French Food is Racist! By James Reed

More academic nonsense from Critical Race Theory; French food is racist, based upon concepts of white privilege and white supremacy, and has cultural hegemony establishing the dominance of white French over ethnic minorities. Yeah? Well I don’t care, and neither should white French folk.

Mountains of Critical Race nonsense is reported every day, and our entire blog would be bogged down in it, if we considered even a small quantity of it. The time to shake off the conceptual chains that the Left drags over the long-suffering tax payer, was decades ago. Start by closing down the universities and offering pick and shovel road work, all voluntary, with a fair pay, to the unemployed academics. That way they will get a real taste of the life the working class leads, rather than dreaming about it in ivory towers, and thus may by empathy become better Leftists.

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A Virologist Changes Her Mind on Wuhan Lab By Brian Simpson

A virologist who once worked at the Wuhan lab, rejected the idea of a lab leak of the virus, but now admits that COVID-19 could have escaped from the lab, but still holds to the natural origins hypothesis. Read on for details.

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What Goodies has the CCP Planned for the West? By James Reed

Chinese billionaire Miles Guo believes that the CCP, run by about 200 elite families, as probably the US is as well, is planning to unleash more viruses. He stresses that this is not the ordinary Chinese people doing this, but the elites, but it really does not matter if the next virus is intended to deliver a “death blow” to the US, and us. Never has the West been so weak, which is obviously as strategically good time to attack. But, the sooner the better, before al the lifeblood of the West drains away.

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Niking Nike By James Reed

“Nike is a brand that is of China and for China,” said John Donahoe, the current CEO of Nike. Ok, I had an old pair of Nike runners. It was years since I even walked fast, so I did not need them. Thus, I took the shoes out to the drive way and got the young lad next flat to drive over them, forward, then reverse, just to see how long they would last for. Not long at all. Then, in the recycle bin where they belong.

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A 16 Cent Saving is Big Money Today in Biden Land! By James Reed

I like Joe Biden, because next to him I feel like a genius! Consider that Biden was bragging on social media that his regime had saved Americans 16 cents on the cost of food for the 4th of July celebrations! This is not senility, but open contempt for Americans, especially the poor ones. What though can one expect from a regime engaged in civil war against its political opponents, threatening to nuke them, while dumb conservatives are much like drugged fish in a barrel, waiting to be put out of their misery. Or, still following Q and hoping that Trump will rise from the dead and save their sorry carcasses!

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Biden Family Photographs By Charles Taylor

Oh, speaking of lying, the laptop that gives so much, Hunter Biden’s little gem, has revealed Hunter and daddy with Hunter’s business partners, when the old man said he knew nothing about it. Well, at least it looks like his agents did not kill Ashli. As for the false president’s involvement in Hunter’s shady business deals, well that is just business as usual, so no sweat. Sure, he lied, but that is what the Democrats do best, experts in a post truth world.

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Did One of Pence’s Secret Service Goons Kill Ashli Babbitt? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Not a day goes by when I do not think of Ashli Babbitt and her families’ quest for justice from a state sanctioned murder; this is a symbol of American decline. The system has pushed the idea that the shooter was a Capitol police officer, but an alternative take is that a secret service agent of Pence killed her. That would explain a lot. Let us see if Trump has the guts to run with this. He would have known this in his last days as president, and kept silent, making him even more of a traitor. What a disgusting lot these critters are. There was no justification for shooting an unarmed woman who was pushed through the window. Whites should be engaging in lawful peaceful protests, like a general strike, especially truckers and farmers, to restore justice. #Ashli’s Life Matters!


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American Infrastructure Collapsing; America Collapsing! By Charles Taylor

Another day, another US building falls down; no doubt the old London Bridge song needs to be rewritten for us across the lake. Now there are many explanations for each of these building collapses, but what we need is something general and grand, poetic. How about the collapse being an infrastructural representation of the present cultural collapse that America is experiencing?  Buildings are replicating culture. And, it may well be that the actual physical collapse does get tied back to America’s diversity revolution in some shape or form, depending on how these structures were tacked up, and banged together in the first place.

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Facebook Must be Getting the Biden Disease! By John Steele

Facebook is starting to look ridiculous, sending messages to some users suggesting that they might have extremist friends. And by extremist, they mean people like you and me. Well, maybe not us, but certainly our American equivalents. Mine is Johnny Ringo Steele, in Texas, who carries a Colt Python revolver, with a pearl handle, like John Wayne’s, although the Duke’s was a single action Colt Peacemaker in .45. Long Colt. When Ringo Steele got the message from Facebook suggesting that he has extremist friends, he screamed that he had no friends at all but his gun, and in a sobbing rage, shot the computer! After six rounds of .357 Magnum were legally discharged, there was blessed silence. Ringo, I feel your pain, too. Nice gun though.

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First they Came for the Bullets, then they Came for the Beans! By John Steele

I was wondering how long it would be before the US communists tried to control guns by taxing or otherwise controlling ammunition. Well, Pennsylvanian Democrats are working on just that, with registration of bullets. The specific legislation may fail, but it will be tried elsewhere. This may be one reason why there is apparently a difficulty buying ammunition in America, it all being in short supply. Clearly, the bullets are the weak point of firearms. People are buying up all and every round of ammunition, as if there is no tomorrow, as there isn’t.

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Canada, Woke of the Wokeiest Wokers! By Chris Knight (Florida)

A bit of a break from reporting on US misery, to look at Canada, a nation almost as insane as the US, which now is making up pre-crime hate speech! This will target people who might commit hate speech, a type of counter-factual law, beyond even a thought crime!

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Compulsory Covid Vax; If You are in France, be Thankful if You are 60 Years and Over! By Richard Miller

France is moving to make Covid vaccines mandatory for everyone aged 24-59, to deal with some sort of “fourth wave” of infections. Will the French get out on the streets over this one? How will compliance be produced? Will it be French police swinging their famous batons?

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China Did It: Senator Marsha Blackburn By Chris Knight (Florida)

I have seen Senator Blackburn in action, and she is not bad at all. Gutsy. And she has lashed out at Covid guru Dr Frankenstein, sorry, Fauci, calling for him to resign over all the Wuhan funding adventures. Most importantly, she thinks the CCP may have intentionally released Covid-19. I concur.


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Would They Lie to You? By James Reed

There is a song by a rock band from the 1980s whose song, Would I Lie to You? sticks in my mind, as much as I resist the ear worm. Uuuugh, a worm in one’s wear, even metaphorically is not good. The weird lady singer, now pretty ordinary for these times, was crooning irony, but not the present Covid system.

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Highly Suspicious Smoking Covid Gun By Brian Simpson

A top Chinese military scientist died in February 2020, after filing the first coronavirus vaccine patent. While it is theoretically possible that a vaccine could have been developed in a short space of time, it is unlikely. Hence, the Wuhan Institute of Virology was engaged in secret military activity. There is little information available about the circumstances of the Chinese scientist’s death, but an educated guess would be assassination.

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Update: This Week’s US Covid Vaccination Injuries and Deaths By Brian Simpson

Here is the latest CDC statistics of US Covid-19 vaccine deaths and injuries, the data coming hot and fresh, directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. So, pour a stiff drink and read on …

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Death by Vaccine? By Mrs Vera West

Here is some interesting material to kick off what is our Great Covid Reading Weekend. While the mainstream media is relaxing and offering newsy treats like food and entertainment, we have all the apocalypses covered. And, what better way to start this off than by the key theme here on the limits of modern medicine. It is enough to make one swallow a whole Holden ute-load of anti-depressants!

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Gen Z Doesn’t Like Covid Vax By Brian Simpson

Now why would Gen Z, the most woke of the generations, not like the Covid vaccines? They like everything else this society, now Boomer run, dishes out? What do they know that we don’t?

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On the Covid Vax for Children, Babies, Embryos, Pets? By Brian Simpson

The drive is one for total population Covid vaccinations, regardless of anything. Whatever, there must be an endless chain of vaccines, as our world is vaccine world. Vaccinate everything. What about embryos, can something be done there? And, if every pet can be vaccinated as well, as pointless as that may be, but if the virus was a species jumper then why not, that would get rid of more units? Isn’t the name of the game now, the very point of human existence, moving more vax units? Something Big Pharma, in its absolute majestic wisdom might consider down the tracks. Could the quantum physicists work out some way of vaccinating elementary particles? Would wave-particle duality increase vaccination rates? Schrodinger’s syringe, anybody?  I don’t know. So many Heisenberg uncertainties in  the quantum vaccine world.

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Gordon Chang: Time to Stop Playing Trade Games with China! By James Reed

Gordon G. Chang, a leading critic of China is well aware of the CCP’s war plans. He has some useful suggestion about the need to starve the Giant Panda. Just remember Pig Iron Bob who gleefully sold steel to Imperial japan, that was later shot back at us. Globalism keeps the elite rich, but is an existential threat to the nations.

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