Restrictions on Abortions Perpetuate White Supremacism: US Democrats By Mrs Vera West

The US House has now passed the Women’s Health Protection Act, which Republicans voted against, but which the majority Democrats pushed through. The aim is to deal with state legislation such as that of Texas, which sent shock waves through the Left. Specifically, the text states that restrictions on abortion perpetuate white supremacy, the ultimate race card of the Left. “Reproductive justice seeks to address restrictions on reproductive health, including abortion, that perpetuate systems of oppression, lack of bodily autonomy, white supremacy, and anti-Black racism,” the bill’s text reads. “This violent legacy has manifested in policies including enslavement, rape, and experimentation on Black women; forced sterilizations; medical experimentation on low-income women’s reproductive systems; and the forcible removal of Indigenous children,” it continues. “Access to equitable reproductive health care, including abortion services, has always been deficient in the United States for Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC) and their families.” This is straight out of a Critical Race Theory text book. But, as Breitbart argues in reply, African Americans have the highest abortion rates of all Americans, so access to abortion is hardly a problem. The issue is why so many abortions in the first place.

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Climate Princess Greta vs the Hair-Sniffing President By James Reed

Climate change princess, Greta Thunberg lashed out at President Joe Biden at a climate change protest in Berlin on September 24. Thunberg sneered at Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda and said that Biden was only attempting to pacify far-Left activists, like herself, who want to enact climate change legislation. “And now, as we move out of the pandemic, many are talking about using this as an opportunity for a green, sustainable recovery, whatever that means,” she said. “And world leaders are talking about ‘building back better,’ promising green investments, and setting vague and distant climate targets in order to say that they are taking climate action.” That is not enough for this climate change radical. Anyway, I imagine that Joe Biden would simply sniff her hair if they met.

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The Joys of Diversity in Sweden By Richard Miller (London)

I have not reported on the ethno-race issue from Sweden for some time, being preoccupied with the Covid crisis. But, perhaps for light relief, here is an item noting one of the great joys of diversity that mass migration, so-called non-discriminatory, but really discriminatory against Euro-whites, brings. Radicalism, according to one insider, is present in every mosque in Sweden. Whoever would have thought that?

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The Globalist Agenda of Mass Immigration By James Reed

We have been saying this for years, nay, decades, that mass migration is a political weapon to lower wages in the host country, and destroy standards of living that were fought for over decades. It is the ultimate social leveller. Now, much the same has been said by a political leader, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán who believes the mass migration agenda is part of a “global plan” to create a “new proletariat” in the West. The Great Replacement agenda is advanced by elites who care nothing for culture and national identity and consider only economics, profit and global power. Pure, concentrated evil.

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Nursing in the Age of Covid By Mrs Vera West

One issue that has not received much discussion in this present Covid culture is the effects upon nursing. The rise in patients, and fall in nursing staff has resulted in an acute crisis in nursing, with nurses having to work extra shifts and being exhausted. This increases the possibility of mistakes. These is also a looming problem, seen now in New York, of mandatory Covid vaccinations leading to mass resignation of nurses. New York intends to solve the problem by importing nurses, but there is a limit to this, as nurses are still needed overseas, and there is the qualification issue, and all the Covid-related issues too. So, it is all a bit of a mess that will get worse. Hopefully, one will not get sick and need nursing care.


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The Chaos of False Covid Positives By Chris Knight (Florida)

What about false Covid positive tests, which are much more likely than the mainstream lets on, as covered below. The core problem lies in the hyper-sensitivity of the PCR test and the excess number of cycles it goes through. As for the resultant false positives, well, for one thing there is considerable mental anxiety generated. Here is one take on this.

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Hunter Biden, the Corruption Just Keeps A-Coming By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here are the latest revelations of the corruption of Hunter Biden, the US president’s son, said by Joe Biden to be the smartest guy he knows. The new controversial emails are not related to the mass of material on Hunter’s lost lap top. The emails were from business associates of Hunter Biden, Democratic donors Sam Jauhari and Sheikh Mohammed al-Rahbani, who in 2015 were both working on behalf of  Libyan government to free up $30 billion in state foreign assets. Hunter offered to help them unfreeze Libyan assets for a $2 million retainer plus “success fees.” The pair also discussed their misgivings over his drug and alcohol use. The issue here is what role did Joe Biden, then vice president play. No doubt, all that Hunter could do to help in this scheme would have come from the old man.

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Racist Feds Want to Shoot Black Americans with Covid Darts! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a shocking illustration of how the technocrats think in the Covid New World Order. Those who fail to submit to vaccinations, should be vaccinated by force, in this case by shooting vaccine darts at Blacks! But this is a crude method, since as covered previously at the blog, the go now is to integrate by genetic engineering the vaccine into our food itself, so nobody has a choice at all. Truly demonic.


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Covid Lurked at the October 2019 Military World Games By Brian Simpson

One piece of evidence that calls into question the once mainstream bat soup hypothesis of the origin of Covid-19, is the report by a Chinese defector, that people attending the World Military Games in Wuhan, China, in October 2019, fell ill and had the same symptoms now observed in Covid. Even given this, China waited two months before notifying the world, to enable the disease to spread. That could have been an administrative foul up, but more likely was deliberate. The issue then becomes, was this a deliberate release of an accident, a matter to be investigated by other evidence, also covered at this blog.

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The Covid-19 Bioweapon By Brian Simpson

Dr Richard Fleming has recently published a book entitled,  Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? A Scientific and Forensic Investigation, which gives a comprehensive account of the back story of the creation of the Covid-19 virus, SARS-CoV-2, going back decades in terms of its research into corona viruses. The important point now, at this late date, is not so much the origin of Covid, for which the Chinese got away with scot free, but the vaccine aftermath. If SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon, constructed in a lab, “then you have to recognize that the vaccines are nothing more than the genetic reproduction of that bioweapon.” Therefore, the Covid jabs are bioweapons too, Drs Fleming and Mercola conclude. If this is true, we will see the results in the months and years to come.

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The US Election Audits By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is an update for Aussies on the US election audits, which the mainstream media has declared a news blackout on. As a sample, in Maricopa county Arizona, 10,342 voters "with the same first, middle, last name and birth year" voted in multiple counties. The "official results" vs. Maricopa County's final records of who voted are off by 11,592, which is MORE than the election margin.  North Texas has also begun an audit. It is clear that election fraud will be widely uncovered across counties, and that is not even considering the first hand observation of vote stacking observed by eye witnesses on the night, and al the corruption of mail ballots. What a joke this country is, especially if the conservative sheeple allow it to go unaddressed.


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Cop Uses Man’s Head as Basketball! (No Foul Reported) By Tom North (Melbourne Inmate)

Police across the West do the cutest things … no, that is the old TV show about kids. Rather, across the West, cops sit on people’s necks, kick heads like footballs, and now pound a man’s head into the ground as if his head was a basketball! The optics look bad, but it could be worse. At least the protester was not shot, so that is something. Today, in the New Aussie South Korea, we have to be grateful for small mercies, as they are. Let us not forget who we are; we are prison inmates, convicts in our own homes in penal colony Australia, not even slaves anymore. We send an SOS to the world, our “Message in the Bottle.”


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The Weekly US Covid Vax Death and Adverse Effects Misery Report By Brian Simpson

Each week I report on data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Between December 14, 2020 and September 17, 2021, there was  a total of 726,965 adverse events following COVID vaccines, and 15,386 reports of deaths. This is an increase of 461 over last week. There is a steady increase in misery, with no indication of cessation. The war continues, relentlessly.


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Covid Vax Drills the Heart of a Golfer! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is another personal Covid vax injury story, to give face to the statistics. Oh, the injuries and deaths are rare. Well, what if this was your son, whose sporting career is in question? PRESIDE

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Fauci’s Dark Covid Winter By Chris Knight (Florida)

When Beijing Biden early in his pseudo presidency spoke of a coming “dark winter,’ we knew that trouble was coming, and look at what has happen this year. Now the Covid guru, Dr Fauci (pronounced “False-ie,” is speaking of a “dark winter” to, and we can be sure that this means more bugs released upon an already wounded, mutilated population, as the dying West takes its last breathes.

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Professor Robert Clancy on Ivermectin as a Covid Treatment By Mrs Vera West

Professor Robert Clancy is Emeritus Professor of Pathology at the University of Newcastle Medical School, and a member of the Australian Academy of Science’s COVID-19 Expert Database. In a  Quadrant article entitled, “A Sad and Shameful Day for Australian Medicine,” he criticises the TGA for using its regulatory power to prevent doctors prescribing ivermectin (IVM), for the treatment of Covid-19. Slovakia is the first EU nation to formally approve the use of ivermectin for treating Covid. We at the blog do not take any position on medical treatment in our coverage of the Covid plandemic, including the controversial ivermectin, but some remarks are made by a qualified professional that are worthy of deep consideration.


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Dr. Geert vanden Bossch: The Accelerated Mutations and Variation of the Virus Due to Mass Vaccination By Mrs Vera West

Dr. Geert vanden Bossch, a former vax insider, has a critical article entitled, “C-19 Pandemia: Quo vadis, homo sapiens?” He develops in detail an argument that Brian Simpson has often put here, namely that the mass vaccination program is in itself going to generate mutant variants of Covid, some which might have real viral teeth, so to speak.

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Professor Francis A. Boyle on Fighting Back Against the Medical Dictatorship By Chris Knight

Professor Francis A. Boyle spoke at the Before The 9/11 Lawyers Committee 20th Anniversary Conference From 9/11-Anthrax to the Pandemic: Life & Liberty in the Balance September 11, 2021. This is one of the few legal discussions of the significance of the Covid tyranny, as most lawyers would not involve themselves, and their firms in anything controversial, so more power to him. So, how is Covid tyranny fought using the legal system?

“Host: The next great speaker we have is Francis Boyle. Let me tell you a
little bit about Francis. Francis Boyle is a University of Illinois
College of Law Professor and the author of the United States
implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention also
known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 that was
passed unanimously by both Houses of the United States Congress and
signed into law by President George Bush Sr. with the approval of the
United States Department of Justice. The story is told in his book
Biowarfare and Terrorism (Clarity Press: 2005). So I want to introduce
Francis Boyle here.

And you know I first heard Francis right at the beginning of this
pandemic. We didn't know each other at the time, but I'm watching this
guy, he's talking about Wuhan. He's talking about bioweapons. I'm
saying, "Let me listen to him." I was really impressed and then I went
back to try to watch it again and it was taken down by YouTube I
believe. So. he was censored right from the beginning but he seemed to be
right on point as we say. So, Francis, thank you very much for being
here and please teach us.

Francis Boyle: Well thank you very much for having me on. My best to
your viewing audience. I did want to express my sincere condolences to
the families, next of kin, and friends of those who suffered and died 20
years ago today. And that's why I am here today to try to point a
direction where we can go from here.

You all heard President Biden's horrendous diktat to the American people
that we must take these Frankenshots. I did some work against
genetically modified organisms (GMO) foods – they were called
Frankenfoods. I will call these things Frankenshots because they are not
to be dignified with the word "vaccines." And I'm here today to explain
how can we fight back against a medical dictatorship that is currently
being imposed upon us by Biden and his people. And here I'm just talking
about the Americans, but I've consulted in Israel and other countries.

But here I'm just talking about us Americans and the 10th Amendment of
the United States Constitution clearly says: "The powers not delegated
to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the
States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
That's us! And what I want to outline here today is the mechanism and
means whereby we can get everyone involved in the Covid-19 pandemic
prosecuted for murder and conspiracy to commit murder and then second,
everyone involved in these Frankenshots can be prosecuted for murder and
conspiracy to commit murder, on a state and local basis all over this

We know that the whole Federal government is in the tank there for
Biden. You can't believe anything they are telling you. It's just been a
pile of lies from the get-go, even under Trump. But we do have here in
the United States are states attorneys, district attorneys, attorneys
general, county prosecutors, etc. Last time I looked into this there
were over 400 of these local prosecutors and I am recommending here
today a strategy for the common ordinary everyday citizens who live in
their territorial jurisdictions to go into these local prosecutors and
demand the prosecution of the people involved.

I'm going to explain how this happens in a minute. But these are
local prosecutors, not the Federal prosecutors. Biden's made it clear
he's working with Fauci against us and he controls the Department of
Justice under Garland. They're not going to help us. But these local
prosecutors, they are elected by us, their salaries are paid by us, and
they can be dis-elected by us. It's that simple. And so we need to get
people organized and go in and demand these indictments and prosecutions
by these local prosecutors. For what?

Well let me start with the pandemic itself. And here we have the very
famous article that I have lectured on before, you can do Google it
might still be up there, "SARS-like cluster of circulating bat
coronavirus pose threat for human emergence." And it's clear if you read
this article that Covid-19 is an offensive biological warfare weapon
with gain of function properties. It also according to Montagnier and
the Indian Scientists has HIV DNA genetically engineered into it. It has
also been aerosolized by means of nanotechnology. The Wuhan BSL4 bragged
that they had been able to apply nanotechnology to viruses.

So my argument here then is that everyone involved in this contract can
be prosecuted for murder and conspiracy to commit murder. Why? I was
originally hired here to teach Criminal Law to law students, future
lawyers, and I taught it for seven or eight years before I moved over
into teaching International Human Rights Law. But I still do criminal
cases both for the defense and the prosecution on matters of principle.

Murder has a definition at Anglo-American common law that would apply to
all states of the Union except as you know Louisiana that has a civil
law system. I haven't studied their civil law system. But every other
state in the Union has a common law definition of murder. What is
murder? It's the unlawful killing of human beings with malice
aforethought. Alright, let's go through the elements with respect to the

Unlawful. Okay, everyone involved in this project at the UNC BSL3
manufacturing Covid were acting in violation of my BWATA of 1989 that
was passed unanimously by both Houses of the United States Congress and
signed into law by President George Bush Sr. with the approval of the
United States Department of Justice. So who was involved?

Menachery, University of North Carolina. There were several others
involved here from the University of North Carolina, including Ralph Baric.

The National Center for Toxicological Research, Food and Drug
Administration, they mention this fellow's name. Think about that for a
second. The FDA was involved in the development of an offensive
biological warfare weapon with gain of function properties, using
synthetic biology and, we will see, working with Fort Detrick and the
Chinese Bat Queen from the Wuhan BSL4 which was also China's first Fort
Detrick. That's why you can't believe anything the FDA is telling you
about the safety of any of these Frankenshots. Indeed the FDA is up to
their eyeballs in offensive biological warfare Nazi death science. It's
that simple and we'll continue from there.

Two foreign institutes, fine. I'm not going to get into those here.

The Department of Cancer Immunology and AIDS, Dana Farber Cancer
Institute, Department of Medicine Harvard Medical School. I'm a triple
alumnus of Harvard. Notice Harvard Medical School is involved in
developing an offensive biological warfare weapon with gain of function
properties that has HIV DNA genetically engineered right into it and
working with Fort Detrick and the Chinese Bat Queen from the Wuhan BSL4,
China's Fort Detrick. That's also clear from this article.

Imagine that. Harvard working with Fort Detrick. As a matter of fact,
Harvard is also a sponsoring institution for the Wuhan BSL4 which is
China's Fort Detrick. And the chair of the Harvard chemistry department,
Lieber, worked on applying nanotechnology with Fort Detrick. And Lieber
was also over at Wuhan working with Chinese scientists working on
applying nanotechnology to biology and also chemistry. I told you the
Wuhan BSL4 bragged that they had applied nanotechnology to viruses. Why
do you apply nanotechnology? To aerosolize it. That's why. For aerial
delivery to human beings so we breathe it in. Reports are that from
scientists at MIT Covid-19 can travel up to 28 feet, and at Cornell, 21
feet. And that's thanks to nanotechnology.

The next person on this contract, the Chinese Bat Queen, Zhengli-Li Shi.
The infamous Chinese Bat Queen and a Director there at the Wuhan BSL4.
One of the founders of the Chinese Fort Detrick is over there working at
the University of North Carolina to develop Covid-19.

And then of course Fort Detrick is mentioned in that article. They were
involved in that UNC BSL3 too, working with the Chinese Bat Queen and
everyone else there.

In addition, then, if you read to the end of this article, it is funded
by the National Institutes of Health under Francis Collins. He knew all
about it. You can't believe anything Collins is telling you. He's lying.

And also the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
that's Tony Fauci. So of course you can't believe anything he's telling
you either.

And by the way, the Harvard Medical School, Biden hired this Dr.
Walensky, head of CDC, from the Harvard Medical School. So of course you
can't believe anything she's telling you. And CDC has been up to its
eyeballs in offensive biological warfare Nazi death science dirty work
since the beginning of the Reagan Administration when Reagan and his
Neocons put Tony Fauci in charge of research, development, testing, and
using DNA genetic engineering and now synthetic biology to manufacture
every type of hideous biological warfare weapon you can possibly imagine
as well as Covid-19. So all these people should be indicted for murder
and conspiracy to commit murder.

Now what's the next stage? Killing human beings. The estimate is excess
deaths here in the United States is about a million people. As for the
dangers of the SARS-CoV-2, I have a book here by Professor Zubay and his
graduate students at the Columbia University Biology Department that was
written in 2005, long before the current controversy arose. On page 188
of Professor Zubay's book it says: "The overall death rate of SARS
patients is 14-15%." That was SARS1. Covid is SARS 2. Covid SARS 2 is
SARS1 On Steroids. So this is extremely dangerous.

Now we come to the final element of murder, malice aforethought. Malice
aforethought is a term of art. I have to lecture my law students for
four days or so going through all the different elements of malice of
forethought. But here the critical element of malice aforethought is
acting with grave indifference to human life. That is an element of
malice aforethought. So you can have malice aforethought with people
acting with grave indifference to human life. And if you read the
article here "SARS-like clusters…" they admit that they were acting with
grave indifference to human life. They knew how dangerous this was, and
they went about it anyway. All that has now been documented from the
public record. I've been saying this right from the get-go of the
Pandemic on January 24, 2020.

So we have all the elements there for murder by everyone I mentioned
here. So I advise all of you listening to go out and get and button-hole
your local prosecutor. And don't send emails, lawyers don't respond to
emails. They respond to face-to-face contact. Say I want you to convene
a grand jury, I want you to present this evidence to the grand jury, I
want you to try to get the return of an indictment for murder against
Menachery, Baric, the Bat Queen, Francis Collins, the Harvard Medical
School person, Tony Fauci, the FDA person, the rest of them, as well as
conspiracy to commit murder. I believe the evidence is there.

The last time I looked there were over 400 or so of these local
prosecutors around the country. I think we can get at least one of them
to get indictments for murder and conspiracy to commit murder for
everyone involved here on this contract for the development and research
and manufacture of this offensive biological warfare weapon known as

Now let me move to the Frankenshots and there's no other word for them.
I'm not going to dignify them with name of vaccines or alleged vaccines.
Just like Frankenfoods are to foods, Frankenshots are to shots. And I
want to make it clear I'm not part of any anti-vax movement. I go vax by
vax in evaluating them.

But here on the Frankenshots, let me go through the elements there as
well. Unlawful killing of a human being with malice of forethought.
Unlawful killing, okay. Clear cut blatant violation of the Nuremberg
Code on Medical Experimentation. That is a Nuremberg Crime under
international law for which we, the United States, prosecuted,
convicted, and executed some Nazi doctors. Right. That's exactly right.

In addition the Frankenshots violate the Nuremberg Crime against
Humanity. This was President Franklin Roosevelt's idea to set up the
Nuremberg Tribunal. It was our idea. And in the Charter setting up the
Nuremberg Tribunal there were three crimes: war crimes, crimes against
humanity and crimes against peace, let me quote for you crimes against
humanity. This is from the Nuremberg Charter that we signed, that was
President Roosevelt's idea: "CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY: namely, murder,
extermination… and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian
population..." This was put in there for the express purpose of
prosecuting the Nazi persecution of the German Jews, their own citizens.
And that is exactly what Biden and his henchpeople are doing to us
Americans today. And this Nuremberg Crime against Humanity is in the
Nuremberg Charter of 1945. It is in the Nuremberg Judgment of 1946. It
is in the Nuremberg Principles of 1950. They are all generally
recognized as basic customary international criminal law all over the world.

So we have unlawful killing. So now we come to the element of malice
aforethought for the Frankenshots. And here two other elements of malice
aforethought: intention to kill or intention to cause grievous bodily
harm. So the people responsible for the Frankenshots will say, "Well, we
never intended to kill anyone." Okay. Maybe they didn't. But they
certainly intended to cause grievous bodily harm on human beings. That
has been documented right from the very get-go of the administration of
the Frankenshots. People are dying soon after. I don't know the exact
figures. You can look at the VAERS statistics and multiply by 100. You
can look at the European Health Agency. And those who do not die are
subjected to serious life threatening, lifelong disabilities. So in my
opinion yes we have the malice aforethought of intention to cause
grievous bodily harm for the Frankenshots.

So what I would also recommend then is a second cause of action here
for people all over the country to go into their local prosecutors,
states attorneys, district attorneys, county prosecutors, attorneys
general, and say also : I've lost loved ones living in your jurisdiction
to the Frankenshots. Or I've lost friends. I have autopsy reports, I
have coroners' reports saying this. And I want you to convene a grand
jury and return an indictment for murder and conspiracy to commit murder
against the people primarily behind these Frankenshots. And that would
be Slaoui, the Director of Operation Warp Speed. You know: Beam me up,
Scotty! And the chief executive officers and scientists at I would say
Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson. Those are the
Frankenshots being used here in the United States. And Health and Human
Services Secretaries for Trump and Biden. And we want you to return an
indictment against these people from this grand jury. It could be the
same grand jury as going after the people responsible for the pandemic,
for a second set of indictments here for murder and conspiracy to commit
murder for the Frankenshots. I think the legal theories are sound but we
basically we need the American people to get organized and go out and do

Finally, as you know, President Biden has ordered all US military
personnel to take these Frankenshots so in my concluding words here, I
know I'm sort of running out of time, I am a lawyer, I try to deal with
my allotted time. The military as you know had been ordered to take
these Frankenshots. I helped defend Captain Doctor Yolanda Hewitt-Vaughn
who refused to give the Frankenshots for Gulf War I that resulted in the
Gulf War Sickness. Out of 500,000 troops inoculated--the Pentagon lies
about the figures because they know they committed a Nuremberg Crime on
our own troops. But out of 500,000 inoculated, 11,000 died and about
100,000 were disabled. And those I suspect are underestimates. That's
the Gulf War Sickness and that was inflicted upon our fairly healthy
young men and women in our armed forces. You can extrapolate from there
what is going to happen to the general population with these
Frankenshots that are far more dangerous than the Gulf War I
Frankenshots. Likewise, the Gulf War I Frankenshots infected healthcare
workers who were treating them indicating a biological warfare agent was
at work. And also family members indicating a biological warfare agent
was at work. I suspect we are going to see this breaking out all over in
the next two years.

So my advice to members of armed forces is that if you are given an
order whether orally or in writing to take the Frankenshots, be
respectful because they'll get you for contempt of a superior officer.
Don't lose your cool. And say sir, I respectfully decline to take these
Frankenshots. This is an illegal order in violation of the Nuremberg
Code on Medical Experimentation that is a Nuremberg Crime under
international law, and it is illegal also under the Nuremberg Charter,
Judgment and Principles that the United States government was
responsible for at Nuremberg and we prosecuted, convicted, and executed
Nazis for violating this body of law and so sir, I respectfully decline
to take these Frankenshots.

Now my advice to the military at this point is with all due respect to
JAG officers, I've worked with them, they're fine. But JAG officers can
only do so much for you, JAG lawyers, they are in the chain of command.
You are going to have to go out and get civilian attorneys who can
exercise and assert your rights under the Uniform Code of Military
Justice. Now you have very substantial rights under the Uniform Code of
Military Justice and it is a well-known principle of military law that
you have no obligation to obey an illegal order.

I established that in the court-martial of the very first GI resister
to Gulf War I, U.S. Marine Corporal Jeff Patterson who refused to ship
out to Saudi Arabia when ordered to by President Bush Sr. saying that
this was just another U.S. imperialist war for oil, which it was. He was
charged with failure to obey a lawful order. I went out to Kaneohe Bay
for preliminary court martial proceedings. I was out there arguing for
three and a half hours that this order was illegal, not authorized by
law. And the judge took it under advisement and about ten days later
Patterson was out of the Marine Corps. They did not want to go to trial
with this posture of the case. How I did that is explained in my book
Protesting Power: War, Resistance, and Law (Rowman & Littlefield Press:
2008). So my advice would be get copies of that book, line up your
civilian defense lawyers-- all military bases have around them former
retired JAG lawyers and JAG judges or civilian lawyers, who specialize
in the UCMJ.

This is very complicated to do. You can't really do it on your own, so
get yourself civilian defense counsel. But what you can do on your own
in the military personnel I'm speaking to is say, sir I respectfully
decline to carry out your illegal order that I take this Frankenshot in
violation of the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation and in
violation of the Nuremberg Charter, Judgment, and Principles. Thank you
very much. I think I did it just on time. Thank you.”

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At Last Some Stirrings from the Dissent Right on the Trump Conspiracy By Charles Taylor (Florida)

  1. S. Solovyev is one of the few from the dissent right to take up the position that I have been crying in the wilderness about since my canned book attacking Trump in 2017 … namely that there is something not right, and highly suspicious about Trump. The case which I have also presented at this blog for almost a year now, is neatly summarised below, Solovyev does not take the final logical step of concluding that Trump is a Deep State plant, which is important as Trump is set to destroy conservatives once more as we head to 2024, and the final apocalypse. Still, this is a start of a movement in the right direction, exposing Trump.

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Time to Challenge the “Sacred” “Roe v Wade” By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is good in one respect to see that the Supreme Court of the United States will reconsider the historic leftist pro-abortion case of Roe v Wade. There has been much criticism over the years about the lack of constitutional foundation to this case. But, as with SCOTUS failing to even hear the allegations of electoral fraud, I suspect that they would be too Leftist or too gutless, to over-rule the appalling case. The Left will have an excuse to go mad again and burn everything down so SCOTUS will go to water. Wait until we break away from the corrupt US of A.

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