The Existential Threat of White Language Supremacy! By James Reed

Combating white language supremacy is apparently one important thing Left wing academics feeding off the university system must do. One US professor, and I like how they are all “professors,” has denounced basically everything in the English language, including traditional spelling, grammar and punctuation grading norms, all as racist. Of course it is, according to his absurd high redefinition. He marks by a labour-based system, according to effort put in, however that is measured. I recall my cousin, who grew up in Adelaide in the 1960s attending a primary school in a middle-class suburb, which had a teacher who was a type of relief one, who was tall, wore a black suit, and floated into class rooms. He taught English grammar, English and odd things, but marked on effort. My cousin, who was a punter got the highest grades he ever had in his life. But, by 1974, that teacher was on the out, gone that year I think. This Left experiment also achieved nothing by way of education.

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Go to Uni, Learn to be a Prostitute! By James Reed

Durham university, England is offering its students on-line courses in how to work safely as a prostitute. Of course, with rising costs, many students, pursuing useless degrees will need the extra cash from being sex workers just to get through nowadays, if they are white. But as well, in many ways there is no institution more qualified than the modern university in teaching lessons about the world’s oldest profession, since the universities have for a long time been prostitutes of what should have been their core value, the pursuit of truth, all for a few dollars more. Many now require the mRNA vax for entrance, tolerating no critical discussion of it. These are truly institutions that a sane and decent society must close down. For the sake of goodness.


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Joe Biden Did Say “Negro” By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This controversy is fading now, to be replaced by the next Biden foot-in-mouth syndrome, but if one carefully listens to the tape, he does use the word “negro,” which is now politically incorrect. The amazing thing is that some of the mainstream media denied the said it, just like they claimed the crowds were chanting “let’s go Brandon,” when it was a profanity, but an understandable one.

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The Scientific Critique of the Covid Vaccine Mandates By Brian Simpson

The following research article from our go-to source on Covid critique, Children’s Health, argue the case that the Covid vaccine mandates are not backed up by valid science and sound public health practice. The papers establish that the mandates provide no positive health benefit to the community.

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That’s Not a Knife! Dealing with Knife Crime in Europe, the Richard Miller Way! By Richard Miller (London)

Remember that iconic scene from Aussie Paul Hogan’s Crocodile Dundee? That's not a knife. That's a knife. Mick and lady friend Sue, are strolling through the dark streets of the rotten apple (New York), when a punk in a red plastic jacket takes out a pathetically small knife, waves it at Mick, and demands Mick’s wallet. Mick laughs and Sue looks deeply concerned and says to Mick, to give them his wallet because he has a knife. Then the classic line is said as Mick whips out a huge Bowie knife, probably having a blade about 12 inches long and cuts the dude’s jacket. The punk and his buddies then run.


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The Mainstream Media Now is Reporting on Waning Covid Vaccine Immunity! By Brian Simpson

“What We Know So Far about Waning Vaccine Effectiveness,” by Amy Schoenfeld Walker and Josh Holder, is  an article published a few days ago at the New York Times, which is as mainstream as one can get. And, it reports on waning Covid Vaccine effectiveness. Of course, this is not advanced as a vaccine critique, but for booster shots. But, logically, it means shots forever, and by the convergence theorems of probability, an almost certain risk of some adverse effect over an infinity or trials. There is something mighty wrong here.

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The Kaplan’s Coming Anarchy is Now Here! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Mike Adams has an alarming apocalyptic post, with linked videos documenting the collapse of US cities. You can see ferals simply stealing from supermarkets with no opposition, because I suppose antifa hyper-ferals will come and burn everything down. This is cultural collapse, and the only thing preventing a descent into a Mad Max zombie apocalypse, is technology. If the technos die off from Covid vax injuries, this alone will generate a collapse to put Hollywood B grade movies to shame in their optimism.

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Oh, the Sweet Irony Take 1 … Global Syringe Shortage! By James Reed

Today we document some Covid ironies. It is a spot of dark humour in a dark winter, even if it will soon be summer in the southern hemisphere. How about a syringe shortage for starters!

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Oh, the Sweet Irony Take 2 … World Drowning Under Covid-Related Plastics! By James Reed

Here is my second Covid irony for the day. The Plandemic and manic conspiratorial desire to vaccinate everything that moves on the planet, is generating masses of waste plastic that is endangering cuddy politically correct sea creatures. Not to worry, I expect the ultra-intelligent dolphins, beloved of the New Age, who feature them in rainbow posters, will simply start wearing masks to, to deal with aquatic Covid, which must surely exist, or soon will!

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The Coming Covid Vax Extinction Level Event By Brian Simpson


I have emailed various Covid vax critics asking if the worst-case scenario plays out, and the vaxxes are as deadly as they say, that is, the Covid catastrophe view is correct, then how many of the vaccinated will die and be severely adversely affected? There is no consensus on this, with figures ranging from 50-90 percent. There has been little discussion outside of Mike Adams and some YouTube posts, about how this will play out. It is reasonable to believe that technicians will go down, and that likely includes those keeping nuclear power stations from going into meltdown. But what happens when these essential people fall off the perch? Why, global meltdown. That is not going to be pleasant, I think. So, it really will be a mass extinction event. Christians at this point may hope for a Second Coming, something not much thought about in this age of materialism and affluence. But, this world too will pass away, for only God is eternal. There has never been a better time to turn to the Lord. If you are not praying now, please start.

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French Men to Avoid the Moderna Jab By Richard Miller (London)

In Australia you may not be getting too much information about the Moderna Covid jab. In France, health authorities have just released a new advisory recommendation that people under 30 do not get the Moderna vaccine, recommending that they choose the Pfizer one instead, as the risk of heart inflammation from Pfizer's jab "appears to be around five times [less] ... compared to Modera's spike vax jab." It would be nice if the vaxxes had not heart injury potential at all wouldn’t it? But, that is simply too much to ask.

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The Great Covid Vax Athletic Race to … Drop Dead! By James Reed

Others at this blog have covered what the mainstream media report as a “mystery,” why elite athletes are collapsing all over the place. I know many will blame the Covid vaxxes for this, but perhaps it is something else? Maybe there is a new virus that targets elite athletes? Better yet, could it not be evil spirits from the old world, come back to haunt modernity? If it is a “mystery,” that could be due to black magic, could it not? Yes, that must be right, trust the science! Big Pharma needs to immediately get out their most powerful wizards and witchers, get their black magic cauldron cooking, and brew up some magic potent … anything will do … hair of toad, skin of cat, whisker of rat … to combat this new plague before it mutates and kills everybody, like Covid has done!

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Bill Gates Wants Governments to Punish People for Questioning the Covid Vax Mandates! By James Reed

According to vaccine ideologue Bill Gates, people daring to criticise the sacred vaccines, and the Covid mandates should be punished. What about democracy and freedom of expression, even scientific inquiry? None of this counts for crackers in the Gates technocracy.

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A European New World Order Army By Richard Miller (London)

The Gatestone has covered the proposal of creating a European army. The alleged claim is that NATO is ineffective because of the weakness of America. That has some elements of truth in it, but as always, there is a bigger agenda, and the creation of a European army was a major platform in the New World Order agenda for Europe. It would be a vast centralised form of social control of the population.

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The Melbourne Great Fightback: America Looks On! By Brian Simpson

There was a massive turn out last Saturday here in Melbourne to protest the next wave of Covid tyrannies, and I was there waving frantically my usual sign, “Say NO to the Covid New World Order!” you would have thought that the MSM would have zeroed in on me as a discrediting nutcase, but, no, they missed out! There was no fair mainstream Big Pharma based press coverage, but the American alternative press did a great job.

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The New World Order Religion of Wokeism By Chris Knight (Florida)

As analysed by Michael Shellenberger, the ideology of woke, something once called political correctness, which I think was a better term with its obvious Maoist connections, has become a religion of the New World Order. It is seen clearly in the climate change scam, where there are the evil ones, the industrialised West, and the victims, the minorities, who are saved by the crusading knights, mainly white liberals who are somehow immune to the general critique of whites all being racists.

None of it stands up to the slightest rational examination, but it’s not meant to. It is a perversion of what we would once define as “faith.” Fanatic belief would be more accurate. Here in the US have seen some of these climate change academics, a lot from the medical profession, who have the arrogance and “know it all” of doctors, who see the climate agenda as merely a way to advance their own egos.

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Is Genetically Engineered Mousepox Next? By Brian Simpson

It is speculation at the moment, but the mad scientists, the modern Dr Frankensteins, are at work with their genetic engineering tool kits, creating all sorts of lethal viruses, because … well maybe nature might make one! No, they are at work using gain of function, to produce bioweapons. Various forms of pox could be the next big thing. Looks like the Terminator movies got the wrong bad guys!

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New VAERS Analysis Reveals Hundreds of Serious Adverse Events By Chris Knight (Florida)

While VAAERS has been shown by many researchers to vastly under-report Covid deaths and injuries, there are still some surprising data that comes from an unbiased analysis of its existing data. A new VAERS analysis done by Albert Benavides found “hundreds of serious adverse events that were completely missed by the CDC that should have been mentioned in the informed consent document that are given to patients. And we found over 200 symptoms that occur at a higher relative rate than myocarditis (relative to all previous vaccines over the last 5 years). Altogether, there were over 4,000 VAERS adverse event codes that were elevated by these vaccines by a factor of 10 or more over baseline that the CDC should have warned people about.”


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Being Driven Mad by the Covid Plandemic! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Regardless of the reality of Covid, what is unquestionable real has been the vicious response of the system. It has shown that under the thin veneer of so-called liberal democracy there lurked a totalitarian drive as evil as any in history. The effects of the Covid tyranny, with home imprisonment, has had profound mental health impacts that will affect an entire generation. The global elites should not be wearing the best suits on the planet, but instead, strait jackets in high security mental/prisons. We are ruled by the criminally insane, who have taken over the asylums.

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CDC: No Record of People with Natural Immunity to Covid, Transmitting the Virus By Chris Knight (Florida)

The mainstream media, part of the Military Industrial Pharmaceutical Complex (MIPC), have down played natural immunity to Covid, despite an Israeli study showing the superiority of natural immunity over the vaxxes. However, the US CDC has recently made one small concession, granting that it has no record of people who are naturally immune transmitting the virus that causes Covid-19. On the other hand, even mainstream authorities, some quoted in blog posts today, such as from WHO, now admit that the Covid vaccines are “leaky” and that the vaccinated can still transmit the virus, as is seen in many jurisdictions across the world. How long will it take for the truth to out?

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