The Lab Leak Hypothesis Just Got Leakier! By Brian Simpson

According to emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know, Four  U.S. virologists who published a widely cited commentary strongly rebutting the theory that SARS-CoV-2, the  coronavirus that causes COVID-19, might have been engineered in a lab, have privately acknowledged that they could not “rule out the possibility” of a lab leak. But, their original paper did exactly that!

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Bio-Secessionism: The Breakup of Australia into Distinct Covid States! By James Reed

For some time, I have been supporting the idea that most countries should break up into smaller more manageable states. There are secession movements across the world. However, Covid lockdowns are giving us our first real taste of the breakup. I contend that in some respects it is not so bad! Remember, small is beautiful! So, shut the borders, but let the people be free.

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A Less than Welcome Leap Towards Destruction By Brian Simpson

Whitney Webb, at Dr Mercola’s site, in a piece now disappeared into the void, but extracts preserved here, discusses details of how the Wellcome Trust, has teamed up with a pair of former DARPA directors, to launch a global health-focused DARPA equivalent, Wellcome Leap. The stated aim is to combat the "most pressing health challenges of our time." However, critics fear the agenda, “their three current programs are poised to develop incredibly invasive tech-focused, and in some cases overtly transhumanist, medical technologies, including a program exclusively focused on using artificial intelligence (AI), mobile sensors, and wearable brain-mapping tech for children three years old and younger.” This will usher in high tech surveillance at a level not yet seen.

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On the Question of Masks By Mrs Vera West

Masks are the new normal in Australia now, even in states like South Australia without lockdown, or even cases. It is “just to be sure.” Well, by that line of thought, one could have an endless lockdown too, “just to be sure.” It looks like Queensland is going that way, rejecting opening even after 80 percent of the population is vaccinated. Anyway,, has a ripper piece, unmasking  the mask ideology.

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Some Doctors Reflect Upon the Covid Vaccines By Chris Knight (Florida)

This piece gives a list of doctors who are highly critical of the Covid vaccinations, based upon clinical practice and what they are observing in patients, as well as research and theorisation. It is indeed a snap shot of horror if it is all correct. The greatest threat is no doubt “pulmonary artery hypertension” – high blood pressure in their lungs. The problem is that it is hypotheses by these doctors that people will probably all develop right-sided heart failure within three years and die due to increased vascular resistance through their lungs. That is apocalyptic at the movie level, and the consequences have not been well discussed.

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When is a Cabinet Not a Cabinet? By James Reed

When I first heard about this case, I thought it had no hope, but it turned out to be a winner, which just goes to show how wrong I am about many things. Independent senator Rex Patrick has won a case before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal which in turn  requires  Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s department to release secret documents about the workings of national cabinet, rejecting the claim that the entity is a committee of federal cabinet.  According to Justice White, “The mere use of the name ‘national cabinet’ does not, of itself, have the effect of making a group of persons using the name a ‘committee of the cabinet’. Nor does the mere labelling of a committee as a ‘cabinet committee’ have that effect.”

It is a victory against Big Government, for transparency. Of course, there may now be an appeal to the Federal Court, and then up the legal ladder.

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An AstraZeneca Death By Mrs Vera West

Very sadly, a 34-year old woman has died from blood clotting, thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome following receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine. My daughter was put under pressure from her doctor, a vaccine fanatic and true-believer, to get the AstraZeneca jab, and she is the same age as the woman who died from TTS. She refused on the grounds that she did not want to face this risk. Her doctor said that the probability of getting hit by a truck is greater than getting TTS. She said that she almost had an accident with a truck, or at least a van, coming to the clinic, and was not convinced by this argument. Who will look after the kids if I die or get incapacitated? Is there a no-fault compensation scheme to pay the bills? She did not ask, being polite, about whether he would the pay the bills if she had an terrible adverse effect, or if he could be sued for administering the injection that did harm. 

The doctor did not know about compensation and did not really care, being concerned only with jabbing, almost as if he was getting a cut too (of course not)! Anyway, without research my guess is that there is none; certainly, the vaccine companies are well protected from litigation. The same rule does not get applied to any other product, like cars and guns. Perhaps it may become impossible in the future to see a doctor without a vaccine passport. But, will it really matter all that much?

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Lockdowns as Social Torture by the New Class Elites By Peter West has a great article telling it like it is, that Australia’s unending lockdowns are a form of social torture, no doubt to force people out of desperation for getting their lives back to be vaccinated. But, this assumes that there is no declining effectiveness of the vaccines, and that there are not substantial breakthrough infections. Recent articles at the blog have examined the case of Israel, which challenges the received position of the technocrats in Australia. This is all not going to have a soft landing.

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The Left on Vaccine Passports By Mrs Vera West

The liberal-Left Australian blog, The, is well worth reading to see what the other side is thinking. A recent article explored implementing a France-style vaccine mandate for public spaces in Australia. The conclusions reached were that the majority of people in France accept the present measures, and they quote their research indicating that Australia broadly would support this too. As well there are no legal impediments to such schemes.

Well, I for one hope that Clive Palmer gets his test case rolling soon, so that we will see if this is true. As for France, well, we will see how the protests go, which seem to be gaining momentum. Likewise, for Australia. What is not being considered by the new class, is the issue of breakthrough infections, new vaccine-resistant variants, and alleged declining effectiveness of the vaccines. If all this is for nothing, there may be a different story indeed.

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Open Borders with Mexico, Already Planned by Queen Karma By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said that he spoke with Vice President Kamala Harris about “the complete opening” of the roughly 2,000-mile border between the United States and Mexico, which has been closed to non-essential travel since March 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Queen Karma would want as much of the border open to bring in South Americans, to ensure that the Democrat dictatorship continues once the Great Replacement of white Americans proceeds.

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Trumpers a Greater Threat than Jihadiists? You are Kidding Me, Right? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The woke libtards never fail to miss an opportunity to say crazy things. After all, Biden’s official line is that Trump supporters are the greatest national security threat ever seen, thus defining his political opponents as an enemy to be dealt with by the security forces. Others say that the dispossessed majority of Americans are a greeter threat than jihad terrorists. It would not have such pathos, if the Trumpers actually did something, anything legal, such as mass protests, or strikes, But, they are basically fish in a barrel. They should learn the lesson from the Taliban in Afghanistan, that the US forces of imperialism, are not so tough, and certainly not unbeatable, and to defeat them, we do not even need ballistic conflict, everything can be done legally. There just needs to be the political leadership, which Trump, unfortunately does not supply.

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The Spikey Proteins from Within By Brian Simpson

What is it liked to get the spiked protein jab? Say you did die, and a friendly autopsy cutter got to work with a saw to examine your inner parts. What would he see? What would your organs look like? Apparently, spiked as well.

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The Empire Doesn’t Strike Back! By Chris Knight (Florida), has a different political position from us, but the article extracted below it sees the fall of the American empire as clearly as we do. The failure of state-building in Afghanistan was inevitable, since this tribal society was highly resistance to American modernisation. But, this all foreshadows the fact that America is itself a failing state, and it is only a matter of time before it too falls apart. I see this as inevitable, and hope that the break-up of America comes soon, so we can be freed from living with the libtards.

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The French Protest Vaccine Passports By Richard Miller (London)

France is the model of how things are expected to go in the Covid New World Order, with the vaccine passport. In late July 2020, the French Parliament approved the COVID-19 health pass law, and France’s top court, the Constitutional Council, upheld the law on August 5. There is also a law mandating COVID-19 vaccinations for all health workers, and I have seen reports of some grocery shops not allowing people to shop without the vaccine passport. However, the French people, used to protests from the yellow vest movement, have taken to the streets, over 200,000 people with some battling police. It will be interesting to say the least to see where this will all go.

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Dr. Vladimir Zelenko on Covid Risks By Brian Simpson

Here is an interview with renowned Covid vax sceptic, Dr Vladimir Zelenko, who along with Dr Michael Yeadon and Professor Luc Montagnier, a world-famous virologist who won the Nobel prize for his discovery of HIV, believes that there is some likelihood of the Covid vax apocalypse hypothesis being true; namely that because of pathological priming, and subsequent systems overload, many who get the jabs and subsequent booster shots, could die within two to three years. Mike Adams, who champions this still speculative thesis, believes that at worse, up to 80 percent of the human race could die off, which would absolutely lead to a collapse of civilisation and the dawning of a Mad Max era.  I am sceptical of this, but keep an open mind, always. It is  best to “be prepared,” although I am not exactly sure how one would prepare for the world falling apart like a badly glued box.

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Snitch on Your Neighbours? A Great Idea for Social Harmony And for My “Droopy Eye” Syndrome! By James Reed

On most days I snitch on my neighbours, mostly for things that they do not do, and even on neighbours I do not have! I am therefore right in the mood for the New Covid snitch society, where to be an obedient peasant, or pheasant, it is necessary to report neighbours, or anyone else for that matter to authorities. It is just like being in CCCP land, with an extra “C” added for good luck.

On an unrelated note, I noticed that I have started to get “droopy eye” syndrome, with my face starting to melt down into my neck. If I was not so scared of being force-vaccinated I would see a doctor. Still, there is always, Dr Google.

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The Taliban Did Not Need to Lift Weights By John Steele

There is a YouTube video featuring the Taliban playing around with weights in the gym of Kabul’s presidential palace. They are obviously not gym users, and the famous Nassim Nicholas Taleb,  criticized them for not trying to deadlift. This is simply stupid, since soldiers rarely need the sort of strength that comes from dedicated weight training; that is the myth of the Rambo movies, or at least the early ones, not Rambo: Last Blood. Soldiers need coordinated and disciplined action, not lone Rambos bursting with muscle. Muscle is, after all not bullet proof. The strength needed for war comes from long marches with gear, and daily activities. Weight training is basically an urban training form for those not doing much real world physical activity.

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Trump Thumps Pfizer By Chris Knight (Florida)

After delivering an experimental Covid vaccine at Star Trek “warp speed” (Trump must have come up with that one), Trump now is concerned about all the booster shots, which he sees as just money making. Didn’t this occur to him at the time? Probably not as he is not the sharpest syringe in the rack. No doubt he was playing his stupid art of the deal, where there are simplistic business answers to everything.

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Taliban: House-to-House Executions By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Little old ice-cream eater Joe Biden is saying that he is constantly speaking with the Taliban, to get Americans, and those who cooperated with them, out of Afghanistan, as the US retreats, its tail between its legs, like beaten dog of war. However, the reality is a bit different, as the Taliban is now on a rampage of revenge, murdering those who helped the US to terrorise the locals.

 Trump, for all his failings, would have left the special forces behind to prevent this, but, Biden, or rather those who control him, are in charge now, bringing the show down. All I can say is that I am glad I never died during my tour of duty of that place. I never understood at the time why we were even there.

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In the Midst of a Revolution By Chris Knight (Florida)

Victor Davis Hanson, “Are We in a Revolution and Don’t Even Know It?’ makes the case that there is a revolution occurring in the US in real time that many do not even know about. That may be true for some normies, but I think an increasing number of people are aware that something bad is going down, but there is no leadership by the likes of the ever-pathetic Trump to oppose this. Maybe some leader will arise at the 11th hour, as we wait for Godot.

“Institutions are being absorbed not just by the woke apparat, but by an array of ideologies that seeks to destroy them. The collective madness that ensued from the pandemic, the quarantine, the self-induced recession, the George Floyd killing and subsequent months of exempted riots, the election year, and the resurgence of variants of the Chinese-engineered coronavirus, all ignited the fuse of formerly inert socialist dynamite. And the ensuing explosion of revolutionary fervor in just a few months has made America almost unrecognizable.

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