Whoa! SMH.com reports on the Rising Number of US Breakthrough Delta Infections Among Fully Vaccinated! By Mrs Vera West

No, it was not false news … coming from the land of eternal lockdowns, SMH.com reported on data published in the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention’s weekly report on death and disease, shows a rising number of “breakthrough” infections among those who had both doses of a coronavirus vaccine. " The new data released on Tuesday involved more than 43,000 reported infections among Los Angeles County residents aged 16 and older. Of them, 10,895, or 25.3 per cent occurred in fully vaccinated persons, and 1431, or 3.3 per cent, were in partially vaccinated persons. The majority of infections, however, were among the unvaccinated: 30,801 cases, or 71.4 per cent of the cohort.”

What I infer from this, and other data such as that from Israel, covered at other posts today, is that the Covid vaccination is no magical protection against Covid. You can in principle, indeed, reality, get the vax, face the possibility of adverse effects, whatever their probability, then on top of that, face the disease itself after all, while still being in lockdown and wearing a mask! It makes sense, but not sense as we knew it, only Covid New World Order sense.

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Joe Biden’s Taliban Friends By Charles Taylor

Joe Biden’s latest masters, the Taliban, are wasting no time getting down and punishing Westernisation. People wearing Western clothes are getting beaten up in the streets. Yes, ok, it is just what they do as a day job, but what about Taliban soldiers wearing US uniforms, and feeling pretty smug about it? Shouldn’t these fanatics now beat themselves?


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The NSW Vaccine Passport; Tyranny Continues By Bruce Bennett (Sydney)

The Covid freak-out continues here in NSW, as there is now a proposal by NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, that when NSW reopens after reaching the magical 70 per cent vaccination rate, unvaccinated people will not be able to enter restaurants, bars and other hospitality venues. There is also the likelihood of all hospitality staff and patrons having to prove they have received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine to be able to work. No doubt this is a test run for full-on Covid vax passport for all Australian states. But, hopefully the restrictions will make these businesses revolt, when they have the extra labour time checking, and reduced revenue. Governments ignore us, but listen to business.


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WORLD FREEDOM ALLIANCE et al. Declaration and Notice of Liability

The following statements are from the organisations as cited, who do not have a relationship with the Australian League of Rights. As always, the material is published in the interests of public debate and free expression, and does not necessarily represent the views of the League, or any legal and medical advice at all.             


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The “Wall Street Journal” Article: Covid Vaccines are Riskier than Advertised! By Brian Simpson

It is something I did not think would happen, but mainstream media publications, like the Wall Street Journal, are beginning to take toddler steps towards a critical awareness of problems with the Covid vaccines. One such piece is by Dr. Ladapo an associate professor of medicine at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine and  Dr. Risch is a professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health.


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The End of the Petro-Dollar, and America By Chris Knight (Florida)

Mike Adams has given another scenario of collapse, where the US dollar ceases to be the petro dollar, with world reserve status. The whole system depended upon the idea that US military might could defend the system, but after Afghanistan, that illusion has gone. Once Taiwan falls, and China begins it drive of conquest throughout Asia, the US will wither on the vine, and crumble into politically correct dust. Australia will be on its own, and I sure hope you guys are promoting James Reed’s idea of acquiring nuclear weapon for Australia, because none of the other hobbies are worth a cracker if China walks in over you. What has Australia got to stop them? Diversity may be magical, but only goes so far in this world of high tech weaponry.


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Covid Tyranny in Australia By James Reed

Brandon Smith from the US writes about Covid tyranny in Australia, so it is good to get an outsider’s opinion about how bad things are in the freedom stakes here. But, the US, as we have detailed, has its own crises.


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Afghanistan Chaos Intensifies By Charles Taylor

At the time of writing there are 60 dead and 143 wounded, including 13 US troops, from the ISIS-K suicide bombing at Hamid Karzai Airport. The story is evolving, as there is not a final death and injury toll yet. But, as detailed below, Biden is likely to leave behind hundreds of Americans, who if not becoming hostages, will be slaughtered. As well, someone in the Biden administration gave the Taliban a list of people associated with the regime, so that is little more than a “kill list.” It is treason on a grand scale, but after the stolen election, the Democrats just do anything they like. Even door-to-door executions, followed by cannibalism of Trump supporters, probably would not generate much push-back. The old conservative dogs have no life left in them, and are waiting now for the Great Replacement by South America, and Afghanistan


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Skin-Rotting Disease and the Covid Vaccines By Mrs Vera West

Here is yet another story from the naked Covid city, a tale of a skin-rotting disease in a 49-year-old New York woman, who received the Pfizer vax. But, the condition is rare, unless you get it. Then, you have a problem.


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Covid Vaccines in the Great Reset By Chris Knight (Florida)

Philipp Bagus at the libertarian blog Mises.org, gives an excellent overview of how Covid vaccine mandates fit into the idea of a Great Reset. The Great Reset of the World Economic Forum, is nothing more than an updated version of world government, that in turn is controlled by the financial elites. The update is to use disease as the mechanism, by which medical technocrats break down the present, frail liberal democratic order.


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Medicine as a Political Weapon By James Reed

Paul Rosenberg has written a brillant piece, highly relevant to our coverage of the evolving tyranny of the Covid New World Order. Medicine has become, and maybe always was, a political weapon. Covid has well proven this, from the initial attempts by scientists to reject, with little evidence, the lab leak hypothesis, since it would have been contrary to the interests of communist China, which exerts an enormous influence upon the universities and less than objective academic journals. Then, of course, Donald Trump called it the Wuhan flu, which to the new class was shocking   “racism.”   My views, of course. Say, why did spell check hi-light every word in this text, even « a » and do those French quote marks ?


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The Happy Slaves By James Reed

Dr Mercola, in a post now deleted from his site, since he only keeps up material for 48 hours now, gives an excellent overview of the position of Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World, who is less cited to illustrate dystopic tyrannies than George Orwell’s 1984. Orwell’s totalitarian dystopia is modelled on the iron-fist control of the USSR, but Huxley shows that a more lasting form of social control comes from using technology and brainwashing to get people to love their servitude, and to not even think about freedom at all. This is the direction of Chairman Mao’s China, present CCP China, and the policies taken by the West with multicultural indoctrination, beginning in the kindergartens, but proceeding full power in the universities.


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In Praise of Natural Covid Immunity By Mrs Vera West

The present Covid State is pushing the idea that the only solution to lockdowns are mass vaccinations; presumably even those who have had Covid need it. Natural immunity, which kept the human race in existence for tens, or maybe, hundreds of thousands of years before modern medicine, does not exist, or is inferior to vaccines, which are truly magic bullets. However, The Blaze.com has done a survey of recent literature, which debunks the Big Pharma ideology. Natural immunity provides a more robust response to Covid.


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Satan on “Our” ABC By James Reed

Hey, we should not be surprised to see Satan, Prince of Darkness make a guess appearance at their ABC. I once saw a Left-wing TV comedian receive some award for something, it could even have been for something resembling humour, thank Satan Prince of Darkness for his support. He must have been joking too, eh?


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A “Manufatured Mass Psychosis” By Mrs Vera West

A nice heavy-hitting article appeared in The Australian, slamming the present lockdowns of Australia, spiced with biting satire. It is just the sort of critique needed to hit home against the medico-fascist state. The material fits nicely with the Dr Mercola article on mass psychosis, quoted today by James Reed, “The Insane society,” appearing below.


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A Heart-to-Heart on Moderna By Brian Simpson

We do not get to hear much about the Moderna Covid vax, it all being Pfizer this, Pfizer that, everywhere Pfizer. However, Canadian data indicates that the Moderna vaccine could have a higher rate of a heart inflammation condition, especially in men younger than 30, than the Pfizer vax. There may be a 2.5 times higher incidence of myocarditis in those who get the Moderna vaccine compared with Pfizer. The data is only preliminary so that will not stop the system jab, jab, jabbing away.


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Biden’s Great Tumble Down By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Opinion polls are showing that the majority of voters, and I assume that includes the dead ones that voted for Biden too, feel that he is not capable of doing his job. Now, that all depends upon how one defines “doing his job.” As I see it, his job as a globo-commo is to destroy traditional America, and he, and the voices in his head, mainly the voices in his head, are doing an excellent demolition job!


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The Insane Society By James Reed

Ever since I read The Sane Society, by Frankfurt School theorist, Marxist Eric Fromm, I wanted to write an article entitled, The Insane Society, and that would have been a better title for the neo-Marxist’s book too. In any case, a fantastic article by Dr Mercola dealing with how an entire society can lose its mind was published a little while ago, but under his policy deleted in 48 hours. If you missed it, here are the core bits.


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If You Want to Stop “Global Warming” Turn Off the Sun! By James Reed

A recent academic paper has presented evidence that while global warming is occurring, as the recent IPCC report has affirmed, the causes are not man-made, but due to solar activity. The paper argues that the data sets used by the IPCC do in fact show what they say, but there are other more comprehensive data sets, that undermine their case. The paper uses data form NASA satellites which the IPCC seems to have ignored.


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The Covid Vaccines are Not Magic Bullets Sco Mo! By Brian Simpson

Here is a study that should be required reading for Australian pollies; the University of Oxford and UK Office for National Statistics, found that the efficacy rates for the Pfizer and Moderna are significantly lower than the 90%+ rates first promoted from the initial controlled trials. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines showed greater initial efficacy against infection than the AstraZeneca vax, but this protection eroded after only 4-5 months.


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