Covid, Not Diamonds are Forever! By Brian Simpson

Igor Chudov has presented a great piece dealing with the issue that Big Pharma is claiming that we have not seen the last of Covid, and that more waves of Covid are coming. Yes, well they would know. Chudov focusses upon the new anti-Covid drug, Paxlovid, a mix of a novel protease inhibitor nirmatrelvir, and an HIV medication ritonavir. Paxlovid costs around almost 30 times more than the Covid vax, so it is a money spinner. The reason is that this drug will increase, not decrease, Covid infections, Igor explains:


  • “Pfizer-believing person gets COVID
  • The person takes Paxlovid
  • Symptoms disappear
  • The “cured” individual ends isolation, becomes positive and contagious again, and infects others
  • … More people become ill and need Paxlovid
  • Covid, being immune suppressive, does more damage in people in whom it lasts longer due to Paxlovid rebounds, setting them up for repeat reinfections.”

We can readily see how the Covid plandemic will be kicked on for a long time.

“Constant Waves of COVID': New Business Model for Pfizer

FDA and CDC Complicit with Pfizer


My article will explain that

  • “Constant Waves of Covid”, anticipated by Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, will be good for business for Pfizer
  • Pfizer’s Paxlovid will fuel those Covid waves
  • Pfizer and the FDA are lying about Paxlovid’s effectiveness and rebound rate
  • CDC lies about rebounds being normal “part of history”

Before I start, a small note to journalists, independent news writers, and other authors: I noticed a few news articles that seem to come up with ideas similar to mine, that use the same sources, and similar reasoning, without mentioning me or my substack. To make it completely clear: I am perfectly fine with you reusing my substack articles without credit. It is more important for me that good ideas are spread, than for me to get credit for everything. Please continue doing so if you feel like my content helps you write newsworthy articles. I am not making any money from my substack anyway.

Constant Waves of Covid

This puzzling explanation by a man who vaccinated the world with a vaccine that was supposed to “stop Covid”, who blames complacency for the failure of his vaccine in those who took it, is fairly astounding but what else did you expect?

Oddly enough, before Pfizer's CEO announced “constant waves of COVID”, they were predicted by yours truly.

Constant waves of COVID are a reality in heavily vaccinated countries:

Even though suffering through endless waves of Covid is a problem for us, it is a boon for Pfizer.

Pfizer Pivots to Paxlovid

Paxlovid promises to be a much better business for Pfizer than Covid vaccines. Why?

Covid vaccine sells for about $20 per dose. The world no longer wants the vaccine and refuses to pay for it.

We all know why individuals, and entire countries, no longer want the Covid vaccine. It does not prevent Covid, is harmful, and, worse, makes vaccinated people catch Covid repeatedly. Repeat illness is bad for those people but good for Pfizer.

Pfizer has a perfect answer to this: Paxlovid, a mix of a novel protease inhibitor nirmatrelvir, and an HIV medication ritonavir. Unlike the Covid vaccine which brings only $20 per shot, Paxlovid costs $530 per person. Even better, Paxlovid can be sold often, whenever the unfortunate Covid sufferers have their bouts of Covid.

To people scared to death of Covid, during the moment when they just fell ill with the risky disease, Paxlovid is an irresistible choice. Covid is often highly unpleasant and unpredictable. Therefore, to people having an ongoing case of Covid, Paxlovid would be next to impossible to refuse, despite unclear clinical benefits.

So, being able to sell a $530 medication every few months for every covid recurrence, is clearly better than receiving $20 for at most three doses of Covid vaccine.

Paxlovid will Fuel the Pandemic

It gets even better for Pfizer: Paxlovid, far from stopping an ongoing COVID illness, can turn a weeklong infection into a much longer, and still contagious, illness. This will further fuel the pandemic and will generate even more Paxlovid sales.

A lively discussion ensued, led by the infamous Brian Mowrey, who wrote several incredible articles digging deeply into the biomolecular mechanism of Paxlovid rebound. He explained that Paxlovid is, at best, a five-day biomolecular PAUSE button for the infection. FDA weighed in, basically denying everything and gaslighting rebound sufferers. Peter Nayland Kust wrote a good summary of media reactions.

How does Paxlovid prolong the pandemic? Very simple

  • Pfizer-believing person gets COVID
  • The person takes Paxlovid
  • Symptoms disappear
  • The “cured” individual ends isolation, becomes positive and contagious again, and infects others
  • … More people become ill and need Paxlovid
  • Covid, being immune suppressive, does more damage in people in whom it lasts longer due to Paxlovid rebounds, setting them up for repeat reinfections

Pfizer and FDA Lie about Rebound Rate

The most important fact to know about Paxlovid is that it is marketed to vaccinated people who have so-called “breakthrough infections”, as well as to children 12-18. However, Pfizer specifically excluded children and vaccinated persons from its trials. More worryingly, vaccinated people were kicked out of EPIC-SR trial after it started, without any explanation from Pfizer. The most likely reason, of course, is that Pfizer discovered that Paxlovid does not work for the vaccinated, and did not want vaccinated rebounds to ruin the trial outcome.

All of this, painfully obvious to any member of the general public who can read trial details, somehow escapes the attention of our regulators. The reason, of course, is not that they are stupid, but that they are corrupt and hope to obtain cushy posts in the industry that they supervise.

The 1-2% of rebounds, stated by Pfizer and the FDA, is a number intended to deceive us.

During the trial, Pfizer only tested 97 persons using PCR tests. Out of those tests, 12 persons had a rebound (some commenters say 11, but I believe that it is 12). That makes rebound rate of unvaccinated persons to be about 12.3%.

Committing a sleight of hand, Pfizer and FDA call it “1-2% rebound rate”, dividing those 11-12 rebounds by the total number of study participants, whereas 12 rebounds need to be divided by the number of persons actually surveilled by PCR (97). Such sleight of hand shows the level of “science”, which we are supposed to believe without questioning. It also shows how much the health authorities care about us.

CDC Lies about Rebounds being “Part of Natural History”

CDC also weighed in on the story, saying that rebounds are “part of natural history” in people.

A brief return of symptoms may be part of the natural history of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) infection in some persons, independent of treatment with Paxlovid and regardless of vaccination status. Limited information currently available from case reports suggests that persons treated with Paxlovid who experience

This is contradicted by science. 

They are just making stuff up to make Pfizer, their future employer and sponsor, look good.

I think that at the least, Pfizer needs to offer a refund to vaccinated people who suffer a rebound. What do you think?”

“Anyone who imagines that the suspension of Covid-related measures in much of Europe means that those measures, and hence the C-19 vaccination campaign, are things of the past should have a look at the recent pronouncements on the subject of the European Commission, starting with Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s April 27 statement on the “next pandemic phase.” 

While acknowledging that the “emergency” phase of the pandemic is over – but apparently not, on her account, the pandemic as such – von der Leyen warns that “we must remain vigilant. Infection numbers are still high in the EU and many people are still dying from COVID-19 worldwide. Moreover, new variants can emerge and spread fast.” “But we know the way forward,” she concluded, “We need to further step-up vaccination and boosting, and targeted testing”. The emphasis is mine.

Note that von der Leyen does not merely say that vaccination and boosting should continue – say perhaps for particularly vulnerable groups – she says rather that they have to be “further stepped-up”! This in an EU in which, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, nearly 85% of the adult population has already been fully vaccinated!

In the Commission press release, von der Leyen’s call for “stepped-up” vaccination and boosting is the first of a series of measures that member states are called on to take “before autumn.”

A factsheet on “COVID-19 – Sustaining EU Preparedness and Response: Looking ahead,” which was published by the European Commission on the same day, April 27, reiterates von der Leyen’s point. The first section is entitled “Increasing uptake of COVID-19 vaccination” and the first bullet point reads:

  • Member States should increase vaccination uptakeand the administration of boosters and fourth doses for those who are eligible. They should also increase vaccination among children.

Here, the emphasis is in the original. The second bullet point continues:

  • Member States should prepare COVID-19 vaccination strategiesfor the coming months taking into account the simultaneous circulation of seasonal influenza and incorporate COVID-19 vaccination into national vaccination programmes.

On May 12, The European Parliament’s recently created special committee on the Covid-19 pandemic (COVI) hosted a question-and-answer session with EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides. (Full video here.) In a tweet, the French Member of the European Parliament Virginie Joron summed up the gist of Kyriakides’s remarks as follows (author’s translation):

PRIORITY: 100 million unvaccinated in EU who will have to be convinced and targeted without discriminating against them. 
> combatting misinformation 
> next pandemic with new variants this winter

Like Kyriakides, incidentally, the Commission press release also identifies “intensify[ing] collaboration against mis- and disinformation on COVID-19 vaccines” as one of the priority actions for the fall.

Finally, in a more recent May 17 tweet, Virginie Joron shared the below photo of a Commission document that was distributed to the EU Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee and that includes, in effect, a “vaccination strategy” for the fall. This document likewise “targets” the unvaccinated, its first bullet calling on EU member states to: “Strengthen efforts to increase the uptake or completion of the primary course among the unvaccinated or partially vaccinated including by continuously monitoring and analysing vaccine hesitancy to overcome it.” 

The emphasis on “targeting” the unvaccinated is particularly puzzling given how rapidly vaccine-induced protection against Covid-19 is now known to wane. In immunological terms, once it has, there is, of course, no meaningful distinction to be made anymore between vaccinated and unvaccinated. Some studies and data even suggest that the vaccinated are at this point more prone to infection. Only the very recently vaccinated may perhaps enjoy some added protection. 

Numerous observational studies have demonstrated how rapidly the efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccines wanes: in particular, that of the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine, which is by far the most widely-used vaccine in the EU. But there is no need to cite these studies here, since the very next bullet point in the Commission document tacitly acknowledges the rapid waning of vaccine efficacy, calling on member states to: “Increase efforts on the uptake of booster doses by all eligible adults, starting from three months after the primary course.” The emphasis here is again mine.

The third and last vaccine-related bullet-point specifically concerns child vaccination. It is truncated in the document photographed by Joron, but the full version is to be found in the Commission’s most complete statement of its Covid-19 strategy for the fall: a communication to the Parliament and other EU institutions that likewise dates from April 27. The full version of the recommendation reads as follows: “Before the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year, consider strategies to increase vaccination coverage rates among younger children, e.g. by working with paediatricians and other health professionals who are trusted sources of information for many parents.”

It was considerate of Kyriakides to insist that the unvaccinated should not be discriminated against, even if they need to be “targeted.” But it should be noted that the April 27 communication, as reflected in Joron’s photo, also stresses the need to “[e]nsure the adoption of the Commission proposal to extend the application of the EU Digital COVID Certificate Regulation.” The main effect and purpose of the EU Digital Covid Certificate, which has also served as framework and infrastructure for domestic “health” or “vaccine” certificates in EU member states, is, of course, precisely to reward the vaccinated and discriminate against the unvaccinated.

The European Commission’s April 27th documents thus clearly invoke a new rollout of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign in the fall, specifically targeting the hitherto unvaccinated and also children. Moreover, if the Commission gets its way – as it can be expected to – and the EU Digital Covid Certificate is indeed extended, they also raise the specter of this new rollout being combined with exactly the same coercive, discriminatory measures that turned Europe’s unvaccinated into social pariahs for much of the last year.”

Watch this interview with the Pfizer CEO, paying special attention to the incredible neck movements, very lizard-like, certainly weird:




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