Klaus Schwab and Pfizer’s Albert Bourla have a Heart-to-Heart! By James Reed

We would be mistaken if we thought that globalist did not have “feelings,” Yes Jim, it is feelings, but not as we know it, to paraphrase Spock from the original Star Trek.


Here is a heart-to-heart between World Economic Forum guru Klaus Schwab, and Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla, for your reading enjoyment. I jest. Clearly both see themselves as “victims of the great unwashed, and believe that they are both heroes. They cheer each other on, giving intense emotional support, encouraging each to ever-greater acts of globalism. It is chilling, indeed.


“At the ongoing globalist World Economic Forum gathering of elitists in Davos, Switzerland, Bond villain wannabe Klaus Schwab and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla sat down to discuss their “groundbreaking” plans to distribute vaccines globally while attacking those they describe as ‘conspiracy people’ and ‘anti-vaxxers’ who resist.

Bourla told Schwab that his company has ensured governments in Europe and the U.S. will continue to protect pharmaceutical companies against lawsuits if vaccines they sell are “not working out well.”

“With any other medicine, for example, we don’t ask anyone to do anything with liabilities,” Bourla said, adding “but with a vaccine, we knew that there is a very fanatic group of anti-vaxxers that would go after us no matter what.”

He continued, “They will claim that the sun didn’t go up because people were vaccinated and that created issues with the crop, ‘So, I’m suing you.’”

“And one thing it is to sue you in the US another thing is to sue you in a country where the legal system is not up to the standards or Switzerland. So, I think that’s behind us. Everything went okay and I think we can move on,” the Pfizer CEO proclaimed.

Schwab chimed in declaring “I think we were — we were both targets of the anti-vaccine movements and conspiracy people claiming that I had triple — I wondered what it is — triple Covid.”

“I think you got hundreds of thousands of clicks and so on,” Schwab added, to which Bourla sarcastically replied “I read one day I was arrested by FBI.”

“Same happened to me,” Schwab said.

The Pfizer head continued, “And there are pictures of me in the FBI offices — I don’t know how,” adding “The surprising thing it is that the same publication — had published the previous one that was arrested was the pope by FBI,” Bourla continued. “Ridiculous.”



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