Why, Oh Why, No Vax? By Brian, “the Jabless” Simpson

Here is a typical normie mainstream media article, expressing shock! horror! that some people are willing to lose their jobs by not getting vaxxxxxxxxxxxed!!!!! It is interesting to read this with a Right-wing sociological frame of mind, to examine the assumptions made. The article cannot take seriously the idea that some people do not believe that the vaccines are safe, or safe as they should be. There is no attempt made to address the medical authorities, featured at say Dr Mercola’s site, only to quote ordinary people who may not be fully aware of the anti-vax case.


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Covid Gas Camps? By James Reed

I have listened to the taped conversation made inside a Covid concentration camp. Some authority figure, a guard or police officer, I do not know, does say that an inmate should calm down or she will be “gassed.” Mike Adams speculates about whether the gas is tear gas or a Zyklon B-like death gas, but our friendly Australian authorities are much more like to use laughing gas, to relax people going insane from lockdowns, being the jolly Aussie fellows that they are, no worries mate, she’ll be right! Yes, that’s it, laughing gas, so people can laugh themselves to sleep! Then, before hitting their heads on the concrete, the gentle authorities will catch them, cradle them securely in their rippling muscular all-protecting arms, and put them to bed, singing gentle lullabies to ensure sound sleep! So, surely good old Mike has got this one wrong? Consider:


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Nipah Virus, Cometh? By Brian Simpson

Could this one be the next Big Thing that the globalist elite are waiting for, having primed the population with Covid, and found that they could manipulate the sheeple beyond their wildest dreams? The Nipah virus which has a 75 percent fatality rate, has killed one young boy in Kerala in South West India. If this is let loose, and globalisation makes certain it will, I suppose most of us will gladly lockdown, maybe off grid too.


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Painting Over Saint George By Chris Knight (Florida)

This one made me laugh, and not much done by the Taliban does that. There was a great whacking George Floyd mural, and the Taliban painted a victory mural over it! Will the Left be triggered by their new heroes doing this? Wil this blow a fuse in their woke brains? Who knows, anything is possible nowadays.


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Philosopher Peter Boghossian Resigns By James Reed

Professor Peter Boghossian has spent many years attacking the postmodernist woke politically correct nonsense of the Left, and with a sense of humour to boot. But in the end the university system is simply too much to work in and one must leave. Below is his moving letter of resignation.


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Why Do Refugees to the US Get Ivermectin? Surely, They are not Horses? By Chris Knight (Florida)

I am not medically qualified, and have no authority to proclaim on the benefits or lack of them, of the drug ivermectin to deal with Covid-19. I know that parasites in horses do not like it one bit though. But I can ask: if the drug is totally useless if you are not a horse, and may or may not be harmful to humans,  then why is the CDC giving this drug to incoming refugees? If the drug is so bad isn’t that a bit cruel to our wonderful guests? You know, diversity and all that.


One Nation on the Vaccine Mandates By James Reed

Here is the latest material opposing the vaccine mandate from One Nation’s Newsletter. If you have not yet joined One Nation, consider doing so, as they are doing good work opposing the Covid tyranny in Australia. I got this via email and don’t have a link, so another reason to join up. Come together, right now!


“Morrison Announces Nationwide "Certificates of Vaccination" Scheme to Limit Unvaccinated Aussies' Freedoms

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What! Only Six Beers a Day! Pure Torture! By James Reed

Residents in NSW under lockdown in apartment block prisons are now having their alcohol deliveries policed, to ensure the safety of health staff and residents. Apparently care packages, the sorts of things the Red Cross used to send to prisoners of war are being searched, and bottles of grog confiscated. Just call this what it is, not a make-do health care facility, but a prison on the cheap.


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A Spike Protein Spear Through the Heart! By Brian Simpson

It is no longer a mere conspiracy theory; in a paper released in July which was ignored by the mainstream media, a team of scientists and physicians from the University of Bristol, has confirmed that the spike proteins from the an mRNA type  are causing changes to the cells in the small blood vessels of the heart and that this is linked to heart attacks and other cardiovascular damage. The research team presented these findings to the European Society of Cardiology Congress. The issue with the mRNA vaccines is that “specialized blood vessel cells called pericytes have receptors called CD147s. The novel coronavirus itself (Sars-Cov-2) cannot attack these CD147s and damage the pericyte cells, potentially leading to clotting and heart attacks.” “In other words, the only part of the plandemic equation that could be causing blood clots and heart attacks is vaccine spike proteins. And this is precisely why the study in question has yet to gain any type of traction.” So much for medical ethics, but that is short in supply in this plandemic.


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The Problem of Sky-Rocketing Food Prices By James Reed

There is much debate, amongst those who debate, about the cause and significance of the rise in food prices across the world, with some blaming Covid, droughts, and even a conspiracy. I would plug for all of the above. Whatever the cause it would be a good idea to try and put aside extra supplies each week, even on limited budgets. Aim for food that is longer lasting, such as tin goods, dried beans and lentils, rice, and other items which don’t go off, such as the famous toilet paper, which I imagine people will start eating down the track as this collapse proceeds! Yet another reason to be a prepper, and get a home garden going if at all possible.


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Covid-19 in Israel By Brian Simpson

Israel is the worlds’ leader in Covid vaccination. Yet it is experiencing an explosion of breakthrough cases amongst the vaccinated. Here it is not possible to chant the mantra “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Thus, the case of Israel is a challenge to the naïve position of the Australian government and health authorities, that once say 80 percent, even 100 percent of people get the jab, it will all be over. No, not by a long shot, or jab.


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Shonky Climate Change Statistical Methodology By James Reed

With the IPCC “science” report on alleged climate change out, some critics have subjected its methodology to scrutiny, which is what good science should do, but of which we see too little. However, Dr Ross McKitrick has criticised one key method used by the IPCC, that of “optimal fingerprinting,” which is a method used for allegedly identifying the role of greenhouse gases in climatic data. The problem is that the actual model already has assumptions about the climatic effects of such gases built in, so it is a garbage in, garbage out situation.


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Cannabis and Heart Attacks in the Young By Mrs Vera West

Cannabis is one of the common drugs of the young. But research published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, showed that adults under 45 years old who consumed cannabis within the last 30 days, suffered from nearly double the number of heart attacks than adults who didn't use cannabis. What young people do not realise is that the cannabis of today is extremely potent compared that smoked in the 1960s, so ill-health effects are more likely now than in the past. Conservatives of our age group may not appreciate how widespread the use of this drug is among the young, and the problems on the doorstep.


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The Problem of Covid Vax-Caused Heart Problems By Brian Simpson

While the frenzy is on for promoting the Covid jab as a way of ending lockdowns, evidence from overseas, reported extensively here, shows that even reaching an 80 percent vaccination rate, is no prevention against breakthrough infections, as the case of Israel well shows. Further, concerns about adverse effects from overseas sources continues to grow, especially cases of cases of myocarditis or pericarditis. Here is yet another report, noting that more cases of myocarditis or pericarditis were reported after the second dose of an mRNA vaccine than after the first. This issue does not get press in Australia.


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Telstra Wants to Jab, then They Can Gab! By James Reed

Here is another iconic Australian firm wanting its employees to be jabbed with the Covid vax: Telstra.  But, the unions are fighting back, which is good. Telstra is the fourth Australian company to mandate Covid-19 vaccinations. Others are SPC – the first business to force employees to get the jab – Qantas and Australia’s second-biggest private hospital operator, Healthscope. The pattern is being set here, vaccinate or take “medical retirement,” a fancy term for being made redundant.


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Adventures in Ballot Trafficking By Chris Knight (Florida)

Ballot trafficking was investigated by the watch dog organisation, True the Vote. They “watched the mass mail out of paper ballots to highly inaccurate voter records, the harried installation of ballot dropboxes privately funded by billionaire tech magnates, and the hundreds of legislative changes, lawsuits, and consent decrees that fundamentally altered election processes. All of it came together in 2020, under the fog of COVID. It was planned. It was purposeful.

Having studied election process for decades, our team was well aware of the pitfalls associated with America's uniquely insecure approach to elections. We knew that attempts to prove certain types of election malfeasance would fail, so we chose instead to focus on the grifts that would necessarily leave trackable, provable data trails.” To do this, they acquired over ten trillion location-based cell signals in major metropolitan areas across six states, and mapped the travel patterns of ballot traffickers to ballot dropboxes.  They found a large amount of evidence of ballot trafficking, and the FBI was informed. That though is their mistake, as this organisation is corrupt, and will not be doing anything about it, as it would damage the Democrats. They are all in this together.

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The Off-Grid Diet for the Covid Unvaccinated! By John Steele (Resident Apocalypse Expert)

When I managed to get to a spot in the hills with internet (living in the Victorian scrub in a tent), I was interested to read a story where experts in nuclear winter suggested that humans after doomsday, could survive on mushrooms and  seaweed, plants not requiring light. In a different context, the unvaccinated may ultimately be forced to live off-grid, like some of the people in the dystopic movie Logan’s Run. Mushrooms, at least would be a good protein source, provided one did not get the poisonous ones. Then you are dead!


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Opposing Vaxing the Kiddies By Mrs Vera West

This is the right stuff! Elsewhere we will publish an article where the main stream US media have come to question the fanatic drive to vaccinate children from Covid, given that the disease does not appear to harm children all that much. Over 108,000 Australians  have signed a petition to the federal Parliament against the use of vaccines on adolescents aged 12 to 16. I am not sure that the vaccine-crazed parliament will listen, but it is good to see so many people taking a stand. This is the battle of the century. Let’s all do our bit for the “war” effort!


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Like a Rolling Lie! By James Reed

Here is a great example of false news from the Left, and getting caught out too. Rolling Stone magazine claimed that that hospitals in Oklahoma were filled with ivermectin-poisoned patients who had all overdosed on the drug. That looks bad for ivermectin, but it turns out the story was false, as confirmed by the hospital. Yet other Left-wing publications ran with the story without doing the appropriate fact checking. It seems so long as the politics is what the Left likes, they go for it.


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Vaccine Passports as “Scientific Nonsense” By James Reed

Professor Martin Kulldorff of Harvard Medical School has said that vaccine passports are “scientific nonsense,” as well as being discriminatory and unethical, citing the Israeli study that showed the superiority of natural immunity to vaccinations. He also cited another Israeli study showing that vaccinated people were 27 times more likely to develop symptomatic COVID-19 than the unvaccinated, and that vaccinated people were eight times more likely to be hospitalized for Covid-19.


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