Regional Australia Faces the Threat of Monstrous Wind Farms Falling Apart; Enough is Enough! By James Reed

Wind farms have become something of a sacred totem for the Greens. In the US offshore wind mills pose a threat to whales, but the environmentalists are willing to put up with that, after decades of going out to sea in small ships to fight whaling, because it is all about moving away from fossil fuels, which they see as the fuel of the devil. And re...

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The Greens Hate Greens! By Richard Miller (Europe)

There used to be a "small is beautiful" type of environmentalism that grew out of the back-to-the-land movement, that advocated self-reliance at the local level, and gave birth to such things as permaculture. The literature was not overly political, but focussed upon practical things the ordinary person could do, even in urban areas to get food sec...

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The Jihad of Lawfare and National Suicide, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Social critic and novelist, former Democrat James Howard Kunstler, is always good for a punchy quote, and his material is often featured in He has made the following comments about lawfare, how the ruling political regimes use the law to attack opponents of their tyranny. He puts the case that lawfare is a form of jihad, a holy war a...

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Sex Trafficking, a Sordid Business Produced by Mass Immigration, By Mrs. Abigail Knight (Florida)

The relationship between the sex trafficking of young women, and female children (boys too, but a little less), is an uncomfortable subject that the pro-immigration fanatics always avoid. This is a problem in Australia, Europe, but in the US is almost out of control, as detailed by a scary account given at, the Free Press. In a nutshell, usi...

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Misinformation is a Cover for Dictatorial Censorship: The Answer is Critical Reasoning, By James Reed

Hannah Arendt has written: "What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed? If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer… And a people that no lon...

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The US Civil War Scenario, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Natural, has republished a small part of an article that appeared recently at, itself a response to the very interesting YouTube channel Whatifalthist. All of these social commentors see a second civil war as inevitable in the United States, because there is no real union, and the states are not "united." The social divi...

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Robert Kennedy Jr as Vaccine Czar, By Chris Knight (Florida)

One of the factors which is truly scaring the Democrats is Robert Kennedy Jr joining forces with Trump, and aiming to be Trump's man to become vaccine czar. Not much has been written about this, but it is truly radical, because many people who do not know Kennedy's history just see him as the son and nephew of assassinated political figures. But he...

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Pandemic Preparedness Schemes, By Brian Simpson

The good point is made at, that the elites, having succeed beyond expectations in locking up the population over Covid, will not stop in their lockdown fetishes, which is what it is. Where will the new drive come from? Many of us, such a Dr Robert Malone, and even lowly commentators such as yours truly, were predicting a new v...

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Australian Immigration: A Bushfire Out of Control! By James Reed

Leith van Onselen over at, has made recent comments on how mass immigration to Australia, under the Leftist Albo government, has constantly exceed government projections. Thus, in the October 2022 federal budget, the projected net overseas migration was of 470,000 over the first two years, but more than doubled this occurred, d...

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China Buys Up Oz, and Our Ruling Elites Love it! By James Reed

Super rich overseas Chinese are buying up pricey homes in elite Oz suburbs. While that should not upset most of us as much as the accommodation crisis gripping the nation through the same force of mass immigration, it is a symbol of Australia's lack of self-identity and preservation, as with the eagerness to sell off family farms to overseas intere...

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Will We Let it End This Way? By Richard Miller (Europe)

Germany faces both increasing migrant crime, as well as increasing sharia protests. The sharia protests are about Islamists establishing sharia law in Germany. Not just for themselves, but for the entire society, an Islamic caliphate. While the Alternative for Germany (AfD) Party is opposed by the New Class elites, they have no problems with calls ...

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The Contamination Chemicals in the Vaxxes, By Brian Simpson

An article published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, vol. 3 (20, 2024, is entitled: "At Least 55 Undeclared Chemical Elements Found in COVID-19 Vaccines from AstraZeneca, CanSino, Moderna, Pfizer, Sinopharm and Sputnik V, with Precise ICP-MS." Here the research team from Argentina found chemicals in the mRNA ...

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Port Hedland Local Government: Call to Suspend mRNA Vax, By Brian Simpson

Rebekah Barnett reports on great developments with the local government of Port Hedland, which has voted for an immediate suspension of the Covid mRNA vax. This was motivated by the existence of excessive amounts of synthetic DNA in the vaccines. Better yet, the councillors also voted to notify every Australian local councils of evidence of this DN...

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Abandoning the EV Nightmare to Return Home to Fossil Fuels, By James Reed

 A survey conducted by McKinsey Center For Future Mobility has reported that 46 percent of U.S. car owners who drive electric vehicles, and 49 percent of UK drivers, would shift back to fossil engines. The EV craze is coming to an end for consumers, who were guilt tripped into getting EV by climate change alarmism. But guilt can only go so far...

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US Military Poised to Kill Conservatives if Necessary, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Dissent Right journalist Ben Bartee reports on the disturbing, but predictable development, that the US military is now authorised to kill US citizens, when the regime tells them to do. Conservatives and MAGA types say that these good guys will not do it. Yes, they will. Most are trained to obey orders and if it is "shoot to kill," that they will d...

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Kamala Harris was a Black Slaver! By Charles Taylor

The allegations seem to be correct and dwarf the claims about Kamala Harris' plagiarism: "Kamala Harris kept hundreds of black men in prison past their release date so she could use these men for cheap California state labor at $2 per day. That alone should have disqualified Kamala Harris from public office. Extending prison sentences for cheap lab...

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Republican Leftists Snubbing King Charles; Totally Predictable! By James Reed

It has been reported: "King Charles and Queen Camilla are facing an embarrassing snub by leading Australian politicians ahead of their tour of the country. As the couple prepares to kick off their nine-day visit Down Under on Friday, every single state premier has turned down invitations to attend their royal reception in Canberra on October 21, re...

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The Plagiarised President, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Much has been written about what Kamala Haris has done on the road to the top: But nothing new here; it is standard operating procedure. Likewise for the present storm in a teacup about Kamala Harris' plagiarism of various sources. This comes from the book she co-authored ...

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Proving He is a “Real Man,” or Even Something Approximate, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Democrats following on from the disastrous "real man" advert, which has a variety of far-from "real men," many who could be trans men, saying stupid things (like cooking steak raw, not rare), have turned to having vice presidential candidate Tim Walz out shooting a shotgun just like one of the gun boys. See, I use guns too and do not intend to ...

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The Desperation of the Final Days, By Chris Knight (Florida)

US liberal elites and Democrats are urging President Biden to abandon the rule of law in his final days as president and to target opponents (e.g. deport Elon Musk, a US citizen), break the law and the constitution. One Leftist pushing this line is film maker Michael Moore, who thinks that various policies, illegal and unconstitutional, should simp...

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