Conservatives, Selling their Souls to the Big Tech Devil By Charles Taylor (Florida)


Here is a material claiming that almost the entire US conservative movement has been bought off, literally by Big Tech. If this is true, it would explain a lot; namely that the standard US conservative movement get nowhere as they are just part of the system, little more than controlled opposition. I would expect a similar story for Australia too.

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Dr Peter McCullough on the Covid Plandemic By Mrs Vera West

Dr Mercola has given another excellent overview of a Covid critic, Dr Peter McCullough, Professor of Medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine in Dallas, yet another brave doctor criticising the standard, oppressive Covid narrative. His concerns come from the question of the efficiency and safety of the vaccines. “He cited data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database, which showed that during that time, there were 1,637 reports of death in people who had received a COVID-19 jab. The CDC and FDA said none of them was related to the jab but, according to McCullough, by January 22, 2021, 186 deaths had been reported — more than enough to reach the mortality signal of concern to stop the program.” While other vaccines would have been abandoned, the Covid vaccines just keep getting rolled out, with a religious frenzy. One has to ask, what is the real agenda behind this? We believe it is a smoke screen to roll in the New World Order, and looking at Sydney, Italy and France, it is pretty much in.

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Cannibalism in Aboriginal Society? By James Reed

There is an article,The Incidence of Cannibalism in Aboriginal Society” by William D. Rubinstein Quadrant Online 30th August 2021, which is behind a pay wall, but I don’t have access, and did not find any other link. I would presume that it is a discussion of the 19th century accounts of alleged Aboriginal cannibalism, as recorded by white explorers, and anthropologists of the time, but I can’t say what conclusions are reached. Some examples of the literature  I have seen from someone who emailed me material from just the front piece of the cited article: P. Foelsche, “Notes on the Aborigines of North Australia”, in Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, vol. 5, 1882, and Rev. Louis Schulze, missionary, “The Aborigines of the Upper and Middle Finke River: Their Habits and Customs”, in Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, vol. 14, 1891, which details the alleged cannibalism of some infants. There are many other depictions of this practice from 19th century accounts.


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Rose McGowan Going for the Clintons! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This one is worth viewing rather than writing about, one of those, “see it to believe it.” People like actress Rose McGowan is going out in a full-on attack on the Clintons. Watch it, and see the likes of the elites who rule us. The Clintons epitomise the globalist ruling elites.

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A Pilot Speaks Out on the Vaccine Mandate By James Reed

A Qantas pilot takes a brave stand sand speaks out about concerns with the Covid vax and the social policies, such as lockdowns and vaccine passports. I do not know how long he will be able to fly planes, but good work for telling us, “you must listen.” He says he is putting his career on the line. Great man. Let us not let such personal sacrifices  be in vain.

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The Incredible Chatting Cows! By Mrs Vera West

We are heading into the weekend now, after another tough week, as Jim Goad puts it, “The Worst Week Ever.” So, something light and gassy to round things off!


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The French Resistance By Richard Miller (London)

France is our future, with the vaccine passport, unless there is major resistance, pronto. However, the French, who were never given a choice in the matter, are taking to the streets in mass protests. Maybe Macron will be forced to back down. Meet the new French resistance!


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Singapore and Covid By James Reed

The illiberal authoritarian society of Singapore embraced mass vaccination, and the Asian desire for social conformity led to high vax rates. But now down the track, Singapore is facing an exponential rise in Covid cases. Clearly this is another case study where Covid vaccines do not lead society back to normal. Australian authorities believe in that illusion, to get them over the next election.

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Covid, Not Diamonds, are Forever By Mrs Vera West

As documented by our London correspondent, Richard Miller in his article today about the coming London lockdowns, vaccines do not return things to normal. There will be an endless cycle of lockdowns, and according to Chant, endless booster shots.

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UK: Here Comes Another Lockdown By Richard Miller (London)

I previously said that given the level of political correctness in the government health system here, the NHS, it would be best to defund it.  Now, even given the vaccine rollout here, the government is heading to yet another Australian style lockdown, with mandatory mask rules coming back. Personally, the reason always given for this Covid madness is that we must protect the health care system. I say; to hell with the health care system!  My guess, and my opinion alone, from reading medial scepticism books like Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis is that we might be a tad better off: no doctor caused deaths and illness for example. If we die, we die. That’s just my personal opinion, of a man who is sick to the guts of this Covid craziness.


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Dear White People … By Richard Miller (London)

The anti-white propaganda for the Great Replacement never stops, and much of it is funded out of tax payer’s money, so we pay to have our own graves dug. The latest is a lecture on the blog by the NHS attacking whites for “white privilege,” and that white British should be uncomfortable about their whiteness. Well I say, to hell with that. Long live whiteness! The whiter, the brighter!


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MASK of the Beast! The Dangers of Drinking Tea in Australia By Mrs Vera West

Drinking tea, just taking off one’s mask of the beast, for even a moment could lead to the Covid police tackling you, so beware and behave yourself. Learnt to drink tea by filtering it through your mask. The microplastics must be good for you!

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Taliban Loves Americans So Much that They do not Want to Let the Remainders Go! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

American hostages of the Taliban? Beijingo Biden’s answer will be to simply cave into Taliban demands and give them as much money and weapons as they want.  Life is so much easier when one lives as a traitor.

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No Economy for You, the Unclean, the Unvaccinated! By James Reed

Looks like my earlier article on how the New World order will be rolled in, is unfortunately turning out to be true. Just consider what Chairman Dan has said, a man who never minces words.

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Satanists and Abortion By Mrs Vera West

The US left are turning to the Satanists to get support for universal abortion, that is, abortion right up until possible birth, or infanticide, just the way they like it. It really shows the Left’s true colours, and what they ultimately are – Satanic! Remember, birds of a (dark) feather stick together.


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More Coming Joys from Diversity By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Afghan refugees promise to deliver diversity, a gift from the gods, in spades, set to enrich the West even more than the last gifts from the last failed war.


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Long Vaccine Dangers By Brian Simpson

Long Covid is being advanced as something of an argument against reliance on natural immunity over vaccines. However, even if long Covid, as discussed in a previous blog post, is a problem, with effects such as brain fog and aches, the long-term adverse effects from the vaccines is definitely a concern, as detailed at length by Dr Mercola.

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Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), the Great Reset to the Covid New World Order By James Reed

In a nutshell, this is how I see it going. The crash of the economies, at least the economies of normies, not Big Tech and Big Everything else, along with crippling food prices, then shortages, if not starvation, will lead to the instalment of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBCD), to replace paper money. This will be controlled by the totalitarian governments, and in turn controlled by the rulers of the New World Order, the ones above the 1 percenters, whoever they are, we never see or hear about them. They rule from the shadows. Anyway, this CBCD system will be rolled in with the same frantic necessity as all the Covid freak-out stuff, and the people will be craving for it, after much suffering. Not all, but the vast majority.


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Vaccines as a New Purity Test By James Reed

This article follows right on from the last line of Brian’s one on the ambulance guys, and the claim that the medic-police state is here now. Dr Mercola does not exactly describe it that way, but gives evidence along the same lines. I still have all of the old New World Order books from the League, and while all good and prophetic, what we have now has gone beyond some of those dire predictions, and the medic-fascists are just getting started. What we have seen in Sydney is a warm-up. Wait until the next bug is released!


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Ambulance Paramedics Fight Back! By Brian Simpson

This has the system worried; Victorian ambulance paramedics are declining the Covid-19 jab. Now it is expected that crazy old Right Wing fringe dwelling billy goats like yours truly might do that sort of thing, but this strata of society is sophisticated, with medical training, widely defined. So, what do they know that I don’t? Please explain the explanation, please!


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