Rents Through the Roof! By James Reed

According to research by CoreLogic, Australian rents have increased by 36 percent nationally, which is an extra $ 171 per week on average, $8,884 a year at the median level. This has meant that even people on medium incomes are facing rent stress. People on a median income now have to spend 33 percent of their pre-tax income just to pay the median ...

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The Wages of Woke, By Richard Miller (Europe)

A story on the lighter side where the Left get taught a lesson in reality: "The Gaîté Lyrique theatre in Paris staged the conference, entitled 'Reinventing the welcome for refugees in France', on December 10th. It involved talks hosted by academics from top universities and Red Cross officials, and saw activists welcome in the migrants. But when th...

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More Than a Storm in a Tea Cup! By Mrs Vera West

Scientists are becoming increasingly concerned about microplastics entering the human body and causing harm. Sometimes these sources of microplastics are surprising, such as those from tea bags: "People who drink loose leaf tea might be on to something: scientists in Spain have found evidence of plastic pollution getting into human cells after bein...

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Suing the Universities, By James Reed

 I see the universities as failed, corrupt institutions that have long ago abandoned their original goal of the pursuit of knowledge and truth, replaced by a corporate structure that manages a degree mill. Thus, as with any business the universities should be open to suing with no sentimentality. This is what is happening with Jacob Meaghe, a ...

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Say Goodbye to Insurance, By Bob Farmer, Dairy Farmer

With things tighter than normal on the land, just before the end of last financial year the insurance for the farm came, and I almost fell through the floor. Fortunately, my wife Betty was there to grab me just in time before I disappeared. An increase by thousands of dollars. Why? There are manty reasons such as reinsurance costs and inflation. Bu...

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China’s Super Duper Computer, By Brian Simpson

AI is advancing in leaps and bounds. At the recent Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2025), a robot, CASBOT 01, developed by Beijing-based Lingbao CASBOT, was featured. The robot allegedly has the computing power of 550 trillion operations per second, dwarfing human operational speeds. Apparently, the robot can do manual labour tasks, even run and jum...

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Government Censorship Even Greater than Previously Thought, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Court documents in the case of Missouri v Biden: have revealed that US government censorship involving the internet and social media, began during the Obama presidency, and continued, and accelerated during the Covid plandemic, and continues today. A...

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Open Insurrection! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The results of a recent survey conducted by RMG Research, indicate that 73 percent of federal bureaucrats who are Democrats plan to "resist" Trump and his directives, and around 64 percent plan to directly defy his policies if they disagree with them: "While the vast majority of government employees who identify as Republicans plan to support the a...

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The Great Vatican Double-Standard on Migration, By Peter West

As we know, the Pope speaks almost every month about the need of the West having open borders and taking in an unending stream of migrants. Illegals are most welcome, he says, and the more the better. However, his cosmopolitanism does not square with immigration restriction that exists for the one square mile of Vatican City itself. "The Vatican Ci...

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When They Kick Us Off the Internet, By James Reed

Michael Snyder observes that the globalist elite intend to have a universal digital ID for everyone on the planet, which will be needed to access the digital world, including Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC): "Imposing mandatory digital identification on every nation on the entire planet has become a primary goal for the global elite. It isn'...

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SBS Fails to be Woke Enough! By James Reed

Consider this: "On SBS's World News Bulletin, the Australian weather map is shown first with English names for each capital, before changing over to Indigenous titles. Perth becomes Boorloo, Sydney becomes Warrang, Brisbane is Meanjin, Melbourne is Naarm and Adelaide is Tarndanya." Now Melbourne refers to the city, not merely the land place, and th...

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Will Bill Gates’ “Deep Sky” Type Projects, Enslave Us All? By Brian Simpson

Bill Gates never stops to smell the roses. Unless they are genetically modified ones! His latest start-up, Deep Sky, aims to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, as Gates is big on climate change alarmism, and there are profits to be made. The captured carbon will be supposedly stored two kilometres underground. The direct air capture method will involv...

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The Scorched Earth Policy of Politics: How are Some Politicians So Rich? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is getting a little late for this, but in the lead-up to the inauguration of Trump, Biden has been engaging in a policy of burning down what he can, to make life difficult for Trump.But there is a positive side to this scorched earth approach as well. Biden has raised the issue of stock trading by members of Congress, and the Senate, and the ins...

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Australia’s Population Policy: Populate Via Mass Immigration and Perish, By James Reed

The Australian Treasury's Centre for Population has issued predictions of the demographic consequences of run-away mass immigration to Australia. There will be at least 4.1. million people added to the country in the next 10 years, most of whom will go to the migrant nerve centres of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth, giving a population of 31...

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International Student Enrolment Surpass a Great Replacement One Million, By James Reed

Rather than decreasing, international student enrolments at our corrupt universities has now exceeded one million; there were 1,018,799 enrolments in the year to September 2024. This was an increase of 128,447 from the previous year. While the Albo government gave lip service to reducing the number of international students, this was as the Red Ind...

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Dangers of the Pan-American Highway, By Chris Knight (Florida)

The globalist elites are always excited about mega projects which could have a mass immigration spin off. Take the Pan-American Highway, which will if completed, stretch 18,000 miles from Alaska to Argentina. The project has been worked on for decades, but technical difficulties of working in jungles have slowed development. There have been major c...

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Will Trump End the Tyranny of the World Health Organization? By James Reed

The World Health Organization pandemic treaty is back on the cards coming up in May this year. While this was defeated by a concentrated effort by freedom forces across the world, as well as by some nations opposing it in full or in part, but the WHO has gone and licked its wounds and the empire will strike back with a modified treaty. Australia ha...

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Too Much Tech for Stone Age Brains! By Brian Simpson

Here is an interesting hypothesis; the human brain has not changed much, if at all physiologically and neuronically since the Stone Age. However, the modern IT and AI world, with it approaching near-infinite complexities, is requiring humans to become more like computers than organic beings. There have been astonishing ramifications of the dependen...

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When Medical Fraud Becomes the Norm, By Brian Simpson

Although the following extract from Natural deals with medical fraud in America, it is also applicable to Australia as well, as the same Forces of Darkness, control both societies, and mainstream medicine is very much an epiphenomenon of Big Pharma. The health care systems of both countries make more profits from keeping people sick, or hi...

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The Age of Rage, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Professor Jonathan Turley is interesting. I tried to get ChatGPT to give a summary of his work, and it did not respond. The story goes that because of mistakes that old "mate" Chat had made, programmers have simply deleted his name from the memory, or whatever they do for AI censorship. Anyway, Professor Turley wrote just before Christmas on the co...

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