To Serve and Protect … Who? By Bruce Bennett (Sydney Penal Colony)

So, the massive NSW Police enforcement effort has resulted in nearly 22,000 fines for breaches of the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, with $3.5 million in COVID-19 fines, with $25 million outstanding but not yet due and $3.4 million overdue.  This is more than double the number of fines in three and a half weeks as the entire 17 months of the pandemic before that. Does that seem right to you?

How exactly did this stop the spread of the new Black Death?

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Do Parents Need to Ask Babies for Consent to Change Nappies? By Mrs Vera West

Here is the winner of the theatre of the absurd for this week: an Australian childcare chain suggested that parents should ask their babies and toddlers for consent before changing nappies, to ensure “respectful changes.” Well, leaving aside how one gets consent from those who can’t talk or even conceptualise the concept of consent, suppose a negative was given, hypothetical. No, don’t change my nappy. This could lead to a situation over a few days couldn’t it?


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Reigniting the History Wars By James Reed

While we have been distracted by fighting the Covid New World Order, the cultural wars have continued in the education system of Australia. A negative view of Australian history is presented in the draft revision of the national curriculum, but fortunately some champions have arisen to fight this “black arm band’ view of our glorious past, including, defending the ANZAC legend.

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Netherlands Culls its Farmers: Climate Change Agenda By Richard Miller (London)

To limit greenhouse gases, the Dutch government is moving to cut livestock numbers by almost a third. All this comes from a Dutch administrative court decision that found the country was breaking EU law by not limiting nitrogen pollution. Thus, there were limitations put upon transport and industry, and now farmers cop it as well. Farmers may have to sell their land to the state as they go out of business, more sacrifices on the altar of the climate change New World Order.


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The Cost of Turning Away the Unvaccinated By James Reed

With the federal and state governments proclaiming that the unvaccinated will become shunned from the mainstream society, small businesses are considering the significance of this. Can they afford to turn away the unvaccinated? Apparently not. So, they may have to disobey Big Brother or go bankrupt.

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Boys and the Covid Vax: Heart Inflammation By Mrs Vera West

A US study has found that otherwise healthy boys may be more likely to be admitted to the hospital with heart inflammation from the Pfizer Covid vaccine than with COVID itself; boys between the ages of 12 and 15, with no underlying medical conditions, were four to six times more likely to be diagnosed with vaccine-related myocarditis than they were to be hospitalized with Covid-19.


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9/11 and the Role of Saudi Arabia By Peter West

With the 20th anniversary of 9/11. It is amazing how little is said about the role played by Saudi Arabia in this. Here is evidence by Branko Marcetic, “Twenty Years Ago, the Saudi Government Got Away with the Crime of the Century.” It is much worse that even the Pearl Harbor conspiracy.

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Biden’s Vaccine Jihad Against Freedom and Decency By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There are many commentaries by now on Biden’s mandate to force employers with over 100 employees to get vaccinated. Forgetting about the freedom and civil liberties issues for a second, one would think from this that Covid is one deadly thing. Yet, unvaccinated illegal Democrat voters-to-be, as part of the Great Replacement, are openly crossing the border. If this is not a conspiracy I will walk to China, the home of the globalist Left. On second thoughts, no way, what old timer came up with that saying anyway?

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Biden, Communist Jihadist? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

After aiding the arming of the Taliban, in what Biden considered a successful withdrawal, he went on to speak on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 about the real enemy, people like us concerned with promoting discord in America’s diverse paradise. Yes, friend, we are the dark forces! It is like something out of the movie Falling Down, when before the main white rebelling character Defends, played by Michael Douglas is executed by the woke cop, he says: you mean I am the bad guy? Hopefully a big asteroid is heading our way, or a super-volcano ready to blow.

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Czech PM Stands Against Afghan Immigration Invasion By Richard Miller (London)

Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš has said that there is no place for Afghan refugees in the European Union, and that they should stay in their homeland. Fast chance of that though, as the immigration crazed elites in the West go out of their way to bring in every non-white migrant for the purposes of the Great Replacement.

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The Attack is Now on the Fundamentals of Freedom By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is really end times, as the Founding documents of America at the National Archives are now plastered with labels warning of “harmful language.” Harmful to whom? Clearly it is only a matter of time before these documents disappear down the Orwellian memory hole, or are simply rewritten by some psychopathic woke team of scribblers. And conservatives, as usual just take it. Time for a national strike.

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Remember Swine Flu? By Brian Simpson

60 Minutes, an old one, when they had teeth, details how the Swine Flu vaccine, to allegedly deal with the 1976 Swine Flu epidemic, didn’t protect against flu, and resulted in massive adverse effects. History may well not just be repeating, but may exceed this.


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Give Me My Life Back! By Mrs Vera West

Sarah Green is the face of Covid vax adverse effects. One day she was a healthy 16-year-old. Then she developed neurological problems after getting Pfizer’s Covid vaccine. Her doctors denied that the new tremors, tics and debilitating migraines were caused by the vaccine. The story of medical denial shows that adverse effects are denied as much as possible by the medical profession, who as many studies have illustrated, are partners with Big Pharma.

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Scotland and Covid Vaxes By Richard Miller (London)

Scotland is another example of a country that Australians should be looking at re Covid vaxes, where the “fully vaccinated” comprise 75 percent of all Covid-related deaths, while those who took just one dose so far make up five percent.


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Vaxapocalypse Now! By James Reed

Mike Adams at Natural, gives the worst-case scenario with adverse effects from the Covid-19 vaxes. I do not know if this is true, so the caveat that this is one scenario for information purposes only. Still, it is one possible outcome that needs to be discussed, and I offer my critique below, but I take it that most of the human race dying off would be of some significance, or at least page three news, after the sports results. Time will decide all.


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Trust Our Vaccines; Well, the US Opioid Crisis Went Well, Didn’t It? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Mercola summarises work by media personality Russell Brand on some of the things Big Pharma, some of those behind the Covid-19 vaccines, and other things have got up to. The case is made that big Pharma helped create the US opioid epidemic through lobbying lapdog doctors. The details below are shocking, and raise the issue: why trust them with anything? The usual disclaimer, that the following assertions are by those individuals, Russell Brand and Dr Mercola, already in the public domain and widely cited, not by us, and the material is quoted for information purposes.

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The Constitution and the Biden Mandate By Chris Knight (Florida)

There is thought by some that Biden’s threat to abandon democracy, and require all employers with over 100 workers to have all employees fully vaccinated, is unconstitutional and will not survive the legal challenges which are now being made. I, for one, have no faith in the Supreme Court of the United States, after its shocking failure to hear the US 2020 election fraud cases, including not even granting standing to the state of Texas. My guess is that the court system, as rotten as the US Congress and Senate, will allow anything the Democrats want. The entire society now is putrid, and the only hope is the breakup of America. That has gone off the boil now, thanks to the likes of Trump, controlled opposition, stirring up revivalist hope.

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Why Does the Left Hate Guns – In Your Hands? By John Steele

 Stephen Paul Foster gives a great presentation of why the Left hate guns. Well, they hate their opponents having guns, but are happy for every communist and terrorist having them. Notice how none of the American Left attacked Biden for allowing the Taliban to have billions of dollars of American arms and weapons? At the same time the Left was cheering Biden on with US, sand globsal small arms control. The agenda is in clear sight.

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Age of Treason By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is information on the great treason debate. It seems the ever-woke General Milley, after the January 6 peaceful protests, told the military generals not to obey orders from Trump. He even gave a phone call to one of the top military brass in the CCP to tell him that he would ring him if there was any US threat to China. Sure, that is high treason, and for less traitors have faced firing squads. But Milley will be regarded as a hero by the Left, as “orange man bad.” But, telling the CCP of American strategy opened the country up to pre-emptive nuclear strike, defeating any purpose, unless it was aiding the communists. Here we see how the US system right at the top has been taken over by CCP agents like Milley, which is what he became by his treason. And, the intelligence agencies would have known of this, but told Trump nothing, showing the Deep State in operation. Trump should have spent his term clearing the swamp instead of doing good deeds for foreigners. However, I have argued since my suppressed book of 2017, that Trump was always a plant, so none of this is news. America has fallen.

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Law and US Vaccine Mandates By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is an update on the legal challenge being made to US vaccination mandates. There may be some points of interest here to Australian attempts to do the same, but I don’t know much about Australian law. Still I hope this is still of interest. I think the focus on international human rights will need to be explored, as you Aussies do not have a Bill of rights. The external affairs clause of your constitution, might be the key. It was used against you, now use it!


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