The Future of the West is Civil War: Professor David Betz, By James Reed

David Betz is professor of War in the Modern World in the Department of War Studies, King's College London where he heads the MA War Studies programme. He is also a Senior Fellow of the Foreign Policy Research Institute. In the material extracted below, he puts the case that civil war is likely to become increasingly a concern for Western military ...

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The Replicon Vaccine: Global Catastrophe? By Brian Simpson

As if there were not problems enough with the standard mRNA Covid vax, and its adverse effects, deaths and injuries, we have now the threat of the replicon vaccine, which according to Japan's Dr. Daniel Nagase, could lead to a global catastrophe. The new vaccine from Japan makes use of a special type of geneticRNA, that can replicate itself, unlike...

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The Fall of the Rule of Law: Threat of Court Stacking and Replacement, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This issue should be screamed about by Trump, but he seems obvious to it, like many MAGA types. However, Kamala Harris has indicated that she will have a stack and replacement plan, adding multitudes of radical judges and replacing conservative ones. Thus, the Supreme Court will become a radical Leftist kangaroo court. Once this is done, the rule o...

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Communism did Not Fall, but Merely Changed its Form, By Chis Knight (Florida)

As noted in an insightful article at the American, communism did not fall with the collapse of the USSR (communist China continued undisturbed, merely incorporating capitalism into its statism), but simply changed its form, as the essence of communism remained: "The essence of Communism, Karl Marx's long-time colleague and later cr...

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Censoring the World by eSafety, By Paul Walker

The immediate target is X's Elon Musk. Not only does X allow slightly more free speech than the rest of social media, but Musk, a leading Trump supporter, has made some remarks that go to the heart of social criticism against the present oppressive regime. Thus, he said that the UK Labour government by its oppressive actions, was leading to a situa...

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The Tragedy of the Discarded Wisdom of the Western Tradition, By James Reed

I cover the story of how Nottingham University has placed a trigger warning upon Geoffrey Chaucer's classic The Canterbury Tales. Disturbing as this is, the text is apparently still read at the university, and has not been removed from the library … yet. But across the West, worse has been done, with an open cultural war being declared upon the Wes...

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Poor Geoffrey Chaucer: Trigger Warned! By James Reed

The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer (?1340-1400), used to be read in high school English; I read it myself over 60 years ago with much joy, difficult to pick up the old English at first, but pure literary magic once one had tuned into it. The book is a series of stories that a group of pilgrims tell while on their journey from London to a Holy...

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The “Mind” of the Australian Greens! By James Reed

I wrote only a few days ago about the violence of the Left, seen from communism and its mass killings of over 100 million people, to the feminism embrace of abortion as a new religion. The pro-abortion fanaticism, with abortions up to the moment of birth, is seen most clearly in the US. We should not be surprised that the ACT Greens have defended a...

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Ban Gain of Function Research: Malcolm Roberts, By Brian Simpson

We have not quoted anything from One Nation's Malcolm Roberts for a while, but here is a good Xer, where he notes that it was not just the Americans who co-operated with the communist Chinese Wuhan Institute of Virology to create the Covid-19 virus, but Australia as well. This led to the Covid plandemic and its associated tyrannies. Gain-of-functio...

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News Flash: Discovery that Males and Females are Fundamentally Different! By Mrs Vera West

I must admit that the technicalities are a bit beyond the mind of this old lady, but the general point is important for fighting the gender agenda. According to a recent scientific paper, there are indeed fundamental differences in biological processes between males and females, from humans right the way down to humble animals: "In female mammals, ...

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Retreatism and Parallel Communities: Rebuilding White Communities, By Chris Knight (Florida)

The question has been asked: what if Kamala Harris wins and does all of the terrible things we have discussed? One answer, and it is something that can be adopted across the West, from Australia to the UK, is to build parallel communities for Whites, and Christians. As society becomes increasingly hostile, here is a need to retreat and regroup. One...

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Voice 2.0? The “YES” Voice Side Have Not Given Up! By James Reed

 One year ago, the Voice referendum was defeated with over 60 percent of Australians voting against it. Every state and territory, except the woke ACT voted against it. It was a sound defeat of a proposal that would have been awoke disaster for Australia, setting up a third chamber of parliament and giving the New Class elites vast powers. How...

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Are the Irish Elites Finally Waking Up to the Damages of Mass Immigration? By Richard Miller (Europe)

The Irish elites may at long last be recognising what the ordinary people are struggling with: that mass immigration is transforming the country for the worse. Ireland's population is just over five million, but increased by 3.5 percent in just one year, the highest growth in Europe. As described in the Telegraph, this influx of migrants has shaken...

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King Arthur was NOT LGBTQ+ ! By James Reed

King Arthur, a possibly legendary figure, with the Knights of the Round Table, as also according to Welsh sources leader of the post-Roman Britons who fought the Anglo-Saxons in the 5th and 6th centuries. He is portrayed in texts dated 300 years later, the Annales Cambriae and the Historia Brittonum. He is not regarded as a historical figure, possi...

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Trump’s Planned Operation Aurora; Send Migrant Gangs Back! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

 This will be interesting if it ever happens. Trump has said that if elected president again he will launch operation "Aurora," which will remove every criminal network in America such as the Venezuelan Tren de Aragua (TdA) gang, which is rapidly taking over former criminal networks. He would invoke the Alien Enemies Act of 1798.Trump said: "W...

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What the Cost-of-Living Crisis is Doing to the Ordinary Aussies, By James Reed

       We have discussed the factors leading to the the present cost-of-living crisis in Australia, from mass immigration, to an insane energy policy, to acceptance of Green nonsense. But how is all this impacting upon people out here at the street level? Worse than we could imagine. I recall my folks talking about life in the G...

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Say No! to Communist-Style Road Traffic Fines! By James Reed

It sounds at first listen, all so plausible, at least until one thinks about it. Road traffic fines, such as speeding, hurt people on low income more than those who are billionaires. So, in the name of equality, have a system like Finland where fines are based upon income! Here is their case and after that I take it apart: "In Australia, motorists ...

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The Universities are in Pain from the International Student Cap, By James Reed

At long last, after the flood of international students produced an accommodation crisis (well demonstrated by in many articles, all summarised at this blog), the otherwise woke Labor government proposed international student caps, which critics argued was still massively too high. In any case the proposal has gone to a Senate c...

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The Final Defence Against Trump, By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Democrats have revealed their final defence against Trump becoming president again: refusing to certify the election results if their usual election fraud fails: "Despite their constant whining about the Jan. 6, 2021, "insurrection," the Democrats recently admitted that they won't certify the 2024 election results if Republican presidential can...

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Is this True that Bill Gates has a Genocidal Agenda? By Chris Knight (Florida)

That is the claim made at Natural by staff writer Ethan Huff, reporting on developments in Japan: "Japan Warns Bill Gates His "Days Are Numbered" After Abortion Drugs Found in Vaccines Japan has sent a clear message to Bill Gates - his time is running out. With the government's Covid Task F...

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