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Exercise and Parkinson’s Disease By Mrs Vera West

It is turning out that exercise is going to help with most ill health. A study has found benefits from intense exercise for people with Parkinson’s disease, a disease that worries me as my father died from it. How exercise actually does this seems rather complex and need not concern most of us (see abstract below), but the main challenge will be how older people like me, already suffering from arthritis, can get to do such intense exercise. But, I suppose it is all relative. Anyway, this is something that should be checked out with your doctor first.


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Everyone’s a Conspiracy Theorist! By James Reed

See, it is not just people like me who embrace conspiracy theories; everyone does. According to a new article in the journal Psychological Bulletin, people believe in conspiracy theories to feel safe about their environment, and make sewnse of their world. That is the result of a meta-analysis, an overview of other published research. While that is fine, the presumption here is that such conspiracy theories are still false. Yet, in fact, most conspiracy theories are in fact true, seen over a longer time period. Thus, the Covid lab leak hypothesis was dismissed by the mainstream at the time of he virus release, perhaps to let communist china of the hook, but when the origins became a cold case and the damage was done, the narrative switched from natural origins to the lab release. What was a conspiracy one day, another becomes accepted reality.


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Here is the Real Andrew Tate By John Steele

I previous wrote about the limitations of Andrew Tate’s view of masculine virtue. With some more research I discovered that he is now a Muslim. That explains his latest outburst, looking forward to the Islamisation of Britain. In conclusion, Tate has nothing to offer us.


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Green Energy Turns Out to Be CCP Red! By James Reed

Well, blow me over, wherever we follow the Green environmentalist path we seem to end up in the communist Chinese one. Now it has been reported that Australia’s solar energy grid is dominated by Chinese firms with links to the CCP, as all such firms have. With but a word, these firms will be ordered by the CCP in the coming China war to sabotage or disrupt solar energy supplies. What can I say? In the quest to be global, diverse, multicultural and other woke bs, we sacrifice our national security. What a way to go … down.


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Andrew Hastie on the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act By James Reed

The Western Australian Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act was pushed through parliament in record time and came into operation on 1 July 2023. Every person with over 1,100 square metres of land will be affected, even for simple things like building a fence, which will require a permit. This is a test case for the sorts of things that will be also rammed through if the Voice succeeds. And if it does not other states are looking to implement similar Acts.  So, be warned, and get active!


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