The Crash in Male Fertility By Mrs Vera West

Ryan P. Smith,  an associate professor of urology at the University of Virginia, gives his take on the alarming fall in male fertility across the world. I have covered this topic before, with a focus upon hormone disrupting chemicals, but this material gives a comprehensive overview.


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The Mental Health Wages of Covid/Lockdowns By Mrs Vera West

The mainstream Australian media are not reporting all that much on the negative effects of continuous lockdowns, especially upon mental health. People, especially the young are facing slightly more comfortable positions to those in solitary confinement in prisons, something explicitly designed for punishment. I myself suffer greatly, not being able to see my grandchildren, and great grandchild. If fact, I have not yet even seen the most recent birth, that of my great grand daughter, Emily, born in a home birth. Without the internet, I would be totally isolated. The telly does not do much, pumping out the same old nonsense. They have certainly made it a lonely world, and apart from the devastating economic consequences, people are hurting, as always, the little people like us.


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Mandatory Covid Uni Vax: A Good Reason Not to Go to a US University! By James Reed

This was a totally predictable move. Vaccination culture is correlated with mad woke and political correctness, so it is to be expected that the epicentre of woke, the universities, would move to require the young brainwashed to accept the latest sign of the faithful, the sacred vax. Unless the Australian vaccine passport is stopped in its tracks, this will happen  in Australia too, I predict.

But, compared to supermarket issues, I don’t care about this. For the universities, I say, let Darwinian forces decide. Hopefully, most will go broke soon, and have to be sold off for shopping malls, and productive businesses. Problem solved!

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This Week’s US Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths and Adverse Effects; The Song Remains the Same By Brian Simpson

Here from the always excellent Children’s Health site is this week’s update on Covid Vax misery, deaths and injuries recorded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the principal government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. In summary “between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 30, 2021, a total of 545,338 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 12,366 deaths — an increase of 426 over the previous week. There were 70,105 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 7,003 compared with the previous week.”


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Viktor Orban, a Real Leader, Against Senile Globo Commo Joe By Richard Miller (London)

Tucker Carlson has done a great interview with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who with his clear-headed common sense on issues where the rest of the West is lacking, such as border control and the Covid plandemic. The interview refutes totally the notion pushed by the mainstream media that Orban is some sort of extremist. Instead, it is the Western New Class who are the extremists, and so anyone opposing their madness will look “different,” which is the old traditionalist normal.


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From a Friend of a Friend on Facebook By James Reed

I have a big presence on Facebook and other social media, having thousands of friends. Who am I kidding? Anyway, I have friends of friends who are on Facebook, doing social media things like this:


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First New York, then Australia By James Reed

It is being tried in New York, and is probably only a few heart beats away here for Australia. That is why we need to watch closely what happens in the US, the universal salad bowl.

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Nine Police Officers Follow Knife Terrorist, Like a Jihad Shopping Spree! By Richard Miller (London)

I include this story for contrasts. The police across jurisdictions are quick to grab people without masks, committing minor transgressions of the code of the Covid New World Order, as we call it. But here in the UK we have the case of convicted British terrorist Sudesh Amman, who was considered to such a threat that nine plain-clothes policemen were following him when he had his minute-long knife attack in a street in south London. Does that make you feel safe? Me too.

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Entry Level Porn? It Should be No Entry at All! By Mrs Vera West

There has been an internet storm over remarks made by writer Flora Gill, who thinks that there should be “nice” porn for the young, which does not have the violence that they are finding on the internet. By extension, there can be entry level drugs as well, leading on the road to hard drugs. Really, what is needed is opposition to evil, not trying to constantly accommodate it.

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The Incredible Creeping Vaccine Passport By Brian Simpson

The vaccine passport seems to be well under way to be put in place, so the unvaccinated will not be able to even get a haircut! The idea is, with state agreement, and what state will stand up against the mighty Covid New World Order, that commercial entities will enforce a vaccine passport, in the sense of no proof of vaccination, no entry. Well, those of us with hair can just let it grow, as a hairy protest. Face Masks will not fit so well either over the coming forest of hair. Could also be a fire danger during the fire season, of sorts.

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Really Ancient Mathematics By Brian Simpson

It is rare for mathematical archaeological discoveries to be made, but an Aussie mathematician had picked up on use of Pythagoras theorem, before the man himself apparently discovered it, or at least examples of it, at a practical level. We don’t know if anything like a general proof existed at the time.

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Challenging Vaccine Passports By James Reed

Dawson Liberal National MP George Christensen, is taking a stand in opposing the dreadful vaccine passports. We need to support him, and everyone should personally contact their local federal member, and take in a delegation of people to put the case to oppose the vaccine passports. This is no time to sit back, as it will affect, if not infect, us all.

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More on the Stolen Generation Compensation By Tom North

It is a fine time for the Greens to start the push for compensation for the “stolen generation,” a notion which has been well criticised, with articles to follow up listed at the end of this article. Regardless of the entire debate, surely with this present corona crisis, this matter can wait until the economy at least gets moving again, if it ever moves again? Then sort things out.


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There are No More Silver Bullets Left for the Werewolf Apocalypse! By James Reed

I am not sure whether the metaphor of a silver bullet, used to kill mythical werewolves, is appropriate. Doesn’t he mean “magic bullet”? Anyway, Nationals Senator Matt Canavan has said that vaccinations are no final answer for Australian society to return to normal.  He has called on political leaders to be “upfront” and tell Australians they need to “live with the virus,” as reported in The Epoche  Clearly, after wrecking the economy, that will be all left to do. Oh, and face the real dangers of any zombie apocalypse, the aftermath, fallout far worse than any disease.

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We, the Enemy By Richard Miller (London)

We know that things must be really bad when the UN is speaking out against governments in the West treating their own people as an enemy. This is seen most dramatically in the United States, as covered at this blog by Chris Knight and Charles Taylor, whom I will probably never meet, since I will not get vaccinated. It is also seen here in Europe where the police get down and dirty on protesters merely exercising a right to assemble. This is not going to end well, as was seen in the 2020 BLM protests to defund the police in the US.

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The Genocide of Girls by Abortion By Mrs Vera West

Not just in China, but right across the world where sex-selective abortions occur, baby girls are being aborted in favour of boys. This will lead to a sex ratio imbalance, that is already having a cultural impact in many places, especially China. And, men that will never have a wife usually have a tendency towards violence and anti-social behaviour. It is a dangerous brew.

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Are the Dr Frankensteins to Become Protected National Treasures? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

As predicted, more bs on the corona freak-out from the professors at the universities. This time some dude is proposing that criticisms of Dr Fauci and the like be prosecuted as thought crimes, sorry, hate crimes. Well, suppose that there is “hate” involved here. So what, why should the law have ever got involved in policing an emotion, which frequently is justified, it does not come from nowhere? Is universal “love” to be made a condition of law? But to this is will be said that hate often leads to violence. That is true, but often it does not. Clearly the law should look at individual cases on their merits.

And, all this comes from the Left. If hate is to be so widely applied, if and when conservative get power, they should pay the Left back by prosecuting them for their hate, and no-one hates as much as the Left. This is where it all goes, spiralling out of control, because the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

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Punishing for Thought Crimes By Chris Knight (Florida)

Punishment for thought crimes and exercising the former right of free assembly, has become common in the West since 2020, but it has been worked at for some time. Today after continuous victories, the glob commo forces are pushing ahead into full scale genocide mode. The January 6 peaceful protesters are an example, as I see it.

Here is Glen K. Allen, attorney for The Free Expression Foundation, Inc., weighing in on the civil rights aspects of the Washington DC gulags. Another freedom lover, fighting the good fight.

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Rolling out the Vaccine New World Order; Getting the Corporates to Do the Dirty Work By Bruce Bennett

Here is the latest I have found on the vaccinate passport push here in Oz, which seems to involve getting employer and business leaders to do all the work. I imagine though that while workers could be forced to be vaccinated, until maybe a High Court legal challenge, consumers may vote with their feet. If the big supermarkets start demanding vaccine proof to customers, time to boycott them! Independent supermarkets who do not enforce this will do well.

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The Touch-Me-Feel-Me President By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is incredible what the mainstream have allowed Biden to get away with. Here is a disgusting little episode. Reader discretion advised, it deals with the senile president in action, in public too.

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