On Starving the French Without Vaccine Passports By Richard Miller (London)

The link at the Summit. News site below shows French shoppers being blocked by police from entering a shopping centre because they do not have vaccine passports. The usual Covid police tactics then follow. How people get food I do not know, maybe dumpster diving, but I suppose that even that might require getting the vax. We here in Britain are heading that way fast.


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The Biden Regime Knew in July that the Taliban Would Take Over By Chris Knight (Florida)

Throughout the present Afghanistan crisis Beijing Biden has held that the collapse of the Afghan Army was a total black swan event and that intelligence did not predict that the Taliban would simply walk in as a takeover. But, with most things Democrat, it is a lie. According to the Wall Street Journal, a classified State Department cable from July indicated that Secretary of State Antony Blinken was warned that Kabul would fall into Taliban hands by the August 31 troop withdrawal deadline. So, all lies from Beijing Biden, or those who speak into his ear piece. It is good though that one main stream paper did take him on with this issue.


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Counterfeit Covid Vaccination Cards from China By Charles Taylor (Florida)

US customs has intercepted a shipment of fake Covid-19 vaccination cards that were sent from Shenzhen, China, to New Orleans. As noted by Mike Adams below, the authorities had no trouble stopping vaccine cards that would endanger their Covid New World Order schemes, but when it was suggested by those opposing the stolen election, that China had printed false ballot papers, the idea was dismissed as outrageous. That was because it suited the Democrats to have their CCP masters give them a helping hand.


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Is the Afghan Immigrations Wave Unstoppable? By Richard Miller (London)

Humanitarian development worker Sybille Schnehage told German broadcaster WDR “We can assume that up to three million Afghans will make their way to Europe in the foreseeable future.” Rather than go to Muslim countries, the “refugees” seek the welfare and other benefits of Western countries. Schnehage quotes a diplomat who says that the wave of refugee migration is unstoppable even by tanks. 

Well, I disagree, tanks are not a great weapon to use to prevent masses of people going cross-country. Modern armies, with armed patrols, could do this easily, just try this trick on China and see what happens at their border … but they have national pride, and a desire to survive. What stops decisive action in the West is white pathology, that the elites want the refugees to fuel the Great Replacement. Thus Europe, along with the US, will face everything seen since 2015, only many times worse, including terrorist attacks. A people too weak to resist this Camp of the Saints invasion will lose what remains of their world, as South Africa becomes the new normal.

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The Vaccination Pope By Peter West

The Pope, now focussing this week on Covid, taking a brief break from refugee mania, has said that getting the Covid vaccine is an “act of love.” So, by symmetry of reason, not getting the vax would be a hate act, as in fact the US is now pushing. Makes sense, too much sense.


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Why Fresh Air Can be Bad for You! By James Reed

Here I was, silly me, thinking that fresh air was good for you. Well think again in these clown world Covid times, getting some fresh air could get you into a mighty spot of trouble. If one lives in a small apartment building, on the 100th storey say, with no fresh air, well, you might still have the internet, and you can look at scenes of fresh air of what was once the great outdoors, and wonder. Say, how are the homeless people doing in lockdown? Where do they lockdown to, the local train station?


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Lockdowns Forever in Scotland By Richard Miller (London)

The Leftist ruling party of Scotland, the Scottish National Party (SNP), is now wanting its emergency Covid powers to be made permanent, since none of the elites ever give up power, once they get it, only seek more of it. It would give them god-like powers, to control most aspects of social life and have lockdowns forever. The idea is to be ready for the next plandemic, the eternal plandemic.


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Taliban Killing Christians By James Reed

Christians are being killed in Afghanistan by the Taliban, going door-to-door. We covered this in an article a few days ago, but here is, I think, an update.


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Afghanistan Crisis: America Out; China In By James Reed

The only sensible explanation of the Afghanistan debacle is that it is a conspiracy to hand over lithium and rare earth reserves, the largest in the world, to China. To my mind Beijing Biden dis this for his Chinese masters. See the video by Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen, who says much the same. This is the tragedy of the West, as it is destroyed from within, as always happens.


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Protection from the Afghan Migrants? Even Macron Sees What is Coming By Richard Miller (London)

You know that things are bad when globalist, immigration-mad French PM Macron says that there needs to be protection from the latest tidal wave of migrants, erupting as an aftermath of disastrous failed wars for the global elites.


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Pfizer Covid Vaccine and T Cells By Brian Simpson

According to a  study from the Francis Crick Institute in the United Kingdom, the Pfizer-BioNTech  (COVID-19) vaccine destroys T cells and weakens the immune system. The suggested response to this is to receive more booster shots. That makes sense to me, for if something has caused a problem, applying more of that something must make things better, today’s standard solution. If smoking has caused your lung cancer, then smoking even more, will make everything alright, won’t it? It is only “logical.”


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Secession in South Africa: About Time By Michael Ferguson

Patrick McDermott, American Renaissance, August 18, 2021, details a movement for secession among white South Africans in the Western Cape province, follow from the anarchy seen in the riots in Durban.  Whites and the mixed-race “colored” population, are a majority and it  is also the only province not ruled by the black-dominated African National Congress (ANC). It may have a chance, but what took them so long?


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The Great Betrayal By Charles Taylor (Florida)

General Sami Sadat, a commander in the Afghan National Army, in a piece entitled “I Commanded Afghan Troops This Year. We Were Betrayed,” has appeared at the New York times. I was wondering what the Afghan Army was up to, and why they seemingly just surrendered to the Taliban. This army stopped fighting as the Americans did. General Sadat blames Biden, and rightly so, but there would have been a withdrawal under Trump, and at that point they would have needed to fight on their own. But, basically, the ideals of America, of libertarian sex, radical equality and the gender agenda, did not really give them a reason to fight on, and who can blame them. I am glad I did not die there when I did a tour of duty, dying for nothing like some of my buddies.


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Pfizer Says, Vaccine Resistant Covid Bug A-Commin’ By Brian Simpson

I have been reporting material indicating that the mass vaccination programs, as in the Australian narrative, will lead to an evolutionary response by SARS-Cov-2, producing new more resistant variants, as the virus struggles to exist. That was the lesson taught by Charles Darwin. Now it seems, even Pfizer recognises that this will not end with one vaccine, but that a viral arms race is occurring. Of course, their answer is more vaccines, just like Big Agri responds to the pest problem with more powerful weedicides and insecticides. Same results in the end.


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The Fast Coming Truckies Strike(s) Set to Bring the Country Down? By James Reed

I have assembled material on the proposed truckies strike. There are various sources, and different positions, ranging from a day strike, to an all-out attempt to bring the country to its knees. It is all possible, but at this point in time, I can’t call it. It would be wise to heed the advice of on trucker, cited below, who said to stock up on supplies. That would include petrol/diesel for the car as well. The worst case scenario, which is highly unlikely in my opinion, is a massive shut down of trucks for two weeks. By that time even the supply depots for the supermarkets will be empty, and desperate people will start doing home invasions.

Home invasions are on the rise already, as covered at this blog in previous posts, so this will push it over the edge. And, the home invasion trend is for the invaders to come armed with melee weapons, eager to use theme. In Brisbane, these home invasions are occurring in the richer suburbs now, so those feeling smug, warm and cosy in the green leafy suburbs should be vigilant if SHTF occurs.

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The US Covid Origins Report By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Beijing Biden administration has received the classified report commissioned from the country’s intelligence agencies about the origin of the Wuhan flu, and the conclusion is “inconclusive.” This in itself tells us much, since the Biden administration is virtually a wing of the CCP, with the top people being either outright agents, or in the communist’s pockets, or having past and/or present financial interests with the regime, or their relatives being one of the above. That, to go off on a tangent, is one of the existential threats posed by the libertarian globalist “free trade” idea, which is far from free, and simply an ideology to destroy white nations.

Anyway, back to bugs, that the conclusion by totally flawed organisations is “inconclusive,” would in reality mean that it is conclusive that the lab origin hypothesis is true! If they could have knocked it down for their CCP masters, they would have. And, these are the ones who steal elections and declare war upon ordinary conservative Americans.

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The Covid Vaccine Endgame By Chris Knight (Florida)

Pfizer has got full US FDA approval, being now the first Covid vaccine to go from emergency use authorization to full FDA approval. With this, the Covid King, Dr Fauci, is jumping up and down, saying that there must now be nation-wide vaccine mandates to force the unvaccinated to be vaccinated. Now, apart from the obvious freedom issues, that have now been so well discussed that nothing more is required but resistance, there is the back story about how the Covid clinical trials were literally cooked up, breaking protocol and vaccinating the control group, and are thus scientifically flawed. The material from Zero Hedge.com, below tells that tale.


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UK Faces Social Breakdown from Mass Immigration! By Richard Miller (London)

Migration Watch UK has issued a report warning that mass immigration to the UK has resulted in demographic shifts that will likely result of a major breakdown in social cohesion. That is putting it mildly, as parts of the UK, and Europe, are war zones, and certainly too dangerous for a white Briton like me to visit. Not only are there the on-going knife crimes, and grooming gangs raping white British children for sport and profit, which recent posts at this blog have shown is still going on, ignored by the Covid coppers, but social cohesion is breaking down in the white communities, which are in complete white flight. It is the Great Replacement, Camp of the Saints style in action, all due to the dispossessed majority not taking a stand when they could. Grim statistics now follow. While the Left and the elites might be excited about this, the results of fast replacements is always a collapse of society. Then the elites can enjoy the real fruits of die-versity.

Australians who are conservatives might like to reflect upon the question of what happens to the constitutional monarchy in Australia, once Britain collapses? Maybe that’s academic, as by that time, Australia will probably have the CCP ruling it!

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Dr Graham Lyons: Fighter Against the Covid New World Order! By Paul Walker

The ABC.net.au, did a reasonable job covering the position of Adelaide scientist, and anti-vax champion, Dr Graham Lyons. Dr Lyons has spoken at various rallies, and apparently is facing charges for refusing to be Covid tested, disputing the accuracy of the test, the morality and legality of tests, tracing and lockdowns and even the reality of the pandemic! He actually got to mention that the whole scam is about bringing in a world government. He says that he is fighting the good fight, because he does not want his granddaughter growing up in a “techno-fascist dystopia." Impressive courage, indeed.


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If Turkey Can Do It, Why Not Us? By Richard Miller (London)

Turkey, after being inundated with Syrian refugees, is determined not to have a repeat with Afghan refugees. Consequently, it has quickly assembled a three-metre-high wall with barbed wire, complete with security patrols. Personally I think  the fence should be higher, even a road of barbed and razor wire would be good, but it is a start.


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