Making the Criminal Justice System into a Weapon Against Men By Mrs Vera West

Bettina Arndt moved from being a sex therapist to being a men’s advocate, attacking the anti-male feminist agenda. Below she makes a telling case the criminal justice system is being made into a weapon against men. That adds to the family law system which many have also argued is anti-men as well, all alarming developments.

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Covid Jab Risks By Brian Simpson

For any medical procedure we need to have fully informed consent, and part of that involves knowing exactly what the risks are. For example, a friend had a hernia and went to the hospital to check out surgery. It is done using a synthetic mesh. As my friend had allergies to many synthetic products, I told him to ask what the mesh was made of. The surgeon did not know, and looked it up on the net. Sure enough it was something that might have killed him via anaphylactic shock. Anyway, here is an update from Dr Mercola, the best around, on all one needs to know on the risks associated with the Covid vaccines. It is, as always, one opinion, and one always needs to make up one’s own mind after due consideration of all evidence.

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Will Two Billion Die in the Next Few Years? By James Reed

The video linked below has a priest and anthropologist thinking through the Mike Adams line that the vaccines may kill masses of humanity over the next few years. That is a minority position even among us vax fringe dwellers, but if it is correct, it will mean the collapse of the world as we know it, no question about it. That too is discussed, so have a listen and make up your own mind. I tend to think that the Adams’ line is too pessimistic, but, who knows? I am usually wrong about most things, even about being wrong about most things.

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Covid-19 and Sleep, One Good Thing, I Suppose By Mrs Vera West has some interesting pieces that often get one thinking outside of the square. The point is made that the Covid-19 pandemonium has led to people, in lockdown at least getting more sleep. Yes, that may be true, but that positive needs to be balanced against numerous negativities arising from the lockdown, such as increases in suicide. Surely that sort of sleep does not count?

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Media Malpractice By John Steele

An article by Rob Morse at, one of my favourite websites, takes aim at media malpractice, and the social experiments that are being conducted upon us. Rather than report news, items are twisted and manipulated to suit a globalist left wing agenda. This is nowhere clearer than in the war against gun ownership.

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Why Not Saline Solutions Instead of the Covid-19 Vax? By Mrs Vera West

The item below discusses an alleged Covid-19 vaccination scam in India, where a private hospital was injecting saline solution instead of the vax. That got me thinking, given the placebo effect, if ethics allowed, which it does of course not, as this was a crime, but just hypothetically, what effect would be giving saline solutions to people? Would those injected Indians show any deviation from the mean as far as the illnesses associated with Covid, or does it transcend the placebo effect? We may never know, given that this was a crime, and in any case, people have a right to know about medical procedures, the ethics brick wall. I suspect though, that many politicians in the West received a saline injection rather than the real deal. They will wait and see how the rest of societies’ lab rats fare. On the placebo effect:

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China’s Industrial Level of Organ Harvesting By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Our great trading partner China, who treats us with absolute dignity and respect, is engaging in an industrial level of organ harvesting according to one eye witness. Oh, the West is not innocent, since many benefit from an odd organ or three. That led me to meditate about whether in the future, after the coming war, when America is crushed, whether we all die from nuclear attack, or will some of us lucky ones be able to participate in such CCP industries? Plenty of organs to go round in the USA, many fully corona-vaxxed.

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Hollywood’s Path to Social Paedophilia Acceptance: Kirstie Alley Rages By Mrs Vera West

Actress Kirstie alley is the latest insider to express alarm about where Hollywood is going with its woke agenda. Of course, she has in turn been slammed and her movie career is over, but it probably was anyway before she began her onslaught, so, good for her!


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Printing the PrintNightmare By Brian Simpson

Personally, I do not know exactly the fine details of this new problem with Microsoft Windows, but users should follow it up. Ever since I fell through that  windows, and got cut by cyber-glass, I don’t use it. I bet if things continue on, the bugs in Windows will still be found in the year 2021000.

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Testosterone and Social Influence By Mrs Vera West

A recently published paper by Markus Germar and Andreas Mojzisch, “Basal Testosterone Renders Individuals More Receptive to Minority Positions,” published in the journal, Social Psychology and Personality Science, makes observations relevant to our political understanding of Western decay. Low testosterone in males makes them more likely to be accepting of minority positions. Thus, we have the perfect storm, since male T levels in the West are at an all-time low. There are so many bad things happening, that we face an absolute systems over-load. It is difficult to even concisely list the problems now, let alone solve them, let alone, win.

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The UN Championing Racism Reparations as the West Crumbles By Chris Knight (Florida)

The UN is continuing its racial agenda for the New World Order, pushing for  global action  "make amends" for racism against people of African descent. It will join the national movements, some advocating trillions of dollars which will ultimately bankrupt the West. Their investigation began with the drugged criminal George Floyd death, now Saint George, but no doubt the globalists had it all ready to go and were waiting for the chance to uncork their latest agenda. Trump could have defunded the UN, but as usual did nothing except be a big fat punching bag for the Left, and let it all happen, as if it was part of a reality TV show.

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The Rising Tide of US Colour By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The demographics for White people in the US is grim. Recent US population growth comes from people of colour, who are set to Replace White America. Nothing about this from Trump, and in fact he never spoke on this issue during his presidency … great people … eat burgers …must play golf …

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Former Spy Head Says Germany’ Immigration Policies Killing the Nation By Richard Miller

You know things are bad in Germany, when the former head of Germany’s spy agency, Hans-Georg Maassen, who ran the Office for the Protection of the Constitution until 2018, comes out and says, “Angela Merkel's immigration policies are ‘fatal’ and Germany is ‘declining politically and economically.’” Merkel did this for the global elite, to bury Germany, to finish off what was started in the post-World War II period, and now she goes on the celebrity train, while the sheeple put up with all that the new Germany delivers, until they ethnically disappear, guilt ridden unto the grave. As we all are starting to say, World War III is looking better every day, if they make it a full-flavoured one! Since one is going to die anyway, why not go out with a bang!


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The Illusions of the Green Economy By James Reed

“John Kerry, the US special envoy on climate has said that the shift to a Green Economy would entail “a bigger economic transformation” than the Industrial Revolution. Like most of the capitalist-based globalist Left, he seems to think that there will be massive growth from the transition. In principle there is a case for a GDP increase. But, the clanger is that doing so will involve vast ages of de-industrialisation, and China and the rest of Asia are not listening to the climate change bs, as documented below. So all of this in nothing more than a Leftist quest to destroy the West, dressed up in climate apocalypse. Really, it is far too late for doing everything Kerry and furry friends advocate.

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Ever Wonder Why Most People Who Now Die with Covid Have Been Vaccinated? By Mrs Vera West

No, according to an article in The, that most people who die in The UK from the Delta strain of Covid has been vaccinated, does not show a limitation or problem with the vaccines, but on the contrary, shows an effective, but imperfect vaccine doing a good job! Here is their case and a critique then follows.

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Comics Belong in the Trash My Mother Used to Say By Chris Knight (Florida)

I used to collect Marvel Comics during the 1960s, the classic silver age of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, Fantastic Four (“the world’s greatest comic magazine”) Thor and Spider-Man. But by 1971 or so, the political correctness began to seep into the comics. Wow, that was early days compared to what we have now. Anyway, a few years ago, I got those old comics out of the shed, from their storage bags, to ritualistically burn them, only to discover that over the decades’ families of rats had lived on them! At least their political correctness went to some use!

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The Philosophical Underpinnings of the Great Replacement By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is material from Jonathan Sawyer, July 4, 2021, at the dark pill,, chewing over the significance of the Great Replacement of white Americans. It is something which every nation in the West, including Australia will face, sooner rather than later. Sawyer’s piece covers all the bases.

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Death by Lockdown By Mrs Vera West

For a mainstream publication, the Washington publishes some good material on the Covid-19 freak-out. I got this piece on how the lockdowns caused more deaths than the disease itself, from “increased risk of preventable deaths from cancer, heart disease, etc., as well as psychological trauma, resulting in increased homicides, accidents and suicidal ideations, caused by long periods of isolation.” This is all relevant given the present Australian situation where we are more locked up than locked out! It is the life of a battery pen chook, not what used to be a human life. People in medieval times, the serfs, had a much better life than us.

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Happy, Happy, Happy Things for Old Uncle Joe Biden! By James Reed

If this old guy was not planning on destroying the West with Replacement level migration, one could almost like his folksy, old timer Alzheimer’s way of doing things. He reminds me of the cartoon character Mr Magoo … here, get a cup of coffee and relax from politics for a moment, and remember when cartons, sorry, cartoons, were not woke, indeed politically incorrect (Mr Magoo was half-blind/ visually challenged), but fun.

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I Believe in Climate Change … Global COOLING! By James Reed

I am in a minority here at this blog as one believing in climate change, not the global warming globalist nonsense, but global cooling due to solar activity or lack of it. Here is some material on this from someone who knows more than me. I just go on the feel in my bones, and winter in Melbourne has never been this cold. I haven’t looked at data, and data has not looked at me; I think the feeling in one’s bones is the way to tell: I’m old school. And, Uncle Jimmy’s bones ache like never before. The solar minimum is going to be a much greater problem than any of the horror stories re alleged global warming. America copped the cold big time in their winter as this article shows. This American article goes into full survivalism, which is interesting, something our own John Steele excels in. Cold, dark years are coming. Personally, I see a new ice age to complement the Dark Age that we are presently in. We certainly need to keep up use of fossil fuels, especially glorious coal. We will need to keep warm, as I type away with an open sleeping bag around me, not being able to afford heating.

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