Here is the award winning politically correct story of the week, where an Oregon high school diploma will be no guarantee that the student who earned it can read, write or do mathematics at a high school level. While this is pushed as being inclusive and helping minorities, it will just mean further poverty as minorities will not be capable of getting employment after school. The bottom line is that capitalists simply cannot afford this woke nonsense. Another example of how Leftism causes harm to the very people it purports to help.
There is a paper causing heart burn to the establishment: “Reading Race: AI Recognises Patient's Racial Identity In Medical Images,” Imon Banerjee, Ananth Reddy Bhimireddy, John L. Burns, Leo Anthony Celi, Li-Ching Chen, Ramon Correa, Natalie Dullerud, Marzyeh Ghassemi, Shih-Cheng Huang, Po-Chih Kuo, Matthew P Lungren, Lyle Palmer, Brandon J Price, Saptarshi Purkayastha, Ayis Pyrros, Luke Oakden-Rayner, Chima Okechukwu, Laleh Seyyed-Kalantari, Hari Trivedi, Ryan Wang, Zachary Zaiman, Haoran Zhang, Judy W Gichoya. It shows the extraordinary thing, that AI can detect race from medical imagery, even when humans can’t:
“Background: In medical imaging, prior studies have demonstrated disparate AI performance by race, yet there is no known correlation for race on medical imaging that would be obvious to the human expert interpreting the images.
Methods: Using private and public datasets we evaluate: A) performance quantification of deep learning models to detect race from medical images, including the ability of these models to generalize to external environments and across multiple imaging modalities, B) assessment of possible confounding anatomic and phenotype population features, such as disease distribution and body habitus as predictors of race, and C) investigation into the underlying mechanism by which AI models can recognize race.
Findings: Standard deep learning models can be trained to predict race from medical images with high performance across multiple imaging modalities. Our findings hold under external validation conditions, as well as when models are optimized to perform clinically motivated tasks. We demonstrate this detection is not due to trivial proxies or imaging-related surrogate covariates for race, such as underlying disease distribution. Finally, we show that performance persists over all anatomical regions and frequency spectrum of the images suggesting that mitigation efforts will be challenging and demand further study.
Interpretation: We emphasize that model ability to predict self-reported race is itself not the issue of importance. However, our findings that AI can trivially predict self-reported race -- even from corrupted, cropped, and noised medical images -- in a setting where clinical experts cannot, creates an enormous risk for all model deployments in medical imaging: if an AI model secretly used its knowledge of self-reported race to misclassify all Black patients, radiologists would not be able to tell using the same data the model has access to.”
This is something out of one of those TV series that bored people are fed during lockdown, only it happened. Antifa decides to hunt down Christians and kill and eat them, well, almost. Really, one would be pushing to find any sort of white nationalist among these universalistic evangelical Christians, who operate on the universal love and turn the other cheek principle. I know, I have been one, right here in the deep South. Yet, still they are hunted down. Antifa thus wants to take down anyone not antifa or non-white.
Well, it is climate change freak-out time again, which comes when the UN IPCC releases its latest apocalyptic report that says we are doomed unless the West de-industrialises, allows China to become number one, because it is just a poor developing nation which does not have to play by the reduction rules even being the largest emitter on the planet, and associated nonsense. And, when there is a climate change freak-out conference, all the Covid rules are forgotten, just like with BLM protests, because, the Left don’t have to keep to the rules normal people do. As the kids say, it sucks.
Universities are heading fast to Dark Age mentality, now punishing inanimate objects such as rocks for the eternal sin of racism, a blasphemy against the New World Order religion of diversity. Well, let them shift rocks all day, it at least is keeping their little minds occupied!
Stephanie Seneff and Greg Nigh, Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19 International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(1), May 10, 2021, have given a peer-reviewed outline of some of the adverse effects coming from the experimental mRNA vaccines. It is early days yet, but the establishment sees mass vaccination as the Big Answer to getting commerce flowing again. Well, what if this is wrong? What then? Lockdowns forever?
Here is even more detective work on the lab origin hypothesis of Covid-19. This time, a senior scientist was infected with SARS-CoV-2 in a laboratory in Beijing in early 2020, according to virologists’ emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know, raising real problems for the hypothesis that the virus simply jumped species. The virus was part of an active research program of the Chinese scientific establishment.
The bald-headed macho man Joe Rogen has an extremely popular podcast. He is rough, casually throwing in four-letter words to spice things up. And, he is getting up the establishment’s nose by questioning all the planks of the Covid ideology. Thus, the system wants to shut him down, and probably will.
Here is the warning coming from the American Academy of Pediatrics, that even vaccinated children should be required to wear face masks. There is no expire date upon this, so we can assume that this will be the new normal. It is the culture of the mask, and carbon dioxide on the brain.
Mike Adams has made the interesting observation that more people have now died from the adverse effects of the Covid vaccines, than died from the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, itself an unpunished war crime. That statistic must realty to total deaths worldwide, or else it is based upon the hypothesis of a system that allegedly vastly under-records deaths, as some have argued. In any case, this is Adam’s opinion, worth reading, and does not necessarily reflect the position of the blog. Also, if the government drops an atomic bomb on you, as Beijing Biden seemed to have threatened a few weeks back, and by some miracle you survive, seek professional medical attention, rather than merely use your handy dandy first aid kit!
There is forthcoming TV show which is based upon the ultimate rad fem fantasy of all men dying leaving women. The clip on YouTube does not say what happens to the trans, those with male genitals who think that they are women, but no matter. There will be more pressing problems in the real world if this happened.
The first job is to get rid of almost half of the population. Since the men collapse vomiting blood, it is like to be some new virus, that could mutate easily, next targeting women. Disposing of the corpses, even using earth moving equipment, will not be easy. But worse, since men work the basis infrastructure of society, and women the talky-talky stuff, the power will go down, quickly, including the fuel pumps, water supply and sewage. Are there enough trained women to keep the system up? No way! What about the nuclear reactors, which will go into meltdown after 48 hours when emergency cooling systems fail? Game over for the planet.
What is amazing is that the PhD student, discussed below, who was wrecked for criticising the new Masters of the Universe, commo China, was Swiss. It is the sort of thing that is likely to occur in places like the UK or Sweden, but it just shows how deep communism is now. It really is the Chinese Covid New World Order, as the West commits ritual suicide.
Remember UK Professor Neil Ferguson, who early predictions off the alleged wide-spread devastation of Covid-19, led to the lockdown ideology? Well, he now admits that his initial predictions were incorrect, and now says that lockdowns will soon be a thing of the past. I will believe it when I see it, since the gremlins are now out, well, at least locked down.
Whoa! According to the CDC, which is like the voice of a god in the Covid New World Order, fully vaccinated people who get a Covid-19 breakthrough infection can transmit the virus. To my mind that poses a problem for those like our government, who are saying that once there is a high level of vaccination in the herd, things can return to normal, whatever that now is. Probably infections will continue.
Dr Mercola has given an informative discussion of Covid-countermeasures, and his ideas of health in an age of Coviddy diddy do-dar day. The discussion of diet is interesting. However, the usual disclaimer on these topics, that we at the blog are not offering medical/health advice, only reporting news items for public policy debate.
There is a minority view among Covid critics that the actual virus does not exist, having not been isolated, and other methodological problems. Below, in the interest of free debate, is material on these lines. Personally, I am not so sure, since I wonder how this position, which is like that taken by AIDS critics, accounts for the vaccine ill-effects. Where did the vaccine come from to produce these ill-effects? Isn’t this then an inconsistency, where the critics want to have their scepticism, and adverse effects too? Mike Adams does address this objection below. Anyway, I keep an open mind, as always.
The January 6 peaceful protesters have faced torture and human rights abuses, and are now being denied basic legal process. In the future no doubt anyone who sticks their head up against the CCP Beijing Biden regime will not have the luxury of human rights abuses in jail, but will be given the Ashli Babbitt treatment of summary execution on the spot. Trumps’ dopey, gutless supporters should have a mass strike and do something legal, but the fat cheese burger man said to stand down and watch the country burn, just as he watched the country burn in 2020 at his watch.
Oh, he is going to win the 2024 election, because the Democrats won’t steal it again, he thinks! Dream on dope! The greatest tragedy is that the sheeple have not woken up to traitor Trump and booed him off the stage, and right out of politics. No wonder evil always triumphs; the people’s IQ is really less than that of sheep! And the enemy knows it, and encourages the breeding down.
According to former UK detective Maggie Oliver, who has bravely taken on the ethnic rape gang issue in the UK, the ethnic rape gangs continue to target British children, mostly white. This large-scale rape industry has been going on for many years. What needs to be said here is that this is but another example of the Great Replacement. There would probably be less rapes of children even if an enemy army had invaded. I dare say that if the USSR red army, a symbol of evil, had invaded Britain in the post-World War II period, there would have been far fewer rapes than what we see now. So, go figure that one out.
Here is a classic US example of how diversity and multiculturalism ultimately begins to change the social fabric and basic institutions which existed prior to mass migration. Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, and a gang of other Leftists would like to turn July into Muslim American Heritage Month. Why? Well, it is the Great Replacement after all, what else could it be? This is the cultural version, the other side of demography.
Incredible reports continue to be uncovered about the 2020 US electoral fraud. Just the has received one such report where imperfect votes in Georgia, instead of being rejected as “no vote,” and informal, were awarded to Biden rather than Trump. There are not enough of this fraud to change the election result in this state alone, but this is only the tip of the iceberg in relation to electoral fraud. It will not doubt continue to be uncovered until 2024, when the Democrats, aided by the Chinese Communist Party, steal the final election. America is dead, and Trump the traitor, let it happen.