On Starving to Death, Not in Afghanistan, but LA! By Chris Knight (Florida)

The vaccine passport coercion society is being rolled in, tested first in France, now parts of the US, and coming soon to the Land Down Under, unless you fight it like mad. Apparently people in France have been blocked from getting into supermarkets to get food, not being part of the vaccinated chosen, the new Mark of the Beast.

As reported below, the same is happening here in Los Angeles City Council areas, where the unvaccinated cannot enter grocery stores. I wonder how far the system pushes before there is the mother of all push-backs?

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The Incoherence of the Media Covid Narrative By Mrs Vera West

Ryan McMaken at the great libertarian site, Mises.org, has given an excellent deconstruction of the mainstream media’s Covid narrative. Since 2020, hospitals were said to be overwhelmed by the Covid ill, but pictures soon surfaced on social media of doctors and other staff doing mod dances, filling in the time, because hospitals were underwhelmed. Fear of collapse of the hospital system was supposedly ne of the fears leading to lockdowns, especially in the hyper-paranoid Australian system, and likewise in the US. But, like much else about this unending Covid social nightmare, it seems to be an illusion, smoke, mirrors and Big Pharma syringes.


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The Strip-Mining of Brains By James Reed

Russell Brand is not my sort of “thinker,” being too much like a 1960s sort. However, he sometimes hits the nail on its head, or at least people he interviews people who do. Brand spoke with Tristan Harris, a former Google employee featured in the Netflix film, “The Social Dilemma. ” Harris is also founder of the Center for Humane Technology. Harris has said that Big Tech is hijacking the essence of who we are as human beings. Big Tech is already engaged in mental manipulation, and as IT rapidly advances, and human behaviour becomes more predictable, the manipulation will increase, as one’s deepest needs are under their control. Soon will be one’s deepest thoughts.


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The Problem of Covid Coercion By Chris Knight (Florida)

With Covid infections and breakthrough infections occurring, the anarcho-tyrannical systems are moving to continuous lockdowns, with masks, even with vaccinations. However, according to Professor Martin Kulldorf, in the School of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. this Covid coercion is undermining trust in the public health system. No anti-vaxxer, he has said though: “One reason is that, why do you coerce people who are immune, or people who are young, who have very small risk, when the vaccines are much more needed for older people in other places? So that’s an ethical aspect to it. I think it’s very unethical to do so.”

“The other aspect is that if you force something on people, if you coerce somebody to do something, that can backfire. So public health has to be based on trust. And if [a] public health official wants the public to trust them, public health officials also have to trust the public.”

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Ilhan Omar; Great Cultural Enrichment By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Member of the “Squad,” Rep. Ilhan Omar, has been rumoured to have married her brother, Ahmed Elmi. Minnesota GOP operative Anton Lazarro posted online DNA evidence, indicating that there is a 99.999998 percent chance of them being siblings. However, there is a back story to this, so we should be cautious. Still the mainstream media is running with this rather grotty tale.


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Going Journalist Hunting By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While Biden and other Democrats are proclaiming that there is nothing to see in Afghanistan, and that all is going well, it would have happened anyway, and any other bs that they can throw up, the reality is that the Taliban are getting down and dirty, and seeking revenge. They are, according to some reports, going door to door, like salesmen of death, frantically, fanatically, looking for journalists and all US supporters. A wall of steel has been placed around the airport in Kabul, to stop any further escape. No-one knows how many Americans and Westerners are left in the country, but they could now be used as hostages, or simply hunted down for sport. Maybe another Rambo movie will be made about this: Rambo: Escape from Kapow!

As linked below, some gay spokespersons are predicting that the Taliban will engage in the mass extermination of gays and LGTB+ people. Grim times indeed. Thanks, dirty Uncle Joe, have another ice-cream and sleep  off the biggest Pharma meds!

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Meet Covid Patient Zero; Invite Him Home for Dinner By Brian Simpson

Just like in the Brad Pitt movie, World War Z (2013), there was a half-hearted search for patient zero, where it all began in the beginning. One of the World Health Organization’s leading infectious diseases experts, Peter Embarek believes that the first COVID “patient zero” was “likely” a lab worker at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, who was infected by a bat. That moves the line closer to an official endorsement of the lab leak hypothesis.


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Manhunts with US Attack Planes in Taliban Afghanistan! By John Steele

It was only some weeks back that Beijing Biden sneered through his senility saying that US patriots would need fighter jets and nukes to deal with the commo might of his regime. Well, looks like the fighter jets are just tossed away in Afghanistan, with the Taliban getting some of them. If there are nukes, they will have them too, maybe to give to their mates Iran. As well, the Taliban is going on manhunts looking for its enemies to kill. So how exactly  is this “peaceful,” as one libtard female journalist dressed in head to foot in black, put it?

My image of the day is a US female journalist talking tough to the Taliban about women’s rights and other libtard stuff while she is also decked out all in black, which must be standard dress now. I am surprised she was not raped on the spot, or shot, or raped then shot, or shot then raped, I don’t know the order. The Taliban just laugh at her and say, stop filming, as they must have been having a happy day! You can see this wisdom of the dopey woke West at good old Dr Steve’s site, at 18 seconds in:

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Taliban Treating Women Like Dogs and Feeding Women to Dogs … Disgusting! By Mrs Vera West

False president Biden has issued a statement warning the Taliban to respect women’s rights. We have seen the spectacle of white Western female journalists, all decked out in black saying the same and being laughed at by the Taliban. Here is a report on what is really going down in the Biden disaster.


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Call Climate Change Porn for What it is, Be Forced to Resign! By James Reed

A Swedish politician said that the sacred document of the UN, the “code red” climate report was “scare propaganda,” which puts it mildly. The result was that she was forced to resign from her party: Ingrid Vesterlund of the Centre Party. Like in most of the West, democracy and free speech has been strangled by the toxic weeds of wokeness and political correctness.


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The Real Face of Gun Control in Real Time in Afghanistan and the US, Two Totalitarian Societies By John Steele

The Senile old man Biden regime fled Afghanistan leaving behind for the Taliban billions of dollars of weapons. There is something just not right about it, given that no official explanation has been made. It would be damn easy to simply blow up all the weapons with only enough C4 to fill a small truck. So, the Biden regime wanted the Taliban to secure power, no other explanation makes sense. This is not surprising given that the Biden anarcho-tyranny has declared war on Trump supporters, its political opponents at home, this is how deranged and depraved it is. Also, the way is paved for China to move in and by its colonialism, take strategic resources, which is what the communist Democrats want.

Note well, that the Taliban immediately began seizing weapons from civilians, like all tyrannical regimes. It is what Biden and the Democrats intend to do as well, for they are the Taliban of America, now also ruling with a communist iron fist.

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The Silence of the Decadent Western Feminists on Afghanistan By Mrs Vera West

Old King Cole Joe Biden has openly denied that the Taliban is committing acts of violence against the Afghan people, and in an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, he said that nobody had been killed. However, as he said it, Reuters.com reported 12 murdered. As well, one woman was shot dead for not having the appropriate sharia head covering. Western feminists have also been deathly silent about the treatment of women, since, well, this is a non-white regime, and feminists’ only mission is to take down white Western civilisation.


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Climate Change Hypocrisy, Big Time By James Reed

Bill Gates, when not pushing vaccines, is big into climate change, you know, here I am saving the planet and all that. But a mineral exploration company backed by Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Michael Bloomberg has entered into a joint venture with the London-based mining firm Bluejay to mine for raw materials in Greenland. Yep, such mining, even to get minerals for whatever Greenie adventure will increase carbon emissions. Not that we are against mining, or increasing carbon emissions, which we love,  but it is just another example of the globalists’ hypocrisy.


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Lessons from Tolstoy’s "Anna Karenina" ? By Mrs Vera West

I read Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina many years ago, and forgot all about it, until reading an interesting piece by Carmel Richardson in The American Conservative.com. This is the story of sexual libertarian woman’s fall from social grace, to self-destruction. The tale of adultery would have been shocking 145 years ago, but is pretty ordinary now. What I take away from all this, is how the times have changed. It would be Anna Karenina’s first husband who would, under the modern legal regime, get taken to the cleaners and lose his wealth, something Tolstoy would find simply unbelievable, that a society would reward adultery. Tolstoy’s entire world has been inverted. It is an example of how far things have gone, and how much further the gender agenda will go.


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Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Takes a Stand on Covid-19 Mandates: There is a Right to Decline! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), has issued a rebuttal to the American Medical Association (AMA) “Joint Statement in Support of COVID-19 Mandates for All Workers in Health and Long-Term Care,” holding that contrary to the AMA position on mandatory vaccinations, there is a right to decline. This is significant because we are dealing with health professions here, who can assess the evidence, or lack of it, as part of their job. It means, by default that there is a legitimate case for vaccine scepticism.  


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Elusive Herd Immunity By Brian Simpson

The expression of faith at the moment, is that lockdowns will end when everyone is vaccinated, or rates pass 70 percent, an arbitrary figure. Apparently, unlike Sweden, we cannot live with the virus, the following article putting the mainstream case;


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Fight back for Farmers! By Viv Forbes


An urgent message for all Farmers, ex-Farmers, their Families, their Friends, their Politicians and their Media in all Australian states and in other countries:

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The West … Going … Going … Gone! By Peter West

With the fall of Afghanistan, with the Taliban tasking it over even while bumbling Joe Biden was saying that this would not occur, the fear that America is falling apart rapidly in real time, is being expressed at numerous sites. Let it be said that this was all predicted years ago at the Alor.org blog by writers like James Reed and Chris Knight. Richard Miller has said the same for Europe. Australia is going to face the same future of collapse, not exactly as America, maybe worse, as James Reed has portrayed in his blog pieces.

As this article from The Economic Collapse blog.com, details, cultural collapse in America, is almost complete. This will in turn erode the economy producing economic collapse, as the final curtain falls. For Australians who just don’t see it, even still, hearing a multitude of voices might ram the message home before it is too late.

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Covid and Discrimination Unlimited By Mrs Vera West

John Steele referred me to this nice article by Daisy Luther. She would be a great person to have on any team to sit the apocalypse out with, brilliant, friendly. practical and full of insights. Here is her take on the coming Covid discrimination world. The Organic Prepper.com is now one of my daily, go-to sites, well worth checking out. It is a female take on survivalism, with less of the macho gun stuff, and more home-spun wisdom which is what I like as a woman. People like John can protect the perimeter, I will clean the house and do the cooking.


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Dr Fauci, Technocratic Master of the Universe! By James Reed

Here is an update on the latest from technocratic ruler of the Covid universe, Dr Fauci. Updates are needed because the good doctor changes his position almost as frequently as the virus that should bear his name now mutates. Oh, that is why there will need to be booster shots for eternity. Big Pharma will be rolling in loot until global economic collapse, say, next year. Or World War III mercifully puts the system out of its misery! Aaaah …. just joking folks, everything is going to be alright as a mentally disabled YouTube knife reviewer says as his by-line. Trust me, we will win this, as dark as things now seem. I keep praying for a miracle, and you should to.


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