Swedish Post-Vax Menstrual Disorders? Surely Nothing to Get Hung About! By Richard Miller (London)

In Sweden there was some concern about Swedish women reporting menstrual disorders after receiving the Covid jab. Some see this as part of a global depopulation agenda, but really this is would be wasted upon racially suicidal Swedes and most Northern Europeans, who are more than happy for their race to go into the night, forever, based upon the white pathology of perverted universalism.


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Roll Up! Roll Up! For the Magical Mystery Covid Vax Phone Certificates! By James Reed

Bigger than the Beatles ever were! Covid vax certificates are now available for storing on your phone, accessible via the ever delightful myGov site and app, or better yet, if that is possible, via the Medicare Express app, which is truly fantastic. I am over the moon with this; somebody from the government does care. Just wait until stores require these certificates to be able to purchase food, that will be the best of all!


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Was Machiavelli’ “The Prince,” a Troll Exercise? By James Reed

I saw a fascinating piece on Zero Hedge.com, arguing that Machiavelli’s The Prince, real politics advise for totalitarian rulers, was really a troll, since the people he was writing for knew how to oppress, and keep power. Rather Macha wanted to warn the little people about their machinations. That could be true.


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Covid Dwells Among the Highly Vaccinated by Brian Simpson

Covid-19 infections in vaccinated people in U.K. are outpacing infections in the unvaccinated, according to a recent study published by King's College in London. They operate the ZOE COVID Study app which monitors Covid infection and vaccination rates. It was found that, as of July 15, 2021, there was an average of 15,537 new daily symptomatic cases COVID-19 among partly or fully vaccinated people in the United Kingdom. This is an increase of 40 percent from the previous week's total of 11,084 new cases. Dr Mercola gives more details. Clearly though, the authorities who are proclaiming that the vaccine will completely solve the Covid problem are fooling themselves.


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Spike Proteins, Everywhere By Brian Simpson

When injected with the mRNA spike proteins, do the little monsters obediently sit in the shoulder muscle, playing chess and other board games, or are they naughty, and wander to places they were told not to go, like the genitals, perish the thought?


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The Conspiracy Behind the Suppression of the Covid Lab Leak Hypothesis By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola, our go-to site for great critical scientific content on the Covid plandemic, is under intense personal attack, with intimidation tactics. He seems to be stressed by this, as we all would be, and will delete content after 48 hours, so I had better stop relying upon his emails, and go to the site each day, just before Natural News.com, to keep readers up to date. But, it is only a matter of time before he is shut down, since he has really got up the nose of the establishment. After this I will write on matters mathematical and scientific, without political content, while waiting for the end.

Anyway, here is important information, probably the most detailed I have seen showing how the scientists suppressed the Wuhan lab release hypothesis of Covid’s origin. Part of it was not to support Trump, most scientists being pathetic libtards and limp cowards, however good they might be at science. They have discredited science and we should now, not “trust the science.” as many that produce it, are in the pockets of the corporate global elites.

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China Getting Ready for Taking Out Taiwan By James Reed

Anyone who wants to see this can see that it will be only a matter of months before Taiwan is invaded by commo China. The CCP army is training for it now. It is highly likely that the pro-CCP Beijing Biden regime will let this happen with no US response, and will just put up with not having any computer chips, since the goal of this government is to destroy America anyway. Hopefully, the Taiwanese will have the guts to fall on their swords, and destroy all of the IT infrastructure when they realise that cucked commo America is going to take the CCP side.


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What Do They Have to Hide? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Another big bit of US electoral fraud news. Maricopa County officials refused to comply with giving access to the election routers and other items contained in a subpoena issued by the Arizona Senate on July 26. Along with this, Dominion Voting Systems stated it would not be supplying the passwords sought in a separate subpoena. Now to my suspicious mind, that is highly suspicious. What do they have to hide? Remember, the winning team has said that this was the fairest election of all time. So, it should withstand any scrutiny.


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Wear Masks or Die, and in Queensland, Keep Away from Grand Kids! Try Not to Breathe! By Paul Walker (Brisbane)

I am not sure what I can say about this Brisbane story that the international internet critics have not said, beyond the need for all people to be aware that we are in a brave new world now, and this is not going to end anytime soon, sso keep your bloody mask on! It is something out of the horror movies, maybe 28 Weeks Later (2007) being most appropriate; have a look at the trailer on YouTube. There are the beginnings of a post-apocalyptic feel to things, that will get worse, I believe, as the social glue breaks down, and things fall apart. But at least we have our masks, security blankets against all the dark things out there in the Covid night.


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Trump Screaming about Proof of Fraudulent 2020 Election By Chris Knight (Florida)

Trump has put down his golf club and cheeses burger long enough to cheer for the latest piece of evidence demonstrating electoral fraud, by retired Army intelligence captain Seth Keshel. The Keshel report analysed the vote counts in all 50 states, relative to estimated numbers based on political trends, population growth/decline, recent voter history, and registration information. From this there was determined an estimated amount of “excess Biden votes” in each state. It was found that Biden received an excess of 8 million votes, enough to flip the election. That goes along with the thousands of other pieces of evidence, that the mainstream, including the corrupt courts, ignore. Do something Trump, anything! How about a mass strike? This is the problem with having a billionaire as “saviour” … they don’t!


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GOP and the China Lab Leak Hypothesis By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The US House Foreign Affairs Committee Republicans’ probe into the possible origins of COVID-19, has concluded that the Covid  virus leaked from the Wuhan lab in September 2019.  Some participants of the Military World Games that same year in Wuhan left with “Covid-like symptoms.” That was the first glimpse of the Covid New World Order curse that the world saw. It has been concluded by the Republican probe that Covid-19 was a virus that was lab created, and escaped from the Wuhan lab, and this escape was covered up by communist China. But, as Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) has said,  “[W]e should be investigating this as a government, not just Republicans … Unfortunately, Democrats don’t want to have anything to do with this. They would rather investigate the January 6 event where already 500-600 people have been arrested than investigate the cause of millions of deaths of people in the world and over 600,000 in the United States.” That is because the Democrats are loyal to the CCP, it being a premier commo nation, and secondly, Demon-rats are milking January 6 for all it is worth, to destroy as many Trumpers as possible, while Trump and Trumper thumpers, do nothing, and let it all happen, as usual. National suicide, nay, genocide, if unfolding in real time. Most of us alive now will see the world reduced to a Mad Max state if the Left win, and finally the Earth reduced to a burnt-out crisp, meaninglessly circling the sun.


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Pit Bulls and Racism By John Steele

This is a usual one, even in the woke world of crazy political correctness. There is great concern about attacks by pit bulls, and some states in Australia I believe, only let one have them, if males are castrated. But, pit bulls have been used to guard drugs, and so there is a racial angle, at least in the United States. Where there is a racial angle, academics will be there whinging about racism, and the usual sociological bs. Well, let them. And let them see how much of a social construction it is to have one of these brutes come at you. I once had to face one, which a person who was trespassing on my farm in North Queensland, let loose on me. Unfortunately for the viscous, psycho charging dog, I had in my hand a pitch fork, a great farm weapon, used by crazed peasant in revolts for centuries. The dog changed its mind quick, and no-body was hurt.


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A Happy Gunny Ending By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Missouri couple who defended their property from Black Lives Matter protesters in June 2020, who threatened to kill the couple, have just received a pardon from Missouri’s governor. It is about time, too. It is shocking that this case went on so long, and the real criminals, the BLM ferals who can threaten murder, stopped only by the threat of a gun, got away with it. But, BLM rioters have been let off by the Democrat authorities in most states, while the January 6 peaceful protesters are being tortured in Washington DC gulags. That’s what communist regimes do, when good men do nothing.


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FBI Going After Whites By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is another one for the closedown the FBI file, which grows by the day. Now this corrupt organisation is putting pressure upon local police to charge more whites with hate crimes. Well, justice would dictate that if a crime was a hate crime, people be charged, not to cook the books and go out fishing and hunting for it. But the FBI, as I documented in previous blog posts does in fact help in manufacturing the very crimes it is supposed to stop. Breaking up America, this cancerous organisation can then work its toxins upon Democrat subjects.


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Green Wrecking Balls, By Viv Forbes

Claiming to save the world from the global warming ghosts, climate alarmists are smashing our future with Green Wrecking Balls.

Greens say they love trees.

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Beware of the Prion! By Brian Simpson

Here is the latest bio-research hazard, prions, very small infectious proteins, smaller than viruses. French researchers have been infected, which is surprising given the usually high safety standards of the French labs. Who knows what is going to happen next, and what monster germs could get released next. It is only a matter of time given the amount of deadly stuff the Dr Frankenstein scientists play with.


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Call Out the ADF to Teach ‘Em a Lesson They Will Not Forget! By James Reed

I was interested in the legal background the Australian Defence Force being used to enforce the Sydney lockdown, and what exactly the scope of this power would be. With not much digging I found a background article detailing where this all came from. It was back in the age of Turnbull, remember him? The following analysis, by top legal experts, details exactly the powers the military now has to control social protests, all relevant to what is happening now.


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Vaccine Lights Going Out in Massachusetts By Brian Simpson

The title allusion is to a Bee Gees song, but never mind the literature/pop culture. A study of a Covid-19 outbreak  in Provincetown, Mass.,  found that three-quarters of cases occurred in fully vaccinated people. Massachusetts has a high rate of vaccination: about 69 percent.


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Pfizer Vaccine’s Effectiveness, Falls By Brian Simpson

More bad news for the Covid school of thought that holds that vaccines are the total answer to the present social crisis. It seems that there is already a fall-off in at least one vaccine’s effectiveness. The question is whether this is on a curve, with further fall-offs.


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Quay’s Bayesian Analysis of the Lab Origin of Covid-19 By Brian Simpson

Dr Steven Quay has published a Bayesian probability analysis that demonstrates, within the bounds of probability, that Covid-19 was created in a lab.  He shows that there is only a 0.2 percent likelihood that the Covid-19 virus came from nature, and a 99.8 percent probability that it came from a lab, and the most probable lab is that in Wuhan, on the basis of evidence. The paper was presented to the Republican inquiry, which concluded that Covid-19 was constructed in the Wuhan lab, escaped, and this was covered up by the CCP. Now what?


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